210 research outputs found


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    In this volume, the topics are constructed from a variety of contents: the bases of mammography systems, optimization of screening mammography with reference to evidence-based research, new technologies of image acquisition and its surrounding systems, and case reports with reference to up-to-date multimodality images of breast cancer. Mammography has been lagged in the transition to digital imaging systems because of the necessity of high resolution for diagnosis. However, in the past ten years, technical improvement has resolved the difficulties and boosted new diagnostic systems. We hope that the reader will learn the essentials of mammography and will be forward-looking for the new technologies. We want to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation?to all the co-authors who have contributed their work to this volume

    Mammography Techniques and Review

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    Mammography remains at the backbone of medical tools to examine the human breast. The early detection of breast cancer typically uses adjunct tests to mammogram such as ultrasound, positron emission mammography, electrical impedance, Computer-aided detection systems and others. In the present digital era it is even more important to use the best new techniques and systems available to improve the correct diagnosis and to prevent mortality from breast cancer. The first part of this book deals with the electrical impedance mammographic scheme, ultrasound axillary imaging, position emission mammography and digital mammogram enhancement. A detailed consideration of CBR CAD System and the availability of mammographs in Brazil forms the second part of this book. With the up-to-date papers from world experts, this book will be invaluable to anyone who studies the field of mammography

    Image quality comparison between a phase-contrast synchrotron radiation breast CT and a clinical breast CT: a phantom based study

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    In this study we compared the image quality of a synchrotron radiation (SR) breast computed tomography (BCT) system with a clinical BCT in terms of contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise power spectrum (NPS), spatial resolution and detail visibility. A breast phantom consisting of several slabs of breast-adipose equivalent material with different embedded targets (i.e., masses, fibers and calcifications) was used. Phantom images were acquired using a dedicated BCT system installed at the Radboud University Medical Center (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and the SR BCT system at the SYRMEP beamline of Elettra SR facility (Trieste, Italy) based on a photon-counting detector. Images with the SR setup were acquired mimicking the clinical BCT conditions (i.e., energy of 30 keV and radiation dose of 6.5 mGy). Images were reconstructed with an isotropic cubic voxel of 273 ”m for the clinical BCT, while for the SR setup two phase-retrieval (PhR) kernels (referred to as “smooth” and “sharp”) were alternatively applied to each projection before tomographic reconstruction, with voxel size of 57 × 57 × 50 ”m3. The CNR for the clinical BCT system can be up to 2-times higher than SR system, while the SNR can be 3-times lower than SR system, when the smooth PhR is used. The peak frequency of the NPS for the SR BCT is 2 to 4-times higher (0.9 mm−1 and 1.4 mm−1 with smooth and sharp PhR, respectively) than the clinical BCT (0.4 mm−1). The spatial resolution (MTF10%) was estimated to be 1.3 lp/mm for the clinical BCT, and 5.0 lp/mm and 6.7 lp/mm for the SR BCT with the smooth and sharp PhR, respectively. The smallest fiber visible in the SR BCT has a diameter of 0.15 mm, while for the clinical BCT is 0.41 mm. Calcification clusters with diameter of 0.13 mm are visible in the SR BCT, while the smallest diameter for the clinical BCT is 0.29 mm. As expected, the image quality of the SR BCT outperforms the clinical BCT system, providing images with higher spatial resolution and SNR, and with finer granularity. Nevertheless, this study assesses the image quality gap quantitatively, giving indications on the benefits associated with SR BCT and providing a benchmarking basis for its clinical implementation. In addition, SR-based studies can provide a gold-standard in terms of achievable image quality, constituting an upper-limit to the potential clinical development of a given technique

