47 research outputs found

    Efficient algorithms for scalable video coding

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    A scalable video bitstream specifically designed for the needs of various client terminals, network conditions, and user demands is much desired in current and future video transmission and storage systems. The scalable extension of the H.264/AVC standard (SVC) has been developed to satisfy the new challenges posed by heterogeneous environments, as it permits a single video stream to be decoded fully or partially with variable quality, resolution, and frame rate in order to adapt to a specific application. This thesis presents novel improved algorithms for SVC, including: 1) a fast inter-frame and inter-layer coding mode selection algorithm based on motion activity; 2) a hierarchical fast mode selection algorithm; 3) a two-part Rate Distortion (RD) model targeting the properties of different prediction modes for the SVC rate control scheme; and 4) an optimised Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) prediction model. The proposed fast inter-frame and inter-layer mode selection algorithm is based on the empirical observation that a macroblock (MB) with slow movement is more likely to be best matched by one in the same resolution layer. However, for a macroblock with fast movement, motion estimation between layers is required. Simulation results show that the algorithm can reduce the encoding time by up to 40%, with negligible degradation in RD performance. The proposed hierarchical fast mode selection scheme comprises four levels and makes full use of inter-layer, temporal and spatial correlation aswell as the texture information of each macroblock. Overall, the new technique demonstrates the same coding performance in terms of picture quality and compression ratio as that of the SVC standard, yet produces a saving in encoding time of up to 84%. Compared with state-of-the-art SVC fast mode selection algorithms, the proposed algorithm achieves a superior computational time reduction under very similar RD performance conditions. The existing SVC rate distortion model cannot accurately represent the RD properties of the prediction modes, because it is influenced by the use of inter-layer prediction. A separate RD model for inter-layer prediction coding in the enhancement layer(s) is therefore introduced. Overall, the proposed algorithms improve the average PSNR by up to 0.34dB or produce an average saving in bit rate of up to 7.78%. Furthermore, the control accuracy is maintained to within 0.07% on average. As aMADprediction error always exists and cannot be avoided, an optimisedMADprediction model for the spatial enhancement layers is proposed that considers the MAD from previous temporal frames and previous spatial frames together, to achieve a more accurateMADprediction. Simulation results indicate that the proposedMADprediction model reduces the MAD prediction error by up to 79% compared with the JVT-W043 implementation

    Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithms have a firm position in processing of signals in several areas of research and industry. As DWT provides both octave-scale frequency and spatial timing of the analyzed signal, it is constantly used to solve and treat more and more advanced problems. The present book: Discrete Wavelet Transforms: Algorithms and Applications reviews the recent progress in discrete wavelet transform algorithms and applications. The book covers a wide range of methods (e.g. lifting, shift invariance, multi-scale analysis) for constructing DWTs. The book chapters are organized into four major parts. Part I describes the progress in hardware implementations of the DWT algorithms. Applications include multitone modulation for ADSL and equalization techniques, a scalable architecture for FPGA-implementation, lifting based algorithm for VLSI implementation, comparison between DWT and FFT based OFDM and modified SPIHT codec. Part II addresses image processing algorithms such as multiresolution approach for edge detection, low bit rate image compression, low complexity implementation of CQF wavelets and compression of multi-component images. Part III focuses watermaking DWT algorithms. Finally, Part IV describes shift invariant DWTs, DC lossless property, DWT based analysis and estimation of colored noise and an application of the wavelet Galerkin method. The chapters of the present book consist of both tutorial and highly advanced material. Therefore, the book is intended to be a reference text for graduate students and researchers to obtain state-of-the-art knowledge on specific applications

    Design of a secure architecture for the exchange of biomedical information in m-Health scenarios

