36 research outputs found

    Routing and Applications of Vehicular Named Data Networking

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) allows vehicles to exchange important informationamong themselves and has become a critical component for enabling smart transportation.In VANET, vehicles are more interested in content itself than from which vehicle the contentis originated. Named Data Networking (NDN) is an Internet architecture that concentrateson what the content is rather than where the content is located. We adopt NDN as theunderlying communication paradigm for VANET because it can better address a plethora ofproblems in VANET, such as frequent disconnections and fast mobility of vehicles. However,vehicular named data networking faces the problem of how to efficiently route interestpackets and data packets. To address the problem, we propose a new geographic routing strategy of applying NDNin vehicular networks with Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) support, called GeoDTN-NDN. We designed a hybrid routing mechanism for solving the flooding issue of forwardinginterest packets and the disruption problem of delivering data packets. To avoid disruptionscaused by routing packets over less-traveled roads, we develop a new progressive segmentrouting approach that takes into consideration how vehicles are distributed among differentroads, with the goal of favoring well-traveled roads. A novel criterion for determiningprogress of routing is designed to guarantee that the destination will be reached no matterwhether a temporary loop may be formed in the path. We also investigate applications of vehicular named data networking. We categorizethese applications into four types and design an NDN naming scheme for them. We proposea fog-computing based architecture to support the smart parking application, which enablesa driver to find a parking lot with available parking space and make reservation for futureparking need. Finally we describe several future research directions for vehicular nameddata networking

    Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled "Recent Developments on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks and Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks”. These works expose the readership to the latest solutions and techniques for MANETs and VANETs. They cover interesting topics such as power-aware optimization solutions for MANETs, data dissemination in VANETs, adaptive multi-hop broadcast schemes for VANETs, multi-metric routing protocols for VANETs, and incentive mechanisms to encourage the distribution of information in VANETs. The book demonstrates pioneering work in these fields, investigates novel solutions and methods, and discusses future trends in these field

    CASPaR: Congestion Avoidance Shortest Path Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Unlike traditional TCP/IP-based networks, Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs) may experience connectivity disruptions and guarantee no end-to-end connectivity between source and destination. As the popularity of DTNs continues to rise, so does the need for a robust and low latency routing protocol capable of connecting not only DTNs but also densely populated, dynamic hybrid DTN-MANET. Here we describe a novel DTN routing algorithm referred to as Congestion Avoidance Shortest Path Routing (CASPaR), which seeks to maximize packet delivery probability while minimizing latency. CASPaR attempts this without any direct knowledge of node connectivity outside of its own neighborhood. Our simulation results show that CASPaR outperforms well-known protocols in terms of packet delivery probability and latency while limiting network overhead

    Data Gathering and Dissemination over Flying Ad-hoc Networks in Smart Environments

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    The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has laid the foundations for new possibilities in our life. The ability to communicate with any electronic device has become a fascinating opportunity. Particularly interesting are UAVs (Unmanned Airborne Vehicles), autonomous or remotely controlled flying devices able to operate in many contexts thanks to their mobility, sensors, and communication capabilities. Recently, the use of UAVs has become an important asset in many critical and common scenarios; thereby, various research groups have started to consider UAVs’ potentiality applied on smart environments. UAVs can communicate with each other forming a Flying Ad-hoc Network (FANET), in order to provide complex services that requires the coordination of several UAVs; yet, this also generates challenging communication issues. This dissertation starts from this standpoint, firstly focusing on networking issues and potential solutions already present in the state-of-the-art. To this aim, the peculiar issues of routing in mobile, 3D shaped ad-hoc networks have been investigated through a set of simulations to compare different ad-hoc routing protocols and understand their limits. From this knowledge, our work takes into consideration the differences between classic MANETs and FANETs, highlighting the specific communication performance of UAVs and their specific mobility models. Based on these assumptions, we propose refinements and improvements of routing protocols, as well as their linkage with actual UAV-based applications to support smart services. Particular consideration is devoted to Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks (DTNs), characterized by long packet delays and intermittent connectivity, a critical aspect when UAVs are involved. The goal is to leverage on context-aware strategies in order to design more efficient routing solutions. The outcome of this work includes the design and analysis of new routing protocols supporting efficient UAVs’ communication with heterogeneous smart objects in smart environments. Finally, we discuss about how the presence of UAV swarms may affect the perception of population, providing a critical analysis of how the consideration of these aspects could change a FANET communication infrastructure

