5,907 research outputs found

    On testing VLSI chips for the big Viterbi decoder

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    A general technique that can be used in testing very large scale integrated (VLSI) chips for the Big Viterbi Decoder (BVD) system is described. The test technique is divided into functional testing and fault-coverage testing. The purpose of functional testing is to verify that the design works functionally. Functional test vectors are converted from outputs of software simulations which simulate the BVD functionally. Fault-coverage testing is used to detect and, in some cases, to locate faulty components caused by bad fabrication. This type of testing is useful in screening out bad chips. Finally, design for testability, which is included in the BVD VLSI chip design, is described in considerable detail. Both the observability and controllability of a VLSI chip are greatly enhanced by including the design for the testability feature

    An Integrated Test Plan for an Advanced Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design Group

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    VLSI testing poses a number of problems which includes the selection of test techniques, the determination of acceptable fault coverage levels, and test vector generation. Available device test techniques are examined and compared. Design rules should be employed to assure the design is testable. Logic simulation systems and available test utilities are compared. The various methods of test vector generation are also examined. The selection criteria for test techniques are identified. A table of proposed design rules is included. Testability measurement utilities can be used to statistically predict the test generation effort. Field reject rates and fault coverage are statistically related. Acceptable field reject rates can be achieved with less than full test vector fault coverage. The methods and techniques which are examined form the basis of the recommended integrated test plan. The methods of automatic test vector generation are relatively primitive but are improving

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability


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    System-on-chip (SOC) enables the reuse of existing IP blocks in a system, thereby making it possible to design complex systems within a short period of time. With the complexity of the design comes the problem of testing the SOC. A typical SOC can integrate many modules, therefore making it difficult to test these individual modules by accessing from the primary interfaces of the chip. To aleviate this test access issue for SOC‟s, the IEEE 1500 standard has been introduced. There are commercial tools from main EDA players such as Synopsys that can help with the insertion of the IEEE 1500 wrapper. However, most researchers have no access to the expensive tool. Even if they do, the tools are protected so they do not allow researchers access to the internal features to explore potential enhancements. There is no open source tools that can assist test researchers with the 1500 wrapper insertion. In this thesis, we illustrate our effort at automating the IEEE 1500 wrapper insertion. The design of the IEEE 1500 wrapper is done in Verilog and the automation is done using the Perl scripting language. The inserted wrapper modules are validated and an efficient approach of executing wrapper external tests is also illustrated in this thesis

    TFI-FTS: An efficient transient fault injection and fault-tolerant system for asynchronous circuits on FPGA platform

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    Designing VLSI digital circuits is challenging tasks because of testing the circuits concerning design time. The reliability and productivity of digital integrated circuits are primarily affected by the defects in the manufacturing process or systems. If the defects are more in the systems, which leads the fault in the systems. The fault tolerant systems are necessary to overcome the faults in the VLSI digital circuits. In this research article, an asynchronous circuits based an effective transient fault injection (TFI) and fault tolerant system (FTS) are modelled. The TFI system generates the faults based on BMA based LFSR with faulty logic insertion and one hot encoded register. The BMA based LFSR reduces the hardware complexity with less power consumption on-chip than standard LFSR method. The FTS uses triple mode redundancy (TMR) based majority voter logic (MVL) to tolerant the faults for asynchronous circuits. The benchmarked 74X-series circuits are considered as an asynchronous circuit for TMR logic. The TFI-FTS module is modeled using Verilog-HDL on Xilinx-ISE and synthesized on hardware platform. The Performance parameters are tabulated for TFI-FTS based asynchronous circuits. The performance of TFI-FTS Module is analyzed with 100% fault coverage. The fault coverage is validated using functional simulation of each asynchronous circuit with fault injection in TFI-FTS Module