3,949 research outputs found

    Theoretical Analysis and Circuit Verification for Fractional-Order Chaotic Behavior in a New Hyperchaotic System

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    A novel nonlinear four-dimensional hyperchaotic system and its fractional-order form are presented. Some dynamical behaviors of this system are further investigated, including Poincaré mapping, parameter phase portraits, equilibrium points, bifurcations, and calculated Lyapunov exponents. A simple fourth-channel block circuit diagram is designed for generating strange attractors of this dynamical system. Specifically, a novel network module fractance is introduced to achieve fractional-order circuit diagram for hardware implementation of the fractional attractors of this nonlinear hyperchaotic system with order as low as 0.9. Observation results have been observed by using oscilloscope which demonstrate that the fractional-order nonlinear hyperchaotic attractors exist indeed in this new system

    Grid multi-wing butterfly chaotic attractors generated from a new 3-D quadratic autonomous system

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    Due to the dynamic characteristics of the Lorenz system, multi-wing chaotic systems are still confined in the positive half-space and fail to break the threshold limit. In this paper, a new approach for generating complex grid multi-wing attractors that can break the threshold limit via a novel nonlinear modulating function is proposed from the firstly proposed double-wing chaotic system. The proposed method is different from that of classical multi-scroll chaotic attractors generated by odd-symmetric multi-segment linear functions from Chua system. The new system is autonomous and can generate various grid multi-wing butterfly chaotic attractors without requiring any external forcing, it also can produce grid multi-wing both on the xz-plane and yz-plane. Basic properties of the new system such as dissipation property, equilibrium, stability, the Lyapunov exponent spectrum and bifurcation diagram are introduced by numerical simulation, theoretical analysis and circuit experiment, which confirm that the multi-wing attractors chaotic system has more rich and complicated chaotic dynamics. Finally, a novel module-based unified circuit is designed which provides some principles and guidelines for future circuitry design and engineering application. The circuit experimental results are consistent with the numerical simulation results.&nbsp

    Memristive cellular automata for modeling of epileptic brain activity

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cellular Automata (CA) is a nature-inspired and widespread computational model which is based on the collective and emergent parallel computing capability of units (cells) locally interconnected in an abstract brain-like structure. Each such unit, referred as CA cell, performs simplistic computations/processes. However, a network of such identical cells can exhibit nonlinear behavior and be used to model highly complex physical phenomena and processes and to solve problems that are highly complicated for conventional computers. Brain activity has always been considered one of the most complex physical processes and its modeling is of utter importance. This work combines the CA parallel computing capability with the nonlinear dynamics of the memristor, aiming to model brain activity during the epileptic seizures caused by the spreading of pathological dynamics from focal to healthy brain regions. A CA-based confrontation extended to include long-range interactions, combined with the recent notion of memristive electronics, is thus proposed as a modern and promising parallel approach to modeling of such complex physical phenomena. Simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed design and the appropriate reproduction of the spreading of an epileptic seizure.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A universal variable extension method for designing multi-scroll/wing chaotic systems

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    © 2023 IEEE. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2023.3299020Developing a universal design method to construct different multiscroll/wing chaotic systems (MS/WCSs) has been challenging. This article proposes a general design method for MS // WCSs called the universal variable extension method (UVEM). It is a simple but effective approach that generates one-direction (1-D) and 2-D multiscroll/wing chaotic attractors. Using any double-scroll/wing chaotic system as the basic system, the UVEM is able to construct different MS/WCSs. Employing Chua's chaotic system and Lorenz chaotic system as two examples, we construct two MSCSs (including 1-D and 2-D) and two MWCSs (including 1-D and 2-D), respectively. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation show that the constructed MS/WCSs not only can generate 1-D and 2-D multiscroll/wing chaotic attractors but also have 1-D and 2-D initial boosting behaviors. This means that the MS/WCSs designed by the UVEM are very sensitive to their initial states, and have better unpredictability and more complex chaotic behaviors. To show the simplicity of UVEM in hardware implementation, we develop a field-programmable gate array-based digital hardware platform to implement the designed MS // WCSs. Finally, a new pseudorandom number generator is proposed to investigate the application of the MS/WCSs. All P-values obtained by the NIST SP800-22 test are larger than 0.01, which indicates that the MS/WCSs designed by UVEM have high randomness.Peer reviewe

