123 research outputs found

    Cohesion and Coherence of Discourse in the Story of "Layangan Putus" on Social Media Facebook

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    This research is to find out how the use of cohesion and coherence in the story of "Layangan Putus", which was viral some time ago. Because cohesion and coherence are important criteria and principles in a text. This research is expected to contribute to the development of the quality of story writing. So the story can be understood and useful for the readers. Thus, the purpose of writing stories can inspire readers. The method used to analyze cohesion and coherence was a descriptive analysis seen in each paragraph. The cohesion aspects analyzed were lexical and grammatical cohesion aspects. The results of this study indicated that the story of "Layangan Putus" had aspects of lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, and coherence. Aspects of cohesion and constructive coherence in which discourse can convey a message to readers. In this way, the contents of the story can make the reader into feeling what the writer feel

    Revisiting Hadith In Kitab Perukunan Melayu Of The Work By Jamal Ad-Din Al-Banjariy

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    “Kitab Perukunan Melayu” written by Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari is one of the books that still exists in use since 1315 H / 1897 AD until now, covering the study of the Pillars of Faith ('Aqidah), the Pillars of Islam (Shari'ah), and Akhlaq (Tashawuf). This research discusses the Khazanah Hadith in the archipelago with the focus of the study "Kitab Perukunan Melayu by Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari in the Study of Authenticity. After a study of the book, it was found that Sheikh Jamaluddin Al-Banjari wanted to convey a message to readers about the rites of Fiqh Ibadah by quoting several categories of Hadith (some are sahih, hasan da'if, and Maudhu') which were used as a basis for legitimizing thinking in his book. As an alternative solution from this research. hopefully later it can contribute to finding the source of the Hadith, finding the completeness of the editorial and its quality, and offering alternative Hadith that are more accurate and meaningful to the Hadith in the book. Then it can find out the relevance of the book to the religious rites of the Tanjung Balai Asahan Madya City which consists of heterogeneous ethnicities and religions

    The new scottish parliament project : a content analysis of two broadsheet newspapers

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    The new Scottish Parliament project in Edinburgh is intended to be a unique symbol of devolution and national distinctiveness. However, the project suffered significant setbacks due to cost escalations and programme delays. Since the projects inception in 1997, the design, construction and management of the project have undergone intense scrutiny from media journalists. In particular, two ‘broadsheet’ newspapers, The Scotsman and The Herald have documented the legacy surrounding this unique project. A content analysis of sample headlines from both newspapers suggests that The Scotsman has predominantly employed emotive metaphors in reporting and that this tone tends to emphasise the problems encountered by the project team. The Herald has taken a less judgemental approach with the majority of its reports being less bias in nature. Only a handful of reports could be considered positive in promoting the project and this may have ramifications for the image of the construction industry

    Developments in non-mandatory disclosures in annual reports of companies: A case study

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    The paper investigates the extent of non-mandatory disclosure of information (NMD) in the annual reports of the 17 companies listed on the South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPSE) in Fiji, a developing country, and whether NMD by these companies has changed over time providing additional and useful information to stakeholders. The empirical data was gathered from the years 2008 to 2010 to provide a clear picture of the change in the level and extent of NMD, and its influences over the periods 2008 to 2010. It can be seen from the Fiji perspective that the mandatory requirements tend to have a financial focus. However, it would be expected that the level of company disclosures would have changed over time, with not only global market forces but through differing societal values which have increased the frequency and demand of non-mandatory reporting by companies. All companies showed some degree of NMD, and on average this demonstrates an increasing trend. The stakeholders are receiving more information about a company’s activities. The companies were analysed in light of recent developments in corporate governance by the Capital Markets Development Authority (CMDA) implementing their 10 corporate governance principles. This became a major driver of the increase in NMD levels of the disclosures in the annual reports of the listed companies. However, a large variation still exists between the level and extent of the NMD and the different listed companies. The minimum disclosure level found over the three years was 9.09 percent, which has increased to a minimum of 13.66 percent in 2010, and the maximum disclosure level over the three years was 81.82 percent. The findings for the extent of NMD was also similar where the minimum words used in NMDs was 114, increasing to 854 in 2010, and the maximum disclosure extent over the three years was 21,414 words. However, it was found that the measurement of counting words tended to fluctuate over different periods where significant events took place that affected the company. Therefore, it was established that disclosure is impacted by what happens in the reporting period, and can explain why one period may have greater disclosure than another. The paper aims to extend earlier work of Sharma & Davey (2013) on the extent of NMD in Fijian context. While Sharma & Davey (2013) considered voluntary disclosure from 1999-2005, our study reviews NMD over 2008-2010. The study has shown that corporate governance code issued in 2009 by Capital Market Development Authority has influenced the level of NMD


