675 research outputs found

    Evolving Spatially Aggregated Features from Satellite Imagery for Regional Modeling

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    Satellite imagery and remote sensing provide explanatory variables at relatively high resolutions for modeling geospatial phenomena, yet regional summaries are often desirable for analysis and actionable insight. In this paper, we propose a novel method of inducing spatial aggregations as a component of the machine learning process, yielding regional model features whose construction is driven by model prediction performance rather than prior assumptions. Our results demonstrate that Genetic Programming is particularly well suited to this type of feature construction because it can automatically synthesize appropriate aggregations, as well as better incorporate them into predictive models compared to other regression methods we tested. In our experiments we consider a specific problem instance and real-world dataset relevant to predicting snow properties in high-mountain Asia

    Bioinformatics tools in predictive ecology: Applications to fisheries

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    This article is made available throught the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copygith @ 2012 Tucker et al.There has been a huge effort in the advancement of analytical techniques for molecular biological data over the past decade. This has led to many novel algorithms that are specialized to deal with data associated with biological phenomena, such as gene expression and protein interactions. In contrast, ecological data analysis has remained focused to some degree on off-the-shelf statistical techniques though this is starting to change with the adoption of state-of-the-art methods, where few assumptions can be made about the data and a more explorative approach is required, for example, through the use of Bayesian networks. In this paper, some novel bioinformatics tools for microarray data are discussed along with their ‘crossover potential’ with an application to fisheries data. In particular, a focus is made on the development of models that identify functionally equivalent species in different fish communities with the aim of predicting functional collapse

    Loan maturity aggregation in interbank lending networks obscures mesoscale structure and economic functions

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    Since the 2007-2009 financial crisis, substantial academic effort has been dedicated to improving our understanding of interbank lending networks (ILNs). Because of data limitations or by choice, the literature largely lacks multiple loan maturities. We employ a complete interbank loan contract dataset to investigate whether maturity details are informative of the network structure. Applying the layered stochastic block model of Peixoto (2015) and other tools from network science on a time series of bilateral loans with multiple maturity layers in the Russian ILN, we find that collapsing all such layers consistently obscures mesoscale structure. The optimal maturity granularity lies between completely collapsing and completely separating the maturity layers and depends on the development phase of the interbank market, with a more developed market requiring more layers for optimal description. Closer inspection of the inferred maturity bins associated with the optimal maturity granularity reveals specific economic functions, from liquidity intermediation to financing. Collapsing a network with multiple underlying maturity layers or extracting one such layer, common in economic research, is therefore not only an incomplete representation of the ILN's mesoscale structure, but also conceals existing economic functions. This holds important insights and opportunities for theoretical and empirical studies on interbank market functioning, contagion, stability, and on the desirable level of regulatory data disclosure

    Consensus and meta-analysis regulatory networks for combining multiple microarray gene expression datasets

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    Microarray data is a key source of experimental data for modelling gene regulatory interactions from expression levels. With the rapid increase of publicly available microarray data comes the opportunity to produce regulatory network models based on multiple datasets. Such models are potentially more robust with greater confidence, and place less reliance on a single dataset. However, combining datasets directly can be difficult as experiments are often conducted on different microarray platforms, and in different laboratories leading to inherent biases in the data that are not always removed through pre-processing such as normalisation. In this paper we compare two frameworks for combining microarray datasets to model regulatory networks: pre- and post-learning aggregation. In pre-learning approaches, such as using simple scale-normalisation prior to the concatenation of datasets, a model is learnt from a combined dataset, whilst in post-learning aggregation individual models are learnt from each dataset and the models are combined. We present two novel approaches for post-learning aggregation, each based on aggregating high-level features of Bayesian network models that have been generated from different microarray expression datasets. Meta-analysis Bayesian networks are based on combining statistical confidences attached to network edges whilst Consensus Bayesian networks identify consistent network features across all datasets. We apply both approaches to multiple datasets from synthetic and real (Escherichia coli and yeast) networks and demonstrate that both methods can improve on networks learnt from a single dataset or an aggregated dataset formed using a standard scale-normalisation

