294,579 research outputs found

    A Component-based Framework for Distributed Business Simulations in E-Business Environments

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    Simulations preserve the knowledge of complex dynamic systems and consequently transfer the knowledge of the cohesions of its elements to a specified target group. As the progress in information technology and therefore the dynamic e-business driven economy adapts even faster to the business demands, new ways to preserve this growing amount of knowledge have to be found. This paper presents an extensible business simulation framework which is realized as a component-based distributed Java Version 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture. The framework aspires to offer an extensible and domain independent simulation environment which ensures the return of investment in the sense of implementing this framework once and extending it to the future requirements of diverse domains in e-business. The system architecture follows the requirements in offering distributed deployment of its components on highly standardized level by nevertheless staying vendor independent. The architecture itself was developed by model driven architecture (MDA)-conform software engineering methods using best of breed design patterns composed to a flexible micro-architecture which possess import facilities for simulation entities (business objects) and (business) processes from e-business solutions. Combining the features of the framework, the layered pattern driven micro-architecture, and the distributed J2EE architecture, the postulated knowledge transfer from rapid changes in e-business can be realized

    [email protected] - Agent Based Support of Clinical Processes

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    In this paper we present a system for agent-based support of clinical processes. We describe the basic engineering concept, along with specific simulation and testing scenarios for agent-based software engineering. Another important focus is the integration of existing agent or healthcare standards like FIPA, DICOM and HL7. Objectives of our research activities in this project are: a substantial increase of the efficiency of hospital process management as well as the development of a specific goal oriented requirements engineering methodology. As most important challenges of the healthcare domain we have identified on the one hand individualized, patient oriented processes in diagnostics, therapy, nursing and administration and on the other hand extremely distributed decision processes and strong local (individual) autonomy with a high degree of situational dynamics. The example scenario on „clinical trials“ illustrates how the system shall support distributed clinical processes and how it interacts with other multiagent systems within the Agent.Hospital Framework and hospital information systems in the eHealth Lab introduced in this paper. The system development is part of the German Priority Research Program (SPP) 1083 “Intelligent Agents and their application in business scenarios”

    Unified Simulation and Analysis Framework for Deep Space Navigation Design

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    As the technology that enables advanced deep space autonomous navigation continues to develop and the requirements for such capability continues to grow, there is a clear need for a modular expandable simulation framework. This tool's purpose is to address multiple measurement and information sources in order to capture system capability. This is needed to analyze the capability of competing navigation systems as well as to develop system requirements, in order to determine its effect on the sizing of the integrated vehicle. The development for such a framework is built upon Model-Based Systems Engineering techniques to capture the architecture of the navigation system and possible state measurements and observations to feed into the simulation implementation structure. These models also allow a common environment for the capture of an increasingly complex operational architecture, involving multiple spacecraft, ground stations, and communication networks. In order to address these architectural developments, a framework of agent-based modules is implemented to capture the independent operations of individual spacecraft as well as the network interactions amongst spacecraft. This paper describes the development of this framework, and the modeling processes used to capture a deep space navigation system. Additionally, a sample implementation describing a concept of network-based navigation utilizing digitally transmitted data packets is described in detail. This developed package shows the capability of the modeling framework, including its modularity, analysis capabilities, and its unification back to the overall system requirements and definition

    Methodological framework and design process for applying evolutionary simulation to musical interactions

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    This paper focuses on a methodological framework where the creative design process evolves through iterative cycles. The design process undertakes a complex network of tasks for integrating two domain models: dynamical simulation and musical interaction. The framework accounts for engi-neering technical and compositional affordances to accom-modate evolving behaviors to be expressed in real time per-formance interplay. This is illustrated with a case study of simulated swarms of heterogeneous agents. Highly integrat-ed parallel work streams are elucidated with sub-process elicitation in simulation, system integration and software engineering, composition, and performance. Framework formalization draws upon the established RAD model with significant modification to present the extended version that can be multi-threaded for concurrent creative processes. Two landmarks of 20th century music automation are drawn diachronically to frame the technical discussion in a social context of listening practice, developed by modeling crea-tive process and testing musical assumptions. Revisited cannon is redirected from bygone exemplars to ongoing practice, illuminating three baseline requirements for a methodological framework: interdisciplinary platform archi-tecture, complex systems model of music creation, and agile listening. Concluding theses on second order listening and interdisciplinary architecture summarize the proposed methodological framework addressing contextual listening and technical culture

    A Framework To Model Complex Systems Via Distributed Simulation: A Case Study Of The Virtual Test Bed Simulation System Using the High Level Architecture

