54 research outputs found

    Bayesian phylolinguistics infers the internal structure and the time-depth of the Turkic language family

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    Despite more than 200 years of research, the internal structure of the Turkic language family remains subject to debate. Classifications of Turkic so far are based on both classical historical–comparative linguistic and distance-based quantitative approaches. Although these studies yield an internal structure of the Turkic family, they cannot give us an understanding of the statistical robustness of the proposed branches, nor are they capable of reliably inferring absolute divergence dates, without assuming constant rates of change. Here we use computational Bayesian phylogenetic methods to build a phylogeny of the Turkic languages, express the reliability of the proposed branches in terms of probability, and estimate the time-depth of the family within credibility intervals. To this end, we collect a new dataset of 254 basic vocabulary items for thirty-two Turkic language varieties based on the recently introduced Leipzig–Jakarta list. Our application of Bayesian phylogenetic inference on lexical data of the Turkic languages is unprecedented. The resulting phylogenetic tree supports a binary structure for Turkic and replicates most of the conventional sub-branches in the Common Turkic branch. We calculate the robustness of the inferences for subgroups and individual languages whose position in the tree seems to be debatable. We infer the time-depth of the Turkic family at around 2100 years before present, thus providing a reliable quantitative basis for previous estimates based on classical historical linguistics and lexicostatistics

    Abstract syntax as interlingua: Scaling up the grammatical framework from controlled languages to robust pipelines

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    Syntax is an interlingual representation used in compilers. Grammatical Framework (GF) applies the abstract syntax idea to natural languages. The development of GF started in 1998, first as a tool for controlled language implementations, where it has gained an established position in both academic and commercial projects. GF provides grammar resources for over 40 languages, enabling accurate generation and translation, as well as grammar engineering tools and components for mobile and Web applications. On the research side, the focus in the last ten years has been on scaling up GF to wide-coverage language processing. The concept of abstract syntax offers a unified view on many other approaches: Universal Dependencies, WordNets, FrameNets, Construction Grammars, and Abstract Meaning Representations. This makes it possible for GF to utilize data from the other approaches and to build robust pipelines. In return, GF can contribute to data-driven approaches by methods to transfer resources from one language to others, to augment data by rule-based generation, to check the consistency of hand-annotated corpora, and to pipe analyses into high-precision semantic back ends. This article gives an overview of the use of abstract syntax as interlingua through both established and emerging NLP applications involving GF

    Context in interactive mathematical documents : personalizing mathematics

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    Pushing past the plateau: A Diary Study of a Not Quite Intermediate Korean Language Learner

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    In this study the author explores the internal and personal aspects of his own learning of the Korean language through the qualitative perspective of a language learning diary. Language fossilization is brought into focus as the author resumes learning the language after a three year break and attempts to push past his perceived plateau. Fossilization is a foundational concept in the field of adult Second Language Acquisition (SLA), yet seemingly none have covered this issue using the diary study design and the unique, inside perspective that this design offers. The author developed his own study plan and recorded regular introspective diary entries of his experience as an independent learner living within the target culture. A number of factors potentially contributing to the author\u27s language plateau are highlighted and discussed and a concept of crystallization, is proposed as a possible contributing factor to fossilization

    Sinophone Southeast Asia

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    This volume explores the diverse linguistic landscape of Southeast Asia’s Chinese communities. Based on archival research and previously unpublished linguistic fieldwork, it unearths a wide variety of language histories, linguistic practices, and trajectories of words. The localized and often marginalized voices we bring to the spotlight are quickly disappearing in the wake of standardization and homogenization, yet they tell a story that is uniquely Southeast Asian in its rich hybridity. Our comparative scope and focus on language, analysed in tandem with history and culture, adds a refreshing dimension to the broader field of Sino-Southeast Asian Studies. . Readership: Students, scholars, (academic) libraries, community organizations, heritage organizations; linguistics, Southeast Asia Studies, East Asia Studies, Overseas Chines

    A Grammar of Paraguayan Guarani

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    The history of Guarani is a history of resilience. Paraguayan Guarani is a vibrant, modern language, mother tongue to millions of people in South America. It is the only indigenous language in the Americas spoken by a non-ethnically indigenous majority, and since 1992, it is also an official language of Paraguay alongside Spanish. This book provides the first comprehensive reference grammar of Modern Paraguayan Guarani written for an English-language audience. It is an accessible yet thorough and carefully substantiated description of the language’s phonology, morphosyntax, and semantics. It also includes information about its centuries of documented history and its current sociolinguistic situation. Examples come from literary sources and film, scholastic grammars, online newspapers, blogs and other publications, publicly accessible social media data, and the author’s own fieldwork. They are specifically chosen to reflect the diversity of uses of modern-day Guarani, with the aim of providing a realistic picture of the current state of the language in twenty-first century Paraguay. This book will benefit researchers and students of Guarani and Paraguay, such as linguists, anthropologists, ethnographers, sociologists, historians, or cultural studies and literature scholars. Typologically-oriented researchers and students of other Tupian and Amerindian languages will have reliable data for comparative purposes. Given the unique socio-historical profile of Guarani, researchers in fields such as language contact, bilingualism, code-switching, language planning, language education, and literacy will find this book a valuable reference resource

    Flavor text generation for role-playing video games

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    Digital writing technologies in higher education : theory, research, and practice

