21 research outputs found

    A versatile and reconfigurable microassembly workstation

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    In this paper, a versatile and reconfigurable microassembly workstation designed and realized as a research tool for investigation of the problems in microassembly and micromanipulation processes and recent developments on mechanical and control structure of the system with respect to the previous workstation are presented. These developments include: (i) addition of a manipulator system to realize more complicated assembly and manipulation tasks, (ii) addition of extra DOF for the vision system and sample holder stages in order to make the system more versatile (iii) a new optical microscope as the vision system in order to visualize the microworld and determine the position and orientation of micro components to be assembled or manipulated, (iv) a modular control system hardware which allows handling more DOF. In addition several experiments using the workstation are presented in different modes of operation like tele-operated, semiautomated and fully automated by means of visual based schemes

    A Workstation for microassembly

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    In this paper, an open-architecture, reconfigurable microassembly workstation for efficient and reliable assembly of micromachined parts is presented. The workstation is designed to be used as a research tool for investigation of the problems in microassembly. The development of such a workstation includes the design of: (i) a manipulation system consisting of motion stages providing necessary travel range and precision for the realization of assembly tasks, (ii) a vision system to visualize the microworld and the determination of the position and orientation of micro components to be assembled, (iii) a robust control system and necessary mounts for the end effectors in such a way that according to the task to be realized, the manipulation tools can be easily changed and the system will be ready for the predefined task. In addition tele-operated and semi-automated assembly concepts are implemented. The design is verified by implementing the range of the tasks in micro-parts manipulation. The versatility of the workstation is demonstrated and high accuracy of positioning is sho

    Çok Yönlü ve Tekrar Yapılandırılabilir Mikro Montaj İş İstasyonu

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    Bu makalede, mikro montaj ve mikro manipülasyon süreçlerindeki sorunların incelenmesi amacıyla bir araştırma aracı olarak tasarlanan ve geliştirilen çok yönlü ve tekrar yapılandırılabilir mikro montaj iş istasyonu ve yine aynı grup tarafından geliştirilen bir önceki sistem üzerinde mekanik ve denetim yapıları açısından yapılan geliştirmeler sunulmaktadır. Bu geliştirmeler; (i) daha karmaşık montaj ve manipülasyon işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için ek bir manipülatör modülünün eklenmesi, (ii) sistemi daha yetenekli kılabilmek için görü sistemi ve numune taşıyıcı platformlarına ek hareket serbestlik derecesi eklenmesi (iii) mikro dünyanın görüntülenmesi ve montajı yapılacak veya manipüle edilecek parçaların konum ve yönelimlerinin belirlenebilmesi amacıyla görü sistemi olarak yeni bir optik mikroskobun eklenmesi (iv) daha fazla serbestlik derecesinin denetimini sağlayabilmek amacıyla varolan sistemin daha modüler bir denetim sistemi donanımı ile değiştirilmesi gibi unsurları içermektedir. Ayrıca sistemde kumandalı, yarı otomatik ve görü bazlı yöntemler aracılığı ile tamamen otomatik çalışma modlarında yapılan deney sonuçları da sunulmaktadır

    Mikro montaj İş İstasyonu

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    Bu makalede, mikro boyuttaki komponentlerin verimli ve güvenilir montajı için açık-mimarili, tekrar yapılandırılabilir bir mikromontaj iş istasyonu sunulmaktadır. Bu iş istasyonu mikro dünyadaki problemlerin çözümlendirilmesine yardımcı olmak amacıyla bir araştırma aracı olarak tasarlanmıştır. Böyle bir iş istasyonunun geliştirilmesi aşağıdaki alt sistemlerin tasarımını içermektedir: (i) montaj görevlerininin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için yeterli hareket menzilini ve hassasiyeti sağlayabilecek hareket platformlarından oluşan bir manipülatör sistemi, (ii) mikro dünyanın görselleştirilmesini ve montajı yapılacak olan mikro parçaların konum ve yönelimlerini belirleyebilmek için bir görü sistemi, (iii) dayanıklı bir denetleme sistemi ve bunlara ek olarak manipülasyon araçlarının kolayca değişmesine olanak sağlayan ve sistemin önceden belirlenmiş göreve hazır hale getirilmesine yardımcı olacak uç takımlar için gerekli fikstürler. Ayrıca sistemde kumandalı ve yarı otomatik montaj uygulamaları da gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tasarım mikro parça manipülasyonu içeren çeşitli uygulamalar yapılarak test edilmiştir. İş istasyonunun çok yönlülüğü ve yüksek doğrulukta konumlama yeteneği yapılan deneylerle gösterilmiştir

    Robust trajectory tracking and visual servoing schemes for MEMS manipulation.

