84 research outputs found

    Mémoires associatives algorithmiques pou l'opération de recherche du plus long préfixe sur FPGA

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    RÉSUMÉ Les rĂ©seaux prĂ©diïŹ€usĂ©s programmables — en anglais Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)— sont omniprĂ©sents dans les centres de donnĂ©es, pour accĂ©lĂ©rer des tĂąches d’indexations et d’apprentissage machine, mais aussi plus rĂ©cemment, pour accĂ©lĂ©rer des opĂ©rations rĂ©seaux. Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  l’opĂ©ration de recherche du plus long prĂ©ïŹxe en anglais Longest PreïŹx Match (LPM) — sur FPGA. Cette opĂ©ration est utilisĂ©e soit pour router des paquets, soit comme un bloc de base dans un plan de donnĂ©es programmable. Bien que l’opĂ©ration LPM soit primordiale dans un rĂ©seau, celle-ci souïŹ€re d’ineïŹƒcacitĂ© sur FPGA. Dans cette thĂšse, nous dĂ©montrons que la performance de l’opĂ©ration LPM sur FPGA peut ĂȘtre substantiellement amĂ©liorĂ©e en utilisant une approche algorithmique, oĂč l’opĂ©ration LPM est implĂ©mentĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une structure de donnĂ©es. Par ailleurs, les rĂ©sultats prĂ©sentĂ©s permettent de rĂ©ïŹ‚Ă©chir Ă  une question plus large : est-ce que l’architecture des FPGA devrait ĂȘtre spĂ©cialisĂ©e pour les applications rĂ©seaux ? PremiĂšrement, pour l’application de routage IPv6 dans le rĂ©seau Internet, nous prĂ©sentons SHIP. Cette solution exploite les caractĂ©ristiques des prĂ©ïŹxes pour construire une structure de donnĂ©es compacte, pouvant ĂȘtre implĂ©mentĂ©e de maniĂšre eïŹƒcace sur FPGA. SHIP utilise l’approche Ƅdiviser pour rĂ©gnerĆŒ pour sĂ©parer les prĂ©ïŹxes en groupes de faible cardinalitĂ© et ayant des caractĂ©ristiques similaires. Les prĂ©ïŹxes contenus dans chaque groupe sont en-suite encodĂ©s dans une structure de donnĂ©es hybride, oĂč l’encodage des prĂ©ïŹxes est adaptĂ© suivant leurs caractĂ©ristiques. Sur FPGA, SHIP augmente l’eïŹƒcacitĂ© de l’opĂ©ration LPM comparativement Ă  l’état de l’art, tout en supportant un dĂ©bit supĂ©rieur Ă  100 Gb/s. DeuxiĂšment, nous prĂ©sentons comment implĂ©menter eïŹƒcacement l’opĂ©ration LPM pour un plan de donnĂ©es programmable sur FPGA. Dans ce cas, contrairement au routage de pa-quets, aucune connaissance Ă  priori des prĂ©ïŹxes ne peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e. Par consĂ©quent, nous prĂ©sentons un cadre de travail comprenant une structure de donnĂ©es eïŹƒcace, indĂ©pendam-ment des caractĂ©ristiques des prĂ©ïŹxes contenus, et des mĂ©thodes permettant d’implĂ©menter eïŹƒcacement la structure de donnĂ©es sur FPGA. Un arbre B, Ă©tendu pour l’opĂ©ration LPM, est utilisĂ© en raison de sa faible complexitĂ© algorithmique. Nous prĂ©sentons une mĂ©thode pour allouer Ă  la compilation le minimum de ressources requis par l’abre B pour encoder un ensemble de prĂ©ïŹxes, indĂ©pendamment de leurs caractĂ©ristiques. Plusieurs mĂ©thodes sont ensuite prĂ©sentĂ©es pour augmenter l’eïŹƒcacitĂ© mĂ©moire aprĂšs implĂ©mentation de la structure de donnĂ©es sur FPGA. ÉvaluĂ©e sur plusieurs scĂ©narios, cette solution est capable de traiter plus de 100 Gb/s, tout en amĂ©liorant la performance par rapport Ă  l’état de l’art.----------ABSTRACT FPGAs are becoming ubiquitous in data centers. First introduced to accelerate indexing services and machine learning tasks, FPGAs are now also used to accelerate networking operations, including the LPM operation. This operation is used for packet routing and as a building block in programmable data planes. However, for the two uses cases considered, the LPM operation is ineïŹƒciently implemented in FPGAs. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the performance of LPM operation can be signiïŹcantly improved using an algorithmic approach, where the LPM operation is implemented using a data structure. In addition, using the results presented in this thesis, we can answer a broader question: Should the FPGA architecture be specialized for networking? First, we present the SHIP data structure that is tailored to routing IPv6 packets in the Internet network. SHIP exploits the preïŹx characteristics to build a compact data structure that can be eïŹƒciently mapped to FPGAs. First, SHIP uses a "divide and conquer" approach to bin preïŹxes in groups with a small cardinality and sharing similar characteristics. Second, a hybrid-trie-tree data structure is used to encode the preïŹxes held in each group. The hybrid data structure adapts the preïŹx encoding method to their characteristics. Then, we demonstrated that SHIP can be eïŹƒciently implemented in FPGAs. Implemented on FPGAs, the proposed solution improves the memory eïŹƒciency over the state of the art solutions, while supporting a packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps.While the preïŹxes and their characteristics are known when routing packets in the Internet network, this is not true for programmable data planes. Hence, the second solution, designed for programmable data planes, does not exploit any prior knowledge of the preïŹx stored. We present a framework comprising an eïŹƒcient data structure to encode the preïŹxes and methods to map the data structure eïŹƒciently to FPGAs. First, the framework leverages a B-tree, extended to support the LPM operation, for its low algorithmic complexity. Second, we present a method to allocate at compile time the minimum amount of resources that can be used by the B-tree. Third, our framework selects the B-tree parameters to increase the post-implementation memory eïŹƒciency and generates the corresponding hardware architecture. Implemented on FPGAs, this solution supports packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps, while improving the performance over the state of the art

