2,784 research outputs found

    A Heuristic Approach for the Automatic Insertion of Checkpoints in Message-Passing Codes

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    [Abstract] Checkpointing tools may be typically implemented at two different abstraction levels: at the system level or at the application level. The latter has become a more popular alternative due to its flexibility and the possibility of operating in different environments. However, application-level checkpointing tools often require the user to manually insert checkpoints in order to ensure that certain requirements are met (e.g. forcing checkpoints to be taken at the user code and not inside kernel routines). The approach presented in this work is twofold. First, a spatial coordination protocol for checkpointing parallel SPMD applications is proposed, based on forcing checkpoints to be taken at the same places in the application code by all processes. Thus, global consistency is achieved without adding any new runtime communications or piggybacked data, and without the need to use specific fault-tolerant message-passing implementations. Second, the paper also introduces a compilation technique for the automatic insertion of checkpoints using the spatial coordination protocol, based on a static analysis of communications and a heuristic analysis of computational load. These analyses can also be used to achieve automatic checkpoint insertion in approaches based on classical protocols, such as uncoordinated checkpointing or distributed snapshots.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; TIN-2007-67537-C03-0

    CPPC: a compiler‐assisted tool for portable checkpointing of message‐passing applications

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Rodríguez, G. , Martín, M. J., González, P. , Touriño, J. and Doallo, R. (2010), CPPC: a compiler‐assisted tool for portable checkpointing of message‐passing applications. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., 22: 749-766. doi:10.1002/cpe.1541, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.1541. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.[Abstract] With the evolution of high‐performance computing toward heterogeneous, massively parallel systems, parallel applications have developed new checkpoint and restart necessities. Whether due to a failure in the execution or to a migration of the application processes to different machines, checkpointing tools must be able to operate in heterogeneous environments. However, some of the data manipulated by a parallel application are not truly portable. Examples of these include opaque state (e.g. data structures for communications support) or diversity of interfaces for a single feature (e.g. communications, I/O). Directly manipulating the underlying ad hoc representations renders checkpointing tools unable to work on different environments. Portable checkpointers usually work around portability issues at the cost of transparency: the user must provide information such as what data need to be stored, where to store them, or where to checkpoint. CPPC (ComPiler for Portable Checkpointing) is a checkpointing tool designed to feature both portability and transparency. It is made up of a library and a compiler. The CPPC library contains routines for variable level checkpointing, using portable code and protocols. The CPPC compiler helps to achieve transparency by relieving the user from time‐consuming tasks, such as data flow and communications analyses and adding instrumentation code. This paper covers both the operation of the CPPC library and its compiler support. Experimental results using benchmarks and large‐scale real applications are included, demonstrating usability, efficiency, and portability.Miniesterio de Educación y Ciencia; TIN2007‐67537‐C03Xunta de Galicia; 2006/

    Self-Healing Multitier Architectures Using Cascading Rescue Points

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    Software bugs and vulnerabilities cause serious problems to both home users and the Internet infrastructure, limiting the availability of Internet services, causing loss of data, and reducing system integrity. Software self-healing using rescue points (RPs) is a known mechanism for recovering from unforeseen errors. However, applying it on multitier architectures can be problematic because certain actions, like transmitting data over the network, cannot be undone. We propose cascading rescue points (CRPs) to address the state inconsistency issues that can arise when using traditional RPs to recover from errors in interconnected applications. With CRPs, when an application executing within a RP transmits data, the remote peer is notified to also perform a checkpoint, so the communicating entities checkpoint in a coordinated, but loosely coupled way. Notifications are also sent when RPs successfully complete execution, and when recovery is initiated, so that the appropriate action is performed by remote parties. We developed a tool that implements CRPs by dynamically instrumenting binaries and transparently injecting notifications in the already established TCP channels between applications. We tested our tool with various applications, including the MySQL and Apache servers, and show that it allows them to successfully recover from errors, while incurring moderate overhead between 4.54% and 71.56%

    A proactive fault tolerance framework for high performance computing (HPC) systems in the cloud

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have been widely used by scientists and researchers in both industry and university laboratories to solve advanced computation problems. Most advanced computation problems are either data-intensive or computation-intensive. They may take hours, days or even weeks to complete execution. For example, some of the traditional HPC systems computations run on 100,000 processors for weeks. Consequently traditional HPC systems often require huge capital investments. As a result, scientists and researchers sometimes have to wait in long queues to access shared, expensive HPC systems. Cloud computing, on the other hand, offers new computing paradigms, capacity, and flexible solutions for both business and HPC applications. Some of the computation-intensive applications that are usually executed in traditional HPC systems can now be executed in the cloud. Cloud computing price model eliminates huge capital investments. However, even for cloud-based HPC systems, fault tolerance is still an issue of growing concern. The large number of virtual machines and electronic components, as well as software complexity and overall system reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS), are factors with which HPC systems in the cloud must contend. The reactive fault tolerance approach of checkpoint/restart, which is commonly used in HPC systems, does not scale well in the cloud due to resource sharing and distributed systems networks. Hence, the need for reliable fault tolerant HPC systems is even greater in a cloud environment. In this thesis we present a proactive fault tolerance approach to HPC systems in the cloud to reduce the wall-clock execution time, as well as dollar cost, in the presence of hardware failure. We have developed a generic fault tolerance algorithm for HPC systems in the cloud. We have further developed a cost model for executing computation-intensive applications on HPC systems in the cloud. Our experimental results obtained from a real cloud execution environment show that the wall-clock execution time and cost of running computation-intensive applications in the cloud can be considerably reduced compared to checkpoint and redundancy techniques used in traditional HPC systems

    RADIC II : a fault tolerant architecture with flexible dynamic redundancy

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    The demand for computational power has been leading the improvement of the High Performance Computing (HPC) area, generally represented by the use of distributed systems like clusters of computers running parallel applications. In this area, fault tolerance plays an important role in order to provide high availability isolating the application from the faults effects. Performance and availability form an undissociable binomial for some kind of applications. Therefore, the fault tolerant solutions must take into consideration these two constraints when it has been designed. In this dissertation, we present a few side-effects that some fault tolerant solutions may presents when recovering a failed process. These effects may causes degradation of the system, affecting mainly the overall performance and availability. We introduce RADIC-II, a fault tolerant architecture for message passing based on RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers) architecture. RADIC-II keeps as maximum as possible the RADIC features of transparency, decentralization, flexibility and scalability, incorporating a flexible dynamic redundancy feature, allowing to mitigate or to avoid some recovery side-effects.La demanda de computadores más veloces ha provocado el incremento del área de computación de altas prestaciones, generalmente representado por el uso de sistemas distribuidos como los clusters de computadores ejecutando aplicaciones paralelas. En esta área, la tolerancia a fallos juega un papel muy importante a la hora de proveer alta disponibilidad, aislando los efectos causados por los fallos. Prestaciones y disponibilidad componen un binomio indisociable para algunos tipos de aplicaciones. Por eso, las soluciones de tolerancia a fallos deben tener en consideración estas dos restricciones desde el momento de su diseño. En esta disertación, presentamos algunos efectos colaterales que se puede presentar en ciertas soluciones tolerantes a fallos cuando recuperan un proceso fallado. Estos efectos pueden causar una degradación del sistema, afectando las prestaciones y disponibilidad finales. Presentamos RADIC-II, una arquitectura tolerante a fallos para paso de mensajes basada en la arquitectura RADIC (Redundant Array of Distributed Independent Fault Tolerance Controllers). RADIC-II mantiene al máximo posible las características de transparencia, descentralización, flexibilidad y escalabilidad existentes en RADIC, e incorpora una flexible funcionalidad de redundancia dinámica, que permite mitigar o evitar algunos efectos colaterales en la recuperación