12 research outputs found

    A Survey on Compiler Autotuning using Machine Learning

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    Since the mid-1990s, researchers have been trying to use machine-learning based approaches to solve a number of different compiler optimization problems. These techniques primarily enhance the quality of the obtained results and, more importantly, make it feasible to tackle two main compiler optimization problems: optimization selection (choosing which optimizations to apply) and phase-ordering (choosing the order of applying optimizations). The compiler optimization space continues to grow due to the advancement of applications, increasing number of compiler optimizations, and new target architectures. Generic optimization passes in compilers cannot fully leverage newly introduced optimizations and, therefore, cannot keep up with the pace of increasing options. This survey summarizes and classifies the recent advances in using machine learning for the compiler optimization field, particularly on the two major problems of (1) selecting the best optimizations and (2) the phase-ordering of optimizations. The survey highlights the approaches taken so far, the obtained results, the fine-grain classification among different approaches and finally, the influential papers of the field.Comment: version 5.0 (updated on September 2018)- Preprint Version For our Accepted Journal @ ACM CSUR 2018 (42 pages) - This survey will be updated quarterly here (Send me your new published papers to be added in the subsequent version) History: Received November 2016; Revised August 2017; Revised February 2018; Accepted March 2018

    Identifying Compiler Options to Minimise Energy Consumption for Embedded Platforms

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    This paper presents an analysis of the energy consumption of an extensive number of the optimisations a modern compiler can perform. Using GCC as a test case, we evaluate a set of ten carefully selected benchmarks for five different embedded platforms. A fractional factorial design is used to systematically