    A Scalable High-Performance Memory-Less IP Address Lookup Engine Suitable for FPGA Implementation

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    RÉSUMÉ La recherche d'adresse IP est une opĂ©ration trĂšs importante pour les routeurs Internet modernes. De nombreuses approches dans la littĂ©rature ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour rĂ©aliser des moteurs de recherche d'adresse IP (Address Lookup Engine – ALE), Ă  haute performance. Les ALE existants peuvent ĂȘtre classĂ©s dans l’une ou l’autre de trois catĂ©gories basĂ©es sur: les mĂ©moires ternaires adressables par le contenu (TCAM), les Trie et les Ă©mulations de TCAM. Les approches qui se basent sur des TCAM sont coĂ»teuses et elles consomment beaucoup d'Ă©nergie. Les techniques qui exploitent les Trie ont une latence non dĂ©terministe qui nĂ©cessitent gĂ©nĂ©ralement des accĂšs Ă  une mĂ©moire externe. Les techniques qui exploitent des Ă©mulations de TCAM combinent gĂ©nĂ©ralement des TCAM avec des circuits Ă  faible coĂ»t. Dans ce mĂ©moire, l'objectif principal est de proposer une architecture d'ALE qui permet la recherche rapide d’adresses IP et qui apporte une solution aux principales lacunes des techniques basĂ©es sur des TCAM et sur des Trie. Atteindre une vitesse de traitement suffisante dans l'ALE est un aspect important. Des accĂ©lĂ©rateurs matĂ©riels ont Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©s pour obtenir une le rĂ©sultat de recherche Ă  haute vitesse. Le FPGA permettent la mise en Ɠuvre d’accĂ©lĂ©rateurs matĂ©riels reconfigurables spĂ©cialisĂ©s. Cinq architectures d’ALE de type Ă©mulation de TCAM sont proposĂ©s dans ce mĂ©moire : une sĂ©rielle, une parallĂšle, une architecture dite IP-Split, une variante appelĂ©e IP-Split-Bucket et une version de l’IP-Split-Bucket qui supporte les mises Ă  jours. Chaque architecture est construite Ă  partir de l’architecture prĂ©cĂ©dente de maniĂšre progressive dans le but d’en amĂ©liorer les performances. L'architecture sĂ©rielle utilise des mĂ©moires pour stocker la table d’adresses de transmission et un comparateur pour effectuer une recherche sĂ©rielle sur les entrĂ©es. L'architecture parallĂšle stocke les entrĂ©es de la table dans les ressources logiques d’un FPGA, et elle emploie une recherche parallĂšle en utilisant N comparateurs pour une table avec N entrĂ©es. L’architecture IP-Split emploie un niveau de dĂ©codeurs pour Ă©viter des comparaisons rĂ©pĂ©titives dans les entrĂ©es Ă©quivalentes de la table. L'architecture IP-Split-Bucket est une version amĂ©liorĂ©e de l'architecture prĂ©cĂ©dente qui utilise une mĂ©thode de partitionnement visant Ă  optimiser l'architecture IP-Split. L’IP-Split-Bucket qui supporte les mises Ă  jour est la derniĂšre architecture proposĂ©e. Elle soutient la mise Ă  jour et la recherche Ă  haute vitesse d'adresses IP. Les rĂ©sultats d’implĂ©mentations montrent que l'architecture d’ALE qui offre les meilleures performances est l’IP-Split-Bucket, qui n’a pas recours Ă  une ou plusieurs mĂ©moires. Pour une table d’adresses de transmission IPv4 rĂ©elle comportant 524 k prĂ©fixes, l'architecture IP-Split-Bucket atteint un dĂ©bit de 103,4 M paquets par seconde et elle consomme respectivement 23% et 22% des tables de conversion (LUTs) et des bascules (FFs) sur une puce Xilinx XC7V2000T.----------ABSTRACT High-performance IP address lookup is highly demanded for modern Internet routers. Many approaches in the literature describe a special purpose Address Lookup Engines (ALE), for IP address lookup. The existing ALEs can be categorised into the following techniques: Ternary Content Addressable Memories-based (TCAM-based), trie-based and TCAM-emulation. TCAM-based techniques are expensive and consume a lot of power, since they employ TCAMs in their architecture. Trie-based techniques have nondeterministic latency and external memory accesses, since they store the Forwarding Information Base (FIB) in the memory using a trie data structure. TCAM-emulation techniques commonly combine TCAMs with lower-cost circuits that handle less time-critical activities. In this thesis, the main objective is to propose an ALE architecture with fast search that addresses the main shortcomings of TCAM-based and trie-based techniques. Achieving an admissible throughput in the proposed ALE is its fundamental requirement due to the recent improvements of network systems and growth of Internet of Things (IoTs). For that matter, hardware accelerators have been adopted to achieve a high speed search. In this work, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are specialized reconfigurable hardware accelerators chosen as the target platform for the ALE architecture. Five TCAM-emulation ALE architectures are proposed in this thesis: the Full-Serial, the Full-Parallel, the IP-Split, the IP-Split-Bucket and the Update-enabled IP-Split-Bucket architectures. Each architecture builds on the previous one with progressive improvements. The Full-Serial architecture employs memories to store the FIB and one comparator to perform a serial search on the FIB entries. The Full-Parallel architecture stores the FIB entries into the logical resources of the FPGA and employs a parallel search using one comparator for each FIB entry. The IP-Split architecture employs a level of decoders to avoid repetitive comparisons in the equivalent entries of the FIB. The IP-Split-Bucket architecture is an upgraded version of the previous architecture using a partitioning scheme aiming to optimize the IP-Split architecture. Finally, the Update-enabled IP-Split-Bucket supports high-update rate IP address lookup. The most efficient proposed architecture is the IP-Split-Bucket, which is a novel high-performance memory-less ALE. For a real-world FIB with 524 k IPv4 prefixes, IP-Split-Bucket achieves a throughput of 103.4M packets per second and consumes respectively 23% and 22% of the Look Up Tables (LUTs) and Flip-Flops (FFs) of a Xilinx XC7V2000T chip