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    Anton Kurniawan. ANALISIS STRUKTURAL DAN NILAI PENDIDIKAN DALAM NASKAH DRAMA MELIK NGGENDHONG LALI KARYA UDYN UPEWE SERTA RELEVANSINYA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA JAWA DI SMP. Skripsi, Surakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Oktober 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan: (1) struktur naskah drama Melik Nggendhong Lali; (2) Nilai Pendidikan naskah drama Melik Nggendhong Lali; (3) relevansi naskah drama Melik Nggendhong Lali dengan pembelajaran bahasa Jawa di SMP. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan strategi tunggal terpancang dan metode analisis dokumen. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah naskah drama Melik Nggendhong Lali dan hasil wawancara yang menunjang permasalahan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu teknik studi pustaka yang dilakukan dengan mencatat dokumen-dokumen atau arsip yang berkaitan dengan masalah dan tujuan penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis jalinan atau mengalir yang meliputi tiga komponen, yaitu: (1) reduksi data; (2) sajian data; dan (3) penarikan simpulan. Berdasarkan analisis data melalui pendekatan struktural, dapat disimpulkan: (1) tema dalam cerita ialah masalah sosial, memiliki tokoh sentral Heru dan Mbah Dar, tokoh utama Manto dan Sarti, serta tokoh pembantu Kliwon, Sulis, Pemuda 1, Pemuda 2, dan Polisi. Alur cerita menggunakan alur maju dan teratur, yang terkait dengan setting naskah. Dialog yang digunakan dalam naskah drama adalah ragam bahasa Jawa ngoko dan krama. Amanat dalam naskah ini yaitu sebagai seorang anak hendaknya menurut kepada nasihat orang tuanya agar tidak menyesal pada akhirnya. Tema masalah sosial mempengaruhi munculnya karakter Heru yang suka membantah nasihat ayahnya, alur yang maju dan teratur mempengaruhi terjadinya setting waktu yang berurutan, penggunaan dialog dipengaruhi oleh penokohan pada setiap karakter, dan semua unsur akan saling berkaitan membentuk suatu pesan kepada pembaca; (2) nilai kultural yang muncul yakni penggunaan bahasa yang biasanya digunakan oleh seorang dalang, nilai kesosialan ditandai dengan rasa peduli Mbah Dar terhadap Heru serta Manto, nilai kesusilaan yang ada yaitu pelanggaran nilai moral dengan sikap Heru yang acuh, dan nilai keagamaan yang ditunjukkan dengan jauhnya Heru dari ajaran agama; (3) naskah drama Melik Nggendhong Lali memiliki struktur yang lengkap serta nilai-nilai edukatif sehingga jika direlevansikan dengan pembelajaran bahasa Jawa di SMP, naskah ini dapat dijadikan sebagai materi pembelajaran bahasa Jawa pada kelas IX. Kata kunci: naskah Melik Nggendhong Lali, struktur, nilai pendidikan, pembelajaran bahasa Jaw

    The Cycle of Exclusion in Local Print News: How News Content Reflects and Reinforces Patriarchy

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    Print news has been relied upon as a source of information for centuries. Despite recent strides towards gender equality, women are persistently marginalized in news content and newsrooms. This thesis analyzed over 950 staff-written Milwaukee Journal Sentinel stories and conducted 19 interviews with both men and women staff reporters and editors to examine how patriarchy might infiltrate local print news. I analyzed how women and men authors, sources and subjects are included or excluded from the news. Furthermore, this thesis examines the gendered division of labor within the newsroom

