19 research outputs found

    Blur Invariants for Image Recognition

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    Blur is an image degradation that is difficult to remove. Invariants with respect to blur offer an alternative way of a~description and recognition of blurred images without any deblurring. In this paper, we present an original unified theory of blur invariants. Unlike all previous attempts, the new theory does not require any prior knowledge of the blur type. The invariants are constructed in the Fourier domain by means of orthogonal projection operators and moment expansion is used for efficient and stable computation. It is shown that all blur invariants published earlier are just particular cases of this approach. Experimental comparison to concurrent approaches shows the advantages of the proposed theory.Comment: 15 page

    Restoration of Atmospheric Turbulence Degraded Video using Kurtosis Minimization and Motion Compensation

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    In this thesis work, the background of atmospheric turbulence degradation in imaging was reviewed and two aspects are highlighted: blurring and geometric distortion. The turbulence burring parameter is determined by the atmospheric turbulence condition that is often unknown; therefore, a blur identification technique was developed that is based on a higher order statistics (HOS). It was observed that the kurtosis generally increases as an image becomes blurred (smoothed). Such an observation was interpreted in the frequency domain in terms of phase correlation. Kurtosis minimization based blur identification is built upon this observation. It was shown that kurtosis minimization is effective in identifying the blurring parameter directly from the degraded image. Kurtosis minimization is a general method for blur identification. It has been tested on a variety of blurs such as Gaussian blur, out of focus blur as well as motion blur. To compensate for the geometric distortion, earlier work on the turbulent motion compensation was extended to deal with situations in which there is camera/object motion. Trajectory smoothing is used to suppress the turbulent motion while preserving the real motion. Though the scintillation effect of atmospheric turbulence is not considered separately, it can be handled the same way as multiple frame denoising while motion trajectories are built.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mersereau, Russell; Committee Co-Chair: Smith, Mark; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Wang, May; Committee Member: Tannenbaum, Allen; Committee Member: Williams, Dougla

    Distortion Robust Biometric Recognition

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    abstract: Information forensics and security have come a long way in just a few years thanks to the recent advances in biometric recognition. The main challenge remains a proper design of a biometric modality that can be resilient to unconstrained conditions, such as quality distortions. This work presents a solution to face and ear recognition under unconstrained visual variations, with a main focus on recognition in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions. First, the dissertation addresses the problem of scene variations in the presence of blur, occlusion and additive noise distortions resulting from capture, processing and transmission. Despite their excellent performance, ’deep’ methods are susceptible to visual distortions, which significantly reduce their performance. Sparse representations, on the other hand, have shown huge potential capabilities in handling problems, such as occlusion and corruption. In this work, an augmented SRC (ASRC) framework is presented to improve the performance of the Spare Representation Classifier (SRC) in the presence of blur, additive noise and block occlusion, while preserving its robustness to scene dependent variations. Different feature types are considered in the performance evaluation including image raw pixels, HoG and deep learning VGG-Face. The proposed ASRC framework is shown to outperform the conventional SRC in terms of recognition accuracy, in addition to other existing sparse-based methods and blur invariant methods at medium to high levels of distortion, when particularly used with discriminative features. In order to assess the quality of features in improving both the sparsity of the representation and the classification accuracy, a feature sparse coding and classification index (FSCCI) is proposed and used for feature ranking and selection within both the SRC and ASRC frameworks. The second part of the dissertation presents a method for unconstrained ear recognition using deep learning features. The unconstrained ear recognition is performed using transfer learning with deep neural networks (DNNs) as a feature extractor followed by a shallow classifier. Data augmentation is used to improve the recognition performance by augmenting the training dataset with image transformations. The recognition performance of the feature extraction models is compared with an ensemble of fine-tuned networks. The results show that, in the case where long training time is not desirable or a large amount of data is not available, the features from pre-trained DNNs can be used with a shallow classifier to give a comparable recognition accuracy to the fine-tuned networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Subspace Representations for Robust Face and Facial Expression Recognition

