220 research outputs found

    A Survey on the Contributions of Software-Defined Networking to Traffic Engineering

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    Since the appearance of OpenFlow back in 2008, software-defined networking (SDN) has gained momentum. Although there are some discrepancies between the standards developing organizations working with SDN about what SDN is and how it is defined, they all outline traffic engineering (TE) as a key application. One of the most common objectives of TE is the congestion minimization, where techniques such as traffic splitting among multiple paths or advanced reservation systems are used. In such a scenario, this manuscript surveys the role of a comprehensive list of SDN protocols in TE solutions, in order to assess how these protocols can benefit TE. The SDN protocols have been categorized using the SDN architecture proposed by the open networking foundation, which differentiates among data-controller plane interfaces, application-controller plane interfaces, and management interfaces, in order to state how the interface type in which they operate influences TE. In addition, the impact of the SDN protocols on TE has been evaluated by comparing them with the path computation element (PCE)-based architecture. The PCE-based architecture has been selected to measure the impact of SDN on TE because it is the most novel TE architecture until the date, and because it already defines a set of metrics to measure the performance of TE solutions. We conclude that using the three types of interfaces simultaneously will result in more powerful and enhanced TE solutions, since they benefit TE in complementary ways.European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (GN4) under Grant 691567 Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the Secure Deployment of Services Over SDN and NFV-based Networks Project S&NSEC under Grant TEC2013-47960-C4-3-