    Cartoon As Instructional Method in Teaching Descriptive Text Writing

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    Writing is a part of four language skills that the students have to be comprehended. In fact,  many students are unable to do so because they believe that learning to write is difficult. Several resons exist for this dilemma. One is that grammatical rules for the English language are much different than those of Bahasa Indonesia. Second, students typically prossess a limit vocabulary. Third, students do not have much motivation to write English text. One of potential solution to increase writing skills for writing (descriptive text) using cartoon media. In applying cartoon media, the teacher asks students to describe items based on a cartoon, and then after the students have described things such as colour and form. They are asked to compare stories to see which ones are closest to real story and retell the stories what student write. Using this method helps for several reasons. First, the method attacts students’ attention. Second, visual material have been shown to be helpful because they are engaging

    The Implementation of Tas Based Language Teaching (TBLT) to Improve Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan TBLT dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa SMP Widya Dharma Bandar lampung. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan tes tulis; Tes pra dan uji pos. Data dianalisis dengan uji T-test berulang menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pre dan post test selanjutnya metode ini berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Singkatnya, TBLT mampu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis.The objectives of this research is to find out whether the implementation of TBLT can improve students’ ability in writing descriptive texts. The sample of the research are is junior high school student of  Widya Dharma Bandar lampung. Data of the research were obtained by using writing tests; Pre tests and post tests. The data were analysed by Repeated measure T-test using SPSS 16.0.Moreover, the result showed that there is a significant difference between the pre and post test furthermore the method has successfully improve students writing ability. In Short, TBLT is able to improve student’s ability in writing.Keywords: TBLT, The Framework of TBLT, The Concept of Writing, Descriptive text


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan perbedaan signifikan pada prestasi menulis siswa setelah diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik mind mapping dan apakah mind mapping dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan aspek menulis pada istilah organisasi, kosa kata, dan tata bahasa. Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif berdasarkan desain eksperimental. Sampel dipilih secara acak dengan menggunakan lotere yaitu kelas XI IPA1. Data diperoleh dengan mengadakan pretest, posttest dan treatment. Peneliti menggunakan Repeated Measure t-test dalam menganalisa data yang dikumpulkan. Level signifikan adalah 0,05 dan hipotesa dibuktikan jika tanda p. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari hasil t-test yang menunjukkan sig. (2-tailed)  adalah ,000. Ini dapat diperkirakan bahwa H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak karena 0,000 0,05. Jadi kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan signifikan dari prestasi siswa setelah mereka diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik mind mapping.The aims of this study are to find out significant difference in students’ writing achievement after being taught by using mind mapping technique and whether or not mind mapping can be used to increase students’ writing aspect in terms of organization, vocabulary, and grammar. This research was quantitative based on the experimental design. The sample was chosen randomly by using lottery that was XI IPA1. The data were gained by administering pretest. posttest and treatments. The researcher used Repeated Measure t-test in analyzing the data collected. The significance level is in 0.05 and the hypothesis is approved if sign p. It can be seen that t-test result showed sig. (2-tailed) is .000. It can be inferred that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected since 0.000 0.05. So we can conclude that there is significant increase of students’ achievement after they are taught by using mind mapping technique.Keywords: achievement, mind mapping technique, writing aspec

    The Use of Picture Series in Improving Students’ Writing Narrative Text Ability

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana rangkaian gambar paling baik diimplementasikan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan tulisan siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan untuk menggambarkan masalah yang dihadapi selama proses pembelajaran menggunakan seri gambar di kelas. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengamati proses belajar mengajar selama pelaksanaan tindakan, mewawancarai siswa dan guru bahasa Inggris dan dan melakukan diskusi dengan guru bahasa Inggris sebagai kolaborator. Hasil dari dua siklus menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan seri gambar efektif untuk meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar dan kemampuan siswa untuk menulis teks naratif. Serial gambar sangat berguna dalam mengarahkan siswa untuk menulis di organisasi yang benar, menghasilkan ide-ide siswa dan memperkaya kosa kata siswa.This research is aimed to describe how picture series are best implemented in the English teaching and learning process to enhance students’ writing in learning English and to describe the problems encountered during the process of learning using picture series in the class. The data were collected by observing the teaching and learning process during the implementation of the action, interviewing the students and the English teacher and and conducting discussions with the English teacher as collaborator. The result of the two cycles showed that the use of picture series was effective to improve the teaching learning process and the students’ ability to write narrative texts. Picture series were really useful in terms of directing students to write in the correct organisation, generate students’ ideas and enrich students’ vocabulary.Keyword : Picture series, teaching writing, writing
