10 research outputs found

    A model driven architecture for enterprise application integration

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    Integration Manager Technology in ERP Application System (Case Study: PT. Argo Pantes, tbk)

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    Many companies are already using ERP application systems but still do not utilize information technology as an interest in helping to achieve the goals of the company's vision. The process of inputting the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) application data that prioritizes data integration, the accuracy of the data from the master data to the daily transaction data is then recorded into a financial statement information for the related. From this research, the results achieved are the ERP application system in inputting data integration processes, master data and transaction data are able to validate the level of data accuracy with the help of the INTEGRATION MANAGER Technology which functions as the initial data matrix with ready-to-report data in an ERP application system, As for the TOWS Matrix Analysis external environment (threats and opportunities), and internal environment (weaknesses and strengths) in summarizing the conclusions reached are to help the accuracy of the data in the ERP application of PT. Argo Pantes, Tbk is more structured, more efficient, reduces input errors, input data is correct, accompanied by uptodate managerial decision

    Measuring Readiness of ERP Application Implementation Using The Balanced Scorecard Method

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    The paper entitled "Measuring Readiness Of ERP Application Implementation Using The Balanced Scorecard Method". The author takes the title as the background of the increasing number of companies that have started implementing the government's proposal, namely Industry 4.0, where each company is required to have an integrated system in making financial reports for internal and external purposes, many companies carry out Governance by re-implementing the system. The preparation process in implementing an integrated system is very important, because the implementation process is quite long and also the cost is not small, therefore we need a method that functions to provide a measurement in the form of a value or score to assist management in making appropriate and appropriate decisions. This preparation process is mature and the implementation process can be successful as expected. The Balanced Scorecard method prioritizes 4 perspectives, namely: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, learning and growth perspective. However, the perspective to be measured is the perspective of internal business processes and the perspective of learning growth. From this research, the results achieved are suggestions in determining planning which will be continued into an ERP application information system project managementMakalah yang berjudul “MENGUKUR PELAKSANAAN APLIKASI ERP MENGGUNAKAN METODE BALANCED SCORECARD”. Penulis mengambil judul tersebut sebagai latar belakang semakin banyaknya perusahaan yang sudah mulai melaksanakan usulan pemerintah yaitu Industri 4.0 dimana setiap perusahaan dituntut memiliki sistem yang terintegrasi dalam pembuatan laporan keuangan untuk keperluan internal maupun eksternal, banyak perusahaan yang melaksanakannya. Tata kelola dengan menerapkan kembali sistem. Proses persiapan dalam mengimplementasikan sistem terintegrasi sangat penting, karena proses implementasinya cukup lama dan juga biayanya yang tidak sedikit, oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu metode yang berfungsi untuk memberikan pengukuran berupa nilai atau skor untuk membantu manajemen dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat dan tepat. Proses persiapan ini matang dan proses implementasi dapat berjalan sesuai harapan. Metode Balanced Scorecard mengutamakan 4 perspektif, yaitu: perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal, perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Namun perspektif yang akan diukur adalah perspektif proses bisnis internal dan perspektif pertumbuhan pembelajaran. Dari penelitian ini, hasil yang dicapai berupa saran-saran dalam menentukan perencanaan yang akan dilanjutkan ke dalam suatu sistem informasi manajemen proyek aplikasi ERP

    A Procedure Model for Integrating Retailers into Digital Platforms

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    The integration into digital platforms is a vital countermeasure for retailers to counter rising customer expectations, emerging competition, and rapid technological developments. To break down the behemoth of integration projects into smaller steps, we synthesized a procedure model incorporating requirements from scientific literature and practice. We applied design science research to derive a well-structured and scientifically sound artifact that was evaluated in eleven interviews with practitioners. Our analysis revealed that integrating retailers into digital platforms can be standardized for different types and depths following specific guidelines outlined in the proposed procedure model of this work. Furthermore, the integration shows many similarities to other domains, especially when considering small- and medium-sized organisations. However, there are some peculiarities for retailers that could rationalize a distinct view on the integration

    TietojÀrjestelmien ja -tarpeiden diagnoosi integraation esisuunnitteluvaiheessa osana yritysjÀrjestelyÀ rakennusyrityksen kannalta