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    Analyzing human faces and modeling their variations have always been of interest to the computer vision community. Face analysis based on 2D intensity images is a challenging problem, complicated by variations in pose, lighting, blur, and non-rigid facial deformations due to facial expressions. Among the different sources of variation, facial expressions are of interest as important channels of non-verbal communication. Facial expression analysis is also affected by changes in view-point and inter-subject variations in performing different expressions. This dissertation makes an attempt to address some of the challenges involved in developing robust algorithms for face and facial expression recognition by exploiting the idea of proper subspace representations for data. Variations in the visual appearance of an object mostly arise due to changes in illumination and pose. So we first present a video-based sequential algorithm for estimating the face albedo as an illumination-insensitive signature for face recognition. We show that by knowing/estimating the pose of the face at each frame of a sequence, the albedo can be efficiently estimated using a Kalman filter. Then we extend this to the case of unknown pose by simultaneously tracking the pose as well as updating the albedo through an efficient Bayesian inference method performed using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter. Since understanding the effects of blur, especially motion blur, is an important problem in unconstrained visual analysis, we then propose a blur-robust recognition algorithm for faces with spatially varying blur. We model a blurred face as a weighted average of geometrically transformed instances of its clean face. We then build a matrix, for each gallery face, whose column space spans the space of all the motion blurred images obtained from the clean face. This matrix representation is then used to define a proper objective function and perform blur-robust face recognition. To develop robust and generalizable models for expression analysis one needs to break the dependence of the models on the choice of the coordinate frame of the camera. To this end, we build models for expressions on the affine shape-space (Grassmann manifold), as an approximation to the projective shape-space, by using a Riemannian interpretation of deformations that facial expressions cause on different parts of the face. This representation enables us to perform various expression analysis and recognition algorithms without the need for pose normalization as a preprocessing step. There is a large degree of inter-subject variations in performing various expressions. This poses an important challenge on developing robust facial expression recognition algorithms. To address this challenge, we propose a dictionary-based approach for facial expression analysis by decomposing expressions in terms of action units (AUs). First, we construct an AU-dictionary using domain experts' knowledge of AUs. To incorporate the high-level knowledge regarding expression decomposition and AUs, we then perform structure-preserving sparse coding by imposing two layers of grouping over AU-dictionary atoms as well as over the test image matrix columns. We use the computed sparse code matrix for each expressive face to perform expression decomposition and recognition. Most of the existing methods for the recognition of faces and expressions consider either the expression-invariant face recognition problem or the identity-independent facial expression recognition problem. We propose joint face and facial expression recognition using a dictionary-based component separation algorithm (DCS). In this approach, the given expressive face is viewed as a superposition of a neutral face component with a facial expression component, which is sparse with respect to the whole image. This assumption leads to a dictionary-based component separation algorithm, which benefits from the idea of sparsity and morphological diversity. The DCS algorithm uses the data-driven dictionaries to decompose an expressive test face into its constituent components. The sparse codes we obtain as a result of this decomposition are then used for joint face and expression recognition

    Model-driven and Data-driven Approaches for some Object Recognition Problems

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    Recognizing objects from images and videos has been a long standing problem in computer vision. The recent surge in the prevalence of visual cameras has given rise to two main challenges where, (i) it is important to understand different sources of object variations in more unconstrained scenarios, and (ii) rather than describing an object in isolation, efficient learning methods for modeling object-scene `contextual' relations are required to resolve visual ambiguities. This dissertation addresses some aspects of these challenges, and consists of two parts. First part of the work focuses on obtaining object descriptors that are largely preserved across certain sources of variations, by utilizing models for image formation and local image features. Given a single instance of an object, we investigate the following three problems. (i) Representing a 2D projection of a 3D non-planar shape invariant to articulations, when there are no self-occlusions. We propose an articulation invariant distance that is preserved across piece-wise affine transformations of a non-rigid object `parts', under a weak perspective imaging model, and then obtain a shape context-like descriptor to perform recognition; (ii) Understanding the space of `arbitrary' blurred images of an object, by representing an unknown blur kernel of a known maximum size using a complete set of orthonormal basis functions spanning that space, and showing that subspaces resulting from convolving a clean object and its blurred versions with these basis functions are equal under some assumptions. We then view the invariant subspaces as points on a Grassmann manifold, and use statistical tools that account for the underlying non-Euclidean nature of the space of these invariants to perform recognition across blur; (iii) Analyzing the robustness of local feature descriptors to different illumination conditions. We perform an empirical study of these descriptors for the problem of face recognition under lighting change, and show that the direction of image gradient largely preserves object properties across varying lighting conditions. The second part of the dissertation utilizes information conveyed by large quantity of data to learn contextual information shared by an object (or an entity) with its surroundings. (i) We first consider a supervised two-class problem of detecting lane markings from road video sequences, where we learn relevant feature-level contextual information through a machine learning algorithm based on boosting. We then focus on unsupervised object classification scenarios where, (ii) we perform clustering using maximum margin principles, by deriving some basic properties on the affinity of `a pair of points' belonging to the same cluster using the information conveyed by `all' points in the system, and (iii) then consider correspondence-free adaptation of statistical classifiers across domain shifting transformations, by generating meaningful `intermediate domains' that incrementally convey potential information about the domain change

