132 research outputs found

    Features of Point Clouds Synthesized from Multi-View ALOS/PRISM Data and Comparisons with LiDAR Data in Forested Areas

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    LiDAR waveform data from airborne LiDAR scanners (ALS) e.g. the Land Vegetation and Ice Sensor (LVIS) havebeen successfully used for estimation of forest height and biomass at local scales and have become the preferredremote sensing dataset. However, regional and global applications are limited by the cost of the airborne LiDARdata acquisition and there are no available spaceborne LiDAR systems. Some researchers have demonstrated thepotential for mapping forest height using aerial or spaceborne stereo imagery with very high spatial resolutions.For stereo imageswith global coverage but coarse resolution newanalysis methods need to be used. Unlike mostresearch based on digital surface models, this study concentrated on analyzing the features of point cloud datagenerated from stereo imagery. The synthesizing of point cloud data from multi-view stereo imagery increasedthe point density of the data. The point cloud data over forested areas were analyzed and compared to small footprintLiDAR data and large-footprint LiDAR waveform data. The results showed that the synthesized point clouddata from ALOSPRISM triplets produce vertical distributions similar to LiDAR data and detected the verticalstructure of sparse and non-closed forests at 30mresolution. For dense forest canopies, the canopy could be capturedbut the ground surface could not be seen, so surface elevations from other sourceswould be needed to calculatethe height of the canopy. A canopy height map with 30 m pixels was produced by subtracting nationalelevation dataset (NED) fromthe averaged elevation of synthesized point clouds,which exhibited spatial featuresof roads, forest edges and patches. The linear regression showed that the canopy height map had a good correlationwith RH50 of LVIS data with a slope of 1.04 and R2 of 0.74 indicating that the canopy height derived fromPRISM triplets can be used to estimate forest biomass at 30 m resolution

    Summaries of the Sixth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop

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    The Sixth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, held in Pasadena, California, on March 4-8, 1996, was divided into two smaller workshops:(1) The Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) workshop, and The Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) workshop. This current paper, Volume 2 of the Summaries of the Sixth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, presents the summaries for The Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AIRSAR) workshop

    Information Extraction and Modeling from Remote Sensing Images: Application to the Enhancement of Digital Elevation Models

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    To deal with high complexity data such as remote sensing images presenting metric resolution over large areas, an innovative, fast and robust image processing system is presented. The modeling of increasing level of information is used to extract, represent and link image features to semantic content. The potential of the proposed techniques is demonstrated with an application to enhance and regularize digital elevation models based on information collected from RS images

    Uncertainties in Digital Elevation Models: Evaluation and Effects on Landform and Soil Type Classification

