656 research outputs found

    Solving key design issues for massively multiplayer online games on peer-to-peer architectures

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    Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are increasing in both popularity and scale on the Internet and are predominantly implemented by Client/Server architectures. While such a classical approach to distributed system design offers many benefits, it suffers from significant technical and commercial drawbacks, primarily reliability and scalability costs. This realisation has sparked recent research interest in adapting MMOGs to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) architectures. This thesis identifies six key design issues to be addressed by P2P MMOGs, namely interest management, event dissemination, task sharing, state persistency, cheating mitigation, and incentive mechanisms. Design alternatives for each issue are systematically compared, and their interrelationships discussed. How well representative P2P MMOG architectures fulfil the design criteria is also evaluated. It is argued that although P2P MMOG architectures are developing rapidly, their support for task sharing and incentive mechanisms still need to be improved. The design of a novel framework for P2P MMOGs, Mediator, is presented. It employs a self-organising super-peer network over a P2P overlay infrastructure, and addresses the six design issues in an integrated system. The Mediator framework is extensible, as it supports flexible policy plug-ins and can accommodate the introduction of new superpeer roles. Key components of this framework have been implemented and evaluated with a simulated P2P MMOG. As the Mediator framework relies on super-peers for computational and administrative tasks, membership management is crucial, e.g. to allow the system to recover from super-peer failures. A new technology for this, namely Membership-Aware Multicast with Bushiness Optimisation (MAMBO), has been designed, implemented and evaluated. It reuses the communication structure of a tree-based application-level multicast to track group membership efficiently. Evaluation of a demonstration application shows i that MAMBO is able to quickly detect and handle peers joining and leaving. Compared to a conventional supervision architecture, MAMBO is more scalable, and yet incurs less communication overheads. Besides MMOGs, MAMBO is suitable for other P2P applications, such as collaborative computing and multimedia streaming. This thesis also presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel task mapping infrastructure for heterogeneous P2P environments, Deadline-Driven Auctions (DDA). DDA is primarily designed to support NPC host allocation in P2P MMOGs, and specifically in the Mediator framework. However, it can also support the sharing of computational and interactive tasks with various deadlines in general P2P applications. Experimental and analytical results demonstrate that DDA efficiently allocates computing resources for large numbers of real-time NPC tasks in a simulated P2P MMOG with approximately 1000 players. Furthermore, DDA supports gaming interactivity by keeping the communication latency among NPC hosts and ordinary players low. It also supports flexible matchmaking policies, and can motivate application participants to contribute resources to the system

    Context Aware Service Oriented Computing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    These days we witness a major shift towards small, mobile devices, capable of wireless communication. Their communication capabilities enable them to form mobile ad hoc networks and share resources and capabilities. Service Oriented Computing (SOC) is a new emerging paradigm for distributed computing that has evolved from object-oriented and component-oriented computing to enable applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries. Services are autonomous computational elements that can be described, published, discovered, and orchestrated for the purpose of developing applications. The application of the SOC model to mobile devices provides a loosely coupled model for distributed processing in a resource-poor and highly dynamic environment. Cooperation in a mobile ad hoc environment depends on the fundamental capability of hosts to communicate with each other. Peer-to-peer interactions among hosts within communication range allow such interactions but limit the scope of interactions to a local region. Routing algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks extend the scope of interactions to cover all hosts transitively connected over multi-hop routes. Additional contextual information, e.g., knowledge about the movement of hosts in physical space, can help extend the boundaries of interactions beyond the limits of an island of connectivity. To help separate concerns specific to different layers, a coordination model between the routing layer and the SOC layer provides abstractions that mask the details characteristic to the network layer from the distributed computing semantics above. This thesis explores some of the opportunities and challenges raised by applying the SOC paradigm to mobile computing in ad hoc networks. It investigates the implications of disconnections on service advertising and discovery mechanisms. It addresses issues related to code migration in addition to physical host movement. It also investigates some of the security concerns in ad hoc networking service provision. It presents a novel routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks and a novel coordination model that addresses space and time explicitly

    Big Data and Large-scale Data Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures

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    One of the significant shifts of the next-generation computing technologies will certainly be in the development of Big Data (BD) deployment architectures. Apache Hadoop, the BD landmark, evolved as a widely deployed BD operating system. Its new features include federation structure and many associated frameworks, which provide Hadoop 3.x with the maturity to serve different markets. This dissertation addresses two leading issues involved in exploiting BD and large-scale data analytics realm using the Hadoop platform. Namely, (i)Scalability that directly affects the system performance and overall throughput using portable Docker containers. (ii) Security that spread the adoption of data protection practices among practitioners using access controls. An Enhanced Mapreduce Environment (EME), OPportunistic and Elastic Resource Allocation (OPERA) scheduler, BD Federation Access Broker (BDFAB), and a Secure Intelligent Transportation System (SITS) of multi-tiers architecture for data streaming to the cloud computing are the main contribution of this thesis study

