16 research outputs found

    A knowledge abstraction approach for multimedia presentation

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    [[abstract]]The demonstration of multimedia presentation can be promoted by using multi-vendor's tools. The more tools are used, the more complicated communication is needed among these tools. The integration of these multimedia presentation tools is thus important. This paper describes an architecture named tool integration platform (TIP) to integrate tools in a knowledge abstraction way. TIP is composed of a CID (control integration daemon), a CII (control integration interface) and some integration inference rules (IIR) that are applied by the integration inference engine (IIE). The IIR are stored in a repository and used to deduce tool knowledge dynamically. In this way, many tools can be integrated into a cooperative multimedia presentation developing environment. To verify this architecture, a number of multimedia tools are integrated into TIP. Finally, an integration assessing method is used to evaluate the integration status of tools in TIP[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19970309~19970311[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Cookeville, TN, US

    Toward a generic spatial/temporal computation model for multimedia presentations

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    [[abstract]]Relations among temporal intervals can be used to assist the automatic generation of multimedia presentations. The authors analyze the domains of interval temporal relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to derive reasonable relations between intervals. Possible conflicts in the user specification are firstly detected and eliminated. The mechanism then constructs partial order relations among temporal intervals before the presentation time chart is built. The algorithm is extended for objects in an arbitrary n-dimensional space. Thus, presentation layouts in 2-D space, or virtual reality object representations in 3-D space can be constructed. They use their algorithms to design a reasoning system that generates the schedule and layout of multimedia presentations[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19970603~19970606[[conferencelocation]]Ottawa, Ont., Canad

    Individualized web course generation in distance learning

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    [[abstract]]Web courses are widely available on the Internet. However, individualized course content for each student is hard to deal with. In this paper, we propose a new system, as well as a set of algorithms, for the automatic generation of individualized course contents and tests. The algorithms are based on a newly proposed method, called the SPC table. Experience of such a system is based on a data structure course for undergraduate students.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20010822~20010825[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Tokyo, Japa

    Virtual conference management system

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    [[abstract]]With the improvement of network technologies and hardware supports, we can find that networks have become an important part in our daily life. In traditional, scholars can get new knowledge and exchange their ideas with others by joining a conference. However this is time and cost consuming. It is feasible to use electronic conferencing technologies to organize future international conferences. Consequently, we developed a virtual conference environment system to help the people who want to hold a conference or want to join a conference. This paper focuses on the virtual conference management system. We developed a complete suite of integrated tools to support your planning, design, and implementation efforts during the deployment of new network conference scheduling of an existing network infrastructure[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20010131~20010131[[conferencelocation]]Beppu City, Japa

    Using the floor control mechanism in distributed multimedia presentation system

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    [[abstract]]Establishing a Web-based distributed multimedia presentation system environment is technical challenge. In this paper, we describe how to present different multimedia objects indispensably on a Web presentation system with a floor control mechanism, to be used in a distance learning environment. The distributed approach is based on an extended timed Petri net model. Using the characterization of extended timed Petri nets, we express the temporal behavior of multimedia objects. Then we introduce the concepts of user interaction. The main goal of our system is to provide a feasible method to represent a schedule and navigate different multimedia objects with user interaction. In addition, users can dynamically modify and verify different kinds of conditions during the presentation. To verify the structural mechanism, we implement an algorithm using the Petri net diagram, analyzing the model by a time schedule of multimedia objects, and we produce a synchronous set of multimedia objects with respect to the time duration. In particular, we consider the interactive facilities needed to support the distance learning requirements. We propose a floor control mechanism which provides four types of control (free access, equal control, group discussion and direct contact). These control mechanisms are sufficient for use in a distance learning environment[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20010416~20010416[[conferencelocation]]Mesa, United State

    Using interval temporal logic and inference rules for the automatic generation of multimedia presentations

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    [[abstract]]Proposes a mechanism and a system for the automatic generation of interactive multimedia presentations from their specifications. A presentation specification contains three parts: the resources, the temporal information and the spatial information. We use an icon programming technique and a graphical user interface to allow the presentation designer to quickly specify what he/she wants. Our system takes these requirements and relies on inference rules written in Prolog to generate interactive presentations. These inference rules are based on interval temporal logic and important issues in multimedia presentations, such as the hardware limitations of an ordinary personal computer and the properties of a multimedia resource. Our prototype system run under Microsoft Windows. Early experience of using the system shows that it is feasible to use logical inference rules to assist with the design of good multimedia presentations[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19960617~19960617[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Hiroshima, Japa

    A Coordinate Transformation System Based on the Human Feature Information

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we propose a method to find feature in human object that used SURF algorithm, and use this information into 3D coordinate that use coordinate system transformation. In our method, first we use thinning algorithm to obtained skeleton of object, and find the endpoints in skeleton. In the second step, we try to use those endpoints to cluster skeleton, and the part number of cluster is six. Then, to cluster human object that use cluster skeleton result. Third, we use SURF algorithm to find the feature in each part in the cluster object image. In this step, we also use SAD method to ensure are correct of feature points that after SURF algorithm treatment. Finally we use the coordinate system transformation method. In this step, we use image coordinate system into world coordinate system, and show those result in our experiments result.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20110105~20110107[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    Methodologies and Software Systems for Virtual University Operations

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    [[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20010926~20010928[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    A dynamic type system supports structured multimedia presentation

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    [[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19970403~19970403[[conferencelocation]]Illinois, US

    Decomposition of multiple inheritance DAGs for testing

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