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    Digital elevation models (DEMs) are a widely used source for the digital representation of the Earth's surface in a wide range of scientific, industrial and military applications. Since many processes on Earth are influenced by the shape of the relief, a variety of different applications rely on accurate information about the topography. For instance, DEMs are used for the prediction of geohazards, climate modelling, or planning-relevant issues, such as the identification of suitable locations for renewable energies. Nowadays, DEMs can be acquired with a high geometric resolution and over large areas using various remote sensing techniques, such as photogrammetry, RADAR, or laser scanning (LiDAR). However, they are subject to uncertainties and may contain erroneous representations of the terrain. The quality and accuracy of the topographic representation in the DEM is crucial, as the use of an inaccurate dataset can negatively affect further results, such as the underestimation of landslide hazards due to a too flat representation of relief in the elevation model. Therefore, it is important for users to gain more knowledge about the accuracy of a terrain model to better assess the negative consequences of DEM uncertainties on further analysis results of a certain research application. A proper assessment of whether the purchase or acquisition of a highly accurate DEM is necessary or the use of an already existing and freely available DEM is sufficient to achieve accurate results is of great qualitative and economic importance. In this context, the first part of this thesis focuses on extending knowledge about the behaviour and presence of uncertainties in DEMs concerning terrain and land cover. Thus, the first two studies of this dissertation provide a comprehensive vertical accuracy analysis of twelve DEMs acquired from space with spatial resolutions ranging from 5 m to 90 m. The accuracy of these DEMs was investigated in two different regions of the world that are substantially different in terms of relief and land cover. The first study was conducted in the hyperarid Chilean Atacama Desert in northern Chile, with very sparse land cover and high elevation differences. The second case study was conducted in a mid-latitude region, the Rur catchment in the western part of Germany. This area has a predominantly flat to hilly terrain with relatively diverse and dense vegetation and land cover. The DEMs in both studies were evaluated with particular attention to the influence of relief and land cover on vertical accuracy. The change of error due to changing slope and land cover was quantified to determine an average loss of accuracy as a function of slope for each DEM. Additionally, these values were used to derive relief-adjusted error values for different land cover classes. The second part of this dissertation addresses the consequences that different spatial resolutions and accuracies in DEMs have on specific applications. These implications were examined in two exemplary case studies. In a geomorphometric case study, several DEMs were used to classify landforms by different approaches. The results were subsequently compared and the accuracy of the classification results with different DEMs was analysed. The second case study is settled within the field of digital soil mapping. Various soil types were predicted with machine learning algorithms (random forest and artificial neural networks) using numerous relief parameters derived from DEMs of different spatial resolutions. Subsequently, the influence of high and low resolution DEMs with the respectively derived land surface parameters on the prediction results was evaluated. The results on the vertical accuracy show that uncertainties in DEMs can have diverse reasons. Besides the spatial resolution, the acquisition technique and the degree of improvements made to the dataset significantly impact the occurrence of errors in a DEM. Furthermore, the relief and physical objects on the surface play a major role for uncertainties in DEMs. Overall, the results in steeper areas show that the loss of vertical accuracy is two to three times higher for a 90 m DEM than for DEMs of higher spatial resolutions. While very high resolution DEMs of 12 m spatial resolution or higher only lose about 1 m accuracy per 10° increase in slope steepness, 30 m DEMs lose about 2 m on average, and 90 m DEMs lose more than 3 m up to 6 m accuracy. However, the results also show significant differences for DEMs of identical spatial resolution depending on relief and land cover. With regard to different land cover classes, it can be stated that mid-latitude forested and water areas cause uncertainties in DEMs of about 6 m on average. Other tested land cover classes produced minor errors of about 1 – 2 m on average. The results of the second part of this contribution prove that a careful selection of an appropriate DEM is more crucial for certain applications than for others. The choice of different DEMs greatly impacted the landform classification results. Results from medium resolution DEMs (30 m) achieved up to 30 % lower overall accuracies than results from high resolution DEMs with a spatial resolution of 5 m. In contrast to the landform classification results, the predicted soil types in the second case study showed only minor accuracy differences of less than 2 % between the usage of a spatial high resolution DEM (15 m) and a low resolution 90 m DEM. Finally, the results of these two case studies were compared and discussed with other results from the literature in other application areas. A summary and assessment of the current state of knowledge about the impact of a particular chosen terrain model on the results of different applications was made. In summary, the vertical accuracy measures obtained for each DEM are a first attempt to determine individual error values for each DEM that can be interpreted independently of relief and land cover and can be better applied to other regions. This may help users in the future to better estimate the accuracy of a tested DEM in a particular landscape. The consequences of elevation model selection on further results are highly dependent on the topic of the study and the study area's level of detail. The current state of knowledge on the impact of uncertainties in DEMs on various applications could be established. However, the results of this work can be seen as a first step and more work is needed in the future to extend the knowledge of the effects of DEM uncertainties on further topics that have not been investigated to date

    From Regional Landslide Detection to Site-Specific Slope Deformation Monitoring and Modelling Based on Active Remote Sensors