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    As the size, complexity, and functionality of systems we need to model and simulate con-tinue to increase, benefits such as interoperability and reusability enabled by distributed discrete-event simulation are becoming extremely important in many disciplines, not only military but also many engineering disciplines such as distributed manufacturing, supply chain management, and enterprise engineering, etc. In this dissertation we propose a distributed simulation framework for the development of modeling and the simulation of complex systems. The framework is based on the interoperability of a simulation system enabled by distributed simulation and the gateways which enable Com-mercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) simulation packages to interconnect to the distributed simulation engine. In the case study of modeling Virtual Test Bed (VTB), the framework has been designed as a distributed simulation to facilitate the integrated execution of different simulations, (shuttle process model, Monte Carlo model, Delay and Scrub Model) each of which is addressing differ-ent mission components as well as other non-simulation applications (Weather Expert System and Virtual Range). Although these models were developed independently and at various times, the original purposes have been seamlessly integrated, and interact with each other through Run-time Infrastructure (RTI) to simulate shuttle launch related processes. This study found that with the framework the defining properties of complex systems - interaction and emergence are realized and that the software life cycle models (including the spiral model and prototyping) can be used as metaphors to manage the complexity of modeling and simulation of the system. The system of systems (a complex system is intrinsically a system of systems ) continuously evolves to accomplish its goals, during the evolution subsystems co-ordinate with one another and adapt with environmental factors such as policies, requirements, and objectives. In the case study we first demonstrate how the legacy models developed in COTS simulation languages/packages and non-simulation tools can be integrated to address a compli-cated system of systems. We then describe the techniques that can be used to display the state of remote federates in a local federate in the High Level Architecture (HLA) based distributed simulation using COTS simulation packages

    A Framework For Process Data Collection, Analysis, And Visualization In Construction Projects

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    Automated data collection, simulation and visualization can substantially enhance the process of designing, analysis, planning, and control of many engineering processes. In particular, managing processes that are dynamic in nature can significantly benefit from such techniques. Construction projects are good examples of such processes where a variety of equipment and resources constantly interact inside an evolving environment. Management of such settings requires a platform capable of providing decision-makers with updated information about the status of project entities and assisting site personnel making critical decisions under uncertainty. To this end, the current practice of using historical data or expert judgments as static inputs to create empirical formulations, bar chart schedules, and simulation networks to study project activities, resource operations, and the environment under which a project is taking place does not seem to offer reliable results. The presented research investigates the requirements and applicability of a data-driven modeling framework capable of collecting and analyzing real time field data from construction equipment. In the developed data collection scheme, a stream of real time data is continuously transferred to a data analysis module to calculate the input parameters required to create dynamic 3D visualizations of ongoing engineering activities, and update the contents of a discrete event simulation (DES) model representing the real engineering process. The generated data-driven simulation model is iv an effective tool for projecting future progress based on existing performance. Ultimately, the developed framework can be used by project decision-makers for shortterm project planning and control since the resulting simulation and visualization are completely based on the latest status of project entities

    The use of systems engineering principles for the integration of existing models and simulations

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    With the rise in computational power, the prospect of simulating a complex engineering system with a high degree of accuracy and in a meaningful way is becoming a real possibility. Modelling and simulation have become ubiquitous throughout the engineering life cycle, as a consequence there are many thousands of existing models and simulations that are potential candidates for integration. This work is concerned with ascertaining if systems engineering principles are of use in the support of virtual testing, from desire to test, designing experiments, specifying simulations, selecting models and simulations, integrating component parts, verifying that the work is as specified, and validating that any outcomes are meaningful. A novel representation of systems engineering framework is proposed and forms the bases for the methods that were developed. It takes the core systems engineering principles and expresses them in a way that can be implemented in a variety of ways. An end to end process for virtual testing with the potential to use existing models and simulations is proposed, it provides structure and order to the testing task. A key part of the proposed process is the recognition that models and simulations requirements are different from those of the system being designed, and hence a modelling and simulation specific writing guide is produced. The automation of any engineering task has the potential to reduce the time to market of the final product, for this reason the potential of natural language processing technology to hasten the proposed processes was investigated. Two case studies were selected to test and demonstrate the potential of the novel approach, the first being an investigation into material selection for a squash ball, and the second being automotive in nature concerned with combining steering and braking systems. The processes and methods indicated their potential value, especially in the automotive case study where inconsistences were identified that could have otherwise affected the successful integration. This capability, combined with the verification stages, improves the confidence of any model and simulation integration. The NLP proof of concept software also demonstrated that such technology has value in the automation of integration. With further testing and development there is the possibility to create a software package to guide engineers through the difficult task of virtual testing. Such a tool would have the potential to drastically reduce the time to market of complex products

    Towards Developing a Digital Twin Implementation Framework for Manufacturing Systems

