32 research outputs found

    An imaging algorithm for spaceborne high-squint L-band SAR based on time-domain rotation

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    For spaceborne high-squint L-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR), the long wavelength and high-squint angle result in strong coupling between the range and azimuth directions. In conventional imaging algorithms, linear range walk correction (LRWC) is commonly used to correct linear range cell migration which dominates the coupling. However, LRWC introduces spatial variation in the azimuth direction, limits the depth-of-azimuth-focus (DOAF) and affects the imaging quality. This article constructs a polynomial range model and develops a modified omega-k algorithm to achieve spaceborne high-squint L-band SAR imaging. The key to this algorithm is to rotate the two-dimensional (2-D) data after LRWC in the time domain by a proposed time-rotation (TR) operation that eliminates the DOAF degradation caused by LRWC. The proposed algorithm, which is composed of LRWC, bulk compression, TR, and modified Stolt interpolation, achieves well-focused results at a 1-m resolution and a swath of 4 km × 4 km at a squint angle of 45°

    Squint mode GEO SAR imaging using bulk range walk correction on received signals

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    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar (GEO SAR) has the potential for conducting long-term observation of target zones, which is essential for remote sensing applications such as disaster monitoring and vegetation measurements. The squint imaging mode is crucial for long-term observation using GEO SAR. However, this type of SAR imaging is problematic because the squint mode introduces a nonzero range cell walk, which increases the prevalence of invalid data in echoes and intensifies the coupling between the azimuth and range. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel squint mode GEO SAR imaging method based on the correction of the bulk range walk of received signals. Adjusting the starting time of the receiving window significantly reduces the redundancy in echoes. Then, first-order filtering, range cell migration correction, range compression, partial dechirp, and azimuth compression are used to obtain the imaging result. Simulation results for the GEO SAR imaging ofWenchuan County in China demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve a resolution of 5 m within a 30 × 30 km swath over 48% of the orbital period

    Radar Imaging in Challenging Scenarios from Smart and Flexible Platforms

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    A Beam-Segmenting Polar Format Algorithm Based on Double PCS for Video SAR Persistent Imaging

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    Video synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is attracting more attention in recent years due to its abilities of high resolution, high frame rate and advantages in continuous observation. Generally, the polar format algorithm (PFA) is an efficient algorithm for spotlight mode video SAR. However, in the process of PFA, the wavefront curvature error (WCE) limits the imaging scene size and the 2-D interpolation affects the efficiency. To solve the aforementioned problems, a beam-segmenting PFA based on principle of chirp scaling (PCS), called BS-PCS-PFA, is proposed for video SAR imaging, which has the capability of persistent imaging for different carrier frequencies video SAR. Firstly, an improved PCS applicable to video SAR PFA is proposed to replace the 2-D interpolation and the coarse image in the ground output coordinate system (GOCS) is obtained. As for the distortion or defocus existing in the coarse image, a novel sub-block imaging method based on beam-segmenting fast filtering is proposed to segment the image into multiple sub-beam data, whose distortion and defocus can be ignored when the equivalent size of sub-block is smaller than the distortion negligible region. Through processing the sub-beam data and mosaicking the refocused subimages, the full image in GOCS without distortion and defocus is obtained. Moreover, a three-step MoCo method is applied to the algorithm for the adaptability to the actual irregular trajectories. The proposed method can significantly expand the effective scene size of PFA, and the better operational efficiency makes it more suitable for video SAR imaging. The feasibility of the algorithm is verified by the experimental data

