685 research outputs found

    Developing Globally-Asynchronous Locally- Synchronous Systems through the IOPT-Flow Framework

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    Throughout the years, synchronous circuits have increased in size and com-plexity, consequently, distributing a global clock signal has become a laborious task. Globally-Asynchronous Locally-Synchronous (GALS) systems emerge as a possible solution; however, these new systems require new tools. The DS-Pnet language formalism and the IOPT-Flow framework aim to support and accelerate the development of cyber-physical systems. To do so it offers a tool chain that comprises a graphical editor, a simulator and code gener-ation tools capable of generating C, JavaScript and VHDL code. However, DS-Pnets and IOPT-Flow are not yet tuned to handle GALS systems, allowing for partial specification, but not a complete one. This dissertation proposes extensions to the DS-Pnet language and the IOPT-Flow framework in order to allow development of GALS systems. Addi-tionally, some asynchronous components were created, these form interfaces that allow synchronous blocks within a GALS system to communicate with each other

    Master of Science

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    thesisThis thesis designs, implements, and evaluates modular Open Core Protocol (OCP) interfaces for Intellectual Property (IP) cores and Network-on-Chip (NoC) that re- duces System-On-Chip (SoC) design time and enables research on di erent architectural sequencing control methods. To utilize the NoCs design time optimization feature at the boundaries, a standardized industry socket was required, which can address the SoC shorter time-to-market requirements, design issues, and also the subsequent reuse of developed IP cores. OCP is an open industry standard socket interface speci cation used in this research to enable the IP cores reusability across multiple SoC designs. This research work designs and implements clocked OCP interfaces between IP cores and On-Chip Network Fabric (NoC), in single- and multi- frequency clocked domains. The NoC interfaces between IP cores and on-chip network fabric are implemented using the standard network interface structure. It consists of back-end and front-end submodules corresponding to customized interfaces to IP cores or network fabric and OCP Master and Slave entities, respectively. A generic domain interface (DI) protocol is designed which acts as the bridge between back-end and front-end submodules for synchronization and data ow control. Clocked OCP interfaces are synthesized, placed and routed using IBM's 65nm process technology. The implemented designs are veri ed for OCP compliance using SOLV (Sonics OCP Library for Veri cation). Finally, this thesis reports the performance metrics such as design target frequency of operation, latency, area, energy per transaction, and maximum bandwidth across network on-chip for single- and multifrequency clocked designs

    Asynchronous interfaces for IOPT-Flow to support GALS systems

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    45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society: Lisbon, Portugal: oct. 14-17, 2019Throughout the course of time, distributing a global clock signal over a synchronous circuit has become a demanding task as a result of the broadening size and complexity of modern circuits. Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) systems emerge as a solution to the laborious task of distributing a global clock over a large circuit, through the partitioning of said circuit into smaller, and therefore, more manageable blocks. The DS-Pnet (Dataflow, Signals and Petri nets) modelling language and its associated framework IOPT-Flow focus on supporting the development of cyber-physical systems, however, they may be a strong push to the development of GALS systems, through their multiple available tools that comprise a graphical editor, a simulator and automatic code generation tools, namely a VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) code generator. In order to facilitate the implementation of said GALS system in the IOPT-Flow framework, some components were created, these work together to form asynchronous interfaces that are a crucial element to any GALS system, thus providing options to designers that intent to develop a GALS system utilizing the IOPT-Flow framework

    CoFHEE: A Co-processor for Fully Homomorphic Encryption Execution

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    The migration of computation to the cloud has raised privacy concerns as sensitive data becomes vulnerable to attacks since they need to be decrypted for processing. Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) mitigates this issue as it enables meaningful computations to be performed directly on encrypted data. Nevertheless, FHE is orders of magnitude slower than unencrypted computation, which hinders its practicality and adoption. Therefore, improving FHE performance is essential for its real world deployment. In this paper, we present a year-long effort to design, implement, fabricate, and post-silicon validate a hardware accelerator for Fully Homomorphic Encryption dubbed CoFHEE. With a design area of 12mm212mm^2, CoFHEE aims to improve performance of ciphertext multiplications, the most demanding arithmetic FHE operation, by accelerating several primitive operations on polynomials, such as polynomial additions and subtractions, Hadamard product, and Number Theoretic Transform. CoFHEE supports polynomial degrees of up to n=214n = 2^{14} with a maximum coefficient sizes of 128 bits, while it is capable of performing ciphertext multiplications entirely on chip for n≤213n \leq 2^{13}. CoFHEE is fabricated in 55nm CMOS technology and achieves 250 MHz with our custom-built low-power digital PLL design. In addition, our chip includes two communication interfaces to the host machine: UART and SPI. This manuscript presents all steps and design techniques in the ASIC development process, ranging from RTL design to fabrication and validation. We evaluate our chip with performance and power experiments and compare it against state-of-the-art software implementations and other ASIC designs. Developed RTL files are available in an open-source repository

