127 research outputs found

    Developing theoretical foundations for runtime enforcement

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    The ubiquitous reliance on software systems is increasing the need for ensuring their correctness. Runtime enforcement is a monitoring technique that uses moni- tors that can transform the actions of a system under scrutiny in order to alter its runtime behaviour and keep it in line with a correctness specification; these type of enforcement monitors are often called transducers. In runtime enforcement there is often no clear separation between the specification language describing the cor- rectness criteria that a system must satisfy, and the monitoring mechanism that actually ensures that these criteria are met. We thus aim to adopt a separation of concerns between the correctness specification describing what properties the sys- tem should satisfy, and the monitor describing how to enforce these properties. In this thesis we study the enforceability of the highly expressive branching time logic μHML, in a bid to identify a subset of this logic whose formulas can be adequately enforced by transducers at runtime. We conducted our study in relation to two different enforcement instrumentation settings, namely, a unidirectional setting that is simpler to understand and formalise but limited in the type of system actions it can transform at runtime, and a bidirectional one that, albeit being more complex, it allows transducers to effect and modify a wider set of system actions. During our investigation we define the behaviour of enforcement transducers and how they should be embedded with a system to achieve unidirectional and bidirectional enforcement. We also investigate what it means for a monitor to adequately enforce a logic formula, and define the necessary criteria that a monitor must satisfy in order to be adequate. Since enforcement monitors are highly intrusive, we also define a notion of optimality to use as a guide for identifying the least intrusive monitor that adequately enforces a formula. Using these enforcement definitions, we identify a μHML fragment that can be adequately enforced via enforcement transducers that drop the execution of certain actions. We then show that this fragment is maximally expressive, i.e., it is the largest subset that can be enforced via these type of enforcement monitors. We finally look into static alternatives to runtime enforcement and identify a static analysis technique that can also enforce the identified μHML fragment, but without requiring the system to execute

    The word problem and combinatorial methods for groups and semigroups

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    The subject matter of this thesis is combinatorial semigroup theory. It includes material, in no particular order, from combinatorial and geometric group theory, formal language theory, theoretical computer science, the history of mathematics, formal logic, model theory, graph theory, and decidability theory. In Chapter 1, we will give an overview of the mathematical background required to state the results of the remaining chapters. The only originality therein lies in the exposition of special monoids presented in §1.3, which uni.es the approaches by several authors. In Chapter 2, we introduce some general algebraic and language-theoretic constructions which will be useful in subsequent chapters. As a corollary of these general methods, we recover and generalise a recent result by Brough, Cain & Pfei.er that the class of monoids with context-free word problem is closed under taking free products. In Chapter 3, we study language-theoretic and algebraic properties of special monoids, and completely classify this theory in terms of the group of units. As a result, we generalise the Muller-Schupp theorem to special monoids, and answer a question posed by Zhang in 1992. In Chapter 4, we give a similar treatment to weakly compressible monoids, and characterise their language-theoretic properties. As a corollary, we deduce many new results for one-relation monoids, including solving the rational subset membership problem for many such monoids. We also prove, among many other results, that it is decidable whether a one-relation monoid containing a non-trivial idempotent has context-free word problem. In Chapter 5, we study context-free graphs, and connect the algebraic theory of special monoids with the geometric behaviour of their Cayley graphs. This generalises the geometric aspects of the Muller-Schupp theorem for groups to special monoids. We study the growth rate of special monoids, and prove that a special monoid of intermediate growth is a group

    Efficient Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Quantitative Systems

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    Structural Summaries as a Core Technology for Efficient XML Retrieval

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    The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is extremely popular as a generic markup language for text documents with an explicit hierarchical structure. The different types of XML data found in today’s document repositories, digital libraries, intranets and on the web range from flat text with little meaningful structure to be queried, over truly semistructured data with a rich and often irregular structure, to rather rigidly structured documents with little text that would also fit a relational database system (RDBS). Not surprisingly, various ways of storing and retrieving XML data have been investigated, including native XML systems, relational engines based on RDBSs, and hybrid combinations thereof. Over the years a number of native XML indexing techniques have emerged, the most important ones being structure indices and labelling schemes. Structure indices represent the document schema (i.e., the hierarchy of nested tags that occur in the documents) in a compact central data structure so that structural query constraints (e.g., path or tree patterns) can be efficiently matched without accessing the documents. Labelling schemes specify ways to assign unique identifiers, or labels, to the document nodes so that specific relations (e.g., parent/child) between individual nodes can be inferred from their labels alone in a decentralized manner, again without accessing the documents themselves. Since both structure indices and labelling schemes provide compact approximate views on the document structure, we collectively refer to them as structural summaries. This work presents new structural summaries that enable highly efficient and scalable XML retrieval in native, relational and hybrid systems. The key contribution of our approach is threefold. (1) We introduce BIRD, a very efficient and expressive labelling scheme for XML, and the CADG, a combined text and structure index, and combine them as two complementary building blocks of the same XML retrieval system. (2) We propose a purely relational variant of BIRD and the CADG, called RCADG, that is extremely fast and scales up to large document collections. (3) We present the RCADG Cache, a hybrid system that enhances the RCADG with incremental query evaluation based on cached results of earlier queries. The RCADG Cache exploits schema information in the RCADG to detect cached query results that can supply some or all matches to a new query with little or no computational and I/O effort. A main-memory cache index ensures that reusable query results are quickly retrieved even in a huge cache. Our work shows that structural summaries significantly improve the efficiency and scalability of XML retrieval systems in several ways. Former relational approaches have largely ignored structural summaries. The RCADG shows that these native indexing techniques are equally effective for XML retrieval in RDBSs. BIRD, unlike some other labelling schemes, achieves high retrieval performance with a fairly modest storage overhead. To the best of our knowledge, the RCADG Cache is the only approach to take advantage of structural summaries for effectively detecting query containment or overlap. Moreover, no other XML cache we know of exploits intermediate results that are produced as a by-product during the evaluation from scratch. These are valuable cache contents that increase the effectiveness of the cache at no extra computational cost. Extensive experiments quantify the practical benefit of all of the proposed techniques, which amounts to a performance gain of several orders of magnitude compared to various other approaches

    Models for Cryptographic Protocol Analysis

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    Formal models for security protocols often rely on assumptions not to be found in computational models. A first assumption is the perfect encryption one: encrypted data can not be manipulated in any way unless the decryption key is known. Another usual assumption is the free algebra one: only a few cryptographic primitives are considered in the model, and these must form a free algebra. We study these assumptions, and relax them to define more general models. We then define static analysis techniques for veryfing protocols secure in our models

    Providing Information by Resource- Constrained Data Analysis

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    The Collaborative Research Center SFB 876 (Providing Information by Resource-Constrained Data Analysis) brings together the research fields of data analysis (Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases, Machine Learning, Statistics) and embedded systems and enhances their methods such that information from distributed, dynamic masses of data becomes available anytime and anywhere. The research center approaches these problems with new algorithms respecting the resource constraints in the different scenarios. This Technical Report presents the work of the members of the integrated graduate school

    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, FASE 2022, which was held during April 4-5, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 17 regular papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The proceedings also contain 3 contributions from the Test-Comp Competition. The papers deal with the foundations on which software engineering is built, including topics like software engineering as an engineering discipline, requirements engineering, software architectures, software quality, model-driven development, software processes, software evolution, AI-based software engineering, and the specification, design, and implementation of particular classes of systems, such as (self-)adaptive, collaborative, AI, embedded, distributed, mobile, pervasive, cyber-physical, or service-oriented applications