4,050 research outputs found


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    This dissertation addresses the problem of inferring scene depth information from a collection of calibrated images taken from different viewpoints via stereo matching. Although it has been heavily investigated for decades, depth from stereo remains a long-standing challenge and popular research topic for several reasons. First of all, in order to be of practical use for many real-time applications such as autonomous driving, accurate depth estimation in real-time is of great importance and one of the core challenges in stereo. Second, for applications such as 3D reconstruction and view synthesis, high-quality depth estimation is crucial to achieve photo realistic results. However, due to the matching ambiguities, accurate dense depth estimates are difficult to achieve. Last but not least, most stereo algorithms rely on identification of corresponding points among images and only work effectively when scenes are Lambertian. For non-Lambertian surfaces, the brightness constancy assumption is no longer valid. This dissertation contributes three novel stereo algorithms that are motivated by the specific requirements and limitations imposed by different applications. In addressing high speed depth estimation from images, we present a stereo algorithm that achieves high quality results while maintaining real-time performance. We introduce an adaptive aggregation step in a dynamic-programming framework. Matching costs are aggregated in the vertical direction using a computationally expensive weighting scheme based on color and distance proximity. We utilize the vector processing capability and parallelism in commodity graphics hardware to speed up this process over two orders of magnitude. In addressing high accuracy depth estimation, we present a stereo model that makes use of constraints from points with known depths - the Ground Control Points (GCPs) as referred to in stereo literature. Our formulation explicitly models the influences of GCPs in a Markov Random Field. A novel regularization prior is naturally integrated into a global inference framework in a principled way using the Bayes rule. Our probabilistic framework allows GCPs to be obtained from various modalities and provides a natural way to integrate information from various sensors. In addressing non-Lambertian reflectance, we introduce a new invariant for stereo correspondence which allows completely arbitrary scene reflectance (bidirectional reflectance distribution functions - BRDFs). This invariant can be used to formulate a rank constraint on stereo matching when the scene is observed by several lighting configurations in which only the lighting intensity varies

    RUR53: an Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Navigation, Recognition and Manipulation

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    This paper proposes RUR53: an Unmanned Ground Vehicle able to autonomously navigate through, identify, and reach areas of interest; and there recognize, localize, and manipulate work tools to perform complex manipulation tasks. The proposed contribution includes a modular software architecture where each module solves specific sub-tasks and that can be easily enlarged to satisfy new requirements. Included indoor and outdoor tests demonstrate the capability of the proposed system to autonomously detect a target object (a panel) and precisely dock in front of it while avoiding obstacles. They show it can autonomously recognize and manipulate target work tools (i.e., wrenches and valve stems) to accomplish complex tasks (i.e., use a wrench to rotate a valve stem). A specific case study is described where the proposed modular architecture lets easy switch to a semi-teleoperated mode. The paper exhaustively describes description of both the hardware and software setup of RUR53, its performance when tests at the 2017 Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge, and the lessons we learned when participating at this competition, where we ranked third in the Gran Challenge in collaboration with the Czech Technical University in Prague, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Lincoln (UK).Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Advanced Robotics, published by Taylor & Franci

    Estimating Epipolar Geometry With The Use of a Camera Mounted Orientation Sensor

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    Context: Image processing and computer vision are rapidly becoming more and more commonplace, and the amount of information about a scene, such as 3D geometry, that can be obtained from an image, or multiple images of the scene is steadily increasing due to increasing resolutions and availability of imaging sensors, and an active research community. In parallel, advances in hardware design and manufacturing are allowing for devices such as gyroscopes, accelerometers and magnetometers and GPS receivers to be included alongside imaging devices at a consumer level. Aims: This work aims to investigate the use of orientation sensors in the field of computer vision as sources of data to aid with image processing and the determination of a scene’s geometry, in particular, the epipolar geometry of a pair of images - and devises a hybrid methodology from two sets of previous works in order to exploit the information available from orientation sensors alongside data gathered from image processing techniques. Method: A readily available consumer-level orientation sensor was used alongside a digital camera to capture images of a set of scenes and record the orientation of the camera. The fundamental matrix of these pairs of images was calculated using a variety of techniques - both incorporating data from the orientation sensor and excluding its use Results: Some methodologies could not produce an acceptable result for the Fundamental Matrix on certain image pairs, however, a method described in the literature that used an orientation sensor always produced a result - however in cases where the hybrid or purely computer vision methods also produced a result - this was found to be the least accurate. Conclusion: Results from this work show that the use of an orientation sensor to capture information alongside an imaging device can be used to improve both the accuracy and reliability of calculations of the scene’s geometry - however noise from the orientation sensor can limit this accuracy and further research would be needed to determine the magnitude of this problem and methods of mitigation