    Ninth Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, October 20-22, 2008

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, October 20-22, 2008. The workshop is organised by the CPN group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The papers are also available in electronic form via the web pages: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop0

    Formal Verification of Probabilistic SystemC Models with Statistical Model Checking

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    Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been very successful in describing the behavior of embedded systems by providing high-level executable models, in which many of them have inherent probabilistic behaviors, e.g., random data and unreliable components. It thus is crucial to have both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the probabilities of system properties. Such analysis can be conducted by constructing a formal model of the system under verification and using Probabilistic Model Checking (PMC). However, this method is infeasible for large systems, due to the state space explosion. In this article, we demonstrate the successful use of Statistical Model Checking (SMC) to carry out such analysis directly from large SystemC models and allow designers to express a wide range of useful properties. The first contribution of this work is a framework to verify properties expressed in Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (BLTL) for SystemC models with both timed and probabilistic characteristics. Second, the framework allows users to expose a rich set of user-code primitives as atomic propositions in BLTL. Moreover, users can define their own fine-grained time resolution rather than the boundary of clock cycles in the SystemC simulation. The third contribution is an implementation of a statistical model checker. It contains an automatic monitor generation for producing execution traces of the model-under-verification (MUV), the mechanism for automatically instrumenting the MUV, and the interaction with statistical model checking algorithms.Comment: Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Wiley, 2017. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0818

    Petri nets based components within globally asynchronous locally synchronous systems

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresThe main goal is to develop a solution for the interconnection of components constituent of a GALS - Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous – system. The components are implemented in parallel obtained as a result of the partition of a model expressed a Petri net (PN), performed using the PNs editor SNOOPY-IOPT in conjunction with the Split tool and the tools to automatically generate the VHDL code from the representations of the PNML models resulting from the partition (these tools were developed under the project FORDESIGN and are available at http://www.uninova.pt/FORDESIGN). Typical solutions will be analyzed to ensure proper communication between components of the GALS system, as well as characterized and developed an appropriate solution for the interconnection of the components associated with the PN sub-models. The final goal (not attained with this thesis) would be to acquire a tool that allows generation of code for the interconnection solution from the associated components, considering a specific application. The solution proposed for componentes interconnection was coded in VHDL and the implementation platforms used for testing include the Xilinx FPGA Spartan-3 and Virtex-II

    A Modular Approach to Adaptive Reactive Streaming Systems

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    The latest generations of FPGA devices offer large resource counts that provide the headroom to implement large-scale and complex systems. However, there are increasing challenges for the designer, not just because of pure size and complexity, but also in harnessing effectively the flexibility and programmability of the FPGA. A central issue is the need to integrate modules from diverse sources to promote modular design and reuse. Further, the capability to perform dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) of FPGA devices means that implemented systems can be made reconfigurable, allowing components to be changed during operation. However, use of DPR typically requires low-level planning of the system implementation, adding to the design challenge. This dissertation presents ReShape: a high-level approach for designing systems by interconnecting modules, which gives a ‘plug and play’ look and feel to the designer, is supported by tools that carry out implementation and verification functions, and is carried through to support system reconfiguration during operation. The emphasis is on the inter-module connections and abstracting the communication patterns that are typical between modules – for example, the streaming of data that is common in many FPGA-based systems, or the reading and writing of data to and from memory modules. ShapeUp is also presented as the static precursor to ReShape. In both, the details of wiring and signaling are hidden from view, via metadata associated with individual modules. ReShape allows system reconfiguration at the module level, by supporting type checking of replacement modules and by managing the overall system implementation, via metadata associated with its FPGA floorplan. The methodology and tools have been implemented in a prototype for a broad domain-specific setting – networking systems – and have been validated on real telecommunications design projects
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