11,429 research outputs found

    Choreography, controversy and child sex abuse: Theoretical reflections on a cultural criminological analysis of dance in a pop music video

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    This article was inspired by the controversy over claims of ‘pedophilia!!!!’ undertones and the ‘triggering’ of memories of childhood sexual abuse in some viewers by the dance performance featured in the music video for Sia’s ‘Elastic Heart’ (2015). The case is presented for acknowledging the hidden and/or overlooked presence of dance in social scientific theory and cultural studies and how these can enhance and advance cultural criminological research. Examples of how these insights have been used within other disciplinary frameworks to analyse and address child sex crime and sexual trauma are provided, and the argument is made that popular cultural texts such as dance in pop music videos should be regarded as significant in analysing and tracing public perceptions and epistemologies of crimes such as child sex abuse

    Performance in the Wartime Archive: Michio Ito at the Alien Enemy Hearing Board

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    Several days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese dancer and choreographer Michio Ito was apprehended by the United States government.  In the documents establishing his indefinite detention, the Alien Enemy Hearing Board found Ito to be “an artist of artistic temperament, striking appearance, fine manners, cultured, educated and capable of any and all sorts of propaganda, espionage and sabotage.”  In this essay I interrogate this sentence’s grammatical choreography, the “and” that links art, culture, and education to propaganda, espionage, and sabotage. The story of Ito’s remarkable career has surfaced frequently in the fields of transnational modernism, dance and performance studies, and Asian American criticism, but the period of his incarceration has yet to be addressed.  By examining the archival traces of his hearing, I show how the same “artistic temperament” that allows Ito to collaborate with W. B. Yeats and Martha Graham and to dance for heads of state leads to his incarceration as a threat to American national security.  My purpose in restaging Ito’s makeshift trial is not to exonerate him but to examine the shared hermeneutics of law and art, to indicate how swiftly a performance of otherness in the American context can shift from exotic and interesting to dangerous and in need of discipline

    Music and dance: beyond copyright text?

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    Behavioral types in programming languages

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    A recent trend in programming language research is to use behav- ioral type theory to ensure various correctness properties of large- scale, communication-intensive systems. Behavioral types encompass concepts such as interfaces, communication protocols, contracts, and choreography. The successful application of behavioral types requires a solid understanding of several practical aspects, from their represen- tation in a concrete programming language, to their integration with other programming constructs such as methods and functions, to de- sign and monitoring methodologies that take behaviors into account. This survey provides an overview of the state of the art of these aspects, which we summarize as the pragmatics of behavioral types

    Neuronal bases of structural coherence in contemporary dance observation

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    The neuronal processes underlying dance observation have been the focus of an increasing number of brain imaging studies over the past decade. However, the existing literature mainly dealt with effects of motor and visual expertise, whereas the neural and cognitive mechanisms that underlie the interpretation of dance choreographies remained unexplored. Hence, much attention has been given to the Action Observation Network (AON) whereas the role of other potentially relevant neuro-cognitive mechanisms such as mentalizing (theory of mind) or language (narrative comprehension) in dance understanding is yet to be elucidated. We report the results of an fMRI study where the structural coherence of short contemporary dance choreographies was manipulated parametrically using the same taped movement material. Our participants were all trained dancers. The whole-brain analysis argues that the interpretation of structurally coherent dance phrases involves a subpart (Superior Parietal) of the AON as well as mentalizing regions in the dorsomedial Prefrontal Cortex. An ROI analysis based on a similar study using linguistic materials (Pallier et al. 2011) suggests that structural processing in language and dance might share certain neural mechanisms

    Levels of Privacy for eHealth Systems in the Cloud Era

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    Enforcing in code privacy laws, internal company rules and principles like Privacy by Design is recognized as a challenge for the IT industry. In this paper we analyze the steps required and propose a guide towards this major goal. Our proposal is to emphasize the need to overcome the limits of service orchestration and create strong privacy and security enabling architectures based on two main ideas. The first idea is to use a semantic firewall that is capable to check privacy properties for the communication between applications and cloud and between cloud\u27s sub-systems. The second idea is to improve current SOA architectures with architectures based on executable choreographies that can be formally verified. In this paper we identify three types of executable choreographies. New types of abstraction which machines can verify and humans can trust are enabled by executable choreographies that act like truly verifiable environments for cloud applications