54 research outputs found

    Latent Fingerprint Recognition: Fusion of Local and Global Embeddings

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    One of the most challenging problems in fingerprint recognition continues to be establishing the identity of a suspect associated with partial and smudgy fingerprints left at a crime scene (i.e., latent prints or fingermarks). Despite the success of fixed-length embeddings for rolled and slap fingerprint recognition, the features learned for latent fingerprint matching have mostly been limited to local minutiae-based embeddings and have not directly leveraged global representations for matching. In this paper, we combine global embeddings with local embeddings for state-of-the-art latent to rolled matching accuracy with high throughput. The combination of both local and global representations leads to improved recognition accuracy across NIST SD 27, NIST SD 302, MSP, MOLF DB1/DB4, and MOLF DB2/DB4 latent fingerprint datasets for both closed-set (84.11%, 54.36%, 84.35%, 70.43%, 62.86% rank-1 retrieval rate, respectively) and open-set (0.50, 0.74, 0.44, 0.60, 0.68 FNIR at FPIR=0.02, respectively) identification scenarios on a gallery of 100K rolled fingerprints. Not only do we fuse the complimentary representations, we also use the local features to guide the global representations to focus on discriminatory regions in two fingerprint images to be compared. This leads to a multi-stage matching paradigm in which subsets of the retrieved candidate lists for each probe image are passed to subsequent stages for further processing, resulting in a considerable reduction in latency (requiring just 0.068 ms per latent to rolled comparison on a AMD EPYC 7543 32-Core Processor, roughly 15K comparisons per second). Finally, we show the generalizability of the fused representations for improving authentication accuracy across several rolled, plain, and contactless fingerprint datasets

    Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application in Aerial Vehicle Detection and Biometric Identification System

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    In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown great potential in advancing the state-of-the-art in many areas of computer vision, most notably in image synthesis and manipulation tasks. GAN is a generative model which simultaneously trains a generator and a discriminator in an adversarial manner to produce real-looking synthetic data by capturing the underlying data distribution. Due to its powerful ability to generate high-quality and visually pleasingresults, we apply it to super-resolution and image-to-image translation techniques to address vehicle detection in low-resolution aerial images and cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition. First, we develop a Multi-scale GAN (MsGAN) with multiple intermediate outputs, which progressively learns the details and features of the high-resolution aerial images at different scales. Then the upscaled super-resolved aerial images are fed to a You Only Look Once-version 3 (YOLO-v3) object detector and the detection loss is jointly optimized along with a super-resolution loss to emphasize target vehicles sensitive to the super-resolution process. There is another problem that remains unsolved when detection takes place at night or in a dark environment, which requires an IR detector. Training such a detector needs a lot of infrared (IR) images. To address these challenges, we develop a GAN-based joint cross-modal super-resolution framework where low-resolution (LR) IR images are translated and super-resolved to high-resolution (HR) visible (VIS) images before applying detection. This approach significantly improves the accuracy of aerial vehicle detection by leveraging the benefits of super-resolution techniques in a cross-modal domain. Second, to increase the performance and reliability of deep learning-based biometric identification systems, we focus on developing conditional GAN (cGAN) based cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition and offer two different frameworks. The first approach trains a cGAN to jointly translate and super-resolve LR near-infrared (NIR) iris images to HR VIS iris images to perform cross-spectral cross-resolution iris matching to the same resolution and within the same spectrum. In the second approach, we design a coupled GAN (cpGAN) architecture to project both VIS and NIR iris images into a low-dimensional embedding domain. The goal of this architecture is to ensure maximum pairwise similarity between the feature vectors from the two iris modalities of the same subject. We have also proposed a pose attention-guided coupled profile-to-frontal face recognition network to learn discriminative and pose-invariant features in an embedding subspace. To show that the feature vectors learned by this deep subspace can be used for other tasks beyond recognition, we implement a GAN architecture which is able to reconstruct a frontal face from its corresponding profile face. This capability can be used in various face analysis tasks, such as emotion detection and expression tracking, where having a frontal face image can improve accuracy and reliability. Overall, our research works have shown its efficacy by achieving new state-of-the-art results through extensive experiments on publicly available datasets reported in the literature

    De-Duplication of Person's Identity Using Multi-Modal Biometrics

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    The objective of this work is to explore approaches to create unique identities by the de-duplication process using multi-modal biometrics. Various government sectors in the world provide different services and welfare schemes for the beneffit of the people in the society using an identity number. A unique identity (UID) number assigned for every person would obviate the need for a person to produce multiple documentary proofs of his/her identity for availing any government/private services. In the process of creating unique identity of a person, there is a possibility of duplicate identities as the same person might want to get multiple identities in order to get extra beneffits from the Government. These duplicate identities can be eliminated by the de-duplication process using multi-modal biometrics, namely, iris, ngerprint, face and signature. De-duplication is the process of removing instances of multiple enrollments of the same person using the person's biometric data. As the number of people enrolledinto the biometric system runs into billions, the time complexity increases in the de duplication process. In this thesis, three different case studies are presented to address the performance issues of de-duplication process in order to create unique identity of a person

