7 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Components Using a Granularity-based Interface Between Real-Time Calculus and Timed Automata

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    To analyze complex and heterogeneous real-time embedded systems, recent works have proposed interface techniques between real-time calculus (RTC) and timed automata (TA), in order to take advantage of the strengths of each technique for analyzing various components. But the time to analyze a state-based component modeled by TA may be prohibitively high, due to the state space explosion problem. In this paper, we propose a framework of granularity-based interfacing to speed up the analysis of a TA modeled component. First, we abstract fine models to work with event streams at coarse granularity. We perform analysis of the component at multiple coarse granularities and then based on RTC theory, we derive lower and upper bounds on arrival patterns of the fine output streams using the causality closure algorithm. Our framework can help to achieve tradeoffs between precision and analysis time.Comment: QAPL 201

    Analytic real-time analysis and timed automata: a hybrid methodology for the performance analysis of embedded real-time systems

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    This paper presents a compositional and hybrid approach for the performance analysis of distributed real-time systems. The developed methodology abstracts system components by either flow-oriented and purely analytic descriptions or by state-based models in the form of timed automata. The interaction among the heterogeneous components is modeled by streams of discrete events. In total this yields a hybrid framework for the compositional analysis of embedded systems. It supplements contemporary techniques for the following reasons: (a) state space explosion as intrinsic to formal verification is limited to the level of isolated components; (b) computed performance metrics such as buffer sizes, delays and utilization rates are not overly pessimistic, because coarse-grained analytic models are used only for components that conform to the stateless model of computation. For demonstrating the usefulness of the presented ideas, a corresponding tool-chain has been implemented. It is used to investigate the performance of a two-staged computing system, where one stage exhibits state-dependent behavior that is only coarsely coverable by a purely analytic and stateless component abstraction. Finally, experiments are performed to ascertain the scalability and the accuracy of the proposed approac

    Semantics-Preserving Implementation of Synchronous Specifications Over Dynamic TDMA Distributed Architectures

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    International audienceWe propose a technique to automatically synthesize programs and schedules for hard real-time distributed (embedded) systems from synchronous data-flow models. Our technique connects the SynDEx scheduling tool and the Network Code toolchain in a seamless flow of automatic model transformations that go all the way from specification to implementation. Our contribution is the non-trivial connection between the models manipulated by SynDEx and by the Network Code toolchain, at both formal and tool level. We provide an algorithm for converting the data-dependent schedule tables output by SynDEx into Network Code programs which can be seen as an ``assembly code'' level for time-driven distributed real-time systems. The main difficulty is to ensure the preservation of both functionality and the real-time guarantees computed by SynDEx in the presence of clock drifts (which are abstracted away in the scheduling model of SynDEx). Existing tools can convert the resulting Network Code programs into software and hardware-accelerated execution units.Nous proposons une technique pour la synthèse automatique de programmes et ordonnancements pour des systèmes temps-réel (embarqués) distribués, à partir de spécifications synchrones flot de données

    Modélisation à haut niveau d'abstraction pour les systèmes embarqués

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    Modern embedded systems have reached a level of complexity such that it is no longer possible to wait for the first physical prototypes to validate choices on the integration of hardware and software components. It is necessary to use models, early in the design flow. The work presented in this document contribute to the state of the art in several domains. First, we present some verification techniques based on abstract interpretation and SMT-solving for programs written in general-purpose languages like C, C++ or Java. Then, we use verification tools on models written in SystemC at the transaction level (TLM). Several approaches are presented, most of them using compilation techniques specific to SystemC to turn the models into a format usable by existing tools. The second part of the document deal with non-functional properties of models: timing performances, power consumption and temperature. In the context of TLM, we show how functional models can be enriched with non-functional information. Finally, we present contributions to the modular performance analysis (MPA) with real-time calculus (RTC) framework. We describe several ways to connect RTC to more expressive formalisms like timed automata and the synchronous language Lustre. These connections raise the problem of causality, which is defined formally and solved with the new causality closure algorithm.Les systèmes embarqués modernes ont atteint un niveau de complexité qui fait qu'il n'est plus possible d'attendre les premiers prototypes physiques pour valider les décisions sur l'intégration des composants matériels et logiciels. Il est donc nécessaire d'utiliser des modèles, tôt dans le flot de conception. Les travaux présentés dans ce document contribuent à l'état de l'art dans plusieurs domaines. Nous présentons dans un premier temps de nouvelles techniques de vérification de programmes écrits dans des langages généralistes comme C, C++ ou Java. Dans un second temps, nous utilisons des outils de vérification formelle sur des modèles écrits en SystemC au niveau transaction (TLM). Plusieurs approches sont présentées, la plupart d'entre elles utilisent des techniques de compilations spécifiques à SystemC pour transformer le programme SystemC en un format utilisable par les outils. La seconde partie du document s'intéresse aux propriétés non-fonctionnelles des modèles~: performances temporelles, consommation électrique et température. Dans le contexte de la modélisation TLM, nous proposons plusieurs techniques pour enrichir des modèles fonctionnels avec des informations non-fonctionnelles. Enfin, nous présentons les contributions faites à l'analyse de performance modulaire (MPA) avec le calcul temps-réel (RTC). Nous proposons plusieurs connections entre ces modèles analytiques et des formalismes plus expressifs comme les automates temporisés et le langage de programmation Lustre. Ces connexion posent le problème théorique de la causalité, qui est formellement défini et résolu avec un algorithme nouveau dit de " fermeture causale "

    Compositional Analysis Techniques For Multiprocessor Soft Real-Time Scheduling

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    The design of systems in which timing constraints must be met (real-time systems) is being affected by three trends in hardware and software development. First, in the past few years, multiprocessor and multicore platforms have become standard in desktop and server systems and continue to expand in the domain of embedded systems. Second, real-time concepts are being applied in the design of general-purpose operating systems (like Linux) and attempts are being made to tailor these systems to support tasks with timing constraints. Third, in many embedded systems, it is now more economical to use a single multiprocessor instead of several uniprocessor elements; this motivates the need to share the increasing processing capacity of multiprocessor platforms among several applications supplied by different vendors and each having different timing constraints in a manner that ensures that these constraints were met. These trends suggest the need for mechanisms that enable real-time tasks to be bundled into multiple components and integrated in larger settings. There is a substantial body of prior work on the multiprocessor schedulability analysis of real-time systems modeled as periodic and sporadic task systems. Unfortunately, these standard task models can be pessimistic if long chains of dependent tasks are being analyzed. In work that introduces less pessimistic and more sophisticated workload models, only partitioned scheduling is assumed so that each task is statically assigned to some processor. This results in pessimism in the amount of needed processing resources. In this dissertation, we extend prior work on multiprocessor soft real-time scheduling and construct new analysis tools that can be used to design component-based soft real-time systems. These tools allow multiprocessor real-time systems to be designed and analyzed for which standard workload and platform models are inapplicable and for which state-of-the-art uniprocessor and multiprocessor analysis techniques give results that are too pessimistic

    A multi-mode real-time calculus

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    10.1109/RTSS.2008.47Proceedings - Real-Time Systems Symposium59-69PRSY