3,536 research outputs found

    CHINESE E-COMMERCE MODEL: Using ALIBABA as a case study

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    This report aims to analyze Alibaba’s e-commerce mode. With the development of internet technology, e-commerce is attracting more and more attention from governments, businesses and individuals which is one of the major reasons for Alibaba’s quick development. The author has seen the importance of e-commerce and important role of Alibaba in e-commerce field. This report will start by introducing Alibaba briefly. And then the major theories and concepts used by the report will be analyzed, especially e-commerce, PEST framework and Porter’s five forces model. In addition, details of Alibaba’s e-commerce mode, problems of its mode will be provided in the following paragraph. Based on this situation, several suggestions will help Alibaba to resolve its problems. Literature review, theoretical research and practical analysis are two major approaches to analyze its e-commerce mode. In this way, Alibaba can make further progress in the future

    Post-implementation analysis of a B2B e-marketplace

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    The advent of Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Marketplaces gave the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) firms the opportunity to conduct more efficient and effective commercial interaction with their supply chain partners. Despite the large body of literature in generic Information Systems (IS) domain, there has been a very little work done to-date to investigate the B2B e-Marketplace systems implementation by AEC firms. By adopting a case study research method with a longitudinal approach to data collection, the study on which this paper is based explored the challenges in the adoption and on-going use of a large UK contractor firm’s eMarketplace systems from the perspective of end-users. Utilising a well-established theoretical model from the IS body of knowledge, the analysis revealed several important challenges related to system (functionality and usability), information (content quality) and service (training and support) dimensions of e-Marketplace systems implementation. Through incorporating the case study findings to the conceptual model, the study offers several suggestions for AEC firms to take on board during implementation of the B2B e-Marketplace systems

    The development of a marketing plan for the commercialization of a new supplement in the Portuguese market

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    Com a globalização dos mercados, as estratégias de diversificação de portfolio têm-se mostrado importantes para o crescimento empresarial de forma sustentável. Contudo é recomendado que as empresas apliquem as estratégias de forma correta em mercados em crescimento, nos quais estejam preparadas para entrar de forma eficiente, redirecionando e reaproveitando recursos já existentes dentro da sua área de especialização. Por outro lado, a globalização tem contribuído para a necessidade das empresas nacionais se tornarem mais competitivas, e tem criado mais oportunidades para a comercialização de bens e serviços. Contudo, devido à pandemia do Covid-19 e face ao atual estado político instável mundial decorrente da guerra na Ucrânia, as empresas enfrentam agora mais adversidades, tais como, o aumento da inflação, dos custos de matérias-primas e materiais importantes para o seu bom funcionamento. Não obstante a estes desafios, as empresas operam em mercados cada vez mais competitivos, os quais reforçam a necessidade sempre importante das mesmas irem ao encontro das exigências dos consumidores, propondo produtos e serviços distintivos e de valor acrescentado. Dados recentes mostram também um contínuo crescimento do número de utilizadores de internet e das redes sociais, como fonte de informação essencial na era da tecnologia por parte dos consumidores. Este facto evidencia uma realidade crucial a ter em conta no presente momento no que toca à criação de estratégias de marketing e promoção de produto. Para ajudar empresas e gestores na procura diária de manter o seu negócio competitivo, lucrativo e sustentável, diferentes ferramentas e métodos têm sido criadas ao longo das últimas décadas. O seu propósito (ferramentas de marketing) é de auxiliar os gestores a tomarem melhores decisões de gestão no seu dia a dia. Neste sentido, e com esse objetivo, o presente trabalho utilizará uma das principais ferramentas de marketing de apoio à gestão, o plano de marketing. A Necton S.A., empresa portuguesa com 22 anos de atividade, localizada em Olhão, que comercializa microalgas para o mercado B2B e sal marinho para o mercado B2C nacional, através de diversas companhias de retalho, tem agora como objetivo a diversificação do seu portefólio de produtos, através da oferta de suplementos alimentares para o mercado B2C em Portugal. Estudos recentes, mostram que os consumidores em geral na última década têm procurado cada vez mais suplementos alimentares. Os consumidores visam estes tipos de produtos como uma forma de preencher possíveis défices nutricionais, prevenir doenças graves ou como forma de manter os níveis de energia corporal estáveis. Nos estudos anteriores é também dado enfâse, na emergente procura destes produtos por parte de jovens estudantes, como forma de adquirir as vitaminas necessárias para um bom desempenho mental com vista ao sucesso escolar. Juntamente com os jovens estudantes, os jovens desportistas têm procurado estes suplementos alimentares para uma melhor performance desportiva, mais especificamente, na procura de suplementos proteicos. A Necton, S. A., procura agora dar resposta a uma tendência crescente do mercado nacional no que toca à venda e procura deste tipo de produtos (suplementos alimentares), resultante dos suplementos baseados em algas terem vindo a ganhar maior destaque no sector, bem como o interesse dos consumidores em microalgas como parte de uma dieta saudável. Acreditamos que a Necton, utilizando as estratégias de marketing corretas, poderá beneficiar desta indústria em crescimento e adquirir uma rentabilidade considerável. Porém, entrar num novo mercado requer planeamento, tendo por base pesquisa e recolha de dados para posterior análise. Para ajudar a empresa neste propósito, o presente plano de marketing visa orientar as ações que devem ser desenvolvidas pela empresa para o sucesso do seu produto. Deste modo, aplicando o método de pesquisa-ação e a estratégia de investigação de estudo de caso, este projeto tem como objetivo principal a criação de um plano de marketing para a Nector, S.A. com vista à comercialização de um suplemento alimentar no mercado nacional. O projeto iniciou-se com uma revisão de literatura sobre o marketing e o plano de marketing, com vista identificar o estado da arte sobre o marketing. Seguidamente, utilizando os métodos de pesquisa-ação e a estratégia de estudo de caso, foi desenvolvido o plano de marketing para a empresa, tendo como horizonte temporal Janeiro 2023 a Dezembro 2023. Apesar de o mercado nacional de suplementos alimentares apresentar limitações em termos de literatura e informação (nacional e internacional) sobre os níveis de consumo, distribuição, preçário e legislação, foi não obstante, atingido o objetivo de investigação proposto. O plano de marketing encara vários pontos estratégicos, começando pelo sumario executivo, sendo este ponto crucial, refletindo as estratégias e ações definidas bem como as metas empresariais. De seguida foi feita uma análise externa e interna da empresa, onde foram discutidos os principais competidores presentes no mercado alvo e terá sido feita uma análise PESTEL a fim de diagnosticar os fatores macro ambientais que poderão afetar o lucro e o sucesso da empresa a medio ou longo prazo. Para a analise interna foi aplicada a matriz SWOT, onde foram sumarizadas as forças e as fraquezas internas da empresa, e as possíveis ameaças ou oportunidades a ter em consideração durante a planificação dos objetivos seguidamente delineados. Posteriormente foram geradas as estratégias de mercado, sendo estas divididas por estratégias de segmentação (Público-alvo), baseado nas mesmas, as estratégias de targeting e posicionamento a adotar. No tópico seguinte, marketing mix, foram delineadas as características do produto e ações a desenvolver que visam ajudar empresa no lançamento do produto de suplemento alimentar, garantindo o sucesso da marca em penetrar neste novo mercado. Apesar de atualmente o marketing mix ser composto por 7Ps, só será utilizado para a criação deste plano os 4Ps principais (Produto, Preço, Promoção, Ponto de venda) face às características do produto. Após a conclusão dos pontos anteriormente descritos, o plano de marketing será concluído com a apresentação do orçamento seguido do plano de implementação, monitorização e controlo. Com base nos dados recolhidos e na estratégia delineada, conclui-se que para a empresa atingir os objetivos estipulados terá de ser desenvolvido um plano de marketing robusto com foco nas estratégias de preço, promoção e distribuição, em conjunção com a criação de uma marca que seja envolvente e atraente para o consumidor final. Por último, considera-se os pontos prévios como elementos cruciais para a sobrevivência e longevidade da empresa neste mercado.With the globalization of world markets, portfolio diversification strategies have become crucial to every company manager to achieve sustainable business growth. However, it is recommended that companies apply these strategies in markets where they are prepared to enter efficiently, redirecting and reusing existing resources within their area of expertise. Globalization has contributed to the need for companies to become more competitive and has created more opportunities for the promotion of goods and services. Necton S.A., a Portuguese company with 22 years of market experience, located at Olhão, selling microalgae for the B2B market and sea salt for the B2C market through various retail companies, now aims to diversify its product portfolio by taking advantage of a new market opportunity, food supplements to the B2C market in Portugal. The company is looking to respond to a growing trend in the national market regarding this type of product (food supplements), given the characteristics of the product, algae-based supplements, which have gained greater prominence in the Portuguese sector. However, product development requires planning, based on research and data collection. Thus, applying the action research method and the case study investigation strategy, this project has as its main objective the creation of a marketing plan for Necton, S.A to help the company sell in the Portuguese market food supplements. The project started with a literature review on marketing and marketing plan, to identify the state of the art. Then, using the case study, the marketing plan for the company was developed, with a time horizon from January 2023 to December 2023. However, the market for supplementary food products has shown limitations in terms of literature and information (national and international) on the levels of consumption, distribution, pricing and legislation, the proposed research objective was nevertheless achieve

    Smart Bengali idiomatic translator service using morphological marketing technique

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    Roy, A., & Santos, V. (2018). Smart Bengali idiomatic translator service using morphological marketing technique. In A. Rocha, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis, & S. Costanzo (Eds.), Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, pp. 1190-1199. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 745)2018 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST’18). Springer Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77703-0_115Bengali is one of the most spoken languages, ranked seventh in the world considering the context of the country, Research one Natural Language Translation is very important specially to translate Bengali to English proverb. Researcher has just only focused to develop software algorithm for implementation purpose but not to focus its value. Morphological Business plan is one of the important techniques that help people to get service or use the product in exact place. Bengali to English Idiomatic proverb translator is not translated properly in Google, Prompt, Lingue and BubleFish. Google has translated little information correctly and is not analyzed Bengali Idiomatic (Proverb) Language Demand. The project main goal is to improve Bengali Idiomatic Proverb translator, people can learn and gathered Idiomatic knowledge from Electronic Dictionary for communication and to show estimated profit forecasting for its value analysis. The propose method has designed Business Model Canvas, Bengali Idiomatic Payment Model, Bengali Proverb implementation using morpheme and to create a Business plan of BTEIS for describing the current market position of a Business. The propose project has used visual studio.net, HTML and CSS.authorsversionpublishe

    A digital marketing strategy in a fintech start-up: Advicefront

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    Advicefront is a start-up founded by Portuguese whose core business is developing software planning solutions for financial advisers. The company started in 2015 and attracted the attention of multiple investors and firms interested in accompanying the evolution of the product. Through time, Advicefront crossed some uncertainty periods which eventually led to a shift in product offering. Instead of offering a single software solution the company is now selling a modular approach where separate modules address specific challenges advisers face in their daily workflow. Advicefront has always maintained true to its unique selling proposition, based on showcasing pristinely designed interfaces, integrating with popular tools among advisers, and offering an unmatched user experience for advisers and investors, adapting to each user profile’s actions and intended outcomes. The financial advice software market is still attached to old-fashioned paper-based processes and bureaucracies which are becoming obsolete. Adding to this, the sector going through not only a shift in players, since many advisers are approaching retirement, but also a renovation of investors, as millennials are now becoming financially independent with an investment-oriented approach to their income. Thereby, considering this market in turmoil, Advicefront has an incredible market opportunity to present a software shaped to serve these new populations of advisers and investors. The present project aims to propose a marketing plan for Advicefront branching in a strategic plan as well as an operational plan with recommended actions for each aspect of the marketing-mix. It is also presented a communication plan to be implemented during 2019.A Advicefront é uma start-up cujo principal negócio é desenvolver software de planeamento para consultores financeiros. A empresa surgiu em 2015 e atraiu a atenção de investidores e empresas interessadas em acompanhar a evolução do produto. Com o tempo, a Advicefront ultrapassou períodos de instabilidade que culminaram numa mudança na oferta. Ao invés de oferecer uma única solução de software a empresa desenvolveu um sistema onde módulos separados respondem a necessidades específicas do fluxo de trabalho de consultoria financeira. A Advicefront manteve-se sempre fiel à sua proposta de valor, baseada na criação de interfaces com um design de excelência, na integração com ferramentas populares, e oferecendo uma experiência de utilização inigualável, adaptando-se ao perfil do usuário. O mercado de software de consultoria financeira está ligado a processos antiquados e burocráticos que estão a tornar-se cada vez mais obsoletos. Somando o facto de ser ainda um setor a atravessar um rejuvenescimento de consultores, uma vez que muitos estão a aproximar-se da reforma, mas também uma renovação de investidores. Os millennials estão a tornar-se financeiramente independentes e com orientados para investirem os seus rendimentos. Considerando este mercado em tumulto, a Advicefront tem uma oportunidade no mercado para apresentar um software desenvolvido para responder à nova população de consultores e investidores. Este projeto visa propor um plano de marketing para a Advicefront que se ramifica num plano estratégico bem como um plano operacional com ações recomendadas para cada aspeto do marketing-mix. É ainda apresentado um plano de comunicação a ser implementado em 2019

    Combining real-life and internet marketing methods in construction field to market RentSOS

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    The purpose of this thesis is to provide some ideas as to whether it is possible and effective for a new IT product to create value for construction companies via relationship marketing and internet marketing within the construction industry. As well as to provide a modified marketing mix for RentSOS, combined by relationship marketing and internet marketing methods, that can be applied at the same time. The motivation of the thesis is to look inside on an area, which gets very little attention in marketing literature, which is the B2B relationships on construction industry and effective internet marketing in B2B and B2C methods taking into account the specificities of the construction rental sector. The following hypothesis have been set: H1: Construction companies in Estonia are not using all the possible real-life marketing methods. H2: Construction companies in Estonia are not using all the possible internet marketing methods. The companies studied for relation marketing are Ramirent, Cramo and Storent. They have the ambition to be a big player in whole Estonian construction rental market. The companies studied for internet marketing are Ramirent, Cramo and Storent. These companies are considered an interesting and rewarding object for a research due to author’s goal to investigate their marketing methods in order to find out the best marketing mix for new IT product-RentSOS.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4095549~S1*es

    A marketing plan for smart bengali idiomatic proverb serv

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    Trabalho de projecto apresentado como requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Informação, especialização em Inteligência de MarketingBengali is one of the most verbal communications, graded seventh in the globe bearing in mind the situation of the country. This paper offers an online model for smart Bengali Idiomatic proverb service as well as intelligence marketing plan for revenue. In present circumstances Google translator service is not respectable, specially proverb translator because Google is not tranquil interpreted Bengali proverb precisely and nobody has planned to provide Bengali Idiomatic proverb service that will bring revenue. Now a day’s information is actual significant for real decisions making. The information can be gained from several bases and can able to use different kinds of tools for effective decision making. Marketing Intelligence is a new topic in marketing, there are not several possessions in works. The marketing plans by using information system sustained from marketing intelligence. Kotler's definition says, Intelligence Scheme of marketing is more than a scheme of information gathering or a set of information technologies. Software marketing make vital tactical decisions to exploit profits and success of the business (Öztürk, S., Okumuş, A., & Mutlu, F. 2012). As a result, the proposed project aims to improve online Bengali Idiomatic Proverb Service Model for service of excellence as well as create a business model canvas with marketing plan to observe current market situation of proposed service model that will forecast sales of profit. Therefore, the proposed research has used technological model to get good decision for marketing plan. Good decision assists to increase high number of productivity and profitability because computerized systems which assist the marketing decision to improve marketing plan (Dragomir, C., & Surugiu, F. 2015). In this case, the proposed project has chosen four different types of steps. There are Bengali Idiomatic Proverb Service Model, Online payment model, Business Model Canvas with Marketing plan. The propose project has used visual studio.net, HTML, CSS, nine building blocks for Business model canvas and kotler’s and keller’s marketing plan to develop a model for Bengali Idiomatic proverb service

    Adoption of "eco-advantage" by SMEs: emerging opportunities and constraints

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    Purpose: A recent study has asserted that businesses need to adopt “eco-advantage”. This paper aims to explore the viability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) achieving “eco-advantage” by exploring their understanding of sustainability issues, how they adopt and innovate in terms of sustainability and the benefits and obstacles they face. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is exploratory, comprised of 15 SME embedded cases based in the UK. The cases are participants in short interventions in sustainable product and process design as a part of a university knowledge transfer project, representing the overall case. Cases are based on interviews with company participants and collaborating academics, supplemented by documentary and observational evidence. Findings: The results build on the work on “eco-advantage” found in a recent study, highlighting marketing, rather than compliance issues as a catalyst for change. The newly aware SME enters a development process which involves cumulative capabilities, gaining a nascent inner confidence, which includes espousing wider sustainable values. Research limitations/implications: The results reveal the scope and challenges for SMEs to adopt more sustainable practices, encompassing innovations and a broad set of capabilities. Further research points to the need to monitor benefits as well as inputs in evaluating sustainability improvements and to consider longitudinal business sustainability issues. Originality/value: The paper informs the emerging debate on sustainability in SMEs, providing a rich source of data to enhance the provision of business support and knowledge transfer activities, where a more holistic and customised approach is required to realise the real environmental and economic benefits accrued from implementing sustainable improvements

    Creating a theoretical framework for platforms strategies from launch to growth

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    Many platforms have gained their way into consumers daily lives by shifting values and expectations, increasing ability to self-express oneself, satisfying new needs while expanding markets and creating new industries. This is what platform revolution means, yet the strategies and logic behind platforms remain much unknown. The current literature identifies as the key strategic variables for platforms to be user acquisition, standalone value, credibility, profitability, design and openness. However, these discussions don’t give clear guidance on how to implement or prioritize these variables according different platform types. While the current understanding of strategic differences and how to combine tactics and variables towards each platform type is forming, so is classifying and separating platform types from each other. While the two papers have classified platform types their conclusions differed staying unconfirmed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine platform businesses strategies and to create a theoretical framework reflecting it while answering to the research question: what strategies platforms apply as they go in business and how they attempt to grow? The empirical part of this study is aimed at developing a theoretical framework representing the strategic decisions made by platforms. It was conducted as an in-depth multi case study by interviewing 14 platform as well as testing 70 platforms’ user experience. Based on these two data sets a theoretical framework was formed that is applicable within the Western world. Consequently, the theoretical framework representing the key finding of this thesis separates 12 unique platform strategies for launching a platform business across three platform types identified as an e-marketplace, software as a service and social networking sites. Thus, stating that there are at least 12 unique platform strategies that organizations follow. The framework guides what kind of MVP, key target group and social factors each 12 platform strategy types can utilize and the boundaries each type has. It also gives descriptions on all 12 platform strategies and minimum example of four businesses that follow that strategy. Furthermore, the thesis discusses multiple vertical and horizontal expansion strategies that each platform strategy type can apply when attracting further growth towards itself and the factors that need to be considered simultaneously. The contributions done towards platform strategies, SaaS and SNS by the framework are ground-breaking and significant as they create new unique knowledge while invalidating and correcting two past attempts to classify and group platforms. However, this thesis contributes also to the conceptual understanding of the platform types, how different variables are interlinked to one another and to the framework. It also specifies the current understanding of e-marketplace platform strategies