    Strategies for internet route control: past, present and future

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    Uno de los problemas más complejos en redes de computadores es el de proporcionar garantías de calidad y confiabilidad a las comunicaciones de datos entre entidades que se encuentran en dominios distintos. Esto se debe a un amplio conjunto de razones -- las cuales serán analizadas en detalle en esta tesis -- pero de manera muy breve podemos destacar: i) la limitada flexibilidad que presenta el modelo actual de encaminamiento inter-dominio en materia de ingeniería de tráfico; ii) la naturaleza distribuida y potencialmente antagónica de las políticas de encaminamiento, las cuales son administradas individualmente y sin coordinación por cada dominio en Internet; y iii) las carencias del protocolo de encaminamiento inter-dominio utilizado en Internet, denominado BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).El objetivo de esta tesis, es precisamente el estudio y propuesta de soluciones que permitan mejorar drásticamente la calidad y confiabilidad de las comunicaciones de datos en redes conformadas por múltiples dominios.Una de las principales herramientas para lograr este fin, es tomar el control de las decisiones de encaminamiento y las posibles acciones de ingeniería de tráfico llevadas a cabo en cada dominio. Por este motivo, esta tesis explora distintas estrategias de como controlar en forma precisa y eficiente, tanto el encaminamiento como las decisiones de ingeniería de tráfico en Internet. En la actualidad este control reside principalmente en BGP, el cual como indicamos anteriormente, es uno de los principales responsables de las limitantes existentes. El paso natural sería reemplazar a BGP, pero su despliegue actual y su reconocida operatividad en muchos otros aspectos, resultan claros indicadores de que su sustitución (ó su posible evolución) será probablemente gradual. En este escenario, esta tesis propone analizar y contribuir con nuevas estrategias en materia de control de encaminamiento e ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio en tres marcos temporales distintos: i) en la actualidad en redes IP; ii) en un futuro cercano en redes IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching); y iii) a largo plazo en redes ópticas, modelando así una evolución progresiva y realista, facilitando el reemplazo gradual de BGP.Más concretamente, este trabajo analiza y contribuye mediante: - La propuesta de estrategias incrementales basadas en el Control Inteligente de Rutas (Intelligent Route Control, IRC) para redes IP en la actualidad. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter incremental en el sentido de que interaccionan con BGP, solucionando varias de las carencias que éste presenta sin llegar a proponer aún su reemplazo. - La propuesta de estrategias concurrentes basadas en extender el concepto del PCE (Path Computation Element) proveniente del IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) para redes IP/MPLS en un futuro cercano. Las estrategias propuestas en este caso son de carácter concurrente en el sentido de que no interaccionan con BGP y pueden ser desplegadas en forma paralela. En este caso, BGP continúa controlando el encaminamiento y las acciones de ingeniería de tráfico inter-dominio del tráfico IP, pero el control del tráfico IP/MPLS se efectúa en forma independiente de BGP mediante los PCEs.- La propuesta de estrategias que reemplazan completamente a BGP basadas en la incorporación de un nuevo agente de control, al cual denominamos IDRA (Inter-Domain Routing Agent). Estos agentes proporcionan un plano de control dedicado, físicamente independiente del plano de datos, y con gran capacidad computacional para las futuras redes ópticas multi-dominio.Los resultados expuestos aquí validan la efectividad de las estrategias propuestas, las cuales mejoran significativamente tanto la concepción como la performance de las actuales soluciones en el área de Control Inteligente de Rutas, del esperado PCE en un futuro cercano, y de las propuestas existentes para extender BGP al área de redes ópticas.One of the most complex problems in computer networks is how to provide guaranteed performance and reliability to the communications carried out between nodes located in different domains. This is due to several reasons -- which will be analyzed in detail in this thesis -- but in brief, this is mostly due to: i) the limited capabilities of the current inter-domain routing model in terms of Traffic Engineering (TE); ii) the distributed and potentially conflicting nature of policy-based routing, where routing policies are managed independently and without coordination among domains; and iii) the clear limitations of the inter-domain routing protocol, namely, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). The goal of this thesis is precisely to study and propose solutions allowing to drastically improve the performance and reliability of inter-domain communications. One of the most important tools to achieve this goal, is to control the routing and TE decisions performed by routing domains. Therefore, this thesis explores different strategies on how to control such decisions in a highly efficient and accurate way. At present, this control mostly resides in BGP, but as mentioned above, BGP is in fact one of the main causes of the existing limitations. The natural next-step would be to replace BGP, but the large installed base at present together with its recognized effectiveness in other aspects, are clear indicators that its replacement (or its possible evolution) will probably be gradually put into practice.In this framework, this thesis proposes to to study and contribute with novel strategies to control the routing and TE decisions of domains in three different time frames: i) at present in IP multi-domain networks; ii) in the near-future in IP/MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching) multi- domain networks; and iii) in the future optical Internet, modeling in this way a realistic and progressive evolution, facilitating the gradual replacement of BGP.More specifically, the contributions in this thesis can be summarized as follows. - We start by proposing incremental strategies based on Intelligent Route Control (IRC) solutions for IP networks. The strategies proposed in this case are incremental in the sense that they interact with BGP, and tackle several of its well-known limitations. - Then, we propose a set of concurrent route control strategies for MPLS networks, based on broadening the concept of the Path Computation Element (PCE) coming from the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Our strategies are concurrent in the sense that they do not interact directly with BGP, and they can be deployed in parallel. In this case, BGP still controlls the routing and TE actions concerning regular IP-based traffic, but not how IP/MPLS paths are routed and controlled. These are handled independently by the PCEs.- We end with the proposal of a set of route control strategies for multi-domain optical networks, where BGP has been completely replaced. These strategies are supported by the introduction of a new route control element, which we named Inter-Domain Routing Agent (IDRA). These IDRAs provide a dedicated control plane, i.e., physically independent from the data plane, and with high computational capacity for future optical networks.The results obtained validate the effectiveness of the strategies proposed here, and confirm that our proposals significantly improve both the conception and performance of the current IRC solutions, the expected PCE in the near-future, as well as the existing proposals about the optical extension of BGP.Postprint (published version

    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks.Postprint (published version