    Understanding Climate-Vegetation Interactions in Global Rainforests Through a GP-Tree Analysis

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    The tropical rainforests are the largest reserves of terrestrial carbon and, therefore, the future of these rainforests is a question that is of immense importance in the geoscience research community. With the recent severe Amazonian droughts in 2005 and 2010 and on-going drought in the Congo region for more than two decades, there is growing concern that these forests could succumb to precipitation reduction, causing extensive carbon release and feedback to the carbon cycle. However, there is no single ecosystem model that quantifies the relationship between vegetation health in these rainforests and climatic factors. Small scale studies have used statistical correlation measure and simple linear regression to model climate-vegetation interactions, but suffer from the lack of comprehensive data representation as well as simplistic assumptions about dependency of the target on the covariates. In this paper we use genetic programming (GP) based symbolic regression for discovering equations that govern the vegetation climate dynamics in the rainforests. Expecting micro-regions within the rainforests to have unique characteristics compared to the overall general characteristics, we use a modified regression-tree based hierarchical partitioning of the space to build individual models for each partition. The discovery of these equations reveal very interesting characteristics about the Amazon and the Congo rainforests. Our method GP-tree shows that the rainforests exhibit tremendous resiliency in the face of extreme climatic events by adapting to changing conditions

    Aggregation Techniques for Energy Flexibility

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    Aggregation techniques for energy flexibility