    Research progress on geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar

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    Based on its ability to obtain two-dimensional (2D) high-resolution images in all-time and all-weather conditions, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has become an important remote sensing technique and the study of such systems has entered a period of vigorous development. Advanced imaging modes such as radar interferometry, tomography, and multi-static imaging, have been demonstrated. However, current in-orbit spaceborne SARs, which all operate in low Earth orbits, have relatively long revisit times ranging from several days to dozens of days, restricting their temporal sampling rate. Geosynchronous SAR (GEO SAR) is an active research area because it provides significant new capability, especially its much-improved temporal sampling. This paper reviews the research progress of GEO SAR technologies in detail. Two typical orbit schemes are presented, followed by the corresponding key issues, including system design, echo focusing, main disturbance factors, repeat-track interferometry, etc, inherent to these schemes. Both analysis and solution research of the above key issues are described. GEO SAR concepts involving multiple platforms are described, including the GEO SAR constellation, GEO-LEO/airborne/unmanned aerial vehicle bistatic SAR, and formation flying GEO SAR (FF-GEO SAR). Due to the high potential of FF-GEO SAR for three-dimensional (3D) deformation retrieval and coherence-based SAR tomography (TomoSAR), we have recently carried out some research related to FF-GEO SAR. This research, which is also discussed in this paper, includes developing a formation design method and an improved TomoSAR processing algorithm. It is found that GEO SAR will continue to be an active topic in the aspect of data processing and multi-platform concept in the near future

    Efficient SAR MTI simulator of marine scenes

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    Tècniques de detecció de moviment amb radars d'apertura sintètica multicanals sobre escenaris marítims.[ANGLÈS] Multichannel spaceborne and airborne synthetic aperture radars (SAR) offer the opportunity to monitor maritime traffic through specially designed instruments and applying a suitable signal processing in order to reject sea surface clutter. These processing techniques are known as Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) and the choice of the most adequate method depends on the radar system and operating environment. In maritime scenes the seas presents a complicated clutter whose temporal/spatial coherence models and background reflectivity depends on a large number of factors and are still subject of research. Moreover the targets kinematics are influenced by the sea conditions, producing in some situations high alterations in the imaged target. These aspects make difficult the detectability analysis of vessels in maritime scenarios, requiring both theoretical models and numerical simulations. This thesis looks into the few available MTI techniques and deals experimentally with them in a developed simulator for maritime SAR images. The results are also presented in a image format, giving the sequence for one trial simulation and the asymptotic probability of detection for the simulated conditions.[CASTELLÀ] Los radares de apertura sintética (SAR) multicanal a bordo de satélites o plataformas aerotransportadas ofrecen la oportunidad de monitorizar el tráfico marítimo a través de instrumentos especialmente diseñados y procesando los datos recibidos de forma adecuada para rechazar la señal provocada por la reflexión del mar. A estas técnicas se las conoce como Moving Target Indication techniques (MTI) y la elección de la más adecuada depende del sistema y del entorno de aplicación. En escenarios marinos, el mar presenta un clutter complicado de modelar, cuya coherencia espacio-temporal y reflectividad radar dependen de un gran número de factores que hoy en día todavía siguen siendo investigados. Por otra parte los parámetros dinámicos del target estan influenciados por las condiciones del mar, produciendo en algunas situaciones graves alteraciones en la formación de la imagen. Estos aspectos dificultan el análisis de la detección de las embarcaciones, requiriendo modelos teóricos y simulaciones numéricas. Este Proyecto Final de Carrera investiga las técnicas MTI disponibles, aplicándolas sobre las imágenes marítimas generadas por un simulador SAR. Los resultados son la generación de los productos MTI en formato imagen y el cálculo de la probabilidad de detección para cada target.[CATALÀ] Els radars d'obertura sintètica (SAR) multicanal embarcats en satèl·lits o plataformes aerotransportades ofereixen l'oportunitat de monitoritzar el tràfic marítim a través d'instruments especialment dissenyats i processant les dades rebudes de forma adequada per rebutjar la senyal provocada per la reflexió del mar. A aquestes tècniques se les coneix com Moving Target indication techniques (MTI) i l'elecció de la més adequada depèn del sistema i de l'entorn d'aplicació. En escenaris marins, el mar presenta un clutter complicat de modelar, la coherència espai-temporal i reflectivitat radar depenen d'un gran nombre de factors que avui dia encara segueixen sent investigats. D'altra banda els paràmetres dinàmics del target estan influenciats per les condicions de la mar, produint en algunes situacions greus alteracions en la formació de la imatge. Aquests aspectes dificulten l'anàlisi de la detecció de les embarcacions, requerint models teòrics i simulacions numèriques. Aquest Projecte Final de Carrera investiga les tècniques MTI disponibles, aplicant-les sobre les imatges marítimes generades per un simulador SAR. Els resultats són la generació dels productes MTI en format imatge i el càlcul de la probabilitat asimptòtica de detecció per a cada target

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar : design and applications

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging from geosynchronous orbit has significant potential advantages over conventional low-Earth orbit (LEO) radars, but also challenges to overcome. This thesis investigates both active and passive geosynchronous SAR configurations, presenting their different features and advantages. Following a system design trade-off that involved phase uncertainties, link budget, frequency and integration time, an L band bi-static configuration with 8-hour integration time that reuses the signal from a non-cooperative transmitter has been presented as a suitable solution. Cranfield Space Research Centre looked into this configuration and proposed the GeoSAR concept, an L band bi-static SAR based on the concept by Prati et al. (1998). It flies along a circular ground track orbit, reuses the signal coming from a noncooperative transmitter in GEO and achieves a spatial resolution of about 100 m. The present research contributes to the GeoSAR concept exploring the implications due to the 8-hour integration time and providing insights about its performance and its possible fields of application. Targets such as canopies change their backscattered phase on timescales of seconds due to their motion. On longer time scales, changes in dielectric properties of targets, Earth tides and perturbations in the structure of the atmosphere contribute to generate phase fluctuations in the collected signals. These phenomena bring temporal decorrelation and cause a reduction in SAR coherent integration gain. They have to be compensated for if useful images are to be provided. A SAR azimuth simulator has been developed to study the influence of temporal decorrelation on GeoSAR point spread function. The analysis shows that ionospheric delay is the major source of decorrelation; other effects, such as tropospheric delay and Earth tides, have to be dealt with but appear to be easier to handle. Two different options for GeoSAR interferometry have been discussed. The system is well suited to differential interferometry, due to the short perpendicular baseline induced by the geometry. A GeoSAR has advantages over a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SAR system to monitor processes with significant variability over daily or shorter timescales (e.g. soil moisture variation). This potential justifies further study of the concept.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar : design and applications

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging from geosynchronous orbit has significant potential advantages over conventional low-Earth orbit (LEO) radars, but also challenges to overcome. This thesis investigates both active and passive geosynchronous SAR configurations, presenting their different features and advantages. Following a system design trade-off that involved phase uncertainties, link budget, frequency and integration time, an L band bi-static configuration with 8-hour integration time that reuses the signal from a non-cooperative transmitter has been presented as a suitable solution. Cranfield Space Research Centre looked into this configuration and proposed the GeoSAR concept, an L band bi-static SAR based on the concept by Prati et al. (1998). It flies along a circular ground track orbit, reuses the signal coming from a noncooperative transmitter in GEO and achieves a spatial resolution of about 100 m. The present research contributes to the GeoSAR concept exploring the implications due to the 8-hour integration time and providing insights about its performance and its possible fields of application. Targets such as canopies change their backscattered phase on timescales of seconds due to their motion. On longer time scales, changes in dielectric properties of targets, Earth tides and perturbations in the structure of the atmosphere contribute to generate phase fluctuations in the collected signals. These phenomena bring temporal decorrelation and cause a reduction in SAR coherent integration gain. They have to be compensated for if useful images are to be provided. A SAR azimuth simulator has been developed to study the influence of temporal decorrelation on GeoSAR point spread function. The analysis shows that ionospheric delay is the major source of decorrelation; other effects, such as tropospheric delay and Earth tides, have to be dealt with but appear to be easier to handle. Two different options for GeoSAR interferometry have been discussed. The system is well suited to differential interferometry, due to the short perpendicular baseline induced by the geometry. A GeoSAR has advantages over a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SAR system to monitor processes with significant variability over daily or shorter timescales (e.g. soil moisture variation). This potential justifies further study of the concept.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatibility

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    Recent Topics in Electromagnetic Compatability discusses several topics in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), including measurements, shielding, emission, interference, biomedical devices, and numerical modeling. Over five sections, chapters address the electromagnetic spectrum of corona discharge, life cycle assessment of flexible electromagnetic shields, EMC requirements for implantable medical devices, analysis and design of absorbers for EMC applications, artificial surfaces, and media for EMC and EMI shielding, and much more

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries