91 research outputs found

    Integrated production-distribution systems : Trends and perspectives

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    During the last two decades, integrated production-distribution problems have attracted a great deal of attention in the operations research literature. Within a short period, a large number of papers have been published and the field has expanded dramatically. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature by classifying the existing models into several different categories based on multiple characteristics. The paper also discusses some trends and list promising avenues for future research

    Meta-Heuristics for Dynamic Lot Sizing: a review and comparison of solution approaches

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    Proofs from complexity theory as well as computational experiments indicate that most lot sizing problems are hard to solve. Because these problems are so difficult, various solution techniques have been proposed to solve them. In the past decade, meta-heuristics such as tabu search, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, have become popular and efficient tools for solving hard combinational optimization problems. We review the various meta-heuristics that have been specifically developed to solve lot sizing problems, discussing their main components such as representation, evaluation neighborhood definition and genetic operators. Further, we briefly review other solution approaches, such as dynamic programming, cutting planes, Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Lagrange relaxation and dedicated heuristics. This allows us to compare these techniques. Understanding their respective advantages and disadvantages gives insight into how we can integrate elements from several solution approaches into more powerful hybrid algorithms. Finally, we discuss general guidelines for computational experiments and illustrate these with several examples

    Modeling Industrial Lot Sizing Problems: A Review

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    In this paper we give an overview of recent developments in the field of modeling single-level dynamic lot sizing problems. The focus of this paper is on the modeling various industrial extensions and not on the solution approaches. The timeliness of such a review stems from the growing industry need to solve more realistic and comprehensive production planning problems. First, several different basic lot sizing problems are defined. Many extensions of these problems have been proposed and the research basically expands in two opposite directions. The first line of research focuses on modeling the operational aspects in more detail. The discussion is organized around five aspects: the set ups, the characteristics of the production process, the inventory, demand side and rolling horizon. The second direction is towards more tactical and strategic models in which the lot sizing problem is a core substructure, such as integrated production-distribution planning or supplier selection. Recent advances in both directions are discussed. Finally, we give some concluding remarks and point out interesting areas for future research

    Mixed integer programming formulations and heuristics for joint production and transportation problems.

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    In this thesis we consider different joint production and transportation problems. We first study the simplest two-level problem, the uncapacitated two-level production-in-series lot-sizing problem (2L-S/LS-U). We give a new polynomial dynamic programming algorithm and a new compact extended formulation for the problem and for an extension with sales. Some computational tests are performed comparing several reformulations on a NP-Hard problem containing the 2L-S/LS-U as a relaxation. We also investigate the one-warehouse multi-retailer problem (OWMR), another NP-Hard extension of the 2L-S/LS-U. We study possible ways to tackle the problem effectively using mixed integer programming (MIP) techniques. We analyze the projection of a multi-commodity reformulation onto the space of the original variables for two special cases and characterize valid inequalities for the 2L-S/LS-U. Limited computational experiments are performed to compare several approaches. We then analyze a more general two-level production and transportation problem with multiple production sites. Relaxations for the problem for which reformulations are known are identified in order to improve the linear relaxation bounds. We show that some uncapacitated instances of the basic problem of reasonable size can often be solved to optimality. We also show that a hybrid MIP heuristic based on two different MIP formulations permits us to find solutions guaranteed to be within 10% of optimality for harder instances with limited transportation capacity and/or with additional sales. For instances with big bucket production or aggregate storage capacity constraints the gaps can be larger. In addition, we study a different type of production and transportation problem in which cllients place orders with different sizes and delivery dates and the transportation is performed by a third company. We develop a MIP formulation and an algorithm with a local search procedure that allows us to solve large instances effectively.

    An application of capacitated lot-sizing model in petroleum sector

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this thesis, we study capacitated lot-sizing problem with special feature, applicable to the petroleum refinery sector. In our model, the end-products should be stored in item-specific and capacitated storage tanks during pre-determined lead-time. Our aim is to find the optimum production schedule resulting minimum total cost whilst satisfying customer demand. To solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm. We perform experiments based on the data gathered from Turkish Petroleum Refineries Corporation. In order to evaluate our algorithm, we compare the results of our algorithm and the solution results of the optimization software.Nurlu, Nuri BarışM.S

    A relax-and-fix with fix-and-optimize heuristic applied to multi-level lot-sizing problems

