11 research outputs found

    A knowledge abstraction approach for multimedia presentation

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    [[abstract]]The demonstration of multimedia presentation can be promoted by using multi-vendor's tools. The more tools are used, the more complicated communication is needed among these tools. The integration of these multimedia presentation tools is thus important. This paper describes an architecture named tool integration platform (TIP) to integrate tools in a knowledge abstraction way. TIP is composed of a CID (control integration daemon), a CII (control integration interface) and some integration inference rules (IIR) that are applied by the integration inference engine (IIE). The IIR are stored in a repository and used to deduce tool knowledge dynamically. In this way, many tools can be integrated into a cooperative multimedia presentation developing environment. To verify this architecture, a number of multimedia tools are integrated into TIP. Finally, an integration assessing method is used to evaluate the integration status of tools in TIP[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19970309~19970311[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Cookeville, TN, US

    Process Driven Software Engineering Environments

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    Software development organizations have begun using Software Engineering Environments (SEEs) with the goal of enhancing the productivity of software developers and improving the quality of software products. The encompassing nature of a SEE means that it is typically very tightly coupled with the way an organization does business. To be most effective, the components of a SEE must be well integrated and the SEE itself must be integrated with the organization. The challenge of tool integration increases considerably when the components of the environment come from different vendors and support varying degrees of “openness”. The challenge of integration with the organization increases in a like manner when the environment must support a variety of different organizations over a long period of time. In addition to these pressures, any SEE must perform well and must “scale” well as the size of the organization changes. This paper proposes basing the Software Engineering Environment on the software development process used in an organization in order to meet the challenges of integration, performance, and scaling. The goals and services of distributed operating systems and Software Engineering Environments are outlined in order to more clearly define their roles. The motivation for using a well defined software development process is established along with the benefits of basing the Software Engineering Environment on the software development process. Components of a SEE that could effectively support the process and provide integration, performance, and scaling benefits are introduced along with an outline of an Ada program used to model the proposed components. The conclusion provides strong support for process driven SEEs, encourages the expansion of the concept into other “environments,” and cautions against literal interpretations of “process integration” that may slow the acceptance of this powerful approach

    Automated secure systems development methodology

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    D.Com. (Informatics)The complexity of modern computer-based information systems is such that, for all but the simplest of examples, they cannot be produced without a considerable amount of prior planning and preparation. The actual difficulties of trying to design, develop and implement complex computer-based systems have been recognised as early as the seventies. In a bid to deal with what was then referred to as the "software crisis", a number of so- called "methodologies" were advocated. Those methodologies were, in turn, based on a collection of guidelines or methods thanks to which their designers could eventually make the claim that computer systems, and in particular information systems, could be designed and developed with a greater degree of success. By using a clear set of rules, or at least reasonably detailed principles, they could ensure that the various design and development tasks be performed in a methodical, organ ised fashion. Irrespective of the methodologies or guidelines that were adopted or laid down, the developers principal aim was to ensure that all relevant detail about the proposed information systems would be taken into account during the long and often drawn-out design and development process. Unfortunately, many of those methodologies and guidelines date from the early 1970s and, as a result, no longer meet the security requirements and guidelines of today's information systems. It was never attempted under any of those methodolog ies, however, to unriddle the difficulties they had come up against in information security in the domain of system development . Security concerns should however, form an integral part of the planning, development and maintenance of a computer application. Each application system should for example, take the necessary security measures in any given situation

    Experimental Object-Oriented Modelling

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    This thesis examines object-oriented modelling in experimental system development. Object-oriented modelling aims at representing concepts and phenomena of a problem domain in terms of classes and objects. Experimental system development seeks active experimentation in a system development project through, e.g., technical prototyping and active user involvement. We introduce and examine "experimental object-oriented modelling" as the intersection of these practices

    Automation of testing, specification languages and CASE tools

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    A need for high data rates and reliable communication is required as we are moving from 2nd to 3rd and 4th generation of mobile communications. Therefore we see a tremendous rise in data rates. We know that most part of mobile users are indoor as compared to outdoor users, a new challenge for radio planners is to ensure proper coverage to indoor users so the prime focus is to ensure proper coverage and capacity requirements. There are various factors that account for poor coverage hence various techniques have been introduced to create a breakthrough in this process. This thesis basically focuses on indoor coverage for technologies like GSM 900MHz and 1800MHz as well as Tetra380MHz- 385MHz.I have tried different indoor models that could produce a feasible result. There is a lot of work that have been done in past that focus on outdoor models. Analysis of this thesis reveals that for the typical office environment with moderate amount of obstacle, 380MHz gives the best result as compared to 900MHz and 1800MHz. Observations reveals that 900MHz generates better results as compared to 1800MHz. All PLS coefficients used for 900MHz, 380MHz and 1800MHz are modified ones they are not taken from the standard table. focusing on PLS, Keenan Motley and Free Space models, a general summarization can be drawn that free space model generates least path loss but providing a poor coverage prediction, on the other hand path loss model generate higher loss as compared to free space model but provides good coverage while Keenan Motley model provides good coverage but shows the highest attenuation loss among all the selected models

    Systematische Prozessunterstützung für die Entwicklung laufzeitkritischer Softwaresysteme: Systematische Prozessunterstützung für die Entwicklung laufzeitkritischer Softwaresysteme: PROKRIS-Methodik und -Framework

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    In vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens, angefangen vom Online-Banking bis hin zur Steuerung im Flugzeug, kommt Software mit laufzeitkritischen nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften (NFE) zum Einsatz. Die Erfüllung der NFE spielt in diesen Anwendungen eine zentrale Rolle. Um dies zu erreichen, ist eine systematische und zielorientierte Behandlung dieser Anforderungen während der Entwicklung zwingend erforderlich. NFE zeichnen sich im Gegensatz zu funktionalen Eigenschaften durch besondere Merkmale aus, die ein adaptives Vorgehen zur Definition des Entwicklungsprozesses erzwingen. In der Arbeit wird eine Methodik zur kontextbasierten Anpassung von Vorgehensmodellen an laufzeitkritische NFE auf der Basis von Prozessmustern sowie das PROKRIS-Framework als unterstützende Umgebung vorgestellt