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    HP4 High-Performance Programmable Packet Parser

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    Now, header parsing is the main topic in the modern network systems to support many operations such as packet processing and security functions. The header parser design has a significant effect on the network devices' performances (latency, throughput, and resource utilization). However, the header parser design suffers from a lot number of difficulties, such as the incrementing in network throughput and a variety of protocols. Therefore, the programmable hardware packet parsing is the best solution to meet the dynamic reconfiguration and speed needs. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is an appropriate device for programmable high-speed packet implementation. This paper introduces a novel FPGA High-Performance Programmable Packet Parser architecture (HP4). HP4 automatically generated by the P4 (Programming protocol-independent Packet Processors) to optimize the speed, dynamic reconfiguration, and resource consumption. The HP4 shows a pipelined packet parser dynamic reconfiguration and low latency. In addition to high throughput (over 600 Gb/s), HP4 resource utilization is less than 7.5 percent of Virtex-7 870HT, and latency is about 88 ns. HP4 can use in a high-speed dynamic packet switch and network security

    On the Exploration of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis Capabilities on Multi-Gigabit-per-Second Networks

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    Tesis doctoral inĂ©dita leĂ­da en la Universidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, Escuela PolitĂ©cnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 24-01-2020Traffic on computer networks has faced an exponential grown in recent years. Both links and communication equipment had to adapt in order to provide a minimum quality of service required for current needs. However, in recent years, a few factors have prevented commercial off-the-shelf hardware from being able to keep pace with this growth rate, consequently, some software tools are struggling to fulfill their tasks, especially at speeds higher than 10 Gbit/s. For this reason, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have arisen as an alternative to address the most demanding tasks without the need to design an application specific integrated circuit, this is in part to their flexibility and programmability in the field. Needless to say, developing for FPGAs is well-known to be complex. Therefore, in this thesis we tackle the use of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) languages in the context of computer networks. We focus on the use of FPGA both in computer network monitoring application and reliable data transmission at very high-speed. On the other hand, we intend to shed light on the use of high level synthesis languages and boost FPGA applicability in the context of computer networks so as to reduce development time and design complexity. In the first part of the thesis, devoted to computer network monitoring. We take advantage of the FPGA determinism in order to implement active monitoring probes, which consist on sending a train of packets which is later used to obtain network parameters. In this case, the determinism is key to reduce the uncertainty of the measurements. The results of our experiments show that the FPGA implementations are much more accurate and more precise than the software counterpart. At the same time, the FPGA implementation is scalable in terms of network speed — 1, 10 and 100 Gbit/s. In the context of passive monitoring, we leverage the FPGA architecture to implement algorithms able to thin cyphered traffic as well as removing duplicate packets. These two algorithms straightforward in principle, but very useful to help traditional network analysis tools to cope with their task at higher network speeds. On one hand, processing cyphered traffic bring little benefits, on the other hand, processing duplicate traffic impacts negatively in the performance of the software tools. In the second part of the thesis, devoted to the TCP/IP stack. We explore the current limitations of reliable data transmission using standard software at very high-speed. Nowadays, the network is becoming an important bottleneck to fulfill current needs, in particular in data centers. What is more, in recent years the deployment of 100 Gbit/s network links has started. Consequently, there has been an increase scrutiny of how networking functionality is deployed, furthermore, a wide range of approaches are currently being explored to increase the efficiency of networks and tailor its functionality to the actual needs of the application at hand. FPGAs arise as the perfect alternative to deal with this problem. For this reason, in this thesis we develop Limago an FPGA-based open-source implementation of a TCP/IP stack operating at 100 Gbit/s for Xilinx’s FPGAs. Limago not only provides an unprecedented throughput, but also, provides a tiny latency when compared to the software implementations, at least fifteen times. Limago is a key contribution in some of the hottest topic at the moment, for instance, network-attached FPGA and in-network data processing

