2,180 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing and illustrating the digital lifestyle of youth

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    This research looks at the psychosocial content and nature of the concept of the digital lifestyle when applied to pre-teens and teenagers. The concept of lifestyle is analyzed to assess whether the digital technological context is an acceptable framework to characterize the daily life of pre-teens and teenagers. Five dimensions of the digital lifestyle concept were useful to structure more than 200 technologically aware young consumers who discussed the meaning and usage of several digital devices.Consumer psychology, Internet, teenagers

    I am here - are you there? Sense of presence and implications for virtual world design

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    We use the language of presence and place when we interact online: in our instant text messaging windows we often post: Are you there? Research indicates the importance of the sense of presence for computer-supported collaborative virtual learning. To realize the potential of virtual worlds such as Second Life, which may have advantages over conventional text-based environments, we need an understanding of design and the emergence of the sense of presence. A construct was created for the sense of presence, as a collaborative, action-based process (Spagnolli, Varotto, & Mantovani, 2003) with four dimensions (sense of place, social presence, individual agency, and mediated collaborative actions). Nine design principles were mapped against the four dimensions. The guiding question for the study\u27s exploration of the sense of presence was: In the virtual world Second Life, what is the effect on the sense of presence in collaborative learning spaces designed according to the sense of presence construct proposed, using two of the nine design principles, wayfinding and annotation? Another question of interest was: What are the relationships, if any, among the four dimensions of presence? The research utilized both quantitative and qualitative measures. Twenty learners recruited from the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University carried out three assigned collaborative activities in Second Life under design conditions foregrounding each of the two design conditions, and a combination of the two. Analyses from surveys, Second Life interactions, interviews and a focus group were conducted to investigate how various designed learning environments based in the virtual world contributed to the sense of presence, and to learners\u27 ability to carry out collaborative learning. The major research findings were: (a) the construct appears robust, and future research in its application to other virtual worlds may be fruitful; (b) the experience of wayfinding (finding a path through a virtual space) resulted overall in an observed pattern of a slightly stronger sense of place; (c) the experience of annotation (building) resulted overall in an observed pattern of a slightly stronger sense of agency; and (d) there is a positive association between sense of place and sense of agency

    Internet of Things no sābisu gƍsei no tame no jƍtai seni ni motozuita ƍpun furēmuwāku

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    Contributions to presence-based systems for deploying ubiquitous communication services