    End-to-end provisioning in multi-domain/multi-layer networks

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    The last decade has seen many advances in high-speed networking technologies. At the Layer 1 fiber-optic level, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) has seen fast growth in long-haul backbone/metro sectors. At the Layer 1.5 level, revamped next-generation SONET/SDH (NGS) has gained strong traction in the metro space, as a highly flexible sub-rate\u27 aggregation and grooming solution. Meanwhile, ubiquitous Ethernet (Layer 2) and IP (Layer 3) technologies have also seen the introduction of new quality of service (QoS) paradigms via the differentiated services (Diff-Serv) and integrated services (Intserv) frameworks. In recent years, various control provisioning standards have also been developed to provision these new networks, e.g., via efforts within the IETF, ITU-T, and OIF organizations. As these networks technologies gain traction, there is an increasing need to internetwork multiple domains operating at different technology layers, e.g., IP, Ethernet, SONET, DWDM. However, most existing studies have only looked at single domain networks or multiple domains operating at the same technology layer. As a result, there is now a growing level of interest in developing expanded control solutions for multi-domain/multi-layer networks, i.e., IP-SONET-DWDM. Now given the increase in the number of inter-connected domains, it is difficult for a single entity to maintain complete \u27global\u27 information across all domains. Hence, related solutions must pursue a distributed approach to handling multi-domain/multi-layer problem. Namely, key provisions are needed in the area of inter- domain routing, path computation, and signaling. The work in this thesis addresses these very challenges. Namely, a hierarchical routing framework is first developed to incorporate the multiple link types/granularities encountered in different network domains. Commensurate topology abstraction algorithms and update strategies are then introduced to help condense domain level state and propagate global views. Finally, distributed path computation and signaling setup schemes are developed to leverage the condensed global state information and make intelligent connection routing decisions. The work leverages heavily from graph theory concepts and also addresses the inherent distributed grooming dimension of multi-layer networks. The performance of the proposed framework and algorithms is studied using discrete event simulation techniques. Specifically, a range of multi-domain/multi-layer network topologies are designed and tested. Findings show that the propagation of inter-domain tunneled link state has a huge impact on connection blocking performance, lowering inter-domain connection blocking rates by a notable amount. More importantly, these gains are achieved without any notable increase in inter-domain routing loads. Furthermore, the results also show that topology abstraction is most beneficial at lower network load settings, and when used in conjunction with load-balancing routing.\u2

    A Survey on the Path Computation Element (PCE) Architecture

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    Quality of Service-enabled applications and services rely on Traffic Engineering-based (TE) Label Switched Paths (LSP) established in core networks and controlled by the GMPLS control plane. Path computation process is crucial to achieve the desired TE objective. Its actual effectiveness depends on a number of factors. Mechanisms utilized to update topology and TE information, as well as the latency between path computation and resource reservation, which is typically distributed, may affect path computation efficiency. Moreover, TE visibility is limited in many network scenarios, such as multi-layer, multi-domain and multi-carrier networks, and it may negatively impact resource utilization. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has promoted the Path Computation Element (PCE) architecture, proposing a dedicated network entity devoted to path computation process. The PCE represents a flexible instrument to overcome visibility and distributed provisioning inefficiencies. Communications between path computation clients (PCC) and PCEs, realized through the PCE Protocol (PCEP), also enable inter-PCE communications offering an attractive way to perform TE-based path computation among cooperating PCEs in multi-layer/domain scenarios, while preserving scalability and confidentiality. This survey presents the state-of-the-art on the PCE architecture for GMPLS-controlled networks carried out by research and standardization community. In this work, packet (i.e., MPLS-TE and MPLS-TP) and wavelength/spectrum (i.e., WSON and SSON) switching capabilities are the considered technological platforms, in which the PCE is shown to achieve a number of evident benefits