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    El paradigma de m-Salud (salud móvil) aboga por la integración masiva de las más avanzadas tecnologías de comunicación, red móvil y sensores en aplicaciones y sistemas de salud, para fomentar el despliegue de un nuevo modelo de atención clínica centrada en el usuario/paciente. Este modelo tiene por objetivos el empoderamiento de los usuarios en la gestión de su propia salud (p.ej. aumentando sus conocimientos, promocionando estilos de vida saludable y previniendo enfermedades), la prestación de una mejor tele-asistencia sanitaria en el hogar para ancianos y pacientes crónicos y una notable disminución del gasto de los Sistemas de Salud gracias a la reducción del número y la duración de las hospitalizaciones. No obstante, estas ventajas, atribuidas a las aplicaciones de m-Salud, suelen venir acompañadas del requisito de un alto grado de disponibilidad de la información biomédica de sus usuarios para garantizar una alta calidad de servicio, p.ej. fusionar varias señales de un usuario para obtener un diagnóstico más preciso. La consecuencia negativa de cumplir esta demanda es el aumento directo de las superficies potencialmente vulnerables a ataques, lo que sitúa a la seguridad (y a la privacidad) del modelo de m-Salud como factor crítico para su éxito. Como requisito no funcional de las aplicaciones de m-Salud, la seguridad ha recibido menos atención que otros requisitos técnicos que eran más urgentes en etapas de desarrollo previas, tales como la robustez, la eficiencia, la interoperabilidad o la usabilidad. Otro factor importante que ha contribuido a retrasar la implementación de políticas de seguridad sólidas es que garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad implica unos costes que pueden ser muy relevantes en varias dimensiones, en especial en la económica (p.ej. sobrecostes por la inclusión de hardware extra para la autenticación de usuarios), en el rendimiento (p.ej. reducción de la eficiencia y de la interoperabilidad debido a la integración de elementos de seguridad) y en la usabilidad (p.ej. configuración más complicada de dispositivos y aplicaciones de salud debido a las nuevas opciones de seguridad). Por tanto, las soluciones de seguridad que persigan satisfacer a todos los actores del contexto de m-Salud (usuarios, pacientes, personal médico, personal técnico, legisladores, fabricantes de dispositivos y equipos, etc.) deben ser robustas y al mismo tiempo minimizar sus costes asociados. Esta Tesis detalla una propuesta de seguridad, compuesta por cuatro grandes bloques interconectados, para dotar de seguridad a las arquitecturas de m-Salud con unos costes reducidos. El primer bloque define un esquema global que proporciona unos niveles de seguridad e interoperabilidad acordes con las características de las distintas aplicaciones de m-Salud. Este esquema está compuesto por tres capas diferenciadas, diseñadas a la medidas de los dominios de m-Salud y de sus restricciones, incluyendo medidas de seguridad adecuadas para la defensa contra las amenazas asociadas a sus aplicaciones de m-Salud. El segundo bloque establece la extensión de seguridad de aquellos protocolos estándar que permiten la adquisición, el intercambio y/o la administración de información biomédica -- por tanto, usados por muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud -- pero no reúnen los niveles de seguridad detallados en el esquema previo. Estas extensiones se concretan para los estándares biomédicos ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD y SCP-ECG. El tercer bloque propone nuevas formas de fortalecer la seguridad de los tests biomédicos, que constituyen el elemento esencial de muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud de carácter clínico, mediante codificaciones novedosas. Finalmente el cuarto bloque, que se sitúa en paralelo a los anteriores, selecciona herramientas genéricas de seguridad (elementos de autenticación y criptográficos) cuya integración en los otros bloques resulta idónea, y desarrolla nuevas herramientas de seguridad, basadas en señal -- embedding y keytagging --, para reforzar la protección de los test biomédicos.The paradigm of m-Health (mobile health) advocates for the massive integration of advanced mobile communications, network and sensor technologies in healthcare applications and systems to foster the deployment of a new, user/patient-centered healthcare model enabling the empowerment of users in the management of their health (e.g. by increasing their health literacy, promoting healthy lifestyles and the prevention of diseases), a better home-based healthcare delivery for elderly and chronic patients and important savings for healthcare systems due to the reduction of hospitalizations in number and duration. It is a fact that many m-Health applications demand high availability of biomedical information from their users (for further accurate analysis, e.g. by fusion of various signals) to guarantee high quality of service, which on the other hand entails increasing the potential surfaces for attacks. Therefore, it is not surprising that security (and privacy) is commonly included among the most important barriers for the success of m-Health. As a non-functional requirement for m-Health applications, security has received less attention than other technical issues that were more pressing at earlier development stages, such as reliability, eficiency, interoperability or usability. Another fact that has contributed to delaying the enforcement of robust security policies is that guaranteeing a certain security level implies costs that can be very relevant and that span along