405 research outputs found

    XML documents schema design

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing and interchanging data among various systems and databases on the intemet. It offers schema such as Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema Definition (XSD) for defining the syntax and structure of XML documents. To enable efficient usage of XML documents in any application in large scale electronic environment, it is necessary to avoid data redundancies and update anomalies. Redundancy and anomalies in XML documents can lead not only to higher data storage cost but also to increased costs for data transfer and data manipulation.To overcome this problem, this thesis proposes to establish a formal framework of XML document schema design. To achieve this aim, we propose a method to improve and simplify XML schema design by incorporating a conceptual model of the DTD with a theory of database normalization. A conceptual diagram, Graph-Document Type Definition (G-DTD) is proposed to describe the structure of XML documents at the schema level. For G- DTD itself, we define a structure which incorporates attributes, simple elements, complex elements, and relationship types among them. Furthermore, semantic constraints are also precisely defined in order to capture semantic meanings among the defined XML objects.In addition, to provide a guideline to a well-designed schema for XML documents, we propose a set of normal forms for G-DTD on the basis of rules proposed by Arenas and Libkin and Lv. et al. The corresponding normalization rules to transform from a G- DTD into a normal form schema are also discussed. A case study is given to illustrate the applicability of the concept. As a result, we found that the new normal forms are more concise and practical, in particular as they allow the user to find an 'optimal' structure of XML elements/attributes at the schema level. To prove that our approach is applicable for the database designer, we develop a prototype of XML document schema design using a Z formal specification language. Finally, using the same case study, this formal specification is tested to check for correctness and consistency of the specification. Thus, this gives a confidence that our prototype can be implemented successfully to generate an automatic XML schema design

    Migrating relational databases into object-based and XML databases

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    Rapid changes in information technology, the emergence of object-based and WWW applications, and the interest of organisations in securing benefits from new technologies have made information systems re-engineering in general and database migration in particular an active research area. In order to improve the functionality and performance of existing systems, the re-engineering process requires identifying and understanding all of the components of such systems. An underlying database is one of the most important component of information systems. A considerable body of data is stored in relational databases (RDBs), yet they have limitations to support complex structures and user-defined data types provided by relatively recent databases such as object-based and XML databases. Instead of throwing away the large amount of data stored in RDBs, it is more appropriate to enrich and convert such data to be used by new systems. Most researchers into the migration of RDBs into object-based/XML databases have concentrated on schema translation, accessing and publishing RDB data using newer technology, while few have paid attention to the conversion of data, and the preservation of data semantics, e.g., inheritance and integrity constraints. In addition, existing work does not appear to provide a solution for more than one target database. Thus, research on the migration of RDBs is not fully developed. We propose a solution that offers automatic migration of an RDB as a source into the recent database technologies as targets based on available standards such as ODMG 3.0, SQL4 and XML Schema. A canonical data model (CDM) is proposed to bridge the semantic gap between an RDB and the target databases. The CDM preserves and enhances the metadata of existing RDBs to fit in with the essential characteristics of the target databases. The adoption of standards is essential for increased portability, flexibility and constraints preservation. This thesis contributes a solution for migrating RDBs into object-based and XML databases. The solution takes an existing RDB as input, enriches its metadata representation with the required explicit semantics, and constructs an enhanced relational schema representation (RSR). Based on the RSR, a CDM is generated which is enriched with the RDB's constraints and data semantics that may not have been explicitly expressed in the RDB metadata. The CDM so obtained facilitates both schema translation and data conversion. We design sets of rules for translating the CDM into each of the three target schemas, and provide algorithms for converting RDB data into the target formats based on the CDM. A prototype of the solution has been implemented, which generates the three target databases. Experimental study has been conducted to evaluate the prototype. The experimental results show that the target schemas resulting from the prototype and those generated by existing manual mapping techniques were comparable. We have also shown that the source and target databases were equivalent, and demonstrated that the solution, conceptually and practically, is feasible, efficient and correct

    A Syntactical Reverse Engineering Approach to Fourth Generation Programming Languages Using Formal Methods

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    Fourth-generation programming languages (4GLs) feature rapid development with minimum configuration required by developers. However, 4GLs can suffer from limitations such as high maintenance cost and legacy software practices. Reverse engineering an existing large legacy 4GL system into a currently maintainable programming language can be a cheaper and more effective solution than rewriting from scratch. Tools do not exist so far, for reverse engineering proprietary XML-like and model-driven 4GLs where the full language specification is not in the public domain. This research has developed a novel method of reverse engineering some of the syntax of such 4GLs (with Uniface as an exemplar) derived from a particular system, with a view to providing a reliable method to translate/transpile that system's code and data structures into a modern object-oriented language (such as C\#). The method was also applied, although only to a limited extent, to some other 4GLs, Informix and Apex, to show that it was in principle more broadly applicable. A novel testing method that the syntax had been successfully translated was provided using 'abstract syntax trees'. The novel method took manually crafted grammar rules, together with Encapsulated Document Object Model based data from the source language and then used parsers to produce syntactically valid and equivalent code in the target/output language. This proof of concept research has provided a methodology plus sample code to automate part of the process. The methodology comprised a set of manual or semi-automated steps. Further automation is left for future research. In principle, the author's method could be extended to allow the reverse engineering recovery of the syntax of systems developed in other proprietary 4GLs. This would reduce time and cost for the ongoing maintenance of such systems by enabling their software engineers to work using modern object-oriented languages, methodologies, tools and techniques

    From Relations to XML: Cleaning, Integrating and Securing Data

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    While relational databases are still the preferred approach for storing data, XML is emerging as the primary standard for representing and exchanging data. Consequently, it has been increasingly important to provide a uniform XML interface to various data sources— integration; and critical to protect sensitive and confidential information in XML data — access control. Moreover, it is preferable to first detect and repair the inconsistencies in the data to avoid the propagation of errors to other data processing steps. In response to these challenges, this thesis presents an integrated framework for cleaning, integrating and securing data. The framework contains three parts. First, the data cleaning sub-framework makes use of a new class of constraints specially designed for improving data quality, referred to as conditional functional dependencies (CFDs), to detect and remove inconsistencies in relational data. Both batch and incremental techniques are developed for detecting CFD violations by SQL efficiently and repairing them based on a cost model. The cleaned relational data, together with other non-XML data, is then converted to XML format by using widely deployed XML publishing facilities. Second, the data integration sub-framework uses a novel formalism, XML integration grammars (XIGs), to integrate multi-source XML data which is either native or published from traditional databases. XIGs automatically support conformance to a target DTD, and allow one to build a large, complex integration via composition of component XIGs. To efficiently materialize the integrated data, algorithms are developed for merging XML queries in XIGs and for scheduling them. Third, to protect sensitive information in the integrated XML data, the data security sub-framework allows users to access the data only through authorized views. User queries posed on these views need to be rewritten into equivalent queries on the underlying document to avoid the prohibitive cost of materializing and maintaining large number of views. Two algorithms are proposed to support virtual XML views: a rewriting algorithm that characterizes the rewritten queries as a new form of automata and an evaluation algorithm to execute the automata-represented queries. They allow the security sub-framework to answer queries on views in linear time. Using both relational and XML technologies, this framework provides a uniform approach to clean, integrate and secure data. The algorithms and techniques in the framework have been implemented and the experimental study verifies their effectiveness and efficiency

    Semantic technologies: from niche to the mainstream of Web 3? A comprehensive framework for web Information modelling and semantic annotation

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    Context: Web information technologies developed and applied in the last decade have considerably changed the way web applications operate and have revolutionised information management and knowledge discovery. Social technologies, user-generated classification schemes and formal semantics have a far-reaching sphere of influence. They promote collective intelligence, support interoperability, enhance sustainability and instigate innovation. Contribution: The research carried out and consequent publications follow the various paradigms of semantic technologies, assess each approach, evaluate its efficiency, identify the challenges involved and propose a comprehensive framework for web information modelling and semantic annotation, which is the thesis’ original contribution to knowledge. The proposed framework assists web information modelling, facilitates semantic annotation and information retrieval, enables system interoperability and enhances information quality. Implications: Semantic technologies coupled with social media and end-user involvement can instigate innovative influence with wide organisational implications that can benefit a considerable range of industries. The scalable and sustainable business models of social computing and the collective intelligence of organisational social media can be resourcefully paired with internal research and knowledge from interoperable information repositories, back-end databases and legacy systems. Semantified information assets can free human resources so that they can be used to better serve business development, support innovation and increase productivity