    Auto-bandwidth control in dynamically reconfigured hybrid-SDN MPLS networks

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    The proposition of this work is based on the steady evolution of bandwidth demanding technology, which currently and more so in future, requires operators to use expensive infrastructure capability smartly to maximise its use in a very competitive environment. In this thesis, a traffic engineering control loop is proposed that dynamically adjusts the bandwidth and route of flows of Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) tunnels in response to changes in traffic demand. Available bandwidth is shifted to where the demand is, and where the demand requirement has dropped, unused allocated bandwidth is returned to the network. An MPLS network enhanced with Software-defined Networking (SDN) features is implemented. The technology known as hybrid SDN combines the programmability features of SDN with the robust MPLS label switched path features along with traffic engineering enhancements introduced by routing protocols such as Border Gateway Patrol-Traffic Engineering (BGP-TE) and Open Shortest Path First-Traffic Engineering (OSPF-TE). The implemented mixed-integer linear programming formulation using the minimisation of maximum link utilisation and minimum link cost objective functions, combined with the programmability of the hybrid SDN network allows for source to destination demand fluctuations. A key driver to this research is the programmability of the MPLS network, enhanced by the contributions that the SDN controller technology introduced. The centralised view of the network provides the network state information needed to drive the mathematical modelling of the network. The path computation element further enables control of the label switched path's bandwidths, which is adjusted based on current demand and optimisation method used. The hose model is used to specify a range of traffic conditions. The most important benefit of the hose model is the flexibility that is allowed in how the traffic matrix can change if the aggregate traffic demand does not exceed the hose maximum bandwidth specification. To this end, reserved hose bandwidth can now be released to the core network to service demands from other sites

    Path computation in multi-layer networks: Complexity and algorithms

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    Carrier-grade networks comprise several layers where different protocols coexist. Nowadays, most of these networks have different control planes to manage routing on different layers, leading to a suboptimal use of the network resources and additional operational costs. However, some routers are able to encapsulate, decapsulate and convert protocols and act as a liaison between these layers. A unified control plane would be useful to optimize the use of the network resources and automate the routing configurations. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) based architectures, such as OpenFlow, offer a chance to design such a control plane. One of the most important problems to deal with in this design is the path computation process. Classical path computation algorithms cannot resolve the problem as they do not take into account encapsulations and conversions of protocols. In this paper, we propose algorithms to solve this problem and study several cases: Path computation without bandwidth constraint, under bandwidth constraint and under other Quality of Service constraints. We study the complexity and the scalability of our algorithms and evaluate their performances on real topologies. The results show that they outperform the previous ones proposed in the literature.Comment: IEEE INFOCOM 2016, Apr 2016, San Francisco, United States. To be published in IEEE INFOCOM 2016, \<http://infocom2016.ieee-infocom.org/\&g

    Multi-domain crankback operation for IP/MPLS & DWDM networks

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    Network carriers and operators have built and deployed a very wide range of networking technologies to meet their customers needs. These include ultra scalable fibre-optic backbone networks based upon dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) solutions as well as advanced layer 2/3 IP multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) and Ethernet technologies as well. A range of networking control protocols has also been developed to implement service provisioning and management across these networks. As these infrastructures have been deployed, a range of new challenges have started to emerge. In particular, a major issue is that of provisioning connection services between networks running across different domain boundaries, e.g., administrative geographic, commercial, etc. As a result, many carriers are keenly interested in the design of multi-domain provisioning solutions and algorithms. Nevertheless, to date most such efforts have only looked at pre-configured, i.e., static, inter-domain route computation or more complex solutions based upon hierarchical routing. As such there is significant scope in developing more scalable and simplified multi-domain provisioning solutions. Moreover, it is here that crankback signaling offers much promise. Crankback makes use of active messaging techniques to compute routes in an iterative manner and avoid problematic resource-deficient links. However very few multi-domain crankback schemes have been proposed, leaving much room for further investigation. Along these lines, this thesis proposes crankback signaling solution for multi-domain IP/MPLS and DWDM network operation. The scheme uses a joint intra/inter-domain signaling strategy and is fully-compatible with the standardized resource reservation (RSVP-TE) protocol. Furthermore, the proposed solution also implements and advanced next-hop domain selection strategy to drive the overall crankback process. Finally the whole framework assumes realistic settings in which individual domains have full internal visibility via link-state routing protocols, e.g., open shortest path first traffic engineering (OSPF-TE), but limited \u27next-hop\u27 inter-domain visibility, e.g., as provided by inter-area or inter-autonomous system (AS) routing protocols. The performance of the proposed crankback solution is studied using software-based discrete event simulation. First, a range of multi-domain topologies are built and tested. Next, detailed simulation runs are conducted for a range of scenarios. Overall, the findings show that the proposed crankback solution is very competitive with hierarchical routing, in many cases even outperforming full mesh abstraction. Moreover the scheme maintains acceptable signaling overheads (owing to it dual inter/intra domain crankback design) and also outperforms existing multi-domain crankback algorithms.\u2