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    Cotutela Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya i Aalborg UniversitetOver the last few years, the cost of energy from renewable resources, such as sunlight and wind, has declined resulting in an increasing use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). As a result, the energy produced by RES is fed into the power grid while their share is expected to significantly increase in the future. However, RES are characterized by power fluctuations and their integration into the power grid might lead to power quality issues, e.g., imbalances. At the same time, new energy hungry devices such as heat-pumps and Electric Vehicles (EVs) become more and more popular. As a result, their demand in power, especially during peak-times, might lead to electrical grid overloads and congestions. In order to confront the new challenges, the power grid is transformed into the so-called Smart Grid. Major role in Smart Grid plays the Demand Response (DR) concept. According to DR, Smart Grid better matches energy demand and sup- ply by using energy flexibility. Energy flexibility exists in many individual prosumers (producers and/or consumers). For instance, an owner of an EV plugs-in his EV for more time than it is actually needed. Thus, the EV charging can be timely shifted. The load demanded for charging could be moved to time periods when production from wind turbines is high or away from peak-hours. Thus, RES share is increased and/or the electrical grid operation is improved. The Ph.D. project is sponsored by the Danish TotalFlex project (http://totalflex.dk). Main goal of the TotalFlex project is to design and establish a flexibility market framework where flexibility from individual prosumers, e.g., household devices, can be traded among different market actors such as Balance Responsible Parties (BRPs) and distribution system operators. In order for that to be achieved, the TotalFlex project utilizes the flex-offer concept. Based on the flex-offer concept, flexibility from individual prosumers is captured and represented by a generic model. However, the flexible loads from individual prosumers capture very small energy amounts and thus cannot be directly traded in the market. Therefore, aggregation becomes essential. The Ph.D. project focuses on developing aggregation techniques for energy flexibilities that will provide the opportunity to individual prosumers to participate in such a flexibility market. First, the thesis introduces several flexibility measurements in order to quantify the flexibility captured by the flex-offer model and compare flex- offers among each other, both on an individual and on an aggregated level. Flexibility is both the input and the output of the aggregation techniques. Aggregation techniques aggregate energy flexibility to achieve their goals and, at the same time, they try to retain as much flexibility as possible to be traded in the market. Thus, second, the thesis describes base-line flex-offer aggregation techniques and presents balance aggregation techniques that focus on balancing out energy supply and demand. Third, since there are cases where electrical grid congestions occur, the thesis presents two constraint-based aggregation techniques. The techniques efficiently aggregate large amounts of flex-offers taking into account physical constraints of the electrical grid. The produced aggregated flex-offers are still flexible and when scheduled, a normal grid operation is achieved. Finally, the thesis examines the financial benefits of the aggregation techniques. It introduces flex-offer aggregation techniques that take into account real market technical requirements. As a result, individual small flexible loads can be indirectly traded in the energy market through aggregation. The proposed aggregation techniques for energy flexibilities can con- tribute to the use of flexibility in the Smart Grid in both current and future market frameworks. The designed techniques can improve the services offered to the prosumers and avoid the very costly upgrades of the distribution network.Gennem de senere år er prisen faldet på energi fra vedvarende energikilder såsom sollys og vind, hvilket har medført et stigende forbrug af vedvarende energi. Dette har resulteret i, at energi, der produceret af vedvarende energi, sendes ud i elnettet og andelen forventes at stige markant i fremtiden. Vedvarende energi er imidlertid karakteriseret af effektsvingninger, og integrationen i elnettet kan føre til kvalitetsproblemer med strømmen som for eksempel uligevægt. Samtidig bliver enheder, der sluger vedvarende energi såsom varmepumper og elektriske køretøjer, mere og mere populære. Dette resulterer i, at efterspørgslen på energi, især i spidsbelastede situationer, kan medføre overbelastning og trængsel på elnettet. For at konfrontere de nye udfordringer bliver elnettet ændret til et såkaldt Smart Grid. Konceptet om udbud og efterspørgsel Demand Response (DR) spiller her en meget stor rolle. Ifølge DR, imødegår Smart Grid bedre udbud og efterspørgsel af energi ved at bruge fleksibel energi. Fleksibel energi eksisterer i mange individuelle producenter og/eller forbrugere. For eksempel tilslutter en ejer af et elektrisk køretøj sit køretøj i mere tid end det rent faktisk er nødvendigt. På denne måde kan tidspunktet for opladningen ændres rettidigt. Belastningen, der kræves for opladning, kunne flyttes til perioder, hvor produktion fra vindmøller er høj eller væk fra de spidsbelastede tidspunkter. Således øges vedvarende energi’ andel og/eller elnettets drift er forbedret. Dette Ph.D. projekt er sponsoreret af det danske TotalFlex projekt (http://totalflex.dk). TotalFlex’ formål er at designe og etablere et fleksibelt elmarkedsystem, hvor fleksibilitet fra individuelle producent og/ eller forbruger f.eks. husholdningsenheder kan blive udvekslet mellem forskellige markedsaktører såsom balanceansvarlige parter og eldistributionsnettets