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    This research studies the implementation of digital twins in manufacturing systems. Digital transformation is relevant due to changing manufacturing techniques and user demands. It brings new business opportunities, changes organizations, and allows factories to compete in the digital era. Nevertheless, digital transformation presents many uncertainties that could bring problems to a manufacturing system. Some potential problems are loss of data, cybersecurity threats, unpredictable behavior, and so on. For instance, there are doubts about how to integrate the physical and virtual spaces. Digital twin (DT) is a modern technology that can enable the digital transformation of manufacturing companies. DT works by collecting real-time data of machines, products, and processes. DT monitors and controls operations in real-time helping in the identification of problems. It performs simulations to improve manufacturing processes and end-products. DT presents several benefits for manufacturing systems. It gives feedback to the physical system, increases the system’s reliability and availability, reduces operational risks, helps to achieve organizational goals, reduces operations and maintenance costs, predicts machine failures, etc. DT presents all these benefits without affecting the system’s operation. xv This dissertation analyzes the implementation of digital twins in manufacturing systems. It uses systems thinking methods and tools to study the problem space and define the solution space. Some of these methods are the conceptagon, systemigram, and the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ in Russian acronym). It also uses systems thinking tools such as the CATWOE, the 9-windows tool, and the ideal final result (IFR). This analysis gives some insights into the digital twin implementation issues and potential solutions. One of these solutions is to build a digital twin implementation framework Next, this study proposes the development of a small-scale digital twin implementation framework. This framework could help users to create digital twins in manufacturing systems. The method to build this framework uses a Model-Based Systems Engineering approach and the systems engineering “Vee” model. This framework encompasses many concepts from the digital twin literature. The framework divides these concepts along three spaces: physical, virtual, and information. It also includes other concepts such as digital thread, data, ontology, and enabling technologies. Finally, this dissertation verifies the correctness of the proposed framework. The verification process shows that the proposed framework can develop digital twins for manufacturing systems. For that purpose, this study creates a process digital twin simulation using the proposed framework. This study presents a mapping and a workflow diagram to help users use the proposed framework. Then, it compares the digital twin simulation with the digital twin user and system requirements. The comparison finds that the proposed framework was built right

    Improving performance and the reliability of off-site pre-cast concrete production operations using simulation optimisation

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    The increased use of precast components in building and heavy civil engineering projects has led to the introduction of innovative management and scheduling systems to meet the demand for increased reliability, efficiency and cost reduction. The aim of this study is to develop an innovative crew allocation system that can efficiently allocate crews of workers to labour-intensive repetitive processes. The objective is to improve off-site pre-cast production operations using Multi-Layered Genetic Algorithms. The Multi-Layered concept emerged in response to the modelling requirements of different sets of labour inputs. As part of the techniques used in developing the Crew Allocation “SIM_Crew” System, a process mapping methodology is used to model the processes of precast concrete operations and to provide the framework and input required for simulation. Process simulation is then used to model and imitate all production processes, and Genetic Algorithms are embedded within the simulation model to provide a rapid and intelligent search. A Multi-Layered chromosome is used to store different sets of inputs such as crews working on different shifts and process priorities. A ‘Class Interval’ selection strategy is developed to improve the chance of selecting the most promising chromosomes for further investigation. Multi-Layered Dynamic crossover and mutation operators are developed to increase the randomness of the searching mechanism for solutions in the solution space. The results illustrate that adopting different combinations of crews of workers has a substantial impact on the labour allocation cost and this should lead to increased efficiency and lower production cost. In addition, the results of the simulation show that minimum throughput time, minimum process-waiting time and optimal resource utilisation profiles can be achieved when compared to a real-life case study

    Collaborative information systems and business process design using simulation

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    The Information Systems (IS) community promotes the idea that IS analyst should have a clear understanding of the way the organization operates before attempting to propose an IS solution. It is argued that to take a complete advantage of the underlying Information Technology (IT), organizations should first identify any process flaw and then propose a suitable IT solution. Similarly, many process design approaches claim that Business Process (BP) design should be done considering the advantages provided and the limitations imposed by the underlying (IT). Despite this fact research in these domains provides little indication of which mechanisms or tools can help BP and IS analyst to understand the complex relationships amongst these two areas. This paper describes the insights gained during a UK funded research project, namely ASSESS-IT, that aimed to depict the dynamic relationships between IT and BP using simulation. One of the major limitations of the ASSESS-IT project is that it looked at relationship between BP and IT as a three layered structure, namely BP, IS and Computer Networks (CN), and did not explore in detail the relationships between BP and IS alone. This paper uses the outcomes derived from this project and suggests that, is some cases, the relationship between BP and IT could be analyzed by looking at the relationship between BP and IS alone. It then proposes an alternative simulation framework, namely BPISS, that provides the guideline to develop simulation models that portray BP and IS behavior performance measurements, offering in this way an alternative mechanism that can help BP and IS analyst to understand in more detail the dynamic interactions between BP and IS domains