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    This open access book serves as a comprehensive guide to digital writing technology, featuring contributions from over 20 renowned researchers from various disciplines around the world. The book is designed to provide a state-of-the-art synthesis of the developments in digital writing in higher education, making it an essential resource for anyone interested in this rapidly evolving field. In the first part of the book, the authors offer an overview of the impact that digitalization has had on writing, covering more than 25 key technological innovations and their implications for writing practices and pedagogical uses. Drawing on these chapters, the second part of the book explores the theoretical underpinnings of digital writing technology such as writing and learning, writing quality, formulation support, writing and thinking, and writing processes. The authors provide insightful analysis on the impact of these developments and offer valuable insights into the future of writing. Overall, this book provides a cohesive and consistent theoretical view of the new realities of digital writing, complementing existing literature on the digitalization of writing. It is an essential resource for scholars, educators, and practitioners interested in the intersection of technology and writing

    Translation in University Foreign-Language Curricula: An Analysis of Teachers’ Attitudes, with Reference to Vocational and Transferability Criteria

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    L'estudi se centra en l'ensenyament de la traducció en els plans d'estudi de llengües estrangeres a la universitat. Després de considerar la reavaluació acadèmica recent d'aquesta eina d'ensenyament d'idiomes i la seva reconceptualització, s'examinen alguns dels canvis i reptes que s'han derivat en l'àmbit de l'organització del currículum i l'ensenyament en classe . La identificació d'elements de complexitat, a partir d'un problema de conceptualització, condueix a una discussió de les possibles formes en què les tensions que es deriven podrien abordar-se i tal vegada mitigar-se, és a dir, les pedagogies que aprofiten el potencial de transferibilitat de l'aprenentatge que sorgeix de les activitats de traducció . Es posa l'accent principalment en el concepte de "competències genèriques transferibles" i la seva relació amb els enfocaments d'ensenyament de formació professional. A la llum d'aquestes premisses , l'estudi es proposa investigar com la comunitat docent conceptualitza i utilitza la traducció, quines raons formen la decisió de no incorporar-ho? hi ha una presa de consciència i inclinació a acceptar les nocions d'habilitats transferibles? Les dades es van recollir a través d'una anàlisi de seguiment de l'enquesta internacional de traducció i aprenentatge d'idiomes, realitzat en 2012-2013 per la Direcció general de la Comissió Europea per a la Traducció . Els resultats indiquen una àmplia variació qualitativa en la comprensió de la traducció i les seves funcions pedagògiques i una noció única d'ús/concepte, com a exercici de llenguatge contrastiu formalista. L'anàlisi de dades també suggereix la persistència d'un antagonisme latent, sobre la base de l'adhesió a les metodologies monolingües i concepció estricta de la traducció. Hi ha poca consciència explícita de les nocions de transferabilitat.El estudio se centra en la enseñanza de la traducción en los planes de estudio de lenguas extranjeras en la universidad. Después de considerar la reevaluación académica reciente de esta herramienta de enseñanza de idiomas y su reconceptualización, se examinan algunos de los cambios y retos que se han derivado en el ámbito de la organización del currículo y la enseñanza en clase . La identificación de elementos de complejidad, a partir de un problema de conceptualización, conduce a una discusión de las posibles formas en que las tensiones que se derivan podrían abordarse y tal vez mitigarse, es decir, las pedagogías que aprovechan el potencial de transferibilidad del aprendizaje que surge de las actividades de traducción . Se hace especial hincapié en el concepto de "competencias genéricas transferibles" y su relación con los enfoques de enseñanza de formación profesional. A la luz de estas premisas , el estudio se propone investigar cómo la comunidad docente conceptualiza y utiliza la traducción, ¿qué razones forman la decisión de no incorporarlo? ¿hay una toma de conciencia y inclinación a aceptar las nociones de habilidades transferibles? Los datos se recogieron a través de un análisis de seguimiento de la encuesta internacional de traducción y aprendizaje de idiomas, realizado en 2012-2013 por la Dirección General de la Comisión Europea para la Traducción . Los resultados indican una amplia variación cualitativa en la comprensión de la traducción y sus funciones pedagógicas y una noción única de uso/concepto, como ejercicio de lenguaje contrastivo formalista. El análisis de datos también sugiere la persistencia de un antagonismo latente, en base a la adhesión a las metodologías monolingües y concepción estricta de la traducción. Hay poca conciencia explícita de las nociones de transferabilidad.The study focuses on the teaching of translation in university foreign-language curricula. After considering the recent scholarly reappraisal of this language-teaching tool and its attendant reconceptualization, it examines some of the changes and challenges that have ensued at the level of curriculum organization and classroom instruction. The identification of some elements of complexity, based on a problem of conceptualization, leads in to a discussion of possible ways in which the deriving tensions could be addressed and maybe mitigated, i.e. pedagogies that capitalize on the transferability potential of the learning emerging from translation activities. Special emphasis is placed on the concept of “transferable generic skills” and their relation to vocational teaching approaches. In light of these premises, the study sets out to investigate how the teaching community conceptualizes and uses translation, what reasons inform the choice not to incorporate it, and whether there is awareness of, and openness to, notions of transferable skills. Data are gathered through a follow-up analysis of the international survey Translation and Language Learning, carried out in 2012-2013 for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation. The findings indicate a qualitatively broad variation in the understandings of translation and its pedagogical functions alongside a quantitatively significant concentration of data around a single conception/use, i.e. that of formalistic, contrastive language exercise. Data analysis also suggests the persistence of a latent antagonism, largely informed by adherence to monolingual methodologies and narrow, often misconceived translation concepts. Explicit awareness of transferability issues is modest. Implications of these findings for future action and research are discussed