    Automatic mapping of XML documents into relational database

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    Extensible Markup Language (XML) nowadays is one of the most important standard media used for exchanging and representing data through the Internet. Storing, updating and retrieving the huge amount of web services data such as XML is an attractive area of research for researchers and database vendors. In this thesis, we propose and develop a new mapping model, called MAXDOR, for storing, rebuilding, updating and querying XML documents using a relational database without making use of any XML schemas in the mapping process. The model addressed the problem of solving the structural hole between ordered hierarchical XML and unordered tabular relational database to enable us to use relational database systems for storing, updating and querying XML data. A multiple link list is used to maintain XML document structure, manage the process of updating document contents and retrieve document contents efficiently. Experiments are done to evaluate MAXDOR model. MAXDOR will be compared with other well-known models available in the literature(Tatarinov et al., 2002) and (Torsten et al., 2004) using total expected value of rebuilding XML document execution time and insertion of token execution time.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Protein Structure Data Management System

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    With advancement in the development of the new laboratory instruments and experimental techniques, the protein data has an explosive increasing rate. Therefore how to efficiently store, retrieve and modify protein data is becoming a challenging issue that most biological scientists have to face and solve. Traditional data models such as relational database lack of support for complex data types, which is a big issue for protein data application. Hence many scientists switch to the object-oriented databases since object-oriented nature of life science data perfectly matches the architecture of object-oriented databases, but there are still a lot of problems that need to be solved in order to apply OODB methodologies to manage protein data. One major problem is that the general-purpose OODBs do not have any built-in data types for biological research and built-in biological domain-specific functional operations. In this dissertation, we present an application system with built-in data types and built-in biological domain-specific functional operations that extends the Object-Oriented Database (OODB) system by adding domain-specific additional layers Protein-QL, Protein Algebra Architecture and Protein-OODB above OODB to manage protein structure data. This system is composed of three parts: 1) Client API to provide easy usage for different users. 2) Middleware including Protein-QL, Protein Algebra Architecture and Protein-OODB is designed to implement protein domain specific query language and optimize the complex queries, also it capsulates the details of the implementation such that users can easily understand and master Protein-QL. 3) Data Storage is used to store our protein data. This system is for protein domain, but it can be easily extended into other biological domains to build a bio-OODBMS. In this system, protein, primary, secondary, and tertiary structures are defined as internal data types to simplify the queries in Protein-QL such that the domain scientists can easily master the query language and formulate data requests, and EyeDB is used as the underlying OODB to communicate with Protein-OODB. In addition, protein data is usually stored as PDB format and PDB format is old, ambiguous, and inadequate, therefore, PDB data curation will be discussed in detail in the dissertation

    XML-based approaches for the integration of heterogeneous bio-molecular data

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    Background: The today's public database infrastructure spans a very large collection of heterogeneous biological data, opening new opportunities for molecular biology, bio-medical and bioinformatics research, but raising also new problems for their integration and computational processing. Results: In this paper we survey the most interesting and novel approaches for the representation, integration and management of different kinds of biological data by exploiting XML and the related recommendations and approaches. Moreover, we present new and interesting cutting edge approaches for the appropriate management of heterogeneous biological data represented through XML. Conclusion: XML has succeeded in the integration of heterogeneous biomolecular information, and has established itself as the syntactic glue for biological data sources. Nevertheless, a large variety of XML-based data formats have been proposed, thus resulting in a difficult effective integration of bioinformatics data schemes. The adoption of a few semantic-rich standard formats is urgent to achieve a seamless integration of the current biological resources. </p