diferent dimensions. These include budgeting (e.g. the demand of extra hardware for user authentication), performance (e.g. lower eficiency and interoperability due to the addition of security elements) and usability (e.g. cumbersome configuration of devices and applications due to security options). Therefore, security solutions that aim to satisfy all the stakeholders in the m-Health context (users/patients, medical staff, technical staff, systems and devices manufacturers, regulators, etc.) shall be robust and, at the same time, minimize their associated costs. This Thesis details a proposal, composed of four interrelated blocks, to integrate appropriate levels of security in m-Health architectures in a cost-efcient manner. The first block designes a global scheme that provides different security and interoperability levels accordingto how critical are the m-Health applications to be implemented. This consists ofthree layers tailored to the m-Health domains and their constraints, whose security countermeasures defend against the threats of their associated m-Health applications. Next, the second block addresses the security extension of those standard protocols that enable the acquisition, exchange and/or management of biomedical information | thus, used by many m-Health applications | but do not meet the security levels described in the former scheme. These extensions are materialized for the biomedical standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG. Then, the third block proposes new ways of enhancing the security of biomedical standards, which are the centerpiece of many clinical m-Health applications, by means of novel codings. Finally the fourth block, with is parallel to the others, selects generic security methods (for user authentication and cryptographic protection) whose integration in the other blocks results optimal, and also develops novel signal-based methods (embedding and keytagging) for strengthening the security of biomedical tests. The layer-based extensions of the standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG can be considered as robust, cost-eficient and respectful with their original features and contents. The former adds no attributes to its data information model, four new frames to the service model |and extends four with new sub-frames|, and only one new sub-state to the communication model. Furthermore, a lightweight architecture consisting of a personal health device mounting a 9 MHz processor and an aggregator mounting a 1 GHz processor is enough to transmit a 3-lead electrocardiogram in real-time implementing the top security layer. The extra requirements associated to this extension are an initial configuration of the health device and the aggregator, tokens for identification/authentication of users if these devices are to be shared and the implementation of certain IHE profiles in the aggregator to enable the integration of measurements in healthcare systems. As regards to the extension of SCP-ECG, it only adds a new section with selected security elements and syntax in order to protect the rest of file contents and provide proper role-based access control. The overhead introduced in the protected SCP-ECG is typically 2{13 % of the regular file size, and the extra delays to protect a newly generated SCP-ECG file and to access it for interpretation are respectively a 2{10 % and a 5 % of the regular delays. As regards to the signal-based security techniques developed, the embedding method is the basis for the proposal of a generic coding for tests composed of biomedical signals, periodic measurements and contextual information. This has been adjusted and evaluated with electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram-based tests, proving the objective clinical quality of the coded tests, the capacity of the coding-access system to operate in real-time (overall delays of 2 s for electrocardiograms and 3.3 s for electroencephalograms) and its high usability. Despite of the embedding of security and metadata to enable m-Health services, the compression ratios obtained by this coding range from ' 3 in real-time transmission to ' 5 in offline operation. Complementarily, keytagging permits associating information to images (and other signals) by means of keys in a secure and non-distorting fashion, which has been availed to implement security measures such as image authentication, integrity control and location of tampered areas, private captioning with role-based access control, traceability and copyright protection. The tests conducted indicate a remarkable robustness-capacity tradeoff that permits implementing all this measures simultaneously, and the compatibility of keytagging with JPEG2000 compression, maintaining this tradeoff while setting the overall keytagging delay in only ' 120 ms for any image size | evidencing the scalability of this technique. As a general conclusion, it has been demonstrated and illustrated with examples that there are various, complementary and structured manners to contribute in the implementation of suitable security levels for m-Health architectures with a moderate cost in budget, performance, interoperability and usability. The m-Health landscape is evolving permanently along all their dimensions, and this Thesis aims to do so with its security. Furthermore, the lessons learned herein may offer further guidance for the elaboration of more comprehensive and updated security schemes, for the extension of other biomedical standards featuring low emphasis on security or privacy, and for the improvement of the state of the art regarding signal-based protection methods and applications

    Hybrid Region-based Image Compression Scheme for Mamograms and Ultrasound Images

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    The need for transmission and archive of mammograms and ultrasound Images has dramatically increased in tele-healthcare applications. Such images require large amount of' storage space which affect transmission speed. Therefore an effective compression scheme is essential. Compression of these images. in general. laces a great challenge to compromise between the higher compression ratio and the relevant diagnostic information. Out of the many studied compression schemes. lossless . IPl. (i- LS and lossy SPII IT are found to he the most efficient ones. JPEG-LS and SI'll IT are chosen based on a comprehensive experimental study carried on a large number of mammograms and ultrasound images of different sizes and texture. The lossless schemes are evaluated based on the compression ratio and compression speed. The distortion in the image quality which is introduced by lossy methods evaluated based on objective criteria using Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). It is found that lossless compression can achieve a modest compression ratio 2: 1 - 4: 1. bossy compression schemes can achieve higher compression ratios than lossless ones but at the price of the image quality which may impede diagnostic conclusions. In this work, a new compression approach called Ilvbrid Region-based Image Compression Scheme (IIYRICS) has been proposed for the mammograms and ultrasound images to achieve higher compression ratios without compromising the diagnostic quality. In I LYRICS, a modification for JPI; G-LS is introduced to encode the arbitrary shaped disease affected regions. Then Shape adaptive SPIT IT is applied on the remaining non region of interest. The results clearly show that this hybrid strategy can yield high compression ratios with perfect reconstruction of diagnostic relevant regions, achieving high speed transmission and less storage requirement. For the sample images considered in our experiment, the compression ratio increases approximately ten times. However, this increase depends upon the size of the region of interest chosen. It is also föund that the pre-processing (contrast stretching) of region of interest improves compression ratios on mammograms but not on ultrasound images

    3D Medical Image Lossless Compressor Using Deep Learning Approaches

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    The ever-increasing importance of accelerated information processing, communica-tion, and storing are major requirements within the big-data era revolution. With the extensive rise in data availability, handy information acquisition, and growing data rate, a critical challenge emerges in efficient handling. Even with advanced technical hardware developments and multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) availability, this demand is still highly promoted to utilise these technologies effectively. Health-care systems are one of the domains yielding explosive data growth. Especially when considering their modern scanners abilities, which annually produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled medical images, with increasing requirements for massive storage capacity. The bottleneck in data transmission and storage would essentially be handled with an effective compression method. Since medical information is critical and imposes an influential role in diagnosis accuracy, it is strongly encouraged to guarantee exact reconstruction with no loss in quality, which is the main objective of any lossless compression algorithm. Given the revolutionary impact of Deep Learning (DL) methods in solving many tasks while achieving the state of the art results, includ-ing data compression, this opens tremendous opportunities for contributions. While considerable efforts have been made to address lossy performance using learning-based approaches, less attention was paid to address lossless compression. This PhD thesis investigates and proposes novel learning-based approaches for compressing 3D medical images losslessly.Firstly, we formulate the lossless compression task as a supervised sequential prediction problem, whereby a model learns a projection function to predict a target voxel given sequence of samples from its spatially surrounding voxels. Using such 3D local sampling information efficiently exploits spatial similarities and redundancies in a volumetric medical context by utilising such a prediction paradigm. The proposed NN-based data predictor is trained to minimise the differences with the original data values while the residual errors are encoded using arithmetic coding to allow lossless reconstruction.Following this, we explore the effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as a 3D predictor for learning the mapping function from the spatial medical domain (16 bit-depths). We analyse Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models’ generalisabil-ity and robustness in capturing the 3D spatial dependencies of a voxel’s neighbourhood while utilising samples taken from various scanning settings. We evaluate our proposed MedZip models in compressing unseen Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modalities losslessly, compared to other state-of-the-art lossless compression standards.This work investigates input configurations and sampling schemes for a many-to-one sequence prediction model, specifically for compressing 3D medical images (16 bit-depths) losslessly. The main objective is to determine the optimal practice for enabling the proposed LSTM model to achieve a high compression ratio and fast encoding-decoding performance. A solution for a non-deterministic environments problem was also proposed, allowing models to run in parallel form without much compression performance drop. Compared to well-known lossless codecs, experimental evaluations were carried out on datasets acquired by different hospitals, representing different body segments, and have distinct scanning modalities (i.e. CT and MRI).To conclude, we present a novel data-driven sampling scheme utilising weighted gradient scores for training LSTM prediction-based models. The objective is to determine whether some training samples are significantly more informative than others, specifically in medical domains where samples are available on a scale of billions. The effectiveness of models trained on the presented importance sampling scheme was evaluated compared to alternative strategies such as uniform, Gaussian, and sliced-based sampling