    Trifocal Relative Pose from Lines at Points and its Efficient Solution

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    We present a new minimal problem for relative pose estimation mixing point features with lines incident at points observed in three views and its efficient homotopy continuation solver. We demonstrate the generality of the approach by analyzing and solving an additional problem with mixed point and line correspondences in three views. The minimal problems include correspondences of (i) three points and one line and (ii) three points and two lines through two of the points which is reported and analyzed here for the first time. These are difficult to solve, as they have 216 and - as shown here - 312 solutions, but cover important practical situations when line and point features appear together, e.g., in urban scenes or when observing curves. We demonstrate that even such difficult problems can be solved robustly using a suitable homotopy continuation technique and we provide an implementation optimized for minimal problems that can be integrated into engineering applications. Our simulated and real experiments demonstrate our solvers in the camera geometry computation task in structure from motion. We show that new solvers allow for reconstructing challenging scenes where the standard two-view initialization of structure from motion fails.Comment: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1439786 while most authors were in residence at Brown University's Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics -- ICERM, in Providence, R

    Cross-calibration of Time-of-flight and Colour Cameras

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    Time-of-flight cameras provide depth information, which is complementary to the photometric appearance of the scene in ordinary images. It is desirable to merge the depth and colour information, in order to obtain a coherent scene representation. However, the individual cameras will have different viewpoints, resolutions and fields of view, which means that they must be mutually calibrated. This paper presents a geometric framework for this multi-view and multi-modal calibration problem. It is shown that three-dimensional projective transformations can be used to align depth and parallax-based representations of the scene, with or without Euclidean reconstruction. A new evaluation procedure is also developed; this allows the reprojection error to be decomposed into calibration and sensor-dependent components. The complete approach is demonstrated on a network of three time-of-flight and six colour cameras. The applications of such a system, to a range of automatic scene-interpretation problems, are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    Linear Global Translation Estimation with Feature Tracks

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    This paper derives a novel linear position constraint for cameras seeing a common scene point, which leads to a direct linear method for global camera translation estimation. Unlike previous solutions, this method deals with collinear camera motion and weak image association at the same time. The final linear formulation does not involve the coordinates of scene points, which makes it efficient even for large scale data. We solve the linear equation based on L1L_1 norm, which makes our system more robust to outliers in essential matrices and feature correspondences. We experiment this method on both sequentially captured images and unordered Internet images. The experiments demonstrate its strength in robustness, accuracy, and efficiency.Comment: Changes: 1. Adopt BMVC2015 style; 2. Combine sections 3 and 5; 3. Move "Evaluation on synthetic data" out to supplementary file; 4. Divide subsection "Evaluation on general data" to subsections "Experiment on sequential data" and "Experiment on unordered Internet data"; 5. Change Fig. 1 and Fig.8; 6. Move Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 to supplementary file; 7 Change some symbols; 8. Correct some typo

    Projective rectification from the fundamental matrix

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    This paper describes a direct, self-contained method for planar image rectification of stereo pairs. The method is based solely on an examination of the Fundamental matrix, where an improved method is given for the derivation of two projective transformations that horizontally align all the epipolar projections. A novel approach is proposed to uniquely optimise each transform in order to minimise perspective distortions. This ensures the rectified images resemble the original images as closely as possible. Detailed results show that the rectification precision exactly matches the estimation error of the Fundamental matrix. In tests the remaining perspective distortion offers on average less than one percent viewpoint distortion. Both these factors offer superior robustness and performance compared with existing techniques

    Miniaturized embedded stereo vision system (MESVS)

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    Stereo vision is one of the fundamental problems of computer vision. It is also one of the oldest and heavily investigated areas of 3D vision. Recent advances of stereo matching methodologies and availability of high performance and efficient algorithms along with availability of fast and affordable hardware technology, have allowed researchers to develop several stereo vision systems capable of operating at real-time. Although a multitude of such systems exist in the literature, the majority of them concentrates only on raw performance and quality rather than factors such as dimension, and power requirement, which are of significant importance in the embedded settings. In this thesis a new miniaturized embedded stereo vision system (MESVS) is presented, which is miniaturized to fit within a package of 5x5cm, is power efficient, and cost-effective. Furthermore, through application of embedded programming techniques and careful optimization, MESVS achieves the real-time performance of 20 frames per second. This work discusses the various challenges involved regarding design and implementation of this system and the measures taken to tackle them

    Self-Calibration of Multi-Camera Systems for Vehicle Surround Sensing

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    Multi-camera systems are being deployed in a variety of vehicles and mobile robots today. To eliminate the need for cost and labor intensive maintenance and calibration, continuous self-calibration is highly desirable. In this book we present such an approach for self-calibration of multi-Camera systems for vehicle surround sensing. In an extensive evaluation we assess our algorithm quantitatively using real-world data