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    YritysjÀrjestelyt ovat yleistyneet rakennusyrityksien kasvun ja maantieteellisen laajenemisen takia merkittÀvÀsti 10 viimeisen vuoden aikana. YritysjÀrjestelyillÀ tarkoitetaan erilaisia keinoja muuttaa yritysten omistus- ja toimintarakenteita monimuotoisten motiivien takia tai erinÀisten strategisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. TÀllaisia yritysjÀrjestelykeinoja ovat muun muassa yritysfuusiot ja -ostot. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittÀÀ rakennusyrityksen yritysjÀrjestelyprosessia tietoteknisestÀ nÀkökulmasta erityisesti alkuvaiheen diagnoosin osalta ja YIT Oyj:n (case-yrityksen) tapauksessa. Tutkimuksen ratkaisuna syntyi ehdotus diagnoosin suoritustavaksi ja pÀÀsisÀllöksi osana yritysjÀrjestelyprosesseja. Ehdotettu diagnoosi sisÀltÀÀ myös nÀkökohdat siitÀ, miten tietoteknisesti mahdollistetaan ostajan ja ostokohteen liiketoiminnallisten funktioiden yh-distÀminen. Diagnoosin suunnittelu perustuu kirjallisuustutkimuksen ja case-yrityksen sisÀisen haastattelututkimuksen tuloksiin. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen tuloksena raportoitiin valitut teoreettiset viitekehykset ja muut nÀkökohdat yritysjÀrjestelyjen, tietojÀrjestelmien ja ydintietojen hallinnan alueilla. NÀitÀ tuloksia hyödynnettiin lÀhtökohtina haastattelututkimuksen suunnittelussa ja diagnoosin kehittÀmisessÀ. Haastattelut kohdistettiin case-yrityksessÀ ulkomaisista yritysostoista kokemusta omaaviin asuntorakentamisen yksiköiden vetÀjiin ja IT:n ammattilaisiin. Tuloksena mÀÀritettiin kriittiset kohteet liiketoimintaprosesseissa sekÀ kÀytettÀvÀt tietojÀrjestelmÀt ja tarvittavat ydintiedot yritysjÀrjestelyn edetessÀ. Diagnoosiehdotuksen suunnittelu perustui em. tulosten lisÀksi case-yrityksessÀ kÀytössÀ oleviin yritysjÀrjestelyhallinnan menetelmiin. Diagnoosi tulee kohdistaa kriittisiin kohtiin projektitiedon, asiakastiedon sekÀ kokoavien, taloudellisten ja raportoivien tietojÀrjestelmien alueilla. Ehdotetun diagnoosin arvioidaan soveltuvan periaatetasolla Suomesta kÀsin kansainvÀlistyvien ra-kennusyritysten yritysjÀrjestelyjen hallintaan. Case-yritykselle ehdotetaan diagnoosin vÀlitöntÀ kÀyttöönottoa ja testausta seuraavissa yritysostoissa. Jatkotutkimusta ehdotetaan suunnattavaksi tietojÀrjestelmien arvottamiseen, ydintietojen luokitteluun ja yritysjÀrjestelyjen yhteydessÀ tarvittavien analysointi- ja mittausmenetelmien kehittÀmiseen

    The Impact of Petri Nets on System-of-Systems Engineering

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    The successful engineering of a large-scale system-of-systems project towards deterministic behaviour depends on integrating autonomous components using international communications standards in accordance with dynamic requirements. To-date, their engineering has been unsuccessful: no combination of top-down and bottom-up engineering perspectives is adopted, and information exchange protocol and interfaces between components are not being precisely specified. Various approaches such as modelling, and architecture frameworks make positive contributions to system-of-systems specification but their successful implementation is still a problem. One of the most popular modelling notations available for specifying systems, UML, is intuitive and graphical but also ambiguous and imprecise. Supplying a range of diagrams to represent a system under development, UML lacks simulation and exhaustive verification capability. This shortfall in UML has received little attention in the context of system-of-systems and there are two major research issues: 1. Where the dynamic, behavioural diagrams of UML can and cannot be used to model and analyse system-of-systems 2. Determining how Petri nets can be used to improve the specification and analysis of the dynamic model of a system-of-systems specified using UML This thesis presents the strengths and weaknesses of Petri nets in relation to the specification of system-of-systems and shows how Petri net models can be used instead of conventional UML Activity Diagrams. The model of the system-of-systems can then be analysed and verified using Petri net theory. The Petri net formalism of behaviour is demonstrated using two case studies from the military domain. The first case study uses Petri nets to specify and analyse a close air support mission. This case study concludes by indicating the strengths, weaknesses, and shortfalls of the proposed formalism in system-of-systems specification. The second case study considers specification of a military exchange network parameters problem and the results are compared with the strengths and weaknesses identified in the first case study. Finally, the results of the research are formulated in the form of a Petri net enhancement to UML (mapping existing activity diagram elements to Petri net elements) to meet the needs of system-of-systems specification, verification and validation

    Design and development of a REST-based Web service platform for applications integration

