344 research outputs found

    Ride-matching and routing optimisation: Models and a large neighbourhood search heuristic

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    This paper considers a ridesharing problem on how to match riders to drivers and how to choose the best routes for vehicles. Unlike the others in the literature, we are concerned with the maximization of the average loading ratio of the entire system. Moreover, we develop a flow-dependent version of the model to characterize the impact of pick-up and drop-off congestion. In another extended model we take into account the riders’ individual evaluation on different transportation modes. Due to the large size of the resulting models, we develop a large neighbourhood search algorithm and demonstrate its efficiency

    Modeling Framework and Solution Methodologies for On-Demand Mobility Services With Ridesharing and Transfer Options

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    The growing complexity of the urban travel pattern and its related traffic congestion, along with the extensive usage of mobile phones, invigorated On-Demand Mobility Services (ODMS) and opened the door to the emergence of Transportation Network Companies (TNC). By adopting the shared economy paradigm, TNCs enable private car owners to provide transportation services to passengers by providing user-friendly mobile phone applications that efficiently match passengers to service providers. Considering the high level of flexibility, convenience, and reliability of ODMS, compared to those offered by traditional public transportation systems, many metropolitan areas in the United States and abroad have reported rapid growth of such services. This dissertation presents a modeling framework to study the operation of on-demand mobility services (ODMS) in urban areas. The framework can analyze the operation of ODMS while representing emerging services such as ridesharing and transfer. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer program and an efficient decomposition-based methodology is developed for its solution. This solution methodology aims at solving the offline version of the problem, in which the passengers’ demand is assumed to be known ii for the entire planning horizon. The presented approach adopts a modified column generation algorithm, which integrates iterative decomposition and network augmentation techniques to analyze networks with moderate size. Besides, a novel methodology for integrated ride-matching and vehicle routing for dynamic (online) ODMS with ridesharing and transfer options is developed to solve the problem in real-time. The methodology adopts a hybrid heuristic approach, which enables solving large problem instances in near real-time, where the passengers’ demand is not known a priori. The heuristic allows to (1) promptly respond to individual ride requests and (2) periodically re-evaluate the generated solutions and recommend modifications to enhance the overall solution quality by increasing the number of served passengers and total profit of the system. The outcomes of experiments considering hypothetical and real-world networks are presented. The results show that the modified column generation approach provides a good quality solution in less computation time than the CPLEX solver. Additionally, the heuristic approach can provide an efficient solution for large networks while satisfying the real-time execution requirements. Additionally, investigation of the results of the experiments shows that increasing the number of passengers willing to rideshare and/or transfer increases the general performance of ODMS by increasing the number of served passengers and associated revenue and reducing the number of needed vehicles


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    Transportation of dangerous goods has been receiving more attention in the realm of academic and scientific research during the last few decades as countries have been increasingly becoming industrialized throughout the world, thereby making Hazmats an integral part of our life style. However, the number of scholarly articles in this field is not as many as those of other areas in SCM. Considering the low-probability-and-high-consequence (LPHC) essence of transportation of Hazmats, on the one hand, and immense volume of shipments accounting for more than hundred tons in North America and Europe, on the other, we can safely state that the number of scholarly articles and dissertations have not been proportional to the significance of the subject of interest. On this ground, we conducted our research to contribute towards further developing the domain of Hazmats transportation, and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), in general terms. Transportation of Hazmats, from logistical standpoint, may include all modes of transport via air, marine, road and rail, as well as intermodal transportation systems. Although road shipment is predominant in most of the literature, railway transportation of Hazmats has proven to be a potentially significant means of transporting dangerous goods with respect to both economies of scale and risk of transportation; these factors, have not just given rise to more thoroughly investigation of intermodal transportation of Hazmats using road and rail networks, but has encouraged the competition between rail and road companies which may indeed have some inherent advantages compared to the other medium due to their infrastructural and technological backgrounds. Truck shipment has ostensibly proven to be providing more flexibility; trains, per contra, provide more reliability in terms of transport risk for conveying Hazmats in bulks. In this thesis, in consonance with the aforementioned motivation, we provide an introduction into the hazardous commodities shipment through rail network in the first chapter of the thesis. Providing relevant statistics on the volume of Hazmat goods, number of accidents, rate of incidents, and rate of fatalities and injuries due to the incidents involving Hazmats, will shed light onto the significance of the topic under study. As well, we review the most pertinent articles while putting more emphasis on the state-of-the-art papers, in chapter two. Following the discussion in chapter 3 and looking at the problem from carrier company’s perspective, a mixed integer quadratically constraint problem (MIQCP) is developed which seeks for the minimization of transportation cost under a set of constraints including those associating with Hazmats. Due to the complexity of the problem, the risk function has been piecewise linearized using a set of auxiliary variables, thereby resulting in an MIP problem. Further, considering the interests of both carrier companies and regulatory agencies, which are minimization of cost and risk, respectively, a multiobjective MINLP model is developed, which has been reduced to an MILP through piecewise linearization of the risk term in the objective function. For both single-objective and multiobjective formulations, model variants with bifurcated and nonbifurcated flows have been presented. Then, in chapter 4, we carry out experiments considering two main cases where the first case presents smaller instances of the problem and the second case focuses on a larger instance of the problem. Eventually, in chapter five, we conclude the dissertation with a summary of the overall discussion as well as presenting some comments on avenues of future work