    Efficient Routing Protocol in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs)

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    Modern Internet protocols demonstrate inefficient performance in those networks where the connectivity between end nodes has intermittent property due to dynamic topology or resource constraints. Network environments where the nodes are characterized by opportunistic connectivity are referred to as Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs). Highly usable in numerous practical applications such as low-density mobile ad hoc networks, command/response military networks and wireless sensor networks, DTNs have been one of the growing topics of interest characterized by significant amount of research efforts invested in this area over the past decade. Routing is one of the major components significantly affecting the overall performance of DTN networks in terms of resource consumption, data delivery and latency. Over the past few years a number of routing protocols have been proposed. The focus of this thesis is on description, classification and comparison of these protocols. We discuss the state-of-the-art routing schemes and methods in opportunistic networks and classify them into two main deterministic and stochastic routing categories. The classification is based on forwarding decisions in routing methods adopted with or without the knowledge about the network topology and nodes trajectories. The protocols in each class have their own advantages and shortcomings. In the stochastic routing protocols category, simple flooding-based protocols are feasible approaches in those networks where there is a little or no information about the network topology and there is no resource restriction. Epidemic routing is a flooding- based protocol relying upon the distribution of messages through the networks to deliver information to their destinations. To demonstrate the performance of the epidemic routing protocol for information delivery in networks with intermittent connectivities, we provide several simulation experiments and show that this protocol with reasonable aggregate resource consumption, ensures eventual message delivery in networks, using minimal assumptions regarding nodes trajectories, network topology and connectivity of underlying networks and only based on sufficient number of random pair-wise exchanges of messages among mobile nodes. In the following, we introduce the recently proposed network coding concept and discuss coding-based information delivery advantages in wireless networks. Network coding is a recently introduced paradigm to efficiently disseminate data in wireless networks in which data flows coming from multiple sources are combined to increase throughput, reduce delay, and enhance robustness against node failures. Finally, we present some simulation experiments to show the superiority of network coding for information delivery in wireless networks, compared to pure flooding-based mechanisms. /Kir1

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Models and Protocols for Resource Optimization in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks are built on a mix of fixed and mobile nodes interconnected via wireless links to form a multihop ad hoc network. An emerging application area for wireless mesh networks is their evolution into a converged infrastructure used to share and extend, to mobile users, the wireless Internet connectivity of sparsely deployed fixed lines with heterogeneous capacity, ranging from ISP-owned broadband links to subscriber owned low-speed connections. In this thesis we address different key research issues for this networking scenario. First, we propose an analytical predictive tool, developing a queuing network model capable of predicting the network capacity and we use it in a load aware routing protocol in order to provide, to the end users, a quality of service based on the throughput. We then extend the queuing network model and introduce a multi-class queuing network model to predict analytically the average end-to-end packet delay of the traffic flows among the mobile end users and the Internet. The analytical models are validated against simulation. Second, we propose an address auto-configuration solution to extend the coverage of a wireless mesh network by interconnecting it to a mobile ad hoc network in a transparent way for the infrastructure network (i.e., the legacy Internet interconnected to the wireless mesh network). Third, we implement two real testbed prototypes of the proposed solutions as a proof-of-concept, both for the load aware routing protocol and the auto-configuration protocol. Finally we discuss the issues related to the adoption of ad hoc networking technologies to address the fragility of our communication infrastructure and to build the next generation of dependable, secure and rapidly deployable communications infrastructures

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks