1,313 research outputs found

    Parameterized Construction of Program Representations for Sparse Dataflow Analyses

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    Data-flow analyses usually associate information with control flow regions. Informally, if these regions are too small, like a point between two consecutive statements, we call the analysis dense. On the other hand, if these regions include many such points, then we call it sparse. This paper presents a systematic method to build program representations that support sparse analyses. To pave the way to this framework we clarify the bibliography about well-known intermediate program representations. We show that our approach, up to parameter choice, subsumes many of these representations, such as the SSA, SSI and e-SSA forms. In particular, our algorithms are faster, simpler and more frugal than the previous techniques used to construct SSI - Static Single Information - form programs. We produce intermediate representations isomorphic to Choi et al.'s Sparse Evaluation Graphs (SEG) for the family of data-flow problems that can be partitioned per variables. However, contrary to SEGs, we can handle - sparsely - problems that are not in this family

    Value Flow Graph Analysis with SATIrE

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    Partial redundancy elimination is a common program optimization that attempts to improve execution time by removing superfluous computations from a program. There are two well-known classes of such techniques: syntactic and semantic methods. While semantic optimization is more powerful, traditional algorithms based on SSA from are complicated, heuristic in nature, and unable to perform certain useful optimizations. The value flow graph is a syntactic program representation modeling semantic equivalences; it allows the combination of simple syntactic partial redundancy elimination with a powerful semantic analysis. This yields an optimization that is computationally optimal and simpler than traditional semantic methods. This talk discusses partial redundancy elimination using the value flow graph. A source-to-source optimizer for C++ was implemented using the SATIrE program analysis and transformation system. Two tools integrated in SATIrE were used in the implementation: ROSE is a framework for arbitrary analyses and source-to-source transformations of C++ programs, PAG is a tool for generating data flow analyzers from functional specifications

    Future value based single assignment program representations and optimizations

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    An optimizing compiler internal representation fundamentally affects the clarity, efficiency and feasibility of optimization algorithms employed by the compiler. Static Single Assignment (SSA) as a state-of-the-art program representation has great advantages though still can be improved. This dissertation explores the domain of single assignment beyond SSA, and presents two novel program representations: Future Gated Single Assignment (FGSA) and Recursive Future Predicated Form (RFPF). Both FGSA and RFPF embed control flow and data flow information, enabling efficient traversal program information and thus leading to better and simpler optimizations. We introduce future value concept, the designing base of both FGSA and RFPF, which permits a consumer instruction to be encountered before the producer of its source operand(s) in a control flow setting. We show that FGSA is efficiently computable by using a series T1/T2/TR transformation, yielding an expected linear time algorithm for combining together the construction of the pruned single assignment form and live analysis for both reducible and irreducible graphs. As a result, the approach results in an average reduction of 7.7%, with a maximum of 67% in the number of gating functions compared to the pruned SSA form on the SPEC2000 benchmark suite. We present a solid and near optimal framework to perform inverse transformation from single assignment programs. We demonstrate the importance of unrestricted code motion and present RFPF. We develop algorithms which enable instruction movement in acyclic, as well as cyclic regions, and show the ease to perform optimizations such as Partial Redundancy Elimination on RFPF

    Generalized Points-to Graphs: A New Abstraction of Memory in the Presence of Pointers

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    Flow- and context-sensitive points-to analysis is difficult to scale; for top-down approaches, the problem centers on repeated analysis of the same procedure; for bottom-up approaches, the abstractions used to represent procedure summaries have not scaled while preserving precision. We propose a novel abstraction called the Generalized Points-to Graph (GPG) which views points-to relations as memory updates and generalizes them using the counts of indirection levels leaving the unknown pointees implicit. This allows us to construct GPGs as compact representations of bottom-up procedure summaries in terms of memory updates and control flow between them. Their compactness is ensured by the following optimizations: strength reduction reduces the indirection levels, redundancy elimination removes redundant memory updates and minimizes control flow (without over-approximating data dependence between memory updates), and call inlining enhances the opportunities of these optimizations. We devise novel operations and data flow analyses for these optimizations. Our quest for scalability of points-to analysis leads to the following insight: The real killer of scalability in program analysis is not the amount of data but the amount of control flow that it may be subjected to in search of precision. The effectiveness of GPGs lies in the fact that they discard as much control flow as possible without losing precision (i.e., by preserving data dependence without over-approximation). This is the reason why the GPGs are very small even for main procedures that contain the effect of the entire program. This allows our implementation to scale to 158kLoC for C programs

    Partial Redundancy Elimination for Access Path Expressions

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    Optimizing Orthogonal Persistence for Java (M.S. Thesis)

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    Set-Based Pre-Processing for Points-To Analysis

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    We present set-based pre-analysis: a virtually universal op- timization technique for flow-insensitive points-to analysis. Points-to analysis computes a static abstraction of how ob- ject values flow through a program’s variables. Set-based pre-analysis relies on the observation that much of this rea- soning can take place at the set level rather than the value level. Computing constraints at the set level results in sig- nificant optimization opportunities: we can rewrite the in- put program into a simplified form with the same essential points-to properties. This rewrite results in removing both local variables and instructions, thus simplifying the sub- sequent value-based points-to computation. E ectively, set- based pre-analysis puts the program in a normal form opti- mized for points-to analysis. Compared to other techniques for o -line optimization of points-to analyses in the literature, the new elements of our approach are the ability to eliminate statements, and not just variables, as well as its modularity: set-based pre-analysis can be performed on the input just once, e.g., allowing the pre-optimization of libraries that are subsequently reused many times and for di erent analyses. In experiments with Java programs, set-based pre-analysis eliminates 30% of the program’s local variables and 30% or more of computed context-sensitive points-to facts, over a wide set of bench- marks and analyses, resulting in a 20% average speedup (max: 110%, median: 18%)
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