5,337 research outputs found

    Safe, Remote-Access Swarm Robotics Research on the Robotarium

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    This paper describes the development of the Robotarium -- a remotely accessible, multi-robot research facility. The impetus behind the Robotarium is that multi-robot testbeds constitute an integral and essential part of the multi-agent research cycle, yet they are expensive, complex, and time-consuming to develop, operate, and maintain. These resource constraints, in turn, limit access for large groups of researchers and students, which is what the Robotarium is remedying by providing users with remote access to a state-of-the-art multi-robot test facility. This paper details the design and operation of the Robotarium as well as connects these to the particular considerations one must take when making complex hardware remotely accessible. In particular, safety must be built in already at the design phase without overly constraining which coordinated control programs the users can upload and execute, which calls for minimally invasive safety routines with provable performance guarantees.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 code samples, 72 reference

    Internet... the final frontier: an ethnographic account: exploring the cultural space of the Net from the inside

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    The research project The Internet as a space for interaction, which completed its mission in Autumn 1998, studied the constitutive features of network culture and network organisation. Special emphasis was given to the dynamic interplay of technical and social conventions regarding both the Net’s organisation as well as its change. The ethnographic perspective chosen studied the Internet from the inside. Research concentrated upon three fields of study: the hegemonial operating technology of net nodes (UNIX) the network’s basic transmission technology (the Internet Protocol IP) and a popular communication service (Usenet). The project’s final report includes the results of the three branches explored. Drawing upon the development in the three fields it is shown that changes that come about on the Net are neither anarchic nor arbitrary. Instead, the decentrally organised Internet is based upon technically and organisationally distributed forms of coordination within which individual preferences collectively attain the power of developing into definitive standards. --

    Time-Coordination Strategies and Control Laws for Multi-Agent Unmanned Systems

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    Time-critical coordination tools for unmanned systems can be employed to enforce the type of temporal constraints required in terminal control areas, ensure minimum distance requirements among vehicles are satisfied, and successfully perform coordinated missions. In comparison with previous literature, this paper presents an ampler spectrum of coordination and temporal specifications for unmanned systems, and proposes a general control law that can enforce this range of constraints. The constraint classification presented con- siders the nature of the desired arrival window and the permissible coordination errors to define six different types of time-coordination strategies. The resulting decentralized coordination control law allows the vehicles to negotiate their speeds along their paths in response to information exchanged over the communication network. This control law organizes the different members in the fleet hierarchically per their behavior and informational needs as reference agent, leaders, and followers. Examples and simulation results for all the coordination strategies presented demonstrate the applicability and efficacy of the coordination control law for multiple unmanned systems

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    A la pàgina 265 diu: "In an effort to facilitate the reproduction of results, both the source code of the simulation environment and the configuration files that were prepared for the design characterisation are available in an open repository: https://github.com/carlesaraguz/aeossSatellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per satèl·lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanitàries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d’observació de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idoneïtat dels Sistemes de Satèl·lit Distribuïts (SSD), on múltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simultàniament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribuïts i, tot i que són possibles gràcies a l’acceptació de les plataformes de satèl·lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d’ells són els pilars principals d’aquesta tesi, en concret, la concepció d’eines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definició d’operacions autònomes basades en gestió descentralitzada a bord dels satèl·lits. La primera part d’aquesta dissertació es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits satèl·lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d’optimització orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d’exploració i comparació de solucions. Els objectius d’aquest entorn són: la selecció el disseny de constel·lació més òptim; i facilitar la identificació de tendències de disseny, regions d’incompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d’OT, els requeriments del sistema i l’expressió de prioritats no només s’articulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monetàries, sinó també a través de les característiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l’evolucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resiliència, entre d’altres. En línia amb això, l’entorn d’optimització defineix una única figura de mèrit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Així l’equip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del procés d’optimització tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les característiques dalt nivell. L’aplicació d’aquest entorn d’optimització s’il·lustra en dos casos d’ús actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura paràmetres de l’oceà i gel als pols per millorar la predicció meteorològica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obté mesures agronòmiques vitals per la gestió global de l’aigua, l’estimació d’estat dels cultius, i la gestió de sequeres. L’anàlisi de propietats arquitecturals ha permès copsar de manera exhaustiva les característiques funcionals i operacionals d’aquests sistemes. Amb això, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l’autonomia. Minimitzar la intervenció de l’operador humà és comú en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment crític pels SSD de gran escala, d’estructura dinàmica i heterogenis. En els SSD s’espera que l’autonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d’operar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn científic i que n’apuntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. tolerància a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d’usuari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d’operacions autònomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a través del raonament local, l’assignació individual de recursos, i les interaccions satèl·lit-a-satèl·lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions autònoma s’avalua per constel·lacions que tenen com a objectius de missió la minimització del temps de revisita global.Postprint (published version

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems

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    Satellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems are exploring the suitability of Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) in which multiple observation assets concurrently sense the Earth. Given the temporal and spatial resolution requirements of EO products, DSS are often envisioned as large-scale systems with multiple sensing capabilities operating in a networked manner. Enabled by the consolidation of small satellite platforms and fostered by the emerging capabilities of distributed systems, these new architectures pose multiple design and operational challenges. Two of them are the main pillars of this research, namely, the conception of decision-support tools to assist the architecting process of a DSS, and the design of autonomous operational frameworks based on decentralised, on-board decision-making. The first part of this dissertation addresses the architecting of heterogeneous, networked DSS architectures that hybridise small satellite platforms with traditional EO assets. We present a generic design-oriented optimisation framework based on tradespace exploration methodologies. The goals of this framework are twofold: to select the most optimal constellation design; and to facilitate the identification of design trends, unfeasible regions, and tensions among architectural attributes. Oftentimes in EO DSS, system requirements and stakeholder preferences are not only articulated through functional attributes (i.e. resolution, revisit time, etc.) or monetary constraints, but also through qualitative traits such as flexibility, evolvability, robustness, or resiliency, amongst others. In line with that, the architecting framework defines a single figure of merit that aggregates quantitative attributes and qualitative ones-the so-called ilities of a system. With that, designers can steer the design of DSS both in terms of performance or cost, and in terms of their high-level characteristics. The application of this optimisation framework has been illustrated in two timely use-cases identified in the context of the EU-funded ONION project: a system that measures ocean and ice parameters in Polar regions to facilitate weather forecast and off-shore operations; and a system that provides agricultural variables crucial for global management of water stress, crop state, and draughts. The analysis of architectural features facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the functional and operational characteristics of DSS. With that, this thesis continues to delve into the design of DSS by focusing on one particular functional trait: autonomy. The minimisation of human-operator intervention has been traditionally sought in other space systems and can be especially critical for large-scale, structurally dynamic, heterogeneous DSS. In DSS, autonomy is expected to cope with the likely inability to operate very large-scale systems in a centralised manner, to improve the science return, and to leverage many of their emerging capabilities (e.g. tolerance to failures, adaptability to changing structures and user needs, responsiveness). We propose an autonomous operational framework that provides decentralised decision-making capabilities to DSS by means of local reasoning and individual resource allocation, and satellite-to-satellite interactions. In contrast to previous works, the autonomous decision-making framework is evaluated in this dissertation for generic constellation designs the goal of which is to minimise global revisit times. As part of the characterisation of our solution, we stressed the implications that autonomous operations can have upon satellite platforms with stringent resource constraints (e.g. power, memory, communications capabilities) and evaluated the behaviour of the solution for a large-scale DSS composed of 117 CubeSat-like satellite units.La imatgeria per satèl·lit ha esdevingut un recurs essencial per assolir tasques ambientals, humanitàries o industrials. Per tal de satisfer els requeriments de les noves aplicacions i usuaris, els sistemes d’observació de la Terra (OT) estan explorant la idoneïtat dels Sistemes de Satèl·lit Distribuïts (SSD), on múltiples observatoris espacials mesuren el planeta simultàniament. Degut al les resolucions temporals i espacials requerides, els SSD sovint es conceben com sistemes de gran escala que operen en xarxa. Aquestes noves arquitectures promouen les capacitats emergents dels sistemes distribuïts i, tot i que són possibles gràcies a l’acceptació de les plataformes de satèl·lits petits, encara presenten molts reptes en quant al disseny i operacions. Dos d’ells són els pilars principals d’aquesta tesi, en concret, la concepció d’eines de suport a la presa de decisions pel disseny de SSD, i la definició d’operacions autònomes basades en gestió descentralitzada a bord dels satèl·lits. La primera part d’aquesta dissertació es centra en el disseny arquitectural de SSD heterogenis i en xarxa, imbricant tecnologies de petits satèl·lits amb actius tradicionals. Es presenta un entorn d’optimització orientat al disseny basat en metodologies d’exploració i comparació de solucions. Els objectius d’aquest entorn són: la selecció el disseny de constel·lació més òptim; i facilitar la identificació de tendències de disseny, regions d’incompatibilitat, i tensions entre atributs arquitecturals. Sovint en els SSD d’OT, els requeriments del sistema i l’expressió de prioritats no només s’articulen en quant als atributs funcionals o les restriccions monetàries, sinó també a través de les característiques qualitatives com la flexibilitat, l’evolucionabilitat, la robustesa, o la resiliència, entre d’altres. En línia amb això, l’entorn d’optimització defineix una única figura de mèrit que agrega rendiment, cost i atributs qualitatius. Així l’equip de disseny pot influir en les solucions del procés d’optimització tant en els aspectes quantitatius, com en les característiques dalt nivell. L’aplicació d’aquest entorn d’optimització s’il·lustra en dos casos d’ús actuals identificats en context del projecte europeu ONION: un sistema que mesura paràmetres de l’oceà i gel als pols per millorar la predicció meteorològica i les operacions marines; i un sistema que obté mesures agronòmiques vitals per la gestió global de l’aigua, l’estimació d’estat dels cultius, i la gestió de sequeres. L’anàlisi de propietats arquitecturals ha permès copsar de manera exhaustiva les característiques funcionals i operacionals d’aquests sistemes. Amb això, la tesi ha seguit aprofundint en el disseny de SSD centrant-se, particularment, en un tret funcional: l’autonomia. Minimitzar la intervenció de l’operador humà és comú en altres sistemes espacials i podria ser especialment crític pels SSD de gran escala, d’estructura dinàmica i heterogenis. En els SSD s’espera que l’autonomia solucioni la possible incapacitat d’operar sistemes de gran escala de forma centralitzada, que millori el retorn científic i que n’apuntali les seves propietats emergents (e.g. tolerància a errors, adaptabilitat a canvis estructural i de necessitats d’usuari, capacitat de resposta). Es proposa un sistema d’operacions autònomes que atorga la capacitat de gestionar els sistemes de forma descentralitzada, a través del raonament local, l’assignació individual de recursos, i les interaccions satèl·lit-a-satèl·lit. Al contrari que treballs anteriors, la presa de decisions autònoma s’avalua per constel·lacions que tenen com a objectius de missió la minimització del temps de revisita global

    Cyber Security

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2020, held in Beijing, China, in August 2020. The 17 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 58 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: access control; cryptography; denial-of-service attacks; hardware security implementation; intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation; social network security and privacy; systems security

    Coordination and Privacy Preservation in Multi-Agent Systems

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    This dissertation considers two key problems in multi-agent systems: coordination (including both synchronization and desynchronization) and privacy preservation. For coordination in multi-agent systems, we focus on synchronization/desynchronization of distributed pulse-coupled oscillator (PCO) networks and their applications in collective motion coordination. Pulse-coupled oscillators were originally proposed to model synchronization in biological systems such as flashing fireflies and firing neurons. In recent years, with proven scalability, simplicity, accuracy, and robustness, the PCO based synchronization strategy has become a powerful clock synchronization primitive for wireless sensor networks. Driven by these increased applications in biological networks and wireless sensor networks, synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators has gained increased popularity. However, most existing results address the local synchronization of PCOs with initial phases constrained in a half cycle, and results on global synchronization from any initial condition are very sparse. In our work, we address global PCO synchronization from an arbitrary phase distribution under chain or directed tree graphs. More importantly, different from existing global synchronization studies on decentralized PCO networks, our work allows heterogeneous coupling functions and perturbations on PCOs\u27 natural frequencies, and our results hold under any coupling strength between zero and one, which is crucial because a large coupling strength has been shown to be detrimental to the robustness of PCO synchronization to disturbances. Compared with synchronization, desynchronization of PCOs is less explored. Desynchronization spreads the phase variables of all PCOs uniformly apart (with equal difference between neighboring phases). It has also been found in many biological phenomena, such as neuron spiking and fish signaling. Recently, phase desynchronization has been employed to achieve round-robin scheduling, which is crucial in applications as diverse as media access control of communication networks, realization of analog-to-digital converters, and scheduling of traffic flows in intersections. In our work, we systematically characterize pulse-coupled oscillators based decentralized phase desynchronization and propose an interaction function that is more general than existing results. Numerical simulations show that the proposed pulse based interaction function also has better robustness to pulse losses, time delays, and frequency errors than existing results. Collective motion coordination is fundamental in systems as diverse as mobile sensor networks, swarm robotics, autonomous vehicles, and animal groups. Inspired by the close relationship between phase synchronization/desynchronization of PCOs and the heading dynamics of connected vehicles/robots, we propose a pulse-based integrated communication and control approach for collective motion coordination. Our approach only employs simple and identical pulses, which significantly reduces processing latency and communication delay compared with conventional packet based communications. Not only can heading control be achieved in the proposed approach to coordinate the headings (orientations) of motions in a network, but also spacing control for circular motion is achievable to design the spacing between neighboring nodes (e.g., vehicles or robots). The second part of this dissertation is privacy preservation in multi-agent systems. More specifically, we focus on privacy-preserving average consensus as it is key for multi-agent systems, with applications ranging from time synchronization, information fusion, load balancing, to decentralized control. Existing average consensus algorithms require individual nodes (agents) to exchange explicit state values with their neighbors, which leads to the undesirable disclosure of sensitive information in the state. In our work, we propose a novel average consensus algorithm for time-varying directed graphs which can protect the privacy of participating nodes\u27 initial states. Leveraging algorithm-level obfuscation, the algorithm does not need the assistance of any trusted third party or data aggregator. By leveraging the inherent robustness of consensus dynamics against random variations in interaction, our proposed algorithm can guarantee privacy of participating nodes without compromising the accuracy of consensus. The algorithm is distinctly different from differential-privacy based average consensus approaches which enable privacy through compromising accuracy in obtained consensus value. The approach is able to protect the privacy of participating nodes even in the presence of multiple honest-but-curious nodes which can collude with each other

    The Fault Is Not in Our Stars: Avoiding an Arms Race in Outer Space

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    The world is on the precipice of a new arms race in outer space, as China, Russia, the United States, and others undertake dramatic new initiatives in anti-satellite weaponry. These accelerated competitive efforts at space control are highly destabilizing because developed societies have come to depend so heavily upon satellite services to support the entire civilian economy and the modern military apparatus; any significant threat or disruption in the availability of space assets would be massively, and possibly permanently, disruptive. International law regarding outer space developed with remarkable rapidity in the early years of the Space Age, but the process of formulating additional treaties and norms for space has broken down over the past several decades; no additional legal instruments have emerged that could cope with today’s rising threats. This Article therefore proposes three initiatives. Although none of them can suffice to solve the emerging problems, they could, perhaps, provide additional diplomacy, reinvigorating the prospects for rapprochement in space. Importantly, each of these three ideas has deep roots in other sectors of arms control, where they have served both to restore a measure of stability and to catalyze even more ambitious agreements in the longer term. The first proposal is for a declaratory regime of “no first use” of specified space weapons; this would do little to directly alter states’ capabilities for space warfare, but could serve as a “confidence-building measure,” to temper their most provocative rhetoric and practices. The second concept is a “limited test ban,” to interdict the most dangerous debris-creating developmental tests of new space weapons. Third is a suggestion for shared “space situational awareness,” which would create an international apparatus enabling all participants to enjoy the benefits of greater transparency, reducing the possibilities for secret malign or negligent behavior. In each instance, the Article describes the proposal and its variations, assesses its possible contributions to space security, and displays the key precedents from other arms-control successes. The Article concludes by calling for additional, further-reaching space diplomacy, in the hope that these relatively modest initial measures could provoke more robust subsequent negotiations
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