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    Web services have attracted attention as a possible solution to share knowledge and application logic among different heterogeneous agents. A classic approach to this subject is using SOAP, a W3C protocol aimed to exchange structured information. The Web Services Interoperability organization (WS-I), defines a set of extensions, commonly called WS-*, which further enhance this knowledge exchange defining mechanisms and functionalities such as security, addressability or service composition. This thesis explores a relatively new alternative approach to the SOAP/WS-I stack: REST-based Web services. The acronym REST stands for Representational state transfer; this basically means that each unique URL is a representation of some object. You can get the contents of that object using an HTTP GET; you then might use a POST, PUT or DELETE to modify the object (in practice most of the services use a POST for this). All of Yahoo’s Web services use REST, including Flickr; del.icio.us API uses it; pubsub [http://www.pubsub.com/], Bloglines [http://www.bloglines.com/], Technorati [http://technorati.com/] and both, eBay and Amazon, have Web services for both REST and SOAP. Google seems to be consistent in implementing their Web services to use SOAP, with the exception of Blogger, which uses XML-RPC. The companies and organization that are using REST APIs have not been around for very long, and their APIs came out in the last seven years mostly. So REST is a new way to create and integrate Web services, whose main advantages are: being lightweight (not a lot of extra xml mark-up), human readable results, easy to build services (no toolkits required). Although REST is still generating discussion about possible implementations, and different proposals have been put forward, it provides enough mechanisms to allow knowledge-representations sharing among heterogeneous intelligent services. In this thesis, a novel way to integrate intelligent Web-services is designed and developed, and the resulting system is deployed in the domain of recommendation. Through a mashup, how different services are integrated and how a simple recommendation system consumes data coming from them to provide relevant information to users is presented. Part of this work has been carried out within the context of the Laboranova European project [http://www.laboranova.com/], and has been deployed to integrate a set of applications to create a virtual space to support innovation processes

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo de representação de competĂȘncias para integração em empresas virtuais

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e GestĂŁo IndustrialDado a necessidade de resposta aos mercados atuais, onde as empresas necessitam cada vez mais de serem competitivas num mundo em constante mudança, surge a necessidade de alteração da forma de operar das mesmas. Neste contexto vĂŁo surgindo novas formas organizacionais ou novos paradigmas e desta forma a solução apresentada pelas Empresas Virtuais ganha novos contornos. Para que as Empresas Virtuais possam ganhar forma, Ă© necessĂĄrio garantir as condiçÔes essenciais para que estas sobrevivam. Assim sendo, temas como a integração tornam-se importantes para a concretização deste paradigma. Para que esta possa ocorrer tornase necessĂĄrio identificar as competĂȘncias essenciais para a integração. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo de representação de competĂȘncias para integração em Empresas Virtuais. Para que tal fosse possĂ­vel, foi necessĂĄrio identificar quais os mecanismos de integração e quais as barreiras para que estes se concretizassem. O processo de atribuição de relevĂąncias destas barreiras foi conseguido a partir de questionĂĄrios, os quais foram apresentados a empresas e que tinham como objetivo a identificação das barreiras mais relevantes. Posteriormente estas barreiras foram associadas a uma sĂ©rie de competĂȘncias, com as quais Ă© possĂ­vel que estas sejam ultrapassadas, com o objetivo de efetivar a integração das empresas em rede. ApĂłs anĂĄlise dos dados obtidos a partir dos questionĂĄrios, foi apresentado um modelo de representação de competĂȘncias, utilizando as barreiras filtradas pelas mĂ©dias e outro pelas frequĂȘncias, recorrendo Ă  metodologia IDEF0, onde Ă© representado o processo de aquisição de competĂȘncias que sĂŁo necessĂĄrias para a Integração de empresas em rede.According to the actual market demands, enterprises need to be more competitive in a changing world, which leads them to the necessity of changing their operational habits. In this context, new paradigms arise and the Virtual Enterprises start to gain some space in the industry world. However, to make sure that the Virtual Enterprises will be successfully implemented, it is necessary to identify some tools that will contribute significantly for their success. In this context, the integration concept emerges and this one in particular is very important for the Virtual Enterprise success. Towards this, it’s necessary to identify which competences are vital for the integration process. This dissertation has the objective to represent these competences to integration in Virtual Enterprises. To make that possible it was necessary to identify which where the integration mechanism and which barriers are often recognized. This barriers where classified in importance levels using questionnaires, with the objective of identification of the most relevant barriers. After this process, these barriers where related to the identified competences. The acquisition of a certain competence makes possible to overtake some barriers. With the contribution of a statistical analysis this competences, barriers and mechanisms, where represented in a model using the IDEF0 methodology. The barriers were selected by the application of a filter for the most significant mean values and frequencies