    Architectures and protocols for sub-wavelength optical networks: contributions to connectionless and connection-oriented data transport

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    La ràpida evolució d’Internet i l’àmplia gamma de noves aplicacions (per exemple, multimèdia, videoconferència, jocs en línia, etc.) ha fomentat canvis revolucionaris en la manera com ens comuniquem. A més, algunes d’aquestes aplicacions demanden grans quantitats de recursos d’ample de banda amb diversos requeriments de qualitat de servei (QoS). El desenvolupament de la multiplexació per divisió de longitud d’ona (WDM) en els anys noranta va fer molt rendible la disponibilitat d’ample de banda. Avui dia, les tecnologies de commutació òptica de circuits són predominants en el nucli de la xarxa, les quals permeten la configuració de canals (lightpaths) a través de la xarxa. No obstant això, la granularitat d’aquests canals ocupa tota la longitud d’ona, el que fa que siguin ineficients per a proveir canals de menor ample de banda (sub-longitud d’ona). Segons la comunitat científica, és necessari augmentar la transparència dels protocols, així com millorar l’aprovisionament d’ample de banda de forma dinàmica. Per tal de fer això realitat, és necessari desenvolupar noves arquitectures. La commutació òptica de ràfegues i de paquets (OBS/OPS), són dues de les tecnologies proposades. Aquesta tesi contribueix amb tres arquitectures de xarxa destinades a millorar el transport de dades sub-longitud d’ona. En primer lloc, aprofundim en la naturalesa sense connexió en OBS. En aquest cas, la xarxa incrementa el seu dinamisme a causa de les transmissions a ràfega. A més, les col·lisions entre ràfegues degraden el rendiment de la xarxa fins i tot a càrregues molt baixes. Per fer front a aquestes col·lisions, es proposa un esquema de resolució de col·lisions pro actiu basat en un algorisme d’encaminament i assignació de longitud d’ona (RWA) que balanceja de forma automàtica i distribuïda la càrrega en la xarxa. En aquest protocol, el RWA i la transmissió de ràfegues es basen en l’explotació i exploració de regles de commutació que incorporen informació sobre contencions i encaminament. Per donar suport a aquesta arquitectura, s’utilitzen dos tipus de paquets de control per a l’encaminament de les ràfegues i l’actualització de les regles de commutació, respectivament. Per analitzar els beneficis del nou algorisme, s’utilitzen quatre topologies de xarxa diferents. Els resultats indiquen que el mètode proposat millora en diferents marges la resta d’algorismes RWA en funció de la topologia i sense penalitzar altres paràmetres com el retard extrem a extrem. La segona contribució proposa una arquitectura híbrida sense i orientada a connexió sobre la base d’un protocol de control d’accés al medi (MAC) per a xarxes OBS (DAOBS). El MAC ofereix dos mètodes d’accés: arbitratge de cua (QA) per a la transmissió de ràfegues sense connexió, i pre-arbitratge (PA) per serveis TDM orientats a connexió. Aquesta arquitectura permet una àmplia gamma d’aplicacions sensibles al retard i al bloqueig. Els resultats avaluats a través de simulacions mostren que en l’accés QA, les ràfegues de més alta prioritat tenen garantides zero pèrdues i latències d’accés molt baixes. Pel que fa a l’accés PA, es reporta que la duplicació de la càrrega TDM augmenta en més d’un ordre la probabilitat de bloqueig, però sense afectar en la mateixa mesura les ràfegues sense connexió. En aquest capítol també es tracten dos dels problemes relacionats amb l’arquitectura DAOBS i el seu funcionament. En primer lloc, es proposa un model matemàtic per aproximar el retard d’accés inferior i superior com a conseqüència de l’accés QA. En segon lloc, es formula matemàticament la generació i optimització de les topologies virtuals que suporten el protocol per a l’escenari amb tràfic estàtic. Finalment, l’última contribució explora els beneficis d’una arquitectura de xarxa òptica per temps compartit (TSON) basada en elements de càlcul de camins (PCE) centralitzats per tal d’evitar col·lisions en la xarxa. Aquesta arquitectura permet garantir