    Champs à phase aléatoire et champs gaussiens pour la mesure de netteté d’images et la synthèse rapide de textures

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    This thesis deals with the Fourier phase structure of natural images, and addresses no-reference sharpness assessment and fast texture synthesis by example. In Chapter 2, we present several models of random fields in a unified framework, like the spot noise model and the Gaussian model, with particular attention to the spectral representation of these random fields. In Chapter 3, random phase models are used to perform by-example synthesis of microtextures (textures with no salient features). We show that a microtexture can be summarized by a small image that can be used for fast and flexible synthesis based on the spot noise model. Besides, we address microtexture inpainting through the use of Gaussian conditional simulation. In Chapter 4, we present three measures of the global Fourier phase coherence. Their link with the image sharpness is established based on a theoretical and practical study. We then derive a stochastic optimization scheme for these indices, which leads to a blind deblurring algorithm. Finally, in Chapter 5, after discussing the possibility of direct phase analysis or synthesis, we propose two non random phase texture models which allow for synthesis of more structured textures and still have simple mathematical guarantees.Dans cette thèse, on étudie la structuration des phases de la transformée de Fourier d'images naturelles, ce qui, du point de vue applicatif, débouche sur plusieurs mesures de netteté ainsi que sur des algorithmes rapides pour la synthèse de texture par l'exemple. Le Chapitre 2 présente dans un cadre unifié plusieurs modèles de champs aléatoires, notamment les champs spot noise et champs gaussiens, en prêtant une attention particulière aux représentations fréquentielles de ces champs aléatoires. Le Chapitre 3 détaille l'utilisation des champs à phase aléatoire à la synthèse de textures peu structurées (microtextures). On montre qu'une microtexture peut être résumée en une image de petite taille s'intégrant à un algorithme de synthèse très rapide et flexible via le modèle spot noise. Aussi on propose un algorithme de désocclusion de zones texturales uniformes basé sur la simulation gaussienne conditionnelle. Le Chapitre 4 présente trois mesures de cohérence globale des phases de la transformée de Fourier. Après une étude théorique et pratique établissant leur lien avec la netteté d'image, on propose un algorithme de déflouage aveugle basé sur l'optimisation stochastique de ces indices. Enfin, dans le Chapitre 5, après une discussion sur l'analyse et la synthèse directe de l'information de phase, on propose deux modèles de textures à phases cohérentes qui permettent la synthèse de textures plus structurées tout en conservant quelques garanties mathématiques simples