    Compression et transmission d'images avec énergie minimale application aux capteurs sans fil

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    Un réseau de capteurs d'images sans fil (RCISF) est un réseau ad hoc formé d'un ensemble de noeuds autonomes dotés chacun d'une petite caméra, communiquant entre eux sans liaison filaire et sans l'utilisation d'une infrastructure établie, ni d'une gestion de réseau centralisée. Leur utilité semble majeure dans plusieurs domaines, notamment en médecine et en environnement. La conception d'une chaîne de compression et de transmission sans fil pour un RCISF pose de véritables défis. L'origine de ces derniers est liée principalement à la limitation des ressources des capteurs (batterie faible , capacité de traitement et mémoire limitées). L'objectif de cette thèse consiste à explorer des stratégies permettant d'améliorer l'efficacité énergétique des RCISF, notamment lors de la compression et de la transmission des images. Inéluctablement, l'application des normes usuelles telles que JPEG ou JPEG2000 est éner- givore, et limite ainsi la longévité des RCISF. Cela nécessite leur adaptation aux contraintes imposées par les RCISF. Pour cela, nous avons analysé en premier lieu, la faisabilité d'adapter JPEG au contexte où les ressources énergétiques sont très limitées. Les travaux menés sur cet aspect nous permettent de proposer trois solutions. La première solution est basée sur la propriété de compactage de l'énergie de la Transformée en Cosinus Discrète (TCD). Cette propriété permet d'éliminer la redondance dans une image sans trop altérer sa qualité, tout en gagnant en énergie. La réduction de l'énergie par l'utilisation des régions d'intérêts représente la deuxième solution explorée dans cette thèse. Finalement, nous avons proposé un schéma basé sur la compression et la transmission progressive, permettant ainsi d'avoir une idée générale sur l'image cible sans envoyer son contenu entier. En outre, pour une transmission non énergivore, nous avons opté pour la solution suivante. N'envoyer fiablement que les basses fréquences et les régions d'intérêt d'une image. Les hautes fréquences et les régions de moindre intérêt sont envoyées""infiablement"", car leur pertes n'altèrent que légèrement la qualité de l'image. Pour cela, des modèles de priorisation ont été comparés puis adaptés à nos besoins. En second lieu, nous avons étudié l'approche par ondelettes (wavelets ). Plus précisément, nous avons analysé plusieurs filtres d'ondelettes et déterminé les ondelettes les plus adéquates pour assurer une faible consommation en énergie, tout en gardant une bonne qualité de l'image reconstruite à la station de base. Pour estimer l'énergie consommée par un capteur durant chaque étape de la 'compression, un modèle mathématique est développé pour chaque transformée (TCD ou ondelette). Ces modèles, qui ne tiennent pas compte de la complexité de l'implémentation, sont basés sur le nombre d'opérations de base exécutées à chaque étape de la compression

    Compressive sensing based image processing and energy-efficient hardware implementation with application to MRI and JPG 2000

