28 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Analysis in Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: What about the Sustainable Supply Chain?

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    During the last decade, different concepts, methodologies, and technologies have appeared, evolving industry toward what we know today as the fourth industrial evolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and Advanced Manufacturing (AM). Based on both, Supply Chain (SC) is presented as the relevant process that sets the sustainability of manufacturing and, therefore, is defined as a key term in a sustainable approach to I4.0. However, there are no studies that analyze the evolution of science in the fields of I4.0 and AM together. In order to fill this gap, the aim of this research work is to analyze the tendencies of science research related to I4.0 and AM by conducting a bibliometric and network analysis and also to generate a new contribution through the analysis of scientific trends related to SC and Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) within this scientific context, for the time span 2010–2019. The results show that the number of publications is growing exponentially and the most active countries are Germany and the U.S., with Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University being the most productive organization and Tecnologico de Monterrey the most collaborative. The analysis of the scientific terms allows us to conclude that the research field is in a growth phase, generating up to almost 4500 new terms in 2019

    optimization of energy efficiency of a production site a method to support data acquisition for effective action plans

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    Abstract Nowadays the efficient use of energy has acquired a significant importance in the industrial sector. Moreover, stringent regulations on environmental impact lead companies to tread a path towards energy efficiency in short terms to avoid penalties. The goal of this work is to propose a structured method to perform fast and simplified energy assessments. The latter starts from a proper classification of process data, passing through an effective mapping in order to identify criticalities that have to be solved by innovative action plans. Method will be tested on a real case study

    An Overview of the Rising Challenges in Implementing Industry 4.0

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    Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution that was first introduced in Germany which then becomes a trend of future manufacturing industries. The Industry 4.0 also referred as the umbrella concept for new industrial paradigm which consists of a number of future industry characteristics, were related to cyber-physical systems (CPS), internet of things (IoT), internet of services (IoS), robotics, big data, cloud manufacturing and augmented reality. By adopting these technologies as the key development in more intelligent manufacturing processes including devices, machines, modules, and products, the process of information exchange, action and control will stimulate each other, subsequently to an intelligent manufacturing environment. However, in order to fully utilize the advantages of industry 4.0, there are some challenges that need to be overcome. This paper reviews the challenges in implementing Industry 4.0. The literatures found in this paper mainly from Google Scholar, Science Direct and Emerald. In short, the challenges can be imparted into seven major categories. There are data management and Integration, knowledge-driven, process, security, capital, workforce, and education

    Драйвери та тренди Індустрії 4.0

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    Підприємствам важливо дотримуватися сучасних драйверів та трендів Індустрії 4.0 для того, щоб підвищувати власну конкурентоспроможність та вчасно адаптуватися до умов сучасності.Предприятиям важно соблюдать современных драйверов и трендов индустрии 4.0 для того, чтобы повышать собственную конкурентоспособность и своевременно адаптироваться к современности.It is important for companies to follow the latest drivers and trends of Industry 4.0 in order to increase their competitiveness and adapt to modern conditions in a timely manner

    Guidelines for Using Pilot Projects in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    Pilot projects are popular in companies for experimenting with industry 4.0 concepts. However, few studies have addressed the specificities of piloting transformation, whose requirements are quite different than those for implementing a project with clear goals. Pilot projects can be used for the purpose of exploring, demonstrating, optimizing and disseminating solutions. In this paper we identify the role of pilot projects in digital transformation and define a successful pilot project so that it transcends to a full project. We provide accessible guidelines for the deployment of pilot projects in industry 4.0, drawing from a structured literature review and from lessons learned in an action research project implementing mixed reality in household ceramics production. A sound approach to pilot projects is important to reduce unknowns and risks in ensuing full projects and to contributing to organizational knowledge, offering an opportunity to rethink business strategies and train employees in digital transformation

    Human-Machine Interaction and Human Resource Management Perspective for Collaborative Robotics Implementation and Adoption

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    The shift towards human-robot collaboration (HRC) has the potential to increase productivity and sustainability, while reducing costs for the manufacturing industries. Indeed, it holds great potential for workplaces, allowing individuals to forsake repetitive or physically demanding jobs to focus on safer and more fulfilling ones. Still, integration of humans and machines in organizations presents great challenges to IS scholars due to the complexity of aligning digitalization and human resources. A knowledge gap does persist about organizational implications when it comes to implement collaborative robotics in the workplace and to support proper HRC. Thus, this paper aims to identify recommended human resources management (HRM) practices from previous research about human-robot interaction (HRI). As our results highlight that few studies attempted to fill the gap, a conceptual framework is proposed. It integrates HRM practices, technology adoption dimensions and main determinants of HRC, in the objective to support collaborative robotics implementation in organizations

    Testing the importance of 4th Industrial Revolution characteristics in the Hungarian environment : comparison of SMEs' and business students' perception

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    The 4th Industrial Revolution, or IR 4.0 for short, is being embraced by academics and practitioners alike. However, business readiness to meet the changes of the 21st century shows us a very diverse landscape. The most responsive players are progressive companies who must deliver a new way of thinking, creating, and operating to stay competitive. In our research we chose to analyse the perception of these developments from the point of view of Hungarian small and medium-sized companies, and students, who are likely to generate the next new waves of innovation, technology orientation, and value creation. We approached Hungarian SMEs who are involved in and impacted by IR 4.0 challenges to analyse their understanding and ranking of the literature-driven characteristics of the 4th Industrial Revolution. In our study, we want to understand how Hungarian business students – soon to be employees and future entrepreneurs – perceive the pressure of IR 4.0 developments. Our aim was to identify links, dependencies, and gaps between Hungarian SMEs and business students who together will conjointly create new industrial opportunities

    Conhecimento e o capital humano na indústria 4.0 / Knowledge and human capital in industry 4.0

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    Integrar conhecimento e capital humano nas organizações para a obtenção de novas tecnologias e a criação de vantagens competitivas está cada vez mais latente para a sobrevivência das empresas que pretendem se manter bem como buscar novos mercados de atuação. Convergir a gestão de ferramentas organizacionais na busca de melhorias passa a ser o foco, possibilitando a personalização da produção em massa, e fomentando a inovação nos modelos de negócios. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os desafios e tendências da Indústria 4.0 possibilitando o crescimento organizacional e profissional. A metodologia utilizada foi a de pesquisa bibliográfica e a de survey. O artigo demonstra que a indústria 4.0 exerce uma forte influência no conhecimento e no capital humana das organizações modernas

    The implications of industry 4.0 for the auditing profession

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    The technological development resulting from Industry 4.0 is also affecting the auditing profession. If on the one hand the new technological components of Industry 4.0 demonstrate how their implementation can facilitate the auditor's work and improve the decision-making process in business management, on the other hand they require new skills and knowledge to the professional exercise Thus, the objective of this study in a real work context - fieldwork - is to analyze the impact of the new technologies of Industry 4.0 in the Auditing profession. With this work, it was possible to understand that the digital transformation and the use of the new technologies provided by Industry 4.0, besides serving as an aid to management and to the auditing professional, do not replace man, in his social, sentimental, and thought relations, crucial aspects for the profession of Auditor.publishe