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    Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) will converge the existing fixed and wireless networks. These networks rely on the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), introduced by the 3GPP. The presence service came into being in instant messaging applications. A userÂżs presence information consists in any context that is necessary for applications to handle and adapt the user's communications. The presence service is crucial in the IMS to deploy ubiquitous services. SIMPLE is the standard protocol for handling presence and instant messages. This protocol disseminates users' presence information through subscriptions, notifications and publications. SIMPLE generates much signaling traffic for constantly disseminating presence information and maintaining subscriptions, which may overload network servers. This issue is even more harmful to the IMS due to its centralized servers. A key factor in the success of NGNs is to provide users with always-on services that are seamlessly part of their daily life. Personalizing these services according to the users' needs is necessary for the success of these services. To this end, presence information is considered as a crucial tool for user-based personalization. This thesis can be briefly summarized through the following contributions: We propose filtering and controlling the rate of presence publications so as to reduce the information sent over access links. We probabilistically model presence information through Markov chains, and analyzed the efficiency of controlling the rate of publications that are modeled by a particular Markov chain. The reported results show that this technique certainly reduces presence overload. We mathematically study the amount of presence traffic exchanged between domains, and analyze the efficiency of several strategies for reducing this traffic. We propose an strategy, which we call Common Subscribe (CS), for reducing the presence traffic exchanged between federated domains. We compare this strategy traffic with that generated by other optimizations. The reported results show that CS is the most efficient at reducing presence traffic. We analyze the load in the number of messages that several inter-domain traffic optimizations cause to the IMS centralized servers. Our proposed strategy, CS, combined with an RLS (i.e., a SIMPLE optimization) is the only optimization that reduces the IMS load; the others increase this load. We estimate the efficiency of the RLS, thereby concluding that the RLS is not efficient under certain circumstances, and hence this optimization is discouraged. We propose a queuing system for optimizing presence traffic on both the network core and access link, which is capable to adapt the publication and notification rate based on some quality conditions (e.g, maximum delay). We probabilistically model this system, and validate it in different scenarios. We propose, and implement a prototype of, a fully-distributed platform for handling user presence information. This approach allows integrating Internet Services, such as HTTP or VoIP, and optimizing these services in an easy, user-personalized way. We have developed SECE (Sense Everything, Control Everything), a platform for users to create rules that handle their communications and Internet Services proactively. SECE interacts with multiple third-party services for obtaining as much user context as possible. We have developed a natural-English-like formal language for SECE rules. We have enhanced SECE for discovering web services automatically through the Web Ontology Language (OWL). SECE allows composing web services automatically based on real-world events, which is a significant contribution to the Semantic Web. The research presented in this thesis has been published through 3 book chapters, 4 international journals (3 of them are indexed in JCR), 10 international conference papers, 1 demonstration at an international conference, and 1 national conferenceNext-Generation Networks (NGNs) son las redes de prĂłxima generaciĂłn que soportaran la convergencia de redes de telecomunicaciĂłn inalĂĄmbricas y fijas. La base de NGNs es el IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), introducido por el 3GPP. El servicio de presencia naciĂł de aplicaciones de mesajerĂ­a instantĂĄnea. La informaciĂłn de presencia de un usuario consiste en cualquier tipo de informaciĂłn que es de utilidad para manejar las comunicaciones con el usuario. El servicio de presencia es una parte esencial del IMS para el despliegue de servicios ubicuos. SIMPLE es el protocolo estĂĄndar para manejar presencia y mensajes instantĂĄneos en el IMS. Este protocolo distribuye la informaciĂłn de presencia de los usuarios a travĂ©s de suscripciones, notificaciones y publicaciones. SIMPLE genera mucho trĂĄfico por la diseminaciĂłn constante de informaciĂłn de presencia y el mantenimiento de las suscripciones, lo cual puede saturar los servidores de red. Este problema es todavĂ­a mĂĄs perjudicial en el IMS, debido al carĂĄcter centralizado de sus servidores. Un factor clave en el Ă©xito de NGNs es proporcionar a los usuarios servicios ubicuos que esten integrados en su vida diaria y asi interactĂșen con los usuarios constantemente. La personalizaciĂłn de estos servicios basado en los usuarios es imprescindible para el Ă©xito de los mismos. Para este fin, la informaciĂłn de presencia es considerada como una herramienta base. La tesis realizada se puede resumir brevemente en los siguientes contribuciones: Proponemos filtrar y controlar el ratio de las publicaciones de presencia para reducir la cantidad de informaciĂłn enviada en la red de acceso. Modelamos la informaciĂłn de presencia probabilĂ­sticamente mediante cadenas de Markov, y analizamos la eficiencia de controlar el ratio de publicaciones con una cadena de Markov. Los resultados muestran que este mecanismo puede efectivamente reducir el trĂĄfico de presencia. Estudiamos matemĂĄticamente la cantidad de trĂĄfico de presencia generada entre dominios y analizamos el rendimiento de tres estrategias para reducir este trĂĄfico. Proponemos una estrategia, la cual llamamos Common Subscribe (CS), para reducir el trĂĄfico de presencia entre dominios federados. Comparamos el trĂĄfico generado por CS frente a otras estrategias de optimizaciĂłn. Los resultados de este anĂĄlisis muestran que CS es la estrategia mĂĄs efectiva. Analizamos la carga en numero de mensajes introducida por diferentes optimizaciones de trĂĄfico de presencia en los servidores centralizados del IMS. Nuestra propuesta, CS, combinada con un RLS (i.e, una optimizaciĂłn de SIMPLE), es la unica optimizaciĂłn que reduce la carga en el IMS. Estimamos la eficiencia del RLS, deduciendo que un RLS no es eficiente en ciertas circunstancias, en las que es preferible no usar esta optimizaciĂłn. Proponemos un sistema de colas para optimizar el trĂĄfico de presencia tanto en el nĂșcleo de red como en la red de acceso, y que puede adaptar el ratio de publicaciĂłn y notificaciĂłn en base a varios parametros de calidad (e.g., maximo retraso). Modelamos y analizamos este sistema de colas probabilĂ­sticamente en diferentes escenarios. Proponemos una arquitectura totalmente distribuida para manejar las informaciĂłn de presencia del usuario, de la cual hemos implementado un prototipo. Esta propuesta permite la integracion sencilla y personalizada al usuario de servicios de Internet, como HTTP o VoIP, asi como la optimizacĂłn de estos servicios. Hemos desarrollado SECE (Sense Everything, Control Everything), una plataforma donde los usuarios pueden crear reglas para manejar todas sus comunicaciones y servicios de Internet de forma proactiva. SECE interactĂșa con una multitud de servicios para conseguir todo el contexto possible del usuario. Hemos desarollado un lenguaje formal que parace como Ingles natural para que los usuarios puedan crear sus reglas. Hemos mejorado SECE para descubrir servicios web automaticamente a travĂ©s del lenguaje OWL (Web Ontology Language)

    Heads Up/Heads Down: A Pattern Language for Fostering Thinking in the Workplace

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    Heads Up/Heads Down: A Pattern Language for Fostering Thinking in the Workplace is a handbook presenting architectural design strategies for how to best support thinking in the workplace. It follows the concept of a pattern language, a theory originated by architect Christopher Alexander in his 1977 book A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, where each pattern describes a problem and offers a generic solution that can be customized to suit the reader’s project. While Alexander uses experience to inform his patterns, my work is generated from current scientific and social science research. Alexander’s work spans scales, from the organization of cities down to the thickness of an interior wall, while my work focuses solely on the interior scale in the context of an office. My goal is to add upon Alexander’s vast work by narrowing down the patterns to address the modern workplace and its demand for creative knowledge work

    What Factors Influence The Consumer Use of Fully Autonomous Vehicles within the U.S.?

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    The inclusion of autonomous vehicle technology in modern cars is causing both consumer familiarity and consternation amidst a growing interest in the future of fully autonomous vehicles (FAVs). This study’s contributions are the key research constructs and interrelationships that positively influence consumers’ behavioral intention to use FAVs. The research study concludes and advances a better understanding of perceptions and opinions from consumers about their behavioral intentions to use FAVs and the level of favorability toward self-driving vehicular technology. As full vehicular autonomy does not yet exist, few extensive studies and experts exist within the automotive industry. Nevertheless, the number of those interested in working within and researching this coming technology is growing. Existing auto luxury and mass-market brands currently offer limited autonomous feature­s within their cars. The coming technology’s challenge is introducing it to consumers and complimenting that introduction with effective marketing communications to taut the benefits of fully autonomous vehicles. A lack of familiarity can exist if you are a current vehicle owner with (or user of) Semi-Autonomous Vehicle technology (SAV). It means most consumers may not be widely familiar with the automotive technology itself or what it has to offer them. FAV technology will continue to migrate downward within the United States (US) vehicular market into moderately low-priced automotive brand segments. Therefore, this study attempts to define what consumers currently know about fully self-driving cars, their overall expectations, and to what extent they are willing to consider operating and owning or using FAVs in the future. This cross-sectional, descriptive, and cross-relational research identifies factors influencing consumers\u27 perceptions of autonomous vehicle technology. Specifically, it addresses the following significant attributes that are related to FAVs: performance expectation, price value, hedonistic motivation, societal influence, locus of control, risk aversion, individual attitude, subjective norm, affective trust, cognitive trust, fully autonomous vehicle technology attractiveness, and affordability, as well as the behavioral intention to use it. To this end, thirteen hypotheses are forwarded and empirically tested. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Attitude, Autonomous Technology, Automobiles, Cars, Fully Autonomous Vehicles, Intelligent Transportation, Intention, Self-Driving Cars, Consumer Behavior, Consumer Marketing, Smart Mobility, and Technology Adoption

    The Technological Factors of Reddit: Communication and Identity on Relational Networks

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    The relational network reddit is one of the most popular and visited websites on a global and national (United States) level. Communication on reddit lends itself to intergroup communication in that reddit users engage with audiences from ingroup, outgroup, and mixed audience compositions. Reddit’s voting system allows for negative and positive feedback to enhance or impede on one’s message. I examine how these technological factors influence a number of communicative and identity processes: (a) identity salience, (b), identity gaps, (c) group and interpersonal evaluation, and (d) accommodative language. Drawn out of intergroup contact literature and theories about group processes and technology, I hypothesize and question how each technological factor maps onto each of the aforementioned outcomes. By analyzing each technological factor, I am able to understand how audience composition, valence of content, and nature of feedback have varying impacts on communication. I created an online experimental interface that simulated reddit’s user interface and technological affordances. A total of 316 participants entered into the online discussion board and contributed a comment to an ongoing discussion about their thoughts and beliefs on 4th of July. Two time segments were used in the study, revealing a 3 (audience composition: ingroup, outgroup, mixed) X 2 (valence of content: hostile, neutral) X 2 (feedback: negative, positive) between-groups design. Results revealed that audience composition influenced the enacted-communal identity gap in that users had a lower enacted-identity gap with ingroup and mixed audiences compared to outgroup audiences. Similarly, the enacted-communal identity gap, interpersonal evaluation, and group evaluation measures were dependent on the valence of the conversation. However, identity salience and the personal-enacted identity gap did not fluctuate based on any of the technological factors. Accommodative language was higher in ingroup conditions and when the valence was neutral. Time 2 results revealed that negative feedback influenced a perception of change in the enacted-communal identity gap and in the group evaluation measures. These results add to existing knowledge on the influence of reddit’s primary technological factors on group and identity processes and is informing of how social recommendations can change a user’s perception of their message. Advisor: Jordan Soli

    Teacher Perspectives on Student Behavior and ACEs in Elementary Education

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    Since 1998, substantial evidence has demonstrated rates of prevalence for different types of adverse or potentially traumatizing experiences that can happen during childhood, commonly referred to as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In response, many studies have demonstrated the benefits of trauma-informed practices in mental health. Despite supporting evidence, policymakers have been slow to implement these practices in schools. Teachers are on the front lines of this issue. They are in a position to be most effective in supporting children and most impacted by student behavior yet their voice is notably absent from the literature. The purpose of this study is to find out how common teachers perceive ACEs to be, both nationally and among their students, and how they perceive student behavior, what behaviors they see, what they attribute those behaviors to and what they think would support students with challenging behaviors. I developed a survey and then distributed digitally at three schools in three districts in the Bay Area and received 41 responses. I then conducted seven qualitative interviews with teachers at the three schools. The interviews revealed teachers’ eagerness to support their students, lack of related training, eagerness to receive training on trauma-informed practices. Several teachers had enthusiastically incorporated training they have received on related subjects, such as mindfulness, into their practice. My findings suggest that if teachers were to receive ongoing training on trauma-informed practices and understood just how many kids are impacted, they would enthusiastically adopt these practices into their teaching