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    In this paper, we propose a simple but efficient heuristic that combines construction and improvement heuristic ideas to solve multi-level lot-sizing problems. A relax-and-fix heuristic is firstly used to build an initial solution, and this is further improved by applying a fix-and-optimize heuristic. We also introduce a novel way to define the mixed-integer subproblems solved by both heuristics. The efficiency of the approach is evaluated solving two different classes of multi-level lot-sizing problems: the multi-level capacitated lot-sizing problem with backlogging and the two-stage glass container production scheduling problem (TGCPSP). We present extensive computational results including four test sets of the Multi-item Lot-Sizing with Backlogging library, and real-world test problems defined for the TGCPSP, where we benchmark against state-of-the-art methods from the recent literature. The computational results show that our combined heuristic approach is very efficient and competitive, outperforming benchmark methods for most of the test problems

    Rolling schedule approaches for supply chain operations planning

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    Supply Chain Operations Planning (SCOP) involves the determination of an extensive production plan for a network of manufacturing and distribution entities within and across organizations. The production plan consist of order release decisions that allocate materials and resources in order to transform these materials into (intermediate) products. We use the word item for both materials, intermediate products, and end-products. Furthermore, we consider arbitrary supply chains, i.e. the products produced by the supply chain as a whole and sold to customers consist of multiple items, where each item may in turn consists of multiple items and where each item may be used in multiple items as well. The aim of SCOP is not only to obtain a feasible production plan, but the plan must be determined such that pre-specified customer service levels are met while minimizing cost. To obtain optimal production plans we use a linear programming (LP) model. The reason we use an LP model is twofold. First, LP models can easily be incorporated in existing Advanced Planning Systems (APS). Second, while the multi-echelon inventory concept can only be used for uncapacitated supply chains and some special cases of capacitated supply chains, capacity constraints but also other restrictions can easily added to LP models. In former mathematical programming (MP) models, the needed capacity was allocated at a fixed time offset. This time offset was indicated by fixed or minimum lead times. By the introduction of planned lead times with multi-period capacity allocation, an additional degree of freedom is created, namely the timing of capacity allocation during the planned lead time. When using the LP model in a rolling schedule context, timing the capacity allocation properly can reduce the inventory cost. Although the number of studies on MP models for solving the SCOP or related problems are carried out by various researchers is enormous, only a few of these studies use a rolling schedule. Production plans are only calculated for a fixed time horizon based on the forecast of customers demand. However, since customer demand is uncertain, we emphasize the use of a rolling schedule. This implies that a production plan, based on sales forecasts, is calculated for a time interval (0; T], but only executed for the first period. At time 1, the actual demand of the first period is known, and the inventory status of the consumer products are adjusted according the actual demand. For time interval (1; T + 1], a new production plan is calculated. In this thesis, we studied the proposed LP strategy with planned lead times in a rolling schedule setting whereby we focused on the following topics: ² timing of production within the planned lead time, ² factors influencing the optimal planned lead time, ² early availability of produced items, i.e. availability of items before the end of their planned lead time, and ² balanced material allocation. In the first three studies we explore the possibilities of using planned lead times. In the first study, timing of production, we compare the situation whereby released items are produced as soon as there is available capacity with the situation whereby released items are produced as late as possible within the planned lead time. If items are produced as soon as possible, there is more capacity left for future production. Since we work with uncertain customer demand whereby demand may be larger than expected, this capacity might be very useful. A drawback of production as soon as possible are the additional work-in-process cost. The results of simulation studies show that if the utilization rates of resources and/or the variation in demand are high, producing early is better. However this is only the case if the added value between the concerned item and the end item is high. The second study deals with factors influencing the optimal planned lead time. From queuing theory it is already known that the variance in demand and the utilization rate of the resources determine the waiting time. More variation and/or higher utilization rates give longer waiting times. Since lead times consist for a large part of waiting time, these two factors most probably also influence the length of the optimal planned lead time. For a set of representative supply chain structures we showed that this was indeed the case. With longer planned lead times, the flexibility in capacity allocation is higher. Additional flexibility gives lower safety stocks, but longer planned lead times also means more work-in-process. Hence, an important third factor which influence the optimal planned lead time is the holding costs structure. When using planned lead times, early produced items have to wait the remainder of their planned lead time. This seems contradictory, especially if these items are necessary to avoid or reduce backorders. Therefore we adapt the standard LP model in two ways. In the first model, items are made available for succeeding production steps directly after they are produced. And in the second model, produced items are only made available for succeeding production steps if they are needed to avoid or reduce backorders. Experiments showed that the first model does not improve the performance of the standard LP strategy. The advantages of planned lead times longer than one period are nullified by early availability of produced items. The second model indeed improves the performance of the standard LP strategy, but only when the planned lead times are optimal or longer. Comparing the introduced LP strategy with a so-called synchronized base stock policy under the assumption of infinite capacity, it turned out that the LP strategy is outperformed by the base stock policy. In order to obtain a better performance, we Summary 121 added linear allocation rules to the LP model. With these allocation rules shortages of child items are divided among the parent items using a predefined allocation fraction. A second way of balanced allocation of child items is obtained by replacing the linear objective function by a quadratic one. The results of a well-chosen set of experiments showed that although the synchronized base stock policy also outperforms the adjusted LP strategies, the difference in performance is small. Hence, the adjusted LP strategies are good alternatives for large, capacitated supply chain structures which cannot be solved by synchronized base stock policies. Comparing the model with linear allocation rules with the model with quadratic objective function, the preference is given to the latter model. This model does not only give the lowest inventory costs, it also has the shortest computation time. Furthermore, this model can easily be implemented and solved by existing software. Summarizing the main results of this thesis, we conclude that deterministic LP models can be used to solve the SCOP problem with stochastic demand by using the LP model in a rolling schedule concept. By using optimal planned lead times with multiperiod capacity allocation, early production during the planned lead times, and early availability of needed produced items before the end of the planned lead time, we can decrease the inventory costs. The costs can also be reduced by using allocation strategies to allocate shortages among parent items proportionally. Especially the results for the model with quadratic objective function are promising