    Inverse problems in astronomical and general imaging

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    The resolution and the quality of an imaged object are limited by four contributing factors. Firstly, the primary resolution limit of a system is imposed by the aperture of an instrument due to the effects of diffraction. Secondly, the finite sampling frequency, the finite measurement time and the mechanical limitations of the equipment also affect the resolution of the images captured. Thirdly, the images are corrupted by noise, a process inherent to all imaging systems. Finally, a turbulent imaging medium introduces random degradations to the signals before they are measured. In astronomical imaging, it is the atmosphere which distorts the wavefronts of the objects, severely limiting the resolution of the images captured by ground-based telescopes. These four factors affect all real imaging systems to varying degrees. All the limitations imposed on an imaging system result in the need to deduce or reconstruct the underlying object distribution from the distorted measured data. This class of problems is called inverse problems. The key to the success of solving an inverse problem is the correct modelling of the physical processes which give rise to the corresponding forward problem. However, the physical processes have an infinite amount of information, but only a finite number of parameters can be used in the model. Information loss is therefore inevitable. As a result, the solution to many inverse problems requires additional information or prior knowledge. The application of prior information to inverse problems is a recurrent theme throughout this thesis. An inverse problem that has been an active research area for many years is interpolation, and there exist numerous techniques for solving this problem. However, many of these techniques neither account for the sampling process of the instrument nor include prior information in the reconstruction. These factors are taken into account in the proposed optimal Bayesian interpolator. The process of interpolation is also examined from the point of view of superresolution, as these processes can be viewed as being complementary. Since the principal effect of atmospheric turbulence on an incoming wavefront is a phase distortion, most of the inverse problem techniques devised for this seek to either estimate or compensate for this phase component. These techniques are classified into computer post-processing methods, adaptive optics (AO) and hybrid techniques. Blind deconvolution is a post-processing technique which uses the speckle images to estimate both the object distribution and the point spread function (PSF), the latter of which is directly related to the phase. The most successful approaches are based on characterising the PSF as the aberrations over the aperture. Since the PSF is also dependent on the atmosphere, it is possible to constrain the solution using the statistics of the atmosphere. An investigation shows the feasibility of this approach. Bispectrum is also a post-processing method which reconstructs the spectrum of the object. The key component for phase preservation is the property of phase closure, and its application as prior information for blind deconvolution is examined. Blind deconvolution techniques utilise only information in the image channel to estimate the phase which is difficult. An alternative method for phase estimation is from a Shack-Hartmann (SH) wavefront sensing channel. However, since phase information is present in both the wavefront sensing and the image channels simultaneously, both of these approaches suffer from the problem that phase information from only one channel is used. An improved estimate of the phase is achieved by a combination of these methods, ensuring that the phase estimation is made jointly from the data in both the image and the wavefront sensing measurements. This formulation, posed as a blind deconvolution framework, is investigated in this thesis. An additional advantage of this approach is that since speckle images are imaged in a narrowband, while wavefront sensing images are captured by a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera at all wavelengths, the splitting of the light does not compromise the light level for either channel. This provides a further incentive for using simultaneous data sets. The effectiveness of using Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing data for phase estimation relies on the accuracy of locating the data spots. The commonly used method which calculates the centre of gravity of the image is in fact prone to noise and is suboptimal. An improved method for spot location based on blind deconvolution is demonstrated. Ground-based adaptive optics (AO) technologies aim to correct for atmospheric turbulence in real time. Although much success has been achieved, the space- and time-varying nature of the atmosphere renders the accurate measurement of atmospheric properties difficult. It is therefore usual to perform additional post-processing on the AO data. As a result, some of the techniques developed in this thesis are applicable to adaptive optics. One of the methods which utilise elements of both adaptive optics and post-processing is the hybrid technique of deconvolution from wavefront sensing (DWFS). Here, both the speckle images and the SH wavefront sensing data are used. The original proposal of DWFS is simple to implement but suffers from the problem where the magnitude of the object spectrum cannot be reconstructed accurately. The solution proposed for overcoming this is to use an additional set of reference star measurements. This however does not completely remove the original problem; in addition it introduces other difficulties associated with reference star measurements such as anisoplanatism and reduction of valuable observing time. In this thesis a parameterised solution is examined which removes the need for a reference star, as well as offering a potential to overcome the problem of estimating the magnitude of the object

    Bayesian Variational Regularisation for Dark Matter Reconstruction with Uncertainty Quantification

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    Despite the great wealth of cosmological knowledge accumulated since the early 20th century, the nature of dark-matter, which accounts for ~85% of the matter content of the universe, remains illusive. Unfortunately, though dark-matter is scientifically interesting, with implications for our fundamental understanding of the Universe, it cannot be directly observed. Instead, dark-matter may be inferred from e.g. the optical distortion (lensing) of distant galaxies which, at linear order, manifests as a perturbation to the apparent magnitude (convergence) and ellipticity (shearing). Ensemble observations of the shear are collected and leveraged to construct estimates of the convergence, which can directly be related to the universal dark-matter distribution. Imminent stage IV surveys are forecast to accrue an unprecedented quantity of cosmological information; a discriminative partition of which is accessible through the convergence, and is disproportionately concentrated at high angular resolutions, where the echoes of cosmological evolution under gravity are most apparent. Capitalising on advances in probability concentration theory, this thesis merges the paradigms of Bayesian inference and optimisation to develop hybrid convergence inference techniques which are scalable, statistically principled, and operate over the Euclidean plane, celestial sphere, and 3-dimensional ball. Such techniques can quantify the plausibility of inferences at one-millionth the computational overhead of competing sampling methods. These Bayesian techniques are applied to the hotly debated Abell-520 merging cluster, concluding that observational catalogues contain insufficient information to determine the existence of dark-matter self-interactions. Further, these techniques were applied to all public lensing catalogues, recovering the then largest global dark-matter mass-map. The primary methodological contributions of this thesis depend only on posterior log-concavity, paving the way towards a, potentially revolutionary, complete hybridisation with artificial intelligence techniques. These next-generation techniques are the first to operate over the full 3-dimensional ball, laying the foundations for statistically principled universal dark-matter cartography, and the cosmological insights such advances may provide