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the automation of manipulation and assembly of microcomponents using visual feedback controls. Trajectory planning and tracking methods are proposed in order to avoid occlusions during microparts manipulation and to increase the success rate of pick-and-place manipulation cycles. The methods proposed are validated using a five degree-of-freedom (DOF) microrobotic cell including a 3 DOF mobile platform, a 2 DOF micromanipulator, a gripping system and a top-view imaging system. Promising results on accuracy and repeatability of microballs manipulation tasks are obtained and presented


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    Microassembly for complex and solid 3D MEMS by 3D Vision-based control.

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    International audienceThis paper describes the vision-based methods developed for assembly of complex and solid 3D MEMS (micro electromechanical systems) structures. The microassembly process is based on sequential robotic operations such as planar positioning, gripping, orientation in space and insertion tasks. Each of these microassembly tasks is performed using a posebased visual control. To be able to control the microassembly process, a 3D model-based tracker is used. This tracker able to directly provides the 3D micro-object pose at real-time and from only a single view of the scene. The methods proposed in this paper are validated by an automatic assembly of fives silicon microparts of 400 µm 400 µm 100 µm on 3- levels. The insertion tolerance (mechanical play) is estimated to 3 µm. The weakness of this insertion tolerance allows to obtain solid and complex micro electromechanical structures without any external joining (glue, wending). Promising positioning and orientation accuracies are obtained who can reach 0.3 µm in position and 0.2° in orientation

    Measurement of Z-Directional Individual Fibre-Fibre Bond Strength and Microfibril Angle Using Microrobotics

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    The use of microrobotics in high throughput and precise characterization of objects at microscale has been noticeably increased during recent years. Microrobotics has provided a significant added value to multiple realms e.g. biomedical research, bio-based industry, microassembly of miniature products, etc. Recently, the use of microrobotic technology in paper industry has been also commenced for measuring properties at the single fibre level. There is a large interest in the measurement of different loading modes of individual fibre-fibre bonds in pulp and paper/board industry. Among the four different modes of loading, it would be desirable for papermaking companies and paper converting companies to obtain the Z-directional strength of pulp and paper. Indeed, the Z-directional properties affect compressive properties, and accordingly the performance of structural paperboard products. Several methods have been developed to measure the Z-directional strength at a handsheet level; however, there is not any reported device capable of the Z-directional fibre-fibre bond strength measurement at a fibre level. This thesis work presents a novel method for the experimental evaluation of the Z-directional bond strength using microrobotics and a Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film microforce sensor. Due to the special dynamics of PVDF microforce sensors, the effect of the deformation rate on the performance of the sensor is studied. The Z-directional fibre-fibre bond strength experiments have been performed successfully for unrefined and refined bleached softwood Kraft pulp fibres. Besides, paper scientists are interested in microfibril angle changes during and after application of the Z-directional force. Indeed, there is interest in simultaneous measurement of microfibril angle and mechanical properties such as Z-directional bond strength. To address this need, a microfibril angle measurements system based on microscopic transmission ellipsometry is developed and integrated to the microrobotic platform. The results from both Z-directional bond strength and microfibril angle measurement are promising. In summary, the first concept for simultaneous measurement of microfibril angle and mechanical properties such as Z-directional bond strength at the individual fibre level is developed during this thesis work which has a high practical impact on the fibre characterization research field

    Design and realization of a microassembly workstation

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    With the miniaturization of products to the levels of micrometers and the recent developments in microsystem fabrication technologies, there is a great need for an assembly process for the formation of complex hybrid microsystems. Integration of microcomponents made up of different materials and manufactured using different micro fabrication techniques is still a primary challenge since some of the fundamental problems originating from the small size of parts to be manipulated, high precision necessity and specific problems of the microworld in that field are still not fully investigated. In this thesis, design and development of an open-architecture and reconfigurable microassembly workstation for efficient and reliable assembly of micromachined parts is presented. The workstation is designed to be used as a research tool for investigation of the problems in microassembly. The development of such a workstation includes the design of: (i) a manipulation system consisting of motion stages providing necessary travel range and precision for the realization of assembly tasks, (ii) a vision system to visualize the microworld and the determination of the position and orientation of micro components to be assembled, (iii) a robust control system and necessary fixtures for the end effectors that allow easy change of manipulation tools and make the system ready for the desired task. In addition tele-operated and semi-automated assembly concepts are implemented. The design is verified by implementing tasks in various ranges for micro-parts manipulation. The versatility of the workstation is demonstrated and high accuracy of positioning is shown