    Understanding human-machine networks: A cross-disciplinary survey

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    © 2017 ACM. In the current hyperconnected era, modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems form sophisticated networks where not only do people interact with other people, but also machines take an increasingly visible and participatory role. Such Human-Machine Networks (HMNs) are embedded in the daily lives of people, both for personal and professional use. They can have a significant impact by producing synergy and innovations. The challenge in designing successful HMNs is that they cannot be developed and implemented in the same manner as networks of machines nodes alone, or following a wholly human-centric view of the network. The problem requires an interdisciplinary approach. Here, we review current research of relevance to HMNs across many disciplines. Extending the previous theoretical concepts of sociotechnical systems, actor-network theory, cyber-physical-social systems, and social machines, we concentrate on the interactions among humans and between humans and machines. We identify eight types of HMNs: public-resource computing, crowdsourcing, web search engines, crowdsensing, online markets, social media, multiplayer online games and virtual worlds, and mass collaboration. We systematically select literature on each of these types and review it with a focus on implications for designing HMNs. Moreover, we discuss risks associated with HMNs and identify emerging design and development trends

    C.O.M.U.N.I.: Keeping communication alive, trustworthy, and open

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    With the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, their potential as emergency communication tools has become pivotal. Conventional communication tools often fall short in crises, leading to information gaps and coordination challenges among affected individuals, emergency responders, and decision-makers. This raises the need for a more robust and reliable communication system during emergencies. Despite the widespread availability of smartphones, there is a significant limitation to leveraging them as effective communication tools during emergencies. Current messaging applications have not effectively maximized their reach and utility, especially for information sharing and assistance coordination. Further, they frequently lack moderation tools and channels for official messages. The thesis aims to address this gap by proposing a smartphone application designed for emergencies. The objectives of the thesis include providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in mobile ad-hoc networks, defining specific use cases and experimentation scenarios, and ultimately designing and implementing a network architecture and a prototype application. The prototype aspires to facilitate efficient information sharing, coordinate assistance, and ensure timely access to accurate information for all stakeholders while ensuring a high quality of messages and safe access for anyone. To achieve this, the application combines technologies of peer-to-peer communication with more traditional communication via cellular networks. The proposed system incorporates features such as real-time communication, user authentication, message verification, and community moderation. A requirements-based evaluation is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the application in fulfilling user needs and enhancing communication channels during emergencies. The evaluation demonstrates that the proposed application effectively fulfills user requirements and showcases its potential to augment communication during crises. The system is further compared against existing messaging applications, highlighting its significant advantages and enhancements over the current state-of-the-art solutions

    Data management in dynamic distributed computing environments

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    Data management in parallel computing systems is a broad and increasingly important research topic. As network speeds have surged, so too has the movement to transition storage and computation loads to wide-area network resources. The Grid, the Cloud, and Desktop Grids all represent different aspects of this movement towards highly-scalable, distributed, and utility computing. This dissertation contends that a peer-to-peer (P2P) networking paradigm is a natural match for data sharing within and between these heterogeneous network architectures. Peer-to-peer methods such as dynamic discovery, fault-tolerance, scalability, and ad-hoc security infrastructures provide excellent mappings for many of the requirements in today’s distributed computing environment. In recent years, volunteer Desktop Grids have seen a growth in data throughput as application areas expand and new problem sets emerge. These increasing data needs require storage networks that can scale to meet future demand while also facilitating expansion into new data-intensive research areas. Current practices are to mirror data from centralized locations, a technique that is not practical for growing data sets, dynamic projects, or data-intensive applications. The fusion of Desktop and Service Grids provides an ideal use-case to research peer-to-peer data distribution strategies in a hybrid environment. Desktop Grids have a data management gap, while integration with Service Grids raises new challenges with regard to cross-platform design. The work undertaken here is two-fold: first it explores how P2P techniques can be leveraged to meet the data management needs of Desktop Grids, and second, it shows how the same distribution paradigm can provide migration paths for Service Grid data. The result of this research is a Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Data-Intensive Cycle Sharing (ADICS) that is capable not only of distributing volunteer computing data, but also of providing a transitional platform and storage space for migrating Service Grid jobs to Desktop Grid environments