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    In the present age of technology, the buzzwords are low-power, energy-efficient and compact systems. This directly leads to the date processing and hardware techniques employed in the core of these devices. One of the most power-hungry and space-consuming schemes is that of image/video processing, due to its high quality requirements. In current design methodologies, a point has nearly been reached in which physical and physiological effects limit the ability to just encode data faster. These limits have led to research into methods to reduce the amount of acquired data without degrading image quality and increasing the energy consumption. Compressive sensing (CS) has emerged as an efficient signal compression and recovery technique, which can be used to efficiently reduce the data acquisition and processing. It exploits the sparsity of a signal in a transform domain to perform sampling and stable recovery. This is an alternative paradigm to conventional data processing and is robust in nature. Unlike the conventional methods, CS provides an information capturing paradigm with both sampling and compression. It permits signals to be sampled below the Nyquist rate, and still allowing optimal reconstruction of the signal. The required measurements are far less than those of conventional methods, and the process is non-adaptive, making the sampling process faster and universal. In this thesis, CS methods are applied to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and JPEG 2000, which are popularly used imaging techniques in clinical applications and image compression, respectively. Over the years, MRI has improved dramatically in both imaging quality and speed. This has further revolutionized the field of diagnostic medicine. However, imaging speed, which is essential to many MRI applications still remains a major challenge. The specific challenge addressed in this work is the use of non-Fourier based complex measurement-based data acquisition. This method provides the possibility of reconstructing high quality MRI data with minimal measurements, due to the high incoherence between the two chosen matrices. Similarly, JPEG2000, though providing a high compression, can be further improved upon by using compressive sampling. In addition, the image quality is also improved. Moreover, having a optimized JPEG 2000 architecture reduces the overall processing, and a faster computation when combined with CS. Considering the requirements, this thesis is presented in two parts. In the first part: (1) A complex Hadamard matrix (CHM) based 2D and 3D MRI data acquisition with recovery using a greedy algorithm is proposed. The CHM measurement matrix is shown to satisfy the necessary condition for CS, known as restricted isometry property (RIP). The sparse recovery is done using compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP); (2) An optimized matrix and modified CoSaMP is presented, which enhances the MRI performance when compared with the conventional sampling; (3) An energy-efficient, cost-efficient hardware design based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed, to provide a platform for low-cost MRI processing hardware. At every stage, the design is proven to be superior with other commonly used MRI-CS methods and is comparable with the conventional MRI sampling. In the second part, CS techniques are applied to image processing and is combined with JPEG 2000 coder. While CS can reduce the encoding time, the effect on the overall JPEG 2000 encoder is not very significant due to some complex JPEG 2000 algorithms. One problem encountered is the big-level operations in JPEG 2000 arithmetic encoding (AE), which is completely based on bit-level operations. In this work, this problem is tackled by proposing a two-symbol AE with an efficient FPGA based hardware design. Furthermore, this design is energy-efficient, fast and has lower complexity when compared to conventional JPEG 2000 encoding

    Hybrid Region-based Image Compression Scheme for Mamograms and Ultrasound Images

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    The need for transmission and archive of mammograms and ultrasound Images has dramatically increased in tele-healthcare applications. Such images require large amount of' storage space which affect transmission speed. Therefore an effective compression scheme is essential. Compression of these images. in general. laces a great challenge to compromise between the higher compression ratio and the relevant diagnostic information. Out of the many studied compression schemes. lossless . IPl. (i- LS and lossy SPII IT are found to he the most efficient ones. JPEG-LS and SI'll IT are chosen based on a comprehensive experimental study carried on a large number of mammograms and ultrasound images of different sizes and texture. The lossless schemes are evaluated based on the compression ratio and compression speed. The distortion in the image quality which is introduced by lossy methods evaluated based on objective criteria using Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). It is found that lossless compression can achieve a modest compression ratio 2: 1 - 4: 1. bossy compression schemes can achieve higher compression ratios than lossless ones but at the price of the image quality which may impede diagnostic conclusions. In this work, a new compression approach called Ilvbrid Region-based Image Compression Scheme (IIYRICS) has been proposed for the mammograms and ultrasound images to achieve higher compression ratios without compromising the diagnostic quality. In I LYRICS, a modification for JPI; G-LS is introduced to encode the arbitrary shaped disease affected regions. Then Shape adaptive SPIT IT is applied on the remaining non region of interest. The results clearly show that this hybrid strategy can yield high compression ratios with perfect reconstruction of diagnostic relevant regions, achieving high speed transmission and less storage requirement. For the sample images considered in our experiment, the compression ratio increases approximately ten times. However, this increase depends upon the size of the region of interest chosen. It is also föund that the pre-processing (contrast stretching) of region of interest improves compression ratios on mammograms but not on ultrasound images

    Design of JPEG Compressor

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    Images are generated, edited and transmitted on a very regular basis in a vast number of systems today. The raw image data generated by the sensors on a camera is very voluminous to store and hence not very efficient. It becomes especially cumbersome to move it around in bandwidth constrained systems or where bandwidth is to be conserved for cost purposes such as the World Wide Web. Such scenarios demand use of efficient image compressing techniques such as the JPEG algorithm technique which compresses the image to a high degree with little loss in perceived quality of the image. Today JPEG algorithm has become the de facto standard in image compression. MATLAB was used to write code for a program which could output a quantized DCT version of the input image and techniques for hardware implementation of JPEG algorithm in a speedy way were investigated