1,201 research outputs found

    Use of wavelet-packet transforms to develop an engineering model for multifractal characterization of mutation dynamics in pathological and nonpathological gene sequences

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    This study uses dynamical analysis to examine in a quantitative fashion the information coding mechanism in DNA sequences. This exceeds the simple dichotomy of either modeling the mechanism by comparing DNA sequence walks as Fractal Brownian Motion (fbm) processes. The 2-D mappings of the DNA sequences for this research are from Iterated Function System (IFS) (Also known as the Chaos Game Representation (CGR)) mappings of the DNA sequences. This technique converts a 1-D sequence into a 2-D representation that preserves subsequence structure and provides a visual representation. The second step of this analysis involves the application of Wavelet Packet Transforms, a recently developed technique from the field of signal processing. A multi-fractal model is built by using wavelet transforms to estimate the Hurst exponent, H. The Hurst exponent is a non-parametric measurement of the dynamism of a system. This procedure is used to evaluate gene-coding events in the DNA sequence of cystic fibrosis mutations. The H exponent is calculated for various mutation sites in this gene. The results of this study indicate the presence of anti-persistent, random walks and persistent sub-periods in the sequence. This indicates the hypothesis of a multi-fractal model of DNA information encoding warrants further consideration.;This work examines the model\u27s behavior in both pathological (mutations) and non-pathological (healthy) base pair sequences of the cystic fibrosis gene. These mutations both natural and synthetic were introduced by computer manipulation of the original base pair text files. The results show that disease severity and system information dynamics correlate. These results have implications for genetic engineering as well as in mathematical biology. They suggest that there is scope for more multi-fractal models to be developed

    Fractals and Hidden Symmetries in DNA

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    This paper deals with the digital complex representation of a DNA sequence and the analysis of existing correlations by wavelets. The symbolic DNA sequence is mapped into a nonlinear time series. By studying this time series the existence of fractal shapes and symmetries will be shown. At first step, the indicator matrix enables us to recognize some typical patterns of nucleotide distribution. The DNA sequence, of the influenza virus A (H1N1), is investigated by using the complex representation, together with the corresponding walks on DNA; in particular, it is shown that DNA walks are fractals. Finally, by using the wavelet analysis, the existence of symmetries is proven

    Wavelet Transform-Based Phylogenetic Analysis of Protein Sequences

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    With the acceleration of gene sequencing studies, many biological data emerges. By analyzing these data, it contributes greatly to the studies on understanding the metabolic disorders in the organism and increasing the efficiency of the drugs. For this purpose, it is critical to classify the data in a way that is accurate, fast and low-cost according to its characteristics and relationships. Besides experimental methods, machine learning and bioinformatics methods are used. Artificial neural networks, support vector machines, flexible calculation methods are frequently used methods. However, the effectiveness of these methods on biosecence data depends on the method of using the method with the most appropriate parameters and converting protein sequences into numerical sequences. When the sequences are transformed with amino acid frequencies, the properties of amino acids are ignored. For this purpose, handling the physicochemical (hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity ...) properties of amino acids increases the performance of classification techniques. The phylogenetic tree is the best method to visualize the classification among species. In the project, the wavelet transform used in the analysis of digital signals has been adapted to protein sequences defined by hydrophobicity values. Each protein sequence was defined to correspond to a signal, the wavelet transform was divided into approach and detail components, and the similarities between them were calculated, and the phylogenetic tree of the species was created. As an application, phylogenetic trees of ND5 protein sequences of 22 species were created in the MatlabR2017 program of NeighborJoining (NJ) and Unweighed Pair Group Method of Aritmetic Averages (UPGMA) methods

    Multifractal Characterization of Protein Contact Networks

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    The multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of time series is able to reveal the presence of long-range correlations and, at the same time, to characterize the self-similarity of the series. The rich information derivable from the characteristic exponents and the multifractal spectrum can be further analyzed to discover important insights about the underlying dynamical process. In this paper, we employ multifractal analysis techniques in the study of protein contact networks. To this end, initially a network is mapped to three different time series, each of which is generated by a stationary unbiased random walk. To capture the peculiarities of the networks at different levels, we accordingly consider three observables at each vertex: the degree, the clustering coefficient, and the closeness centrality. To compare the results with suitable references, we consider also instances of three well-known network models and two typical time series with pure monofractal and multifractal properties. The first result of notable interest is that time series associated to proteins contact networks exhibit long-range correlations (strong persistence), which are consistent with signals in-between the typical monofractal and multifractal behavior. Successively, a suitable embedding of the multifractal spectra allows to focus on ensemble properties, which in turn gives us the possibility to make further observations regarding the considered networks. In particular, we highlight the different role that small and large fluctuations of the considered observables play in the characterization of the network topology

    Fractals in the Nervous System: conceptual Implications for Theoretical Neuroscience

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    This essay is presented with two principal objectives in mind: first, to document the prevalence of fractals at all levels of the nervous system, giving credence to the notion of their functional relevance; and second, to draw attention to the as yet still unresolved issues of the detailed relationships among power law scaling, self-similarity, and self-organized criticality. As regards criticality, I will document that it has become a pivotal reference point in Neurodynamics. Furthermore, I will emphasize the not yet fully appreciated significance of allometric control processes. For dynamic fractals, I will assemble reasons for attributing to them the capacity to adapt task execution to contextual changes across a range of scales. The final Section consists of general reflections on the implications of the reviewed data, and identifies what appear to be issues of fundamental importance for future research in the rapidly evolving topic of this review

    Quantumlike Chaos in the Frequency Distributions of the Bases A, C, G, T in Drosophila DNA

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    Continuous periodogram power spectral analyses of fractal fluctuations of frequency distributions of bases A, C, G, T in Drosophila DNA show that the power spectra follow the universal inverse power-law form of the statistical normal distribution. Inverse power-law form for power spectra of space-time fluctuations is generic to dynamical systems in nature and is identified as self-organized criticality. The author has developed a general systems theory, which provides universal quantification for observed self-organized criticality in terms of the statistical normal distribution. The long-range correlations intrinsic to self-organized criticality in macro-scale dynamical systems are a signature of quantumlike chaos. The fractal fluctuations self-organize to form an overall logarithmic spiral trajectory with the quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for the internal structure. Power spectral analysis resolves such a spiral trajectory as an eddy continuum with embedded dominant wavebands. The dominant peak periodicities are functions of the golden mean. The observed fractal frequency distributions of the Drosophila DNA base sequences exhibit quasicrystalline structure with long-range spatial correlations or self-organized criticality. Modification of the DNA base sequence structure at any location may have significant noticeable effects on the function of the DNA molecule as a whole. The presence of non-coding introns may not be redundant, but serve to organize the effective functioning of the coding exons in the DNA molecule as a complete unit.Comment: 46 pages, 9 figure

    Characterisation of the Physical Chemical Processes Using the Fractal and Harmonic Analysis

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    Existuje mnoho různých způsobů jak analyzovat disperzní systémy a fyzikálně chemické processy ke kterým v takových systémech dochází. Tato práce byla zaměřena na charakterizaci těchto procesů pomocí metod harmonické fraktální analýzy. Obrazová data sledovaných systémů byly analyzovány pomocí waveletové analýzy. V průběhu práce byly navrženy různé optimalizace samotné analýzy, převážně zaměřené na odstranění manuálních operací během analýzy a tyto optimalizace byly také inkorporovány do softérového vybavení pro Harmonickou Fraktální Analýzu HarFA, který je vyvíjen na Fakultě chemické, VUT Brno.There are many different ways to characterize the dispersed systems and processes occuring in such systems. This work focuses on use of Fractal properties of such systems to describe the physical and chemical processes occuring in such systems. The Fractal properties are calculated from the image data of the systems under the observation using the Wavelet analysis. Since the Harmonic Fractal Analysis can be relatively easily automated, the work also focuses on algorithmisation of the analysis and the removal all manual steps from the process. The automation have been performed by incorporating all the findings into the software for Harmonic Fractal Analysis HarFA developed at the Faculty of Chemistry, BUT.

    Hierarchical structure of cascade of primary and secondary periodicities in Fourier power spectrum of alphoid higher order repeats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of approximate tandem repeats is an important task of broad significance and still remains a challenging problem of computational genomics. Often there is no single best approach to periodicity detection and a combination of different methods may improve the prediction accuracy. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) has been extensively used to study primary periodicities in DNA sequences. Here we investigate the application of DFT method to identify and study alphoid higher order repeats.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used method based on DFT with mapping of symbolic into numerical sequence to identify and study alphoid higher order repeats (HOR). For HORs the power spectrum shows equidistant frequency pattern, with characteristic two-level hierarchical organization as signature of HOR. Our case study was the 16 mer HOR tandem in AC017075.8 from human chromosome 7. Very long array of equidistant peaks at multiple frequencies (more than a thousand higher harmonics) is based on fundamental frequency of 16 mer HOR. Pronounced subset of equidistant peaks is based on multiples of the fundamental HOR frequency (multiplication factor <it>n </it>for <it>n</it>mer) and higher harmonics. In general, <it>n</it>mer HOR-pattern contains equidistant secondary periodicity peaks, having a pronounced subset of equidistant primary periodicity peaks. This hierarchical pattern as signature for HOR detection is robust with respect to monomer insertions and deletions, random sequence insertions etc. For a monomeric alphoid sequence only primary periodicity peaks are present. The 1/<it>f</it><sup><it>β </it></sup>– noise and periodicity three pattern are missing from power spectra in alphoid regions, in accordance with expectations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>DFT provides a robust detection method for higher order periodicity. Easily recognizable HOR power spectrum is characterized by hierarchical two-level equidistant pattern: higher harmonics of the fundamental HOR-frequency (secondary periodicity) and a subset of pronounced peaks corresponding to constituent monomers (primary periodicity). The number of lower frequency peaks (secondary periodicity) below the frequency of the first primary periodicity peak reveals the size of <it>n</it>mer HOR, i.e., the number <it>n </it>of monomers contained in consensus HOR.</p

    Essays on the nonlinear and nonstochastic nature of stock market data

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    The nature and structure of stock-market price dynamics is an area of ongoing and rigourous scientific debate. For almost three decades, most emphasis has been given on upholding the concepts of Market Efficiency and rational investment behaviour. Such an approach has favoured the development of numerous linear and nonlinear models mainly of stochastic foundations. Advances in mathematics have shown that nonlinear deterministic processes i.e. "chaos" can produce sequences that appear random to linear statistical techniques. Till recently, investment finance has been a science based on linearity and stochasticity. Hence it is important that studies of Market Efficiency include investigations of chaotic determinism and power laws. As far as chaos is concerned, there are rather mixed or inconclusive research results, prone with controversy. This inconclusiveness is attributed to two things: the nature of stock market time series, which are highly volatile and contaminated with a substantial amount of noise of largely unknown structure, and the lack of appropriate robust statistical testing procedures. In order to overcome such difficulties, within this thesis it is shown empirically and for the first time how one can combine novel techniques from recent chaotic and signal analysis literature, under a univariate time series analysis framework. Three basic methodologies are investigated: Recurrence analysis, Surrogate Data and Wavelet transforms. Recurrence Analysis is used to reveal qualitative and quantitative evidence of nonlinearity and nonstochasticity for a number of stock markets. It is then demonstrated how Surrogate Data, under a statistical hypothesis testing framework, can be simulated to provide similar evidence. Finally, it is shown how wavelet transforms can be applied in order to reveal various salient features of the market data and provide a platform for nonparametric regression and denoising. The results indicate that without the invocation of any parametric model-based assumptions, one can easily deduce that there is more to linearity and stochastic randomness in the data. Moreover, substantial evidence of recurrent patterns and aperiodicities is discovered which can be attributed to chaotic dynamics. These results are therefore very consistent with existing research indicating some types of nonlinear dependence in financial data. Concluding, the value of this thesis lies in its contribution to the overall evidence on Market Efficiency and chaotic determinism in financial markets. The main implication here is that the theory of equilibrium pricing in financial markets may need reconsideration in order to accommodate for the structures revealed