322 research outputs found

    Research in the effective implementation of guidance computers with large scale arrays Interim report

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    Functional logic character implementation in breadboard design of NASA modular compute

    SLIM: A Language for Microcode Description and Simulation in VLSI

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    SLIM (Stanford Language for Implementing Microcode) is a programming language based system for specifying and simulating microcode in a VLSI chip. The language is oriented towards PLA implementations of microcoded machines using either a microprogram counter or a finite state machine. The system supports simulation of the microcode and will drive a PLA layout program to automatically create the PLA

    HAL-ASOS accelerator model: evolutive elasticity by design

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    To address the integration of software threads and hardware accelerators into the Linux Operating System (OS) programming models, an accelerator architecture is proposed, based on micro-programmable hardware system calls, which fully export these resources into the Linux OS user-space through a design-specific virtual file system. The proposed HAL-ASOS accelerator model is split into a user-defined Hardware Task and a parameterizable Hardware Kernel with three differentiated transfer channels, aiming to explore distinct BUS technology interfaces and promote the accelerator to a first-class computing unit. This paper focuses on the Hardware Kernel and mainly its microcode control unit, which will leverage the elasticity to naturally evolve with Linux OS through key differentiating capabilities of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) when compared to the state of the art. To comply with the evolutive nature of Linux OS, or any Hardware Task incremental features, the proposed model generates page-faults signaling runtime errors that are handled at the kernel level as part of the virtual file system runtime. To evaluate the accelerator model’s programmability and its performance, a client-side application based on the AES 128-bit algorithm was implemented. Experiments demonstrate a flexible design approach in terms of hardware and software reconfiguration and significant performance increases consistent with rising processing demands or clock design frequencies.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    The formal verification of generic interpreters

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    The task assignment 3 of the design and validation of digital flight control systems suitable for fly-by-wire applications is studied. Task 3 is associated with formal verification of embedded systems. In particular, results are presented that provide a methodological approach to microprocessor verification. A hierarchical decomposition strategy for specifying microprocessors is also presented. A theory of generic interpreters is presented that can be used to model microprocessor behavior. The generic interpreter theory abstracts away the details of instruction functionality, leaving a general model of what an interpreter does

    Computer aided design of microprograms

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    A heterogeneous computer vision architecture: implementation issues

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    The prototype of a heterogeneous architecture is currently being built. The architecture is aimed at video-rate computing and is based on a message passing MIMD topology at the top level-transputer based-and on VLSI associative processor arrays (APA, SIMD structure) for low level image processing tasks. The APA structure is implemented through a set of 4 VLSI chips (GLiTCH) containing 64 1-bit processing elements each. This communication addresses some issues concerning the implementation of the first prototype, namely those related to: • the design and integration of the APA controller unit, which provides the required interface between the APA, the MIMD topology and the video image interface: • the evaluation of the GLiTCH chip through an emulator based on transputers and fast programmable devices; the emulator was designed to be flexible enough to evaluate later modifications to the GLiTCH design; • the design of an integrated set of software development tools containing a structured editor-syntax oriented, with a visual interface/programming interface-and a cross compiler and debugger

    HAL-ASOS - Linux com aceleração em hardware para sistemas operativos dedicados à aplicação

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    Programa doutoral em Engenharia Eletrónica e de Computadores (PDEEC) (especialidade de Informática Industrial e Sistemas Embebidos)O ecossistema de sistemas embebidos de hoje tornou-se enorme, cobrindo vários e diferentes sistemas, exigindo desempenho e mobilidade completa enquanto atingem autonomias de bateria cada vez maiores. Mas a crescente frequência de relógio que resultou em dispositivos cada vez mais rápidos começou a estagnar antes dos transístores pararem de encolher. Plataformas Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) são uma solução alternativa para a implementação de sistemas completos e reconfiguráveis. Fornecem desempenho e eficiência computacional para satisfazer requisitos da aplicação e do sistema embebido. Vários Sistemas Operativos (SO) assistidos por FPGA foram propostos, mas ao estreitar seu foco na síntese do datapath do acelerador de hardware, a grande maioria ignora a integração semântica destes no SO. Ambientes de síntese de alto nível (HLS) elevaram a abstração além da linguagem de transferência de registo (RTL), seguindo uma abordagem específica de domínio enquanto misturam software e abstrações de hardware ad hoc, que dificultam as otimizações. Além disso, os modelos de programação para software e hardware reconfigurável carecem de semelhanças, o que com o tempo dificultará a Exploração do Ambiente de Design (DSE) e diminuirá o potencial de reutilização de código. Para responder a estas necessidades, propomos HAL-ASOS, uma ferramenta para implementar sistemas embebidos baseados em Linux que fornece (1) elasticidade no design em conformidade com a natureza evolutiva deste SO, (2) integração semântica profunda de tarefas de hardware nos modelos de programação do Linux, (3) facilidade na gestão de complexidade através de metodologia e ferramentas para apoiar o design, verificação e implementação, (4) orientada por princípios de design híbridos e eficiência no sistema. Para avaliar as funcionalidades da ferramenta, foi implementado um aplicativo criptográfico que demonstra alcance de desempenho enquanto se emprega a metodologia de design. Novos níveis de desempenho são atingidos numa aplicação de Visão por Computador que explora recursos de programação assíncrona-síncrona. Os resultados demonstram uma abordagem flexível na reconfiguração entre hardware e software, e desempenho que aumenta consistentemente com acréscimo de recursos ou frequência de relógio.Today’s embedded systems ecosystem became huge while covering several and different computer-based systems, demanding for performance and complete mobility while experiencing longer battery lives. But the rampant frequency that resulted in faster devices began hitting a wall even before transistors stopped shrinking. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platforms are an alternative solution towards implementing complete reconfigurable systems. They provide computational power, efficiency, in a lightweight solution to serve the application requirements and increase performance in the overall system. Several FPGA-assisted Operating Systems (OS) have been proposed, but by narrowing their focus on datapath synthesis of the hardware accelerator, they completely ignore the deep semantic integration of these accelerators into the OS. State-of-the-art High-Level Synthesis (HLS) environments have raised the level of abstraction beyond Register Transfer Language (RTL) by following a domain-specific approach while mixing ad hoc software and hardware abstractions, making harder for performance optimizations. Furthermore, the programming models for software and reconfigurable hardware lack commonalities, which in time will hinder the Design Space Exploration (DSE) and lower the potential for code reuse. To overcome these issues, we propose HAL-ASOS, a framework to implement Linux-based Embedded systems which provides (1) elasticity by design to comply with the evolutive nature of Linux, (2) deep semantic integration of the hardware tasks in the Linux programming models, (3) easy complexity management using methodology and tools to fully support design, verification and deployment, (4) hybrid and efficiency-oriented design principles. To evaluate the framework functionalities, a cryptographic application was implemented and demonstrates performance achievements while using the promoted application-driven design methodology. To demonstrate new levels of performance that can be achieved, a Computer Vision application explores several mixed asynchronous-synchronous programming features. Experiments demonstrate a flexible design approach in terms of hardware and software reconfiguration, and significant performance that increases consistently with the rising in processing resources or clock frequencies.Financial support received from Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) with the PhD grant SFRH/BD/82732/2011

    Timing Architecture for ESS

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 5023V01[Resumo] O sistema de temporización é unha compoñente fundamental para o control e sincronización de instalacións industriais e científicas, coma aceleradores de partículas. Nesta tese traballamos na especificación e desenvolvemento do sistema de temporización para a European Spallation Source (ESS), a maior fonte de neutróns actualmente en construción. Abordamos este tra­ ballo a dous niveis: a especificación do sistema de temporización, e a imple­ mentación física de sistemas de control empregando circuítos reconfigurables. Con respecto á especificación do sistema de temporización, deseñamos e implementamos a configuración do protocolo de temporización para cumprir cos requirimentos do ESS e ideamos un modo de operación e unha aplicación para a configuración e control do sistema de temporización. Tamén presentamos unha ferramenta e unha metodoloxía para imple­ mentar sistemas de control empregando FPGAs, coma os nodos do sistema de temporización. ámbalas <lúas están baseadas en statecharts, unha repre­ sentación gráfica de sistemas que expande o concepto de máquinas de estados finitos, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en múltiples localizacións minimizando a posibilidade de erros. A ferramenta crea automaticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir do statechart do sistema. A metodoloxía explica o procedemento para implementar o state­ chart como unha arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Resumen] El sistema de temporización es un componente fundamental para el control y sincronización de instalaciones industriales y científicas, como aceleradores e partículas. En esta tesis trabajamos en la especificación y desarrollo el sistema de temporización para la European Spallation Source (ESS), la mayor fuente de neutrones actualmente en construcción. Abordamos este trabajo en dos niveles: la especificación del sistema de temporización, y la mplementación física de sistemas de control empleando circuitos reconfig­ rables. Con respecto a la especificación del sistema de temporización, diseñamos e implementamos la configuración del protocolo de temporización para cumplir on los requisitos de ESS e ideamos un modo de operación y una aplicación ara la configuración y control del sistema de temporización. También presentamos una herramienta y una metodología para imple­ entar sistemas de control empleando FPGAs, como los nodos del sistema e temporización. Ambas están basadas en statecharts) una representación gráfica de sistemas que expande el concepto de máquinas de estados fini­ os, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en últiples localizaciones minimizando la posibilidad de errores. La her­ramienta crea automáticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir del state­chart del sistema. La metodología explica el procedimiento para implemen­tar el statechart como una arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Abstract] The timing system is a key component for the control and synchronization of industrial and scientific facilities, such as particle accelerators. In this thesis we tackle the specification and development of the timing system for the European Spallation Source (ESS), the largest neutron source currently in construction. We approach this work at two levels: the specification of the timing system and the physical implementation of control systems using reconfigurable hardware. Regarding the specification of the timing system, we designed and imple­ mented the configuration of the timing protocol to fulfil the requirements of ESS and devised an operation mode andan application for the configuration and control of the timing system. We also present one too! and one methodology to implement control systems using FPGAs, such as the nodes of the timing system. Both are based on statecharts, a graphical representation of systems that expand the concepts of Finite State Machines, targeted at systems that need to be re­ configured quickly in multiple locations minimizing the chance of errors. The too! automatically creates synthesizable VHDL code from a statechart of the system. The methodology explains the procedure to implement the statechart as a microprogrammed architecture in FPGAs