    Verkkoliikenteen hajauttaminen rinnakkaisprosessoitavaksi ohjelmoitavan piirin avulla

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    The expanding diversity and amount of traffic in the Internet requires increasingly higher performing devices for protecting our networks against malicious activities. The computational load of these devices may be divided over multiple processing nodes operating in parallel to reduce the computation load of a single node. However, this requires a dedicated controller that can distribute the traffic to and from the nodes at wire-speed. This thesis concentrates on the system topologies and on the implementation aspects of the controller. A field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device, based on a reconfigurable logic array, is used for implementation because of its integrated circuit like performance and high-grain programmability. Two hardware implementations were developed; a straightforward design for 1-gigabit Ethernet, and a modular, highly parameterizable design for 10-gigabit Ethernet. The designs were verified by simulations and synthesizable testbenches. The designs were synthesized on different FPGA devices while varying parameters to analyze the achieved performance. High-end FPGA devices, such as Altera Stratix family, met the target processing speed of 10-gigabit Ethernet. The measurements show that the controller's latency is comparable to a typical switch. The results confirm that reconfigurable hardware is the proper platform for low-level network processing where the performance is prioritized over other features. The designed architecture is versatile and adaptable to applications expecting similar characteristics.Internetin edelleen lisÀÀntyvÀ ja monipuolistuva liikenne vaatii entistÀ tehokkaampia laitteita suojaamaan tietoliikenneverkkoja tunkeutumisia vastaan. Tietoliikennelaitteiden kuormaa voidaan jakaa rinnakkaisille yksiköille, jolloin yksittÀisen laitteen kuorma pienenee. TÀmÀ kuitenkin vaatii erityisen kontrolloijan, joka kykenee hajauttamaan liikennettÀ yksiköille linjanopeudella. TÀmÀ tutkimus keskittyy em. kontrolloijan jÀrjestelmÀtopologioiden tutkimiseen sekÀ kontrolloijan toteuttamiseen ohjelmoitavalla piirillÀ, kuten kenttÀohjelmoitava jÀrjestelmÀpiiri (eng. field programmable gate-array, FPGA). Kontrolloijasta tehtiin yksinkertainen toteutus 1-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin sekÀ modulaarinen ja parametrisoitu toteutus 10-gigabitin Ethernet-verkkoihin. Toteutukset verifioitiin simuloimalla sekÀ kÀyttÀmÀllÀ syntetisoituvia testirakenteita. Toteutukset syntetisoitiin eri FPGA-piireille vaihtelemalla samalla myös toteutuksen parametrejÀ. Tehokkaimmat FPGA-piirit, kuten Altera Stratix -piirit, saavuttivat 10-gigabitin prosessointivaatimukset. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, ettÀ kontrollerin vasteaika ei poikkea tavallisesta verkkokytkimestÀ. Työn tulokset vahvistavat kÀsitystÀ, ettÀ ohjelmoitavat piirit soveltuvat hyvin verkkoliikenteen matalantason prosessointiin, missÀ vaaditaan ensisijaisesti suorituskykyÀ. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri on monipuolinen ja soveltuu joustavuutensa ansiosta muihin samantyyppiseen sovelluksiin

    Flexible Software-defined Packet Processing using Low-area Hardware

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    Computer networks are in the Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) era. SDN brings a whole new set of flexibility and possibilities into the network. The data plane of forwarding devices can be programmed to provide functionality for any protocol, and to perform novel network testing, diagnostics, and troubleshooting. One of the most dominant hardware architectures for implementing the programmable data plane is the Reconfigurable Match Tables (RMT) architecture. RMT's innovative programmable architecture enables support of novel networking protocols. However, there are certain shortcomings associated with its architecture that limit its scalability and lead to an unnecessarily complex architecture. In this paper, we present the details of an alternative packet parser and MatchAction pipeline. The parser sustains tenfold throughput at an area increase of only 32 percent. The pipeline supports unlimited combination of tables at minimum possible cost and provides a new level of flexibility to programmable Match-Action packet processing by allowing custom depth for actions. In addition, it has more advanced field-referencing mechanisms. Despite these architectural enhancements, it has 31 percent less area compared to RMT architecture