    Modeling the Municipal Waste Collection Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Calculating adequate vehicle routes for collecting municipal waste is still an unsolved issue, even though many solutions for this process can be found in the literature. A gap still exists between academics and practitioners in the field. One of the apparent reasons why this rift exists is that academic tools often are not easy to handle and maintain by actual users. In this work, the problem of municipal waste collection is modeled using a simple but efficient and especially easy to maintain solution. Real data have been used, and it has been solved using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). Computations have been done in two different ways: using a complete random initial population, and including a seed in this initial population. In order to guarantee that the solution is efficient, the performance of the genetic algorithm has been compared with another well-performing algorithm, the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS). Three problems of different sizes have been solved and, in all cases, a significant improvement has been obtained. A total reduction of 40% of itineraries is attained with the subsequent reduction of emissions and costs.This research was funded by FundaciĂłn BBK, partner of the Deusto Digital Industry Chair

    Dispatching Requests for Agent-Based Online Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows

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    Vehicle routing problems are highly complex problems. The proposals to solve them traditionally concern the optimization of conventional criteria, such as the number of mobilized vehicles and the total costs. However, in online vehicle routing problems, the optimization of the response time to the connected travelers is at least as important as the optimization of the classical criteria. Multi-agent systems on the one hand and greedy insertion heuristics on the other are among the most promising approaches to this end. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent system coupled with a regret insertion heuristic. We focus on the real-time dispatching of the travelers\u27 requests to the vehicles and its efficiency. A dispatching protocol determines which agents perform the computation to answer the travelers\u27 requests. We evaluate three dispatching protocols: centralized, decentralized and hybrid. We compare them experimentally based on their response time to online travelers. Two computational types are implemented: a sequential implementation and a distributed implementation. The results show the superiority of the centralized dispatching protocol in the sequential implementation (32.80% improvement in average compared to the distributed dispatching protocol) and the superiority of the hybrid dispatching protocol in the distributed implementation (59.66% improvement in average, compared with the centralized dispatching protocol)

    A Tabu Search Based Metaheuristic for Dynamic Carpooling Optimization

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    International audienceThe carpooling problem consists in matching a set of riders' requests with a set of drivers' offers by synchronizing their origins, destinations and time windows. The paper presents the so-called Dynamic Carpooling Optimization System (DyCOS), a system which supports the automatic and optimal ridematching process between users on very short notice or even en-route. Nowadays, there are numerous research contributions that revolve around the carpooling problem, notably in the dynamic context. However, the problem's high complexity and the real time aspect are still challenges to overcome when addressing dynamic carpooling. To counter these issues, DyCOS takes decisions using a novel Tabu Search based metaheuristic. The proposed algorithm employs an explicit memory system and several original searching strategies developed to make optimal decisions automatically. To increase users' satisfaction, the proposed metaheuristic approach manages the transfer process and includes the possibility to drop off the passenger at a given walking distance from his destination or at a transfer node. In addition, the detour concept is used as an original aspiration process, to avoid the entrapment by local solutions and improve the generated solution. For a rigorous assessment of generated solutions , while considering the importance and interaction among the optimization criteria, the algorithm adopts the Choquet integral operator as an aggregation approach. To measure the effectiveness of the proposed method, we develop a simulation environment based on actual carpooling demand data from the metropolitan area of Lille in the north of France

