1,006 research outputs found

    Integrating secure mobile P2P systems and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Aquesta tesi tracta de les diferents limitacions trobades a WSN per a habilitar-ne el desplegament en nous escenaris i facilitar la difusió de la informació obtinguda. A un nivell baix, ens centrem en el consum d'energia, mentre que, a un nivell més alt, ens focalitzem en la difusió i la seguretat de la informació. Reduïm el consum d'una mote individual en xarxes amb patrons de trànsit dinàmic mitjançant la definició d'una funció de planificació basada en el conegut controlador PID i allarguem la vida d'una WSN globalment distribuint equitativament el consum energètic de totes les motes, disminuint el nombre d'intervencions necessàries per a canviar bateries i el cost associat. Per tal d'afavorir la difusió de la informació provinent d'una WSN, hem proposat jxSensor, una capa d'integració entre les WSN i el conegut sistema P2P JXTA. Com que tractem informació sensible, hem proposat una capa d'anonimat a JXTA i un mecanisme d'autenticació lleuger per a la seva versió mòbil.Esta tesis trata las diferentes limitaciones encontradas en WSN para habilitar su despliegue en nuevos escenarios, así como facilitar la diseminación de la información obtenida. A bajo nivel, nos centramos en el consumo de energía, mientras que, a un nivel más alto, nos focalizamos en la diseminación y seguridad de la información. Reducimos el consumo de una mota individual en redes con patrones de tráfico dinámico mediante la definición de una función de planificación basada en el conocido controlador PID y alargamos la vida de una WSN globalmente distribuyendo equitativamente el consumo energético de todas las motas, disminuyendo el número de intervenciones requeridas para cambiar baterías y su coste asociado. Para favorecer la diseminación de la información procedente de una WSN hemos propuesto jxSensor, una capa de integración entre las WSN y el conocido sistema P2P JXTA. Como estamos tratando con información sensible, hemos propuesto una capa de anonimato en JXTA y un mecanismo de autenticación ligero para su versión móvil.This thesis addresses different limitations found in WSNs in order to enable their deployment in new scenarios as well as to make it easier to disseminate the gathered information. At a lower level, we concentrate on energy consumption while, at a higher level, we focus on the dissemination and security of information. The consumption of an individual mote in networks with dynamic traffic patterns is reduced by defining a scheduling function based on the well-known PID controller. Additionally, the life of a WSN is extended by equally distributing the consumption of all the motes, which reduces the number of interventions required to replace batteries as well as the associated cost. To help the dissemination of information coming from a WSN we have proposed jxSensor, which is an integration layer between WSNs and the well-known JXTA P2P system. As we are dealing with sensitive information, we have proposed an anonymity layer in JXTA and a light authentication method in its mobile version

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    Analysis Of Global Trends In Building Ubiquitous Information Technology Market Environment

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    This study found that each country, in order to propel the Global Ubiquitous Information Technology (IT) Business Market, has initiated strategies that utilize its own strengths in the IT industry. Ubiquitous information technology is recognized as a new strategy to propel the information industry and to enhance country's competitive power in the global information economy. IT companies in leading IT countries including the United States, Japan, and several European countries engage in active investment and research through a cooperative system among the industry, universities, and the government. Transition to a ubiquitous society may be a quiet revolution, but the reaching effects of the transition will be tremendous. Countries and enterprises should sense what consumers and market demand and should respond to it quickly. Only when countries and enterprises catch the latest information and process it for application, they can expect to succeed

    ML-based Secure Low-Power Communication in Adversarial Contexts

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    As wireless network technology becomes more and more popular, mutual interference between various signals has become more and more severe and common. Therefore, there is often a situation in which the transmission of its own signal is interfered with by occupying the channel. Especially in a confrontational environment, Jamming has caused great harm to the security of information transmission. So I propose ML-based secure ultra-low power communication, which is an approach to use machine learning to predict future wireless traffic by capturing patterns of past wireless traffic to ensure ultra-low-power transmission of signals via backscatters. In order to be more suitable for the adversarial environment, we use backscatter to achieve ultra-low power signal transmission, and use frequency-hopping technology to achieve successful confrontation with Jamming information. In the end, we achieved a prediction success rate of 96.19%

    NEURON: Enabling Autonomicity in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Future Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) will be ubiquitous, large-scale networks interconnected with the existing IP infrastructure. Autonomic functionalities have to be designed in order to reduce the complexity of their operation and management, and support the dissemination of knowledge within a WSN. In this paper a novel protocol for energy efficient deployment, clustering and routing in WSNs is proposed that focuses on the incorporation of autonomic functionalities in the existing approaches. The design of the protocol facilitates the design of innovative applications and services that are based on overlay topologies created through cooperation among the sensor nodes

    Context-aware management of multi-device services in the home

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    MPhilMore and more functionally complex digital consumer devices are becoming embedded or scattered throughout the home, networked in a piecemeal fashion and supporting more ubiquitous device services. For example, activities such as watching a home video may require video to be streamed throughout the home and for multiple devices to be orchestrated and coordinated, involving multiple user interactions via multiple remote controls. The main aim of this project is to research and develop a service-oriented multidevice framework to support user activities in the home, easing the operation and management of multi-device services though reducing explicit user interaction. To do this, user contexts i.e., when and where a user activity takes place, and device orchestration using pre-defined rules, are being utilised. A service-oriented device framework has been designed in four phases. First, a simple framework is designed to utilise OSGi and UPnP functionality in order to orchestrate simple device operation involving device discovery and device interoperability. Second, the framework is enhanced by adding a dynamic user interface portal to access virtual orchestrated services generated through combining multiple devices. Third the framework supports context-based device interaction and context-based task initiation. Context-aware functionality combines information received from several sources such as from sensors that can sense the physical and user environment, from user-device interaction and from user contexts derived from calendars. Finally, the framework supports a smart home SOA lifecycle using pre-defined rules, a rule engine and workflows

    When Things Matter: A Data-Centric View of the Internet of Things

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    With the recent advances in radio-frequency identification (RFID), low-cost wireless sensor devices, and Web technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) approach has gained momentum in connecting everyday objects to the Internet and facilitating machine-to-human and machine-to-machine communication with the physical world. While IoT offers the capability to connect and integrate both digital and physical entities, enabling a whole new class of applications and services, several significant challenges need to be addressed before these applications and services can be fully realized. A fundamental challenge centers around managing IoT data, typically produced in dynamic and volatile environments, which is not only extremely large in scale and volume, but also noisy, and continuous. This article surveys the main techniques and state-of-the-art research efforts in IoT from data-centric perspectives, including data stream processing, data storage models, complex event processing, and searching in IoT. Open research issues for IoT data management are also discussed