operatører. For at opnå dette, udnytter TotalFlex flex-offer konceptet. Baseret på konceptet om flex-offer, bliver fleksibilitet fra individuelle prosumers fanget og repræsenteret i en generisk model. Fleksible belastninger fra de individuelle prosumers fanger imidlertid kun meget små energimængder og kan ikke udveksles direkte på markedet. Derfor bliver aggregering essentielt. Ph.D. projektet fokuserer på at udvikle aggregering-steknikker for energifleksibilitet, der kan give individuelle prosumers mulighed for at deltage i et sådant fleksibilitetsmarked. Først vil afhandligen introducere adskillige fleksibilitetsmålinger for at kvantificere fleksibiliteten, der fanges af flex-offer modellen og sammenligne flex-offer med hinanden både på et individuelt og et aggregeret niveau. Input og output af aggregeringsteknikker er fleksibilitet. Aggregeringsteknikker samler energifleksibilitet for at opnå dets mål og forsøger på samme tid at beholde så meget fleksibilitet som muligt til at blive udvekslet på markedet. Herpå forsøger afhandligen for det andet at beskrive basis flexoffer aggregeringsteknikker og præsenterer balance-aggregeringsteknikker, der fokuserer på at afbalancere energiudbud og -efterspørgsel. Siden der er situationer, hvor overbelastninger af elnettet forekommer, præsenterer afhandlingen for det tredje, to begrænsningsbaserede aggregeringsteknikker. Teknikkerne samler effektivt store mængder af flex-offers og tager samtidig hensyn til fysiske begrænsninger i elnettet. De producerede, samlede flexoffers er stadig fleksible og efter det er planlagt, opnås et normaltfungerende net. Til slut vil afhandlingen undersøge de økonomiske fordele ved aggregeringsteknikkerne. Den introducerer flex-offer aggregeringsteknikkerne, der tager højde for de reelle, tekniske krav, der er på markedet. Resultatet kan være, at individuelle små fleksible belastninger indirekte kan udveksles på energimarkedet gennem aggregering. De foreslåede aggregeringsteknikker til energi-fleksibilitet kan bidrage til brug af fleksibilitet i Smart Grid i både nuværende og fremtidige markedsrammer. De designede teknikker kan forbedre de tilbudte ydelser til prosumers og undgå de meget dyre opgraderinger af distributionsnetværkDurante los últimos años, la bajada en el precio de la energía procedente de fuentes renovables, tales como luz solar y eólica, ha resultado en un aumento del uso de este tipo de recursos de Energía Renovables (ER). Como consecuencia de este aumento, la energía producida a través de ER es inyectada en la red eléctrica y se espera que la proporción de energía suministrada a la red crezca significativamente en los próximos años. Sin embargo, las ER se caracterizan por ser muy fluctuantes y su integración en la red eléctrica podría acarrear problemas de calidad, como por ejemplo desequilibrios energéticos. Al mismo tiempo, nuevos dispositivos de alto consumo de energía, como bombas de calor y vehículos eléctricos, son cada vez mas populares y la alta demanda de estos, especialmente en horas puntas, puede crear sobrecargas y congestiones en la red. Para afrontar estos restos, la red eléctrica se transforma en la llamada Red Inteligente, dónde el concepto de respuesta a la demanda juega un papel. Esta thesis de doctorado está patrocinada por el proyecto danés TotalFlex (http://totalflex.dk). El objetivo principal de este proyecto es diseñar y establecer el marco de flexibilidad de mercado, dónde la flexibilidad de productores/consumidores, por ejemplo los dispositivos del hogar, pueda ser comercializada entre los diferentes actores del mercado como las comercializadoras de electricidad y los operadores de sistemas de distribución. Para lograr este propósito, el proyecto TotalFlex utiliza el concepto flex-offer flexibilidad en la oferta. Basado en el concepto flex-offer, la flexibilidad de consumidores y productores individuales es capturada y representada a través de un modelo genérico. Sin embargo, las cargas flexibles de estos individuos producen pequeñas cantidades de energía y, por lo tanto, no pueden ser directamente negociadas en el mercado. Esto significa que la agregación de esta energía es esencial. Este Ph.D está enfocado desarrollo de técnicas de agrega para que permitirán a productores y consumidores individuales participar en dicha. En primer lugar, esta tesis introduce medidas de flexibilidad con la finalidad de cuantificar la flexibilidad calculada por el modelo flex-offer y comparar las diferentes ofertas entre ellas, tanto a nivel individual como agregado. Flexibilidad es tanto la entrada como la salida de las técnicas de agregado, las cuáles agregan flexibilidad energética para lograr sus objetivos y, al mismo tiempo, retener la máxima flexibilidad para comerciarla en el mercado. En segundo lugar, la tesis describe la base de las tecnicas de agregado flex-offer y presenta técnicas de que se enfocan en un balance entre la oferta y la demanda energética. Tercero, dado que existen casos dónde se producen congestiones en la red eléctrica, la tesis presenta tecnicas de agregado basadas en restricciones. Dichas técnicas agregan grandes cantidades de flex-offers considerando restricciones físicas de la red eléctrica. Las flexoffers agregadas que se producen son aún flexibles y, cuando se programan, se logra una operación normal de red. Por último, en la tesis se examina los beneficios económicos de las técnicas agregadas, introduciendo técnicas de agregado flex-offer que tienen en cuenta los requisitos técnicos del mercado real. Como resultado, las pequeñas cargas individuales y flexibles pueden ser indirectamente negociadas en el mercado energético a través de la agregación. Las técnicas de agregado propuestas para favorecer la flexibildad energética puede contribuir al uso de flexibilidad en la red inteligente tanto en el presente como en el futuro. Mejorar los servicios ofrecidos a consumidores y productores así como evitar las costosas actualizaciones de la red de distribución.Postprint (published version