    A null convention logic based platform for high speed low energy IP packet forwarding

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    By 2020, it is predicted that there will be over 5 billion people and 38.5 billion Internet-ofThings devices on the Internet. The data generated by all these users and devices will have to be transported quickly and efficiently. Routers forming the backbone of this Internet already support multiple 100 Gbps ports meaning that they would have to perform upwards of 200 Million destination addresses lookups per second in the packet forwarding block that lies in the router ‘data-path’. At the same time, there is also a huge demand to make the network infrastructure more energy efficient. The work presented in this thesis is motivated by the observation that traditional synchronous digital systems will have increasing difficulty keeping up with these conflicting demands. Further, with reducing device geometries, extremes in “process, voltage and temperature” (PVT) variability will undermine reliable synchronous operation. It is expected that asynchronous design techniques will be able to overcome many of these problems and offer a means of lowering energy while maintaining high throughput and low latency. This thesis investigates existing address lookup algorithms and investigates the possibility of combining various approaches to improve energy efficiency without affecting lookup performance. A quasi delay-insensitive asynchronous methodology - Null Convention Logic (NCL) - is then applied to this combined design. Techniques that take advantage of the characteristics of the design methodology and the lookup algorithm to further improve the area, energy and latency characteristics are also analysed. The IP address lookup scheme utilised here is a recent algorithmic approach that uses compact binary-tries and was selected for its high memory efficiency and throughput. The design is pipelined, and the prefix information is stored in large RAMs. A Boolean synchronous implementation of the algorithm is simulated to provide an initial performance benchmark. It is observed that during the address lookup process nearly 68% of the trie accesses are to nodes that contained no prefix information. Bloom filter structures that use non-cryptographic hashes and single-bit memory are introduced into the address lookup process to prevent these unnecessary accesses, thereby reducing the energy consumption. Three non-cryptographic hashing algorithms (CRC32, Jenkins and Murmur) are also analysed for their suitability in Bloom filters, and the CRC32 is found to offer the most suitable trade-off between complexity and performance. As a first step to applying the NCL design methodology, NCL implementations of the hashing algorithms are created and evaluated. A significant finding from these experiments is that, unlike Boolean systems, latency and throughput in NCL systems are only loosely coupled. An example Jenkins hash implementation with eight pipeline stages and a cycle time of 3.2 ns exhibits a total latency of 6 ns, whereas an equivalent synchronous implementation with a similar clock period exhibits a latency of 25.6 ns. Further investigations reveal that completion detection circuits within the NCL pipelines impair throughput significantly. Two enhancements to the NCL circuit library aimed particularly at optimising NCL completion detection are proposed and analysed. These are shown to enable completion detection circuits to be built with the same delay but with 30% smaller area and about 75% lower peak current compared to the conventional approach using gates from the standard NCL library. An NCL SRAM structure is also proposed to augment the conventional 6-T cell array with circuits to generate the handshaking signals for managing the NCL data flow. Additionally, a dedicated column of cells called the Null-storage column is added, which indicates if a particular address in the RAM stores no Data, i.e., it is in its Null state. This additional hardware imposes a small area overhead of about 10% but allows accesses to Null locations to be completed in 50% less time and consume 40% less energy than accesses to valid Data locations. An experimental NCL-based address lookup system is then designed that includes all of the developed NCL modules. Statistical delay models derived from circuit-level simulations of individual modules are used to emulate realistic circuit delay variability in the behavioural modules written in Verilog. Simulations of the assembled system demonstrate that unlike what was observed with the synchronous design, with NCL, the design that does not employ Bloom filters, but only the Null-storage column RAMs for prefix storage, exhibits the smallest area on the chip and also consumes the least energy per address lookup. It is concluded that to derive maximum benefit out of an asynchronous design approach; it is necessary to carefully select the architectural blocks that combine the peculiarities of the implemented algorithm with the capabilities of the NCL design methodology

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2
