2,189 research outputs found

    Airport airside balanced capacity usage and planning

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    U doktorskoj disertaciji je predložen postupak za analizu kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, za zadata fizička i operativna ograničenja, i zadate karakteristike potražnje. Ovaj postupak podrazumeva povezivanje (postojećeg) modela za procenu kapaciteta sistema poletno-sletnih staza sa (proširenim) modelom za procenu kapaciteta pristanišne platforme, kroz njihovu funkcionalnu vezu. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio vrednovanje i, po potrebi, modifikovanje i proširenje postojećih modela za procenu kapaciteta platforme, kao i definisanje funkcionalne veze između poletno-sletne staze i platforme za različite tipove saobraćaja. Postojeći modeli su prošireni tako da uzimaju u obzir ograničenja po tipu aviona i korisnicima (npr. aviokompanije), kao i po vrsti saobraćaja. U cilju analize osetljivosti, predlažene su obvojnice za prikazivanje kapaciteta platforme određene konfiguracije, u zavisnosti od strukture potražnje u odnosu na glavne uticajne faktore. Analiza je obuhvatila dva osnovna tipa aerodroma sa aspekta njihove uloge u mrežama vazdušnog saobraćaja, a to su: izvorno-ciljni aerodromi, sa dominantnim saobraćajem od-tačke-do-tačke, i hub aerodromi, sa dominantnim transfernim saobraćajem za koji je karakteristično da se koncentriše u talase. Dodatno su analizirani i aerodromi na kojima postoje oba tipa saobraćaja. Rezultati disertacije pokazuju da se za izvorno-ciljne aerodrome može koristiti standardni pristup prilikom analize ukupnog kapaciteta vazdušne strane aerodroma, u kome se poletno-sletna staza i pristanišna platforma posmatraju odvojeno, pri čemu manji kapacitet nameće ograničenje ukupnog kapaciteta. Sa druge strane, u slučaju hub aerodroma kapacitet platforme i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze se ne mogu posmatrati nezavisno jedan od drugog. S tim u skladu, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je model za procenu kapaciteta platforme na hub aerodromima, koji pored konfiguracije platforme i strukture potražnje uzima u obzir i kapacitet poletno-sletne staze, kao i parametre koji opisuju talasnu strukturu saobraćaja...The thesis proposes an approach to analyzing the capacity of the existing (built) system under given physical and operational constraints and for given demand characteristics. The approach considers the linking of the (existing) runway capacity model with the (extended) apron capacity model, through the runway-apron functional relationship. The objective of the thesis was to evaluate and, if necessary, to modify/expand the existing apron capacity estimation models, as well as to define functional relationship between the runway system and apron(s). Existing apron capacity models are modified to include constraints on both aircraft classes and users (e.g. airlines), considering also different traffic types. The thesis also suggests apron capacity envelopes to illustrate sensitivity of apron capacity to changes in the demand structure with respect to dominant users, provided for a given apron configuration. Two general airport categories with respect to the role of the airport in the air transport network are analyzed: origin-destination airports (serving primarily point-to-point flights) and hub airports (serving primarily airline/alliance coordinated flights). Furthermore, the thesis also considers the co-existence of point-to-point and coordinated flights at a single airport. The results of the thesis show that the common approach in the overall airside capacity analysis can be applied at origin-destination airports: the runway system and apron(s) can be observed independently of each other, deriving the conclusion on the overall airside capacity by comparing the two. On the other hand, the finding of the thesis is that capacities of the runway system and apron(s) at the hub airports have to be observed linked to each other. Consequently, a model to estimate apron capacity at hub airport is offered in the thesis. In addition to apron configuration and demand structure it also takes into consideration: hubbing parameters and the runway system performance..

    The aerial relay system: An energy-efficient solution to the airport congestion problem

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    The ability to transfer airline passengers between aircraft in flight, if adequately developed and integrated into the national air transportation system, could provide significant improvements in transportation-system performance, in terms of airport congestion, fuel consumption, and passenger service. The proposed Aerial Relay System concept, which was developed as a means of exploiting inflight transfer, makes use of large 'cruise liner' aircraft which fly continuously along their routes, docking periodically with short-haul feeder aircraft for exchange of payloads. Preliminary vehicle designs for a representative system are described and the operational feasibility of the concept for the United States in the 1990's is discussed

    Airport quotas and peak hour pricing : theory and practice

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    Work performed by the Flight Transportation Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; and sponsored the Office of Aviation Policy, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D.CMay 1976Includes bibliographical referencesThis report examines the leading theoretical studies not only of airport peak-hour pricing but also of the congestion costs associated with airport delays and presents a consistent formulation of both. The report also considers purely administrative measures, such as quotas, and hybrid systems which combine administrative and economic control techniques. These are all compared to the real-world situation and problems of implementation discussed. The actual experiences of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the three major New York area airports and the British Airports Authority at Heathrow are then presented. Both organizations administer hybrid quota/ peak-hour pricing systems in conjunction with their respective air traffic control authorities. Their experience is compared with the theoretical analyses.Prepared under NASA Ames Research Cente

    Personal area technologies for internetworked services

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    Study of aircraft in intraurban transportation systems, volume 1

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    An analysis of an effective short range, high density computer transportation system for intraurban systems is presented. The seven county Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area, was chosen as the scenario for the analysis. The study consisted of an analysis and forecast of the Detroit market through 1985, a parametric analysis of appropriate short haul aircraft concepts and associated ground systems, and a preliminary overall economic analysis of a simplified total system designed to evaluate the candidate vehicles and select the most promising VTOL and STOL aircraft. Data are also included on the impact of advanced technology on the system, the sensitivity of mission performance to changes in aircraft characteristics and system operations, and identification of key problem areas that may be improved by additional research. The approach, logic, and computer models used are adaptable to other intraurban or interurban areas

    Potential Use of DC Microgrid for Solar and Wind Power Integration in Rural Areas in India: a Review

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    This paper describes the possibilities of the application of DC microgrids to solve the rural areas, energy problem in the country (India). DC Microgrids open a gateway for integration of solar and wind energies which together are an efficient and cleaner way of renewable energy generation, which can be integrated into the power distribution network. They have several other advantages, which include - reduction in transmission losses, improvement in power quality & reliability, reduction in emissions and even they are cost effective. The most important characteristic is that it provides a possibility for electrification of remote villages, which are far from the reach of the conventional grid. This paper presents a detailed discussion on the possibility of application of DC microgrids for rural areas in India

    Potential Use of DC Microgrid for Solar and Wind Power Integration in Rural Areas in India: A Review

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    This paper describes the possibilities of the application of DC microgrids to solve the rural areas, energy problem in the country (India). DC Microgrids open a gateway for integration of solar and wind energies which together are an efficient and cleaner way of renewable energy generation, which can be integrated into the power distribution network. They have several other advantages, which include - reduction in transmission losses, improvement in power quality & reliability, reduction in emissions and even they are cost effective. The most important characteristic is that it provides a possibility for electrification of remote villages, which are far from the reach of the conventional grid. This paper presents a detailed discussion on the possibility of application of DC microgrids for rural areas in India

    Lean Improvements to Passenger Departure Flow in Abu Dhabi Airport: Focus on Data from the Check-in Element

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    This is the second paper of three which concerns improving Passenger Departure Flow. The main aim of this paper is provide a summary of the research results, which includes both the reporting of empirical data collected at the Airport and the results obtained from simulation of existing flow for passenger departure process. The large quantity of data means this paper focuses on reporting data for the economy check-in element only. The project led towards development of rules for process of improvement for the entire departure process and explored the benefits of using the Lean philosophy for improving a range of airport processes. Airport processes are completely different than the manufacturing and other service sectors due to the complex interlinking between different stake holders such as airline regulations, national/international law etc