7,545 research outputs found

    Blind adaptive equalizer for broadband MIMO time reversal STBC based on PDF fitting

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    In this paper, we propose a new blind adaptive technique used for the equalisation of space-time block coded (STBC) signals transmitted over a dispersive MIMO channel. The proposed approach is based on minimising the difference between the probability density function (PDF) of the equalizer output — estimated via the Parzen window method — and a desired PDF based on the source symbols. The cost function combines this PDF fitting with an orthogonality criterion derived from the STBC structure of the transmitted data in order to discourage the extraction of identical signals. This cost function motivates an effective and low-cost stochastic gradient descent algorithm for adapting the equaliser. The performance is demonstrated in a number of simulations and benchmarked against other blind schemes for the equalisation of STBC over broadband MIMO channels

    Calcium channel selectivity for divalent and monovalent cations. Voltage and concentration dependence of single channel current in ventricular heart cells.

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    Single channel and whole cell recordings were used to study ion permeation through Ca channels in isolated ventricular heart cells of guinea pigs. We evaluated the permeability to various divalent and monovalent cations in two ways, by measuring either unitary current amplitude or reversal potential (Erev). According to whole cell measurements of Erev, the relative permeability sequence is Ca2+ greater than Sr2+ greater than Ba2+ for divalent ions; Mg2+ is not measurably permeant. Monovalent ions follow the sequence Li+ greater than Na+ greater than K+ greater than Cs+, and are much less permeant than the divalents. These whole cell measurements were supported by single channel recordings, which showed clear outward currents through single Ca channels at strong depolarizations, similar values of Erev, and similar inflections in the current-voltage relation near Erev. Information from Erev measurements stands in contrast to estimates of open channel flux or single channel conductance, which give the sequence Na+ (85 pS) greater than Li+ (45 pS) greater than Ba2+ (20 pS) greater than Ca2+ (9 pS) near 0 mV with 110-150 mM charge carrier. Thus, ions with a higher permeability, judged by Erev, have lower ion transfer rates. In another comparison, whole cell Na currents through Ca channels are halved by less than 2 microM [Ca]o, but greater than 10 mM [Ca]o is required to produce half-maximal unitary Ca current. All of these observations seem consistent with a recent hypothesis for the mechanism of Ca channel permeation, which proposes that: ions pass through the pore in single file, interacting with multiple binding sites along the way; selectivity is largely determined by ion affinity to the binding sites rather than by exclusion by a selectivity filter; occupancy by only one Ca ion is sufficient to block the pore's high conductance for monovalent ions like Na+; rapid permeation by Ca ions depends upon double occupancy, which only becomes significant at millimolar [Ca]o, because of electrostatic repulsion or some other interaction between ions; and once double occupancy occurs, the ion-ion interaction helps promote a quick exit of Ca ions from the pore into the cell

    Pairing correlations. Part 1: description of odd nuclei in mean-field theories

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    In order to extract informations on pairing correlations in nuclei from experimental mass differences, the different contributions to odd-even mass differences are investigated within the Skyrme HFB method. In this first paper, the description of odd nuclei within HFB is discussed since it is the key point for the understanding of the above mentioned contributions. To go from an even nucleus to an odd one, the advantage of a two steps process is demonstrated and its physical content is discussed. New results concerning time-reversal symmetry breaking in odd-nuclei are also reported. PACS: 21.10Dr; 21.10.Hw; 21.30.-x. Keywords: Mean-field theories; Pairing correlations; odd nuclei;Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ballistic Quantum Transport: Effect of Geometrical Phases

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    We study the influence of nonuniform magnetic fields on the magneto conductance of mesoscopic microstructures. We show that the coupling of the electron spin to the inhomogenous field gives rise to effects of the Berry phase on ballistic quantum transport and discuss adiabaticity conditions required to observe such effects. We present numerical results for different ring geometries showing a splitting of Aharonov-Bohm conductance peaks for single rings and corresponding signatures of the geometrical phase in weak localization. The latter features can be qualitatively explained in a semiclassical approach to quantum transport.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Foundations of Physic

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe demand for high speed communication has been increasing in the past two decades. Multicarrier communication technology has been suggested to address this demand. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most widely used multicarrier technique. However, OFDM has a number of disadvantages in time-varying channels, multiple access, and cognitive radios. On the other hand, filterbank multicarrier (FBMC) communication has been suggested as an alternative to OFDM that can overcome the disadvantages of OFDM. In this dissertation, we investigate the application of filtered multitone (FMT), a subset of FBMC modulation methods, to slow fading and fast fading channels. We investigate the FMT transmitter and receiver in continuous and discrete time domains. An efficient implementation of FMT systems is derived and the conditions for perfect reconstruction in an FBMC communication system are presented. We derive equations for FMT in slow fading channels that allow evaluation of FMT when applied to mobile wireless communication systems. We consider using fractionally spaced per tone channel equalizers with different number of taps. The numerical results are presented to investigate the performance of these equalizers. The numerical results show that single-tap equalizers suffice for typical wireless channels. The equalizer design study is advanced by introducing adaptive equalizers which use channel estimation. We derive equations for a minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimator and improve the channel estimation by considering the finite duration of channel impulse response. The results of optimum equalizers (when channel is known perfectly) are compared with those of the adaptive equalizers, and it is found that a loss of 1 dB or less incurs. We also introduce a new form of FMT which is specially designed to handle doubly dispersive channels. This method is called FMT-dd (FMT for doubly dispersive channels). The proposed FMT-dd is applied to two common methods of data symbol orientation in the time-frequency space grid; namely, rectangular and hexagonal lattices. The performance of these methods along with OFDM and the conventional FMT are compared and a significant improvement in performance is observed. The FMT-dd design is applied to real-world underwater acoustic (UWA) communication channels. The experimental results from an at-sea experiment (ACOMM10) show that this new design provides a significant gain over OFDM. The feasibility of implementing a MIMO system for multicarrier UWA communication channels is studied through computer simulations. Our study emphasizes the bandwidth efficiency of multicarrier MIMO communications .We show that the value of MIMO to UWA communication is very limited

    VUV/EUV ionising radiation and atoms and ions: dual laser plasma investigations

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    The interaction of ionising radiation with atoms and ions is a key fundamental process. This report concentrates on studies of photoexcitation/photoionisation using laser-produced plasmas as continuum sources and synchronised laser plasma plumes to provide the absorbing atom or ion species. Examples from studies of the interaction of ionising radiation with atoms and ions ranging from few-electron atomic and ionic systems to the many-electron high atomic number actinides are reviewed and illustrate the advantages and limitations of the Dual Laser Plasma technique


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    In the modern warfare environment, communication is a cornerstone of combat competence. However, the increasing threat of communications-denied environments highlights the need for communications systems with low probability of intercept and detection. This is doubly true in the subsurface environment, where communications and sonar systems can reveal the tactical location of platforms and capabilities, subverting their covert mission set. A steganographic communication scheme that leverages existing technologies and unexpected data carriers is a feasible means of increasing assurance of communications, even in denied environments. This research works toward a covert communication system by determining and comparing novel symbol recovery schemes to extract data from a signal transmitted under a steganographic technique and interfered with by a simulated underwater acoustic channel. We apply techniques for reliably extracting imperceptible information from unremarkable acoustic events robust to the variability of the hostile operating environment. The system is evaluated based on performance metrics, such as transmission rate and bit error rate, and we show that our scheme is sufficient to conduct covert communications through acoustic transmissions, though we do not solve the problems of synchronization or equalization.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited