7,849 research outputs found

    Social Search with Missing Data: Which Ranking Algorithm?

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    Online social networking tools are extremely popular, but can miss potential discoveries latent in the social 'fabric'. Matchmaking services which can do naive profile matching with old database technology are too brittle in the absence of key data, and even modern ontological markup, though powerful, can be onerous at data-input time. In this paper, we present a system called BuddyFinder which can automatically identify buddies who can best match a user's search requirements specified in a term-based query, even in the absence of stored user-profiles. We deploy and compare five statistical measures, namely, our own CORDER, mutual information (MI), phi-squared, improved MI and Z score, and two TF/IDF based baseline methods to find online users who best match the search requirements based on 'inferred profiles' of these users in the form of scavenged web pages. These measures identify statistically significant relationships between online users and a term-based query. Our user evaluation on two groups of users shows that BuddyFinder can find users highly relevant to search queries, and that CORDER achieved the best average ranking correlations among all seven algorithms and improved the performance of both baseline methods

    A survey on the use of relevance feedback for information access systems

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    Users of online search engines often find it difficult to express their need for information in the form of a query. However, if the user can identify examples of the kind of documents they require then they can employ a technique known as relevance feedback. Relevance feedback covers a range of techniques intended to improve a user's query and facilitate retrieval of information relevant to a user's information need. In this paper we survey relevance feedback techniques. We study both automatic techniques, in which the system modifies the user's query, and interactive techniques, in which the user has control over query modification. We also consider specific interfaces to relevance feedback systems and characteristics of searchers that can affect the use and success of relevance feedback systems

    Word-Entity Duet Representations for Document Ranking

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    This paper presents a word-entity duet framework for utilizing knowledge bases in ad-hoc retrieval. In this work, the query and documents are modeled by word-based representations and entity-based representations. Ranking features are generated by the interactions between the two representations, incorporating information from the word space, the entity space, and the cross-space connections through the knowledge graph. To handle the uncertainties from the automatically constructed entity representations, an attention-based ranking model AttR-Duet is developed. With back-propagation from ranking labels, the model learns simultaneously how to demote noisy entities and how to rank documents with the word-entity duet. Evaluation results on TREC Web Track ad-hoc task demonstrate that all of the four-way interactions in the duet are useful, the attention mechanism successfully steers the model away from noisy entities, and together they significantly outperform both word-based and entity-based learning to rank systems

    Sound ranking algorithms for XML search

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    Ranking algorithms for XML should reflect the actual combined content and structure constraints of queries, while at the same time producing equal rankings for queries that are semantically equal. Ranking algorithms that produce different rankings for queries that are semantically equal are easily detected by tests on large databases: We call such algorithms not sound. We report the behavior of different approaches to ranking content-and-structure queries on pairs of queries for which we expect equal ranking results from the query semantics. We show that most of these approaches are not sound. Of the remaining approaches, only 3 adhere to the W3C XQuery Full-Text standard

    Part of Speech Based Term Weighting for Information Retrieval

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    Automatic language processing tools typically assign to terms so-called weights corresponding to the contribution of terms to information content. Traditionally, term weights are computed from lexical statistics, e.g., term frequencies. We propose a new type of term weight that is computed from part of speech (POS) n-gram statistics. The proposed POS-based term weight represents how informative a term is in general, based on the POS contexts in which it generally occurs in language. We suggest five different computations of POS-based term weights by extending existing statistical approximations of term information measures. We apply these POS-based term weights to information retrieval, by integrating them into the model that matches documents to queries. Experiments with two TREC collections and 300 queries, using TF-IDF & BM25 as baselines, show that integrating our POS-based term weights to retrieval always leads to gains (up to +33.7% from the baseline). Additional experiments with a different retrieval model as baseline (Language Model with Dirichlet priors smoothing) and our best performing POS-based term weight, show retrieval gains always and consistently across the whole smoothing range of the baseline