    DeepFreight: A Model-free Deep-reinforcement-learning-based Algorithm for Multi-transfer Freight Delivery

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    With the freight delivery demands and shipping costs increasing rapidly, intelligent control of fleets to enable efficient and cost-conscious solutions becomes an important problem. In this paper, we propose DeepFreight, a model-free deep-reinforcement-learning-based algorithm for multi-transfer freight delivery, which includes two closely-collaborative components: truck-dispatch and package-matching. Specifically, a deep multi-agent reinforcement learning framework called QMIX is leveraged to learn a dispatch policy, with which we can obtain the multi-step joint dispatch decisions for the fleet with respect to the delivery requests. Then an efficient multi-transfer matching algorithm is executed to assign the delivery requests to the trucks. Also, DeepFreight is integrated with a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming optimizer for further optimization. The evaluation results show that the proposed system is highly scalable and ensures a 100% delivery success while maintaining low delivery time and fuel consumption.Comment: This paper is presented in part at the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021

    Multi-attribute deterministic and stochastic two echelon location routing problems

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    Les problèmes de localisation-routage à deux échelons (2E-LRP) sont devenus un domaine de recherche important dans le domaine de la logistique et de la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Le 2E-LRP représente un problème d'optimisation dans les systèmes de distribution non dirigés, visant à organiser le transport de marchandises entre les plateformes et les clients par le biais d'installations intermédiaires appelées satellites. Ce problème implique de prendre des décisions simultanées concernant l'emplacement d'un ou deux niveaux d'installations (plateformes et/ou satellites) et de créer un ensemble limité d'itinéraires aux deux échelons afin de répondre efficacement à toutes les demandes des clients. Récemment, la communauté scientifique s'est intéressée de plus en plus à l'étude et à la résolution de problèmes plus réalistes. Cet intérêt provient de la reconnaissance du fait que les systèmes de distribution du monde réel sont caractérisés par une multitude de complexités et d'incertitudes qui ont un impact significatif sur l'efficacité opérationnelle, la rentabilité et la satisfaction des clients. Les chercheurs ont reconnu la nécessité d'aborder ces complexités et incertitudes pour développer des solutions pratiques et efficaces. Cette thèse comprend trois études différentes, chacune correspondant à un article de recherche autonome. Dans les trois articles, nous nous concentrons sur différents 2E-LRP riches qui comprennent plusieurs attributs en interaction. Ces variantes du problème sont appelées problèmes de localisation-routage à deux échelons et à attributs multiples (2E-MALRP). Pour analyser l'influence des incertitudes sur les solutions optimales et les processus de prise de décision, nous considérons à la fois les perspectives déterministes et stochastiques. Cette approche nous permet de mieux comprendre le comportement de ces problèmes complexes. Le premier document de recherche abordé dans cette thèse se concentre sur un problème de localisation-routage déterministe à deux échelons et à attributs multiples avec synchronisation de la flotte dans les installations intermédiaires (2E-MALRPS). Le cadre du problème comprend divers facteurs, notamment la demande de marchandises multiples dépendant du temps, les fenêtres temporelles, le manque de capacité de stockage dans les installations intermédiaires et la nécessité de synchroniser les flottes opérant à différents échelons. Dans le 2E-MALRPS, tous les paramètres, tels que les demandes des clients, les temps de trajet et les coûts, sont connus avec certitude. Dans cet article, nous introduisons le cadre du problème, présentons une formulation de programmation en nombres entiers mixtes et proposons un cadre de découverte de discrétisation dynamique comme méthode de résolution du problème. Le deuxième article de cette thèse traite du problème de localisation-routage à deux échelons en cas de demandes stochastiques et corrélées (2E-MLRPSCD). Contrairement au 2E-MALRPS, le 2E-MLRPSCD prend en compte les incertitudes liées aux demandes des clients, ainsi que la corrélation entre ces demandes. Nous formulons le problème sous la forme d'un modèle de programmation stochastique en deux étapes. Au cours de la première étape, des décisions sont prises concernant la conception des installations satellites, tandis qu'au cours de la deuxième étape, des décisions de recours déterminent la manière dont les demandes observées sont servies. Nous proposons une métaheuristique de couverture progressive comme méthode de résolution. Dans cette approche, nous incorporons deux structures de population dans le cadre de la couverture progressive. Ces structures renforcent la diversité des décisions de conception obtenues pour chaque sous-problème de scénario et fournissent des informations pertinentes pour améliorer la qualité de la solution. En outre, nous introduisons et comparons trois nouvelles stratégies différentes pour accélérer la recherche de l'espace de solution pour le problème stochastique. Finalement, le troisième article présenté dans cette thèse se concentre sur un problème de localisation-routage multi-attributs à deux échelons avec des temps de trajet stochastiques (2E-MALRPSTT). Le 2E-MALRPSTT combine un problème multi-attributs riche avec des éléments stochastiques, en particulier en considérant des temps de trajet stochastiques. Pour traiter le problème stochastique complet, un cadre de couverture progressive (PH) est proposé en s'appuyant sur les lignes directrices méthodologiques définies dans notre deuxième article pour le 2E-MLRPSCD. En outre, une heuristique basée sur la décomposition est introduite pour accélérer le cadre PH, et deux nouvelles stratégies d'agrégation sont présentées pour accélérer le processus de consensus concernant les décisions de la première étape. Les contributions présentées dans cette thèse couvrent divers aspects de la modélisation et des méthodologies de solution pour les 2E-MALRP riches, à la fois d'un point de vue déterministe et d'un point de vue stochastique. Les trois articles inclus dans cette thèse démontrent l'efficacité des approches proposées à travers des campagnes expérimentales étendues, mettant en évidence leur efficacité de calcul et la qualité des solutions, en particulier dans les cas difficiles. En abordant les aspects déterministes et stochastiques de ces 2E-MALRP, cette thèse vise à contribuer à l'ensemble des connaissances en optimisation de la logistique et de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, à répondre aux besoins importants de la littérature actuelle et à fournir des informations importantes pour les systèmes de distribution à deux échelons dans divers contextes.The Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problems (2E-LRPs) have emerged as a prominent research area within the field of logistics and supply chain management. The 2E-LRP represents an optimization problem in undirected distribution systems, aiming to streamline freight transportation between platforms and customers through intermediate facilities known as satellites. This problem involves making simultaneous decisions concerning the location of one or two levels of facilities (platforms and/or satellites) and creating a limited set of routes at both echelons to effectively serve all customer demands. In recent years, there has been a growing interest among the scientific community in studying and solving more realistic problem settings. This interest arises from the recognition that real-world distribution systems are characterized by a multitude of complexities and uncertainties that significantly impact operational efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. Researchers have acknowledged the need to address these complexities and uncertainties to develop practical and effective solutions. This dissertation comprises three distinct studies, each serving as a self-contained research article. In all three articles, we focus on different rich 2E-LRPs that encompass multiple interacting attributes. These problem variants are referred to as two-echelon multi-attribute location-routing problems (2E-MALRPs). To analyze the influence of uncertainties on optimal solutions and decision-making processes, we consider both deterministic and stochastic perspectives. This approach allows us to gain insights into the behavior of these complex problem settings. The first research paper addressed in this thesis focuses on a deterministic two-echelon multi-attribute location-routing problem with fleet synchronization at intermediate facilities (2E-MALRPS). The problem setting encompasses various factors, including time-dependent multicommodity demand, time windows, lack of storage capacity at intermediate facilities, and the need for synchronization of fleets operating at different echelons. In the 2E-MALRPS, all parameters, such as customer demands, travel times, and costs, are known with certainty. In this paper, we introduce the problem setting, present a mixed-integer programming formulation, and propose a dynamic discretization discovery framework as the solution method to address the problem. The second paper in this thesis addresses the two-echelon multicommodity location-routing problem with stochastic and correlated demands (2E-MLRPSCD). In contrast to the 2E-MALRPS, the 2E-MLRPSCD takes into account uncertainties related to customer demands, as well as the correlation among these demands. We formulate the problem as a two-stage stochastic programming model. In the first stage, decisions are made regarding the design of satellite facilities, while in the second stage, recourse decisions determine how the observed demands are allocated and served. We propose a progressive hedging metaheuristic as the solution method. In this approach, we incorporate two population structures within the progressive hedging framework. These structures enhance the diversity of the design decisions obtained for each scenario subproblem and provide valuable insights for improving the solution quality. Additionally, We also introduce and compare three different novel strategies to accelerate the search for the solution space for the stochastic problem. Finally, the third paper presented in this thesis focuses on a multi-attribute two-echelon location-routing problem with stochastic travel times (2E-MALRPSTT). The 2E-MALRPSTT combines a rich multi-attribute problem setting with stochastic elements, specifically considering stochastic travel times. To address the complete stochastic problem, a progressive hedging metaheuristic is proposed building on the methodological guidelines defined in our second paper for the 2E-MLRPSCD. Furthermore, a decomposition-based heuristic is introduced to accelerate the PH framework, and two novel selection strategies are presented to expedite the consensus process regarding the first-stage decisions. The contributions presented in this thesis encompass various aspects of modeling and solution methodologies for rich 2E-MALRPs from both deterministic and stochastic perspectives. The three articles included in this thesis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches through extensive experimental campaigns, highlighting their computational efficiency and solution quality, particularly in challenging instances. By addressing the deterministic and stochastic aspects of these 2E-MALRPs, this thesis aims to contribute to the broader body of knowledge in logistics and supply chain optimization, fill important gaps in the present literature and provide valuable insights for two-echelon distribution systems in diverse settings