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    Landslide processes can have direct and indirect consequences affecting human lives and activities. In order to improve landslide risk management procedures, this PhD thesis aims to investigate capabilities of active LiDAR and RaDAR sensors for landslides detection and characterization at regional scales, spatial risk assessment over large areas and slope instabilities monitoring and modelling at site-specific scales. At regional scales, we first demonstrated recent boat-based mobile LiDAR capabilities to model topography of the Normand coastal cliffs. By comparing annual acquisitions, we validated as well our approach to detect surface changes and thus map rock collapses, landslides and toe erosions affecting the shoreline at a county scale. Then, we applied a spaceborne InSAR approach to detect large slope instabilities in Argentina. Based on both phase and amplitude RaDAR signals, we extracted decisive information to detect, characterize and monitor two unknown extremely slow landslides, and to quantify water level variations of an involved close dam reservoir. Finally, advanced investigations on fragmental rockfall risk assessment were conducted along roads of the Val de Bagnes, by improving approaches of the Slope Angle Distribution and the FlowR software. Therefore, both rock-mass-failure susceptibilities and relative frequencies of block propagations were assessed and rockfall hazard and risk maps could be established at the valley scale. At slope-specific scales, in the Swiss Alps, we first integrated ground-based InSAR and terrestrial LiDAR acquisitions to map, monitor and model the Perraire rock slope deformation. By interpreting both methods individually and originally integrated as well, we therefore delimited the rockslide borders, computed volumes and highlighted non-uniform translational displacements along a wedge failure surface. Finally, we studied specific requirements and practical issues experimented on early warning systems of some of the most studied landslides worldwide. As a result, we highlighted valuable key recommendations to design new reliable systems; in addition, we also underlined conceptual issues that must be solved to improve current procedures. To sum up, the diversity of experimented situations brought an extensive experience that revealed the potential and limitations of both methods and highlighted as well the necessity of their complementary and integrated uses

    Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review

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    International audienceThe study of mass and energy transfer across landscapes has recently evolved to comprehensive considerations acknowledging the role of biota and humans as geomorphic agents, as well as the importance of small-scale landscape features. A contributing and supporting factor to this evolution is the emergence over the last two decades of technologies able to acquire high resolution topography (HRT) (meter and sub-meter resolution) data. Landscape features can now be captured at an appropriately fine spatial resolution at which surface processes operate; this has revolutionized the way we study Earth-surface processes. The wealth of information contained in HRT also presents considerable challenges. For example, selection of the most appropriate type of HRT data for a given application is not trivial. No definitive approach exists for identifying and filtering erroneous or unwanted data, yet inappropriate filtering can create artifacts or eliminate/distort critical features. Estimates of errors and uncertainty are often poorly defined and typically fail to represent the spatial heterogeneity of the dataset, which may introduce bias or error for many analyses. For ease of use, gridded products are typically preferred rather than the more information-rich point cloud representations. Thus many users take advantage of only a fraction of the available data, which has furthermore been subjected to a series of operations often not known or investigated by the user. Lastly, standard HRT analysis work-flows are yet to be established for many popular HRT operations, which has contributed to the limited use of point cloud data.In this review, we identify key research questions relevant to the Earth-surface processes community within the theme of mass and energy transfer across landscapes and offer guidance on how to identify the most appropriate topographic data type for the analysis of interest. We describe the operations commonly performed from raw data to raster products and we identify key considerations and suggest appropriate work-flows for each, pointing to useful resources and available tools. Future research directions should stimulate further development of tools that take advantage of the wealth of information contained in the HRT data and address the present and upcoming research needs such as the ability to filter out unwanted data, compute spatially variable estimates of uncertainty and perform multi-scale analyses. While we focus primarily on HRT applications for mass and energy transfer, we envision this review to be relevant beyond the Earth-surface processes community for a much broader range of applications involving the analysis of HRT