    Modeling Errors in Biometric Surveillance and De-duplication Systems

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    In biometrics-based surveillance and de-duplication applications, the system commonly determines if a given individual has been encountered before. In this dissertation, these applications are viewed as specific instances of a broader class of problems known as Anonymous Identification. Here, the system does not necessarily determine the identity of a person; rather, it merely establishes if the given input biometric data was encountered previously. This dissertation demonstrates that traditional biometric evaluation measures cannot adequately estimate the error rate of an anonymous identification system in general and a de-duplication system in particular. In this regard, the first contribution is the design of an error prediction model for an anonymous identification system. The model shows that the order in which individuals are encountered impacts the error rate of the system. The second contribution - in the context of an identification system in general - is an explanatory model that explains the relationship between the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and the Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) curve of a closed-set biometric system. The phenomenon of biometrics menagerie is used to explain the possibility of deducing multiple CMC curves from the same ROC curve. Consequently, it is shown that a good\u27\u27 verification system can be a poor\u27\u27 identification system and vice-versa.;Besides the aforementioned contributions, the dissertation also explores the use of gait as a biometric modality in surveillance systems operating in the thermal or shortwave infrared (SWIR) spectrum. In this regard, a new gait representation scheme known as Gait Curves is developed and evaluated on thermal and SWIR data. Finally, a clustering scheme is used to demonstrate that gait patterns can be clustered into multiple categories; further, specific physical traits related to gender and body area are observed to impact cluster generation.;In sum, the dissertation provides some new insights into modeling anonymous identification systems and gait patterns for biometrics-based surveillance systems

    Biometric recognition in automated border control : a survey

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    The increasing demand for traveler clearance at international border crossing points (BCPs) has motivated research for finding more efficient solutions. Automated border control (ABC) is emerging as a solution to enhance the convenience of travelers, the throughput of BCPs, and national security. This is the first comprehensive survey on the biometric techniques and systems that enable automatic identity verification in ABC. We survey the biometric literature relevant to identity verification and summarize the best practices and biometric techniques applicable to ABC, relying on real experience collected in the field. Furthermore, we select some of the major biometric issues raised and highlight the open research areas

    Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning

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    Biometrics, such as fingerprint, iris, face, hand print, hand vein, speech and gait recognition, etc., as a means of identity management have become commonplace nowadays for various applications. Biometric systems follow a typical pipeline, that is composed of separate preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Deep learning as a data-driven representation learning approach has been shown to be a promising alternative to conventional data-agnostic and handcrafted pre-processing and feature extraction for biometric systems. Furthermore, deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm to unify preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition, based solely on biometric data. This Special Issue has collected 12 high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with challenging issues in advanced biometric systems based on deep learning. The 12 papers can be divided into 4 categories according to biometric modality; namely, face biometrics, medical electronic signals (EEG and ECG), voice print, and others

    An Analysis on Adversarial Machine Learning: Methods and Applications

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    Deep learning has witnessed astonishing advancement in the last decade and revolutionized many fields ranging from computer vision to natural language processing. A prominent field of research that enabled such achievements is adversarial learning, investigating the behavior and functionality of a learning model in presence of an adversary. Adversarial learning consists of two major trends. The first trend analyzes the susceptibility of machine learning models to manipulation in the decision-making process and aims to improve the robustness to such manipulations. The second trend exploits adversarial games between components of the model to enhance the learning process. This dissertation aims to provide an analysis on these two sides of adversarial learning and harness their potential for improving the robustness and generalization of deep models. In the first part of the dissertation, we study the adversarial susceptibility of deep learning models. We provide an empirical analysis on the extent of vulnerability by proposing two adversarial attacks that explore the geometric and frequency-domain characteristics of inputs to manipulate deep decisions. Afterward, we formalize the susceptibility of deep networks using the first-order approximation of the predictions and extend the theory to the ensemble classification scheme. Inspired by theoretical findings, we formalize a reliable and practical defense against adversarial examples to robustify ensembles. We extend this part by investigating the shortcomings of \gls{at} and highlight that the popular momentum stochastic gradient descent, developed essentially for natural training, is not proper for optimization in adversarial training since it is not designed to be robust against the chaotic behavior of gradients in this setup. Motivated by these observations, we develop an optimization method that is more suitable for adversarial training. In the second part of the dissertation, we harness adversarial learning to enhance the generalization and performance of deep networks in discriminative and generative tasks. We develop several models for biometric identification including fingerprint distortion rectification and latent fingerprint reconstruction. In particular, we develop a ridge reconstruction model based on generative adversarial networks that estimates the missing ridge information in latent fingerprints. We introduce a novel modification that enables the generator network to preserve the ID information during the reconstruction process. To address the scarcity of data, {\it e.g.}, in latent fingerprint analysis, we develop a supervised augmentation technique that combines input examples based on their salient regions. Our findings advocate that adversarial learning improves the performance and reliability of deep networks in a wide range of applications