    Electronic Simulation and Hardware Implementation of Two Coupled Periodically Forced Duffing and Van der Pol oscillators and its Application to Secure Communication

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    Confirmation of the existence of complex behavior and synchronization of non-identical chaotic systems as reported in literature attracts much interest in secure communication, but practical implementation is still challenging. In this work, the dynamics of coupled non-identical circuits comprising periodically forced Duffing and Van der Pol oscillators is investigated via electronic simulation using Multism software and hardware implementation on electronic circuits board. After complete synchronization is achieved between the Duffing (Transmitter) and Van der Pol (receiver) circuits through the variation of the coupling resistor of the controller, its application to secure communication is therefore demonstrated experimentally and via multism. The results from the electronic simulation and hardware implementation on bread board using analog components are in good agreement with the numerical results in literature

    Development of an Encrypted Wireless System for Body Sensor Network Applications

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    Wireless body area networks (WBAN), also called wireless body sensor networks (WBSN), consist of a collection of wireless sensor nodes used to monitor and assess various human physiological conditions, which can then be used by healthcare professionals to help them make important healthcare decisions. They can be used to prevent disease, help diagnosis a disease, or manage the symptoms of a disease. An extremely important aspect of WBAN is security to protect a patient\u27s healthcare information, as a hacker could potentially cause fatal harm. Current security measures are implemented in software at the MAC layer and higher, not in the physical layer. Previous research demonstrated a chaotic encryption cipher to add a layer of security in the physical layer. This cipher exploits different properties of the Lorenz chaotic system to encrypt and decrypt digital data. Decryption involved synchronizing two chaotic signals to recover original data by sharing a state between the transmitter and receiver. In this thesis, we further develop the encryption system by implementing wireless capabilities. We use two approaches: the first by using commercially available wireless microcontrollers that communicate using Bluetooth Low Energy, and the second by the design and fabrication of a dual-band low noise amplifier (LNA) that can be used in a receiver for WBANs collecting data from implantable and on-the-body sensors. For the first approach, a custom Bluetooth Low Energy profile was created for streaming the analog encrypted signal, and signal processing was done at the receiver side. For the second approach, the LNA operates at the Medical Implant Communication System (MICS) band and the 915 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band simultaneously through dual-band input and output matching networks

    Electric Drives in Alternative Fuel Vehicles — Some New Definitions and Methodologies

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    This chapter focuses on some new definitions and methodologies of electric drives that are facing new challenges raised by alternative fuel vehicles. It starts with the objectives, fundamentals, and current research issues of alternative fuel vehicles based electric drives, before moving on to new definitions of unified modeling of the entire electric drive system and design of the proposed DC active power filter aimed at energy storage system chaotic current elimination. Next, novel motor control strategies taking into account alternative fuel vehicle operations are presented for improvement of sensorless drive and flux weakening control performance. Finally, conclusions of this chapter are drawn

    A New Chaotic Map for Secure Transmission

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    The secure communication through synchronization between two identic chaotic systems have recently gained a lot of interest. To implement a robust secure system based on synchronization, there is always a need to generate new discrete dynamical systems and investigate their performances in terms of amount of randomness they have and the ability to achieve synchronization smoothly. In this work, a new chaotic system, named Nahrain, is proposed and tested for the possible use in secure transmission via chaos synchronization as well as in cryptography applications. The performance of the proposed chaotic system is tested using 0-1 test, while NIST suite tests are used to check the randomness statistical properties. The nonlinear control laws are used to verify the synchronization of master-slave parts of the proposed system. The simulation results show that Nahrain system has chaotic behavior and synchronizable, while the equivalent binary sequence of the system has excellent randomness statistical properties. The numerical results obtained using MATLAB for 0-1 test was 0.9864, and for frequency test was 0.4202, while for frequency test within a block was 0.4311. As a result, the new proposed system can be used to develop efficient encryption and synchronization algorithms for multimedia secure transmission applications