    Remote Sensing of Natural Hazards

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    Each year, natural hazards such as earthquakes, cyclones, flooding, landslides, wildfires, avalanches, volcanic eruption, extreme temperatures, storm surges, drought, etc., result in widespread loss of life, livelihood, and critical infrastructure globally. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, largescale development activities, and changes to the natural environment, the frequency and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future.Technological interventions provide essential provisions for the prevention and mitigation of natural hazards. The data obtained through remote sensing systems with varied spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions particularly provide prospects for furthering knowledge on spatiotemporal patterns and forecasting of natural hazards. The collection of data using earth observation systems has been valuable for alleviating the adverse effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision-support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.With these in mind, this book seeks original contributions to the advanced applications of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques in understanding various dimensions of natural hazards through new theory, data products, and robust approaches

    Characteriation of Mediterranean Aleppo pine forest using low-density ALS data

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    Los espacios forestales son una fuente de servicios, tanto ambientales como económicos, de gran importancia para la sociedad. La caracterización de estos ambientes ha requerido tradicionalmente de un laborioso trabajo de campo. La aplicación de técnicas de teledetección ha proporcionado una visión más amplia a escala espacial y temporal, a la par que ha generado una reducción de los costes. La utilización de sensores óptico-pasivo multiespectrales y de sensores radar posibilita la estimación de parámetros forestales, si bien el desarrollo de sensores LiDAR, como el caso de los escáneres láser aeroportados (ALS), ha mejorado la caracterización tridimensional de la estructura de los bosques. La disponibilidad pública de dos coberturas LiDAR, generadas en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA), ha abierto nuevas líneas de investigación que permiten proporcionar información útil para la gestión forestal. La presente tesis utiliza datos LiDAR aeroportados de baja densidad para estimar diversas variables forestales, con ayuda de trabajo de campo, en masas forestales de Pino carrasco (Pinus halepensis Miller) en Aragón. La investigación aborda dos cuestiones relevantes como son la exploración de las metodologías más adecuadas para estimar variables forestales considerando escalas locales y regionales, teniendo en cuenta las posibles fuentes de error en el modelado; y, además, analiza la potencialidad de los datos LiDAR del PNOA para el desarrollo de aplicaciones forestales que valoricen las áreas forestales como recursos socio-económicos. La tesis se ha desarrollado según la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones, incluyendo cuatro trabajos que dan respuesta a los objetivos planteados. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis comparativo de distintos modelos de regresión, paramétricos y no paramétricos, para estimar la pérdida de biomasa y las emisiones de CO2 en un incendio, mediante la utilización de datos LiDAR-PNOA y datos ópticos del satélite Landsat 8. En segundo lugar, se explora la idoneidad de distintos métodos de selección de variables para estimar biomasa total en masas de Pino carrasco utilizando datos LiDAR de baja densidad. En tercer lugar, se cuantificó y cartografió la biomasa residual forestal en el conjunto de masas de Pino carrasco de Aragón y se evaluó el efecto de diversas características de la tecnología LiDAR y de las variables ambientales en la precisión de los modelos. Finalmente, se analiza la transferibilidad temporal de modelos para estimar a escala regional siete variables forestales, utilizando datos LiDAR-PNOA multi-temporales. A este respecto, se compararon dos enfoques que permiten analizar la transferibilidad temporal: en primer lugar, el método directo ajusta un modelo para un determinado punto en el tiempo y estima las variables forestales para otra fecha; por otra parte, el método indirecto ajusta dos modelos diferentes para cada momento en el tiempo, estimando las variables forestales en dos fechas distintas. Los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones derivadas de la investigación indican que la técnica basada en coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y el método de selección por todos los subconjuntos constituyen los métodos de selección de métricas LiDAR más apropiados para la modelización. El análisis de métodos de regresión para la estimación de variables forestales indicó que su idoneidad variaba de acuerdo con el tamaño y complejidad de la muestra. El método de regresión linear multivariante arrojó mejores resultados que los métodos no-paramétricos en el caso de muestras pequeñas. Por el contrario, el método Support Vector Machine produjo los mejores resultados con muestras grandes. El incremento de la densidad de puntos y de los valores de penetración de