    Solving a Dial-a-Ride Problem with a Hybrid Multi-objective Evolutionary Approach: Application to Demand Responsive Transport

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    International audienceDemand responsive transport allows customers to be carried to their destination as with a taxi service, provided that the customers are grouped in the same vehicles in order to reduce operational costs. This kind of service is related to the dial-a-ride problem. However, in order to improve the quality of service, demand responsive transport needs more flexibility. This paper tries to address this issue by proposing an original evolutionary approach. In order to propose a set of compromise solutions to the decision-maker, this approach optimizes three objectives concurrently. Moreover, in order to intensify the search process, this multi-objective evolutionary approach is hybridized with a local search. Results obtained on random and realistic problems are detailed to compare three state-of-the-art algorithms and discussed from an operational point of view

    Application of Genetic Algorithm in solving Tourist Routing Problem

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    Normally, tourist will experience dilemma in planning their tour route especially when they visited foreign country for the first time. Manually mapping the cities and searching the information on the Internet can be very exhaustive. Besides these, tourist also faced a dilemma on how to travel across different cities efficiently and at shortest distance. This can also be known as Tourist Routing Problem (TRP). TRP is a variance of Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) which can defined by finding the optimal path to travel from point A to point B by going through the same place not more than twice at a shortest distance. After completing a thorough comparative study, the author decided to apply Genetic Algorithm (GA), which is one of the best heuristic solutions to date in solving TRP. A rapid-prototyping methodology had been chosen because the author can immediately alter the prototype if there are any changes in the requirements. An Android mobile application will be utilized as a platform to test the effectiveness of GA in solving TRP. To support this, simulation and experiments will be conducted to evaluate the performance and speedup of the algorithm. Besides focusing on finding the best shortest distance route to travel, this application will enable tourist to select places to visit according to their preferences and activities that will be happening at that particular place
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