l’aprovisionament orientat a connexió de canals sub-longitud d’ona. En aquest capítol proposem i simulem tres arquitectures GMPLS/PCE/TSON. A causa del enfocament centralitzat, el rendiment de la xarxa depèn en gran mesura de l’assignació i aprovisionament de les connexions. Amb aquesta finalitat, es proposen diferents algorismes d’assignació de ranures temporals i es comparen amb les corresponents formulacions de programació lineal (ILP) per al cas estàtic. Per al cas de tràfic dinàmic, proposem i avaluem mitjançant simulació diferents heurístiques. Els resultats mostren els beneficis de proporcionar flexibilitat en els dominis temporal i freqüencial a l’hora d’assignar les ranures temporals.The rapid evolving Internet and the broad range of new data applications (e.g., multimedia, video-conference, online gaming, etc.) is fostering revolutionary changes in the way we communicate. In addition, some of these applications demand for unprecedented amounts of bandwidth resources with diverse quality of service (QoS). The development of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in the 90's made very cost-effective the availability of bandwidth. Nowadays, optical circuit switching technologies are predominant in the core enabling the set up of lightpaths across the network. However, full-wavelength lightpath granularity is too coarse, which results to be inefficient for provisioning sub-wavelength channels. As remarked by the research community, an open issue in optical networking is increasing the protocol transparency as well as provisioning true dynamic bandwidth allocation at the network level. To this end, new architectures are required. Optical burst/packet switching (OBS/OPS) are two such proposed technologies under investigation. This thesis contributes with three network architectures which aim at improving the sub-wavelength data transport from different perspectives. First, we gain insight into the connectionless nature of OBS. Here, the network dynamics are increased due to the short-lived burst transmissions. Moreover, burst contentions degrade the performance even at very low loads. To cope with them, we propose a proactive resolution scheme by means of a distributed auto load-balancing routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm for wavelength-continuity constraint networks. In this protocol, the RWA and burst forwarding is based on the exploitation and exploration of switching rule concentration values that incorporate contention and forwarding desirability information. To support such architecture, forward and backward control packets are used in the burst forwarding and updating rules, respectively. In order to analyze the benefits of the new algorithm, four different network topologies are used. Results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the rest of tested RWA algorithms at various margins depending on the topology without penalizing other parameters such as end-to-end delay. The second contribution proposes a hybrid connectionless and connection-oriented architecture based on a medium access control (MAC) protocol for OBS networks (DAOBS). The MAC provides two main access mechanisms: queue arbitrated (QA) for connectionless bursts and pre-arbitrated (PA) for TDM connection-oriented services. Such an architecture allows for a broad range of delay-sensitive applications or guaranteed services. Results evaluated through simulations show that in the QA access mode highest priority bursts are guaranteed zero losses and very low access latencies. Regarding the PA mode, we report that doubling the offered TDM traffic load increases in more than one order their connection blocking, slightly affecting the blocking of other connectionless bursts. In this chapter, we also tackle two of the issues related with the DAOBS architecture and its operation. Firstly, we model mathematically the lower and upper approximations of the access delay as a consequence of the connectionless queue arbitrated access. Secondly, we formulate the generation of the virtual light-tree overlay topology for the static traffic case.Postprint (published version