los pulsos LiDAR en el dosel, así como la presencia de ángulos de escaneo pequeños, incrementó la exactitud de los modelos. De forma similar, el incremento de la pendiente y la presencia de arbustos en el sotobosque implican una reducción en la exactitud de los modelos. En la estimación de variables forestales utilizando datos LiDAR multi-temporales, aunque la utilización del enfoque indirecto arrojó generalmente una mayor precisión en los modelos, se obtuvieron resultados similares con el enfoque directo, el cual constituye una alternativa óptima para reducir el tiempo de modelado y los costes de realización de trabajo de campo. La fusión de datos LiDAR y datos óptico-pasivos ha evidenciado la conveniencia de los métodos aplicados para cuantificar las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera generadas por un incendio. Esta metodología constituye una alternativa adecuada cuando no existen datos multi-temporales LiDAR. La estimación de variables de inventario forestal, así como de diversas fracciones de biomasa, como la biomasa total y la biomasa residual forestal, proporciona información valiosa para caracterizar las masas forestales mediterráneas de Pino carrasco y mejorar la gestión forestalForest ecosystems provide environmental and economic services of great importance to the society. The characterization of these environments has been traditionally accomplished with intense field work. In comparison, the application of remote sensing tools provides a greater overview over large spatial and temporal scales while minimizing costs. Although optical data and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) allow estimating forest stand variables, the development of LiDAR sensors such as Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) have improved three-dimensional characterization of forest structure. The availability of two ALS public data coverages for the Spanish territory, provided by the National Plan for Aerial Ortophotography (PNOA), opens new research opportunities to generate useful information for forest management. This PhD Thesis used low-density ALS-PNOA data to estimate different forest variables, with support in fieldwork, in the Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller) forests of Aragón region. The addressed research is relevant mainly for two reasons: first, the examination of suitable methodologies and error sources in forest stand variables prediction at local (small area) and regional scales (large area), and second, the application of ALS data to the characterization of forest areas as a socio-economic reservoir. This PhD Thesis is a compendium of four scientific papers, which sequentially answer the objectives established. Firstly, a comparative analysis of different parametric and non-parametric models was performed to estimate biomass losses and CO2 emissions using low-density ALS and Landsat 8 data in a burnt Aleppo pine forest. Secondly, we assess the suitability of variable selection methods when estimating total biomass in Aleppo pine forest stands using low-density ALS data. In the third manuscript, the quantification and mapping of forest residual biomass in Aleppo pine forest of Aragón region and the assessment of the effect of ALS and environmental variables in model accuracy were accomplished. Finally, the temporal transferability of seven forest stands attributes modelling using multi-temporal ALS-PNOA data in Aleppo pine forest at regional scale was explored. In this case, the temporal transferability was assessed comparing two methodologies; the direct and indirect approach. The first one fits a model for one point in time and estimates the forest variable for another point in time. The indirect approach adjusts two models in different points in time to estimate the forest variables in two different dates. The results derived from this research indicated that Spearman’s rank and All Subset Selection are the most appropriate methods in the ALS metrics selection step commonly applied in modelling. The suitability of the regression methods depends on the sample size and complexity. Thus, multivariate linear regression outperformed non-parametric methods with small samples while support vector machine was the most accurate method with larger samples. Model accuracy increased with higher point density and canopy pulse penetration, while decreasing with wider scan angles. Furthermore, the presence of steep slopes and shrub reduced model performance. In the case of forest stand variables prediction using multi-temporal ALS data, although the indirect approach produced generally a higher precision, the direct approach provided similar results, constituting a suitable alternative to reduce modelling time and fieldwork costs. The fusion of ALS and passive optical data have evidenced the suitability of this information for quantifying wildfire CO2 emissions to atmosphere, constituting a good alternative when multi-temporal ALS data is not available. The estimation of forest inventory variables as well as different biomass fractions, such as total biomass and forest residual biomass, provided valuable information to characterize Mediterranean Aleppo pine forests and improve forest management.<br /

    The International Forum on Satellite EO and Geohazards

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