    An integrated planning model for multi-supplier, multi-facility, multi-customer, multi-product and multi-period : application to the wood furniture industry

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    Typiquement, un réseau de création de valeur dans l'industrie du meuble en bois, est composé de fournisseurs de billes de bois, de scieries, de séchoirs, d'usines de meubles, de centres de distribution et de détaillants. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur l'étude du réseau qui assure l'approvisionnement des usines de meubles en bois. La problématique à laquelle font face les entreprises de ce réseau se situe principalement au niveau de la synchronisation des flux de matière. Ces derniers doivent respecter les contraintes de capacité, de procédés, de transport et la diversité des produits, pour satisfaire la demande. La planification, dans ce contexte, repose sur une vision locale ce qui affecte la performance globale du réseau. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un modèle de planification intégrée dans un contexte, multifoumisseurs, multiusines, multiproduits, multiclients et multipériodes, qui vise la synchronisation des flux, et la maximisation de la performance globale tout en respectant les différentes contraintes du réseau. Nous proposons un modèle générique du problème de planification intégrée qui permet de déterminer les décisions tactiques d'approvisionnement, d'inventaire, de flux de matière et de sous-traitance. Ce modèle est un programme linéaire mixte en nombres entiers de grande taille. Nous avons développé une heuristique basée sur la décomposition dans le temps qui exploite l'aspect multipériodes du problème de planification. Nous avons aussi proposé deux solutions basées sur la décomposition de Benders et la décomposition croisée pour réduire le temps de résolution. Enfin, ce modèle a été validé en utilisant les données réelles de l'entreprise partenaire du projet et les résultats, montrent des réductions potentielles du coût total des opérations de l'ordre de 22%. L'approche de planification intégrée adoptée ainsi que les méthodes de résolution proposées dans cette thèse peuvent être exploitées pour la planification des réseaux dans d'autres secteurs d'activités ayant des similarités avec la problématique traitée dans cette thèse

    Valid inequalities for the single-item capacitated lot sizing problem with step-wise costs

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    This paper presents a new class of valid inequalities for the single-item capacitated lotsizing problem with step-wise production costs (LS-SW). We first provide a survey of different optimization methods proposed to solve LS-SW. Then, flow cover and flow cover inequalities derived from the single node flow set are described in order to generate the new class of valid inequalities. The single node flow set can be seen as a generalization of some valid relaxations of LS-SW. A new class of valid inequalities we call mixed flow cover, is derived from the integer flow cover inequalities by a lifting procedure. The lifting coefficients are sequence independent when the batch sizes (V) and the production capacities (P) are constant and if V divides P. When the restriction of the divisibility is removed, the lifting coefficients are shown to be sequence independent. We identify some cases where the mixed flow cover inequalities are facet defining. A cutting plane algorithmis proposed for these three classes of valid inequalities. The exact separation algorithmproposed for the constant capacitated case runs in polynomial time. Finally, some computational results are given to compare the performance of the different optimization methods including the new class of valid inequalities.single-item capacitated lot sizing problem, flow cover inequalities, cutting plane algorithm