    Virtual clinical trials in medical imaging: a review

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    The accelerating complexity and variety of medical imaging devices and methods have outpaced the ability to evaluate and optimize their design and clinical use. This is a significant and increasing challenge for both scientific investigations and clinical applications. Evaluations would ideally be done using clinical imaging trials. These experiments, however, are often not practical due to ethical limitations, expense, time requirements, or lack of ground truth. Virtual clinical trials (VCTs) (also known as in silico imaging trials or virtual imaging trials) offer an alternative means to efficiently evaluate medical imaging technologies virtually. They do so by simulating the patients, imaging systems, and interpreters. The field of VCTs has been constantly advanced over the past decades in multiple areas. We summarize the major developments and current status of the field of VCTs in medical imaging. We review the core components of a VCT: computational phantoms, simulators of different imaging modalities, and interpretation models. We also highlight some of the applications of VCTs across various imaging modalities

    Design, development and use of a deformable breast phantom to assess the relationship between thickness and lesion visibility in full field digital mammography

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    Aim of research:This research aimed to design and develop a synthetic anthropomorphic breast phantom with cancer mimicking lesions and use this phantom to assess the relationship between lesion visibility and breast thickness in mammography. Due to the risk of cancer induction associated with the use of ionising radiation on breast tissues, experiments on human breast tissue was not practical. Therefore, a synthetic anthropomorphic breast phantom with cancer mimicking lesions was needed to be designed and developed in order to provide a safe platform to evaluate the relationship between lesion visibility and breast thickness in mammography. Method: As part of this research custom Polyvinyl alcohol (PVAL) breast phantoms with embedded PVAL lesions doped with contrast agent were fabricated and utilised. These breast phantoms exhibited mechanical and X-ray properties which were similar to female breast/breast cancer tissues. In order for this research to be useful for human studies, patient safety factors have constrained the extent of this research. These factors include compression force and radiation dose. After acquiring mammograms of phantoms with varying thicknesses, the image quality of the embedded lesions were evaluated both perceptually and mathematically.The two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) perceptual method was used to evaluate image quality of the lesions. For mathematical evaluation the following methods were utilised: line profile analysis, contrast-to noise ratio (CNR), signal-to noise ratio (SNR) and figure of merit (FOM).Results: The results of the visual perception analysis of the mammograms demonstrate that as breast compressed thickness reduces the image quality increases. Additionally, the results display a correlation in the reduction in the level of noise with the reduction in breast thickness. This noise reduction was also demonstrated in the profile plots of the lesions. The line profile analysis, in agreement with visual perception, shows improvement of sharpness of the lesion edge in relation to the reduction of the phantom thickness. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) has shown a great consistency and agreement among the observers for visibility, sharpness, contrast and noise. The ICC results are not as conclusive for the size criterion. Mathematical evaluation results also show a correlation of improvement in the image quality with the reduction in breast thickness. The results show that for the measures CNR, SNR, and FOM, the increase in image quality has a threshold after which the image quality ceases to improve and instead begins to reduce. CNR and FOM dropped when the breast phantom thickness was reduced approximately 40% of its initial thickness. This consistently happened at the point where the filter changed from rhodium (Rh) to molybdenum (Mo). Conclusion: This breast phantom study successfully designed and developed an anthropomorphic compressible breast phantom with cancer mimicking lesions with mechanical and X-ray properties similar to human breast tissue. This study also demonstrates that as breast compressed thickness reduces the visibility of the perceived lesion increases. The radiation dose generally decreases up to the point that the filter changes from rhodium to molybdenum. After this point, the radiation dose increases regardless of the phantom thickness. The results from this thesis are likely to have implications for clinical practice, as they support the need for compression/thickness reduction to enhance lesion visibilit

    Proceedings Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine 2024

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    This submission comprises the proceedings of the 1st Virtual Imaging Trials in Medicine conference, organized by Duke University on April 22-24, 2024. The listed authors serve as the program directors for this conference. The VITM conference is a pioneering summit uniting experts from academia, industry and government in the fields of medical imaging and therapy to explore the transformative potential of in silico virtual trials and digital twins in revolutionizing healthcare. The proceedings are categorized by the respective days of the conference: Monday presentations, Tuesday presentations, Wednesday presentations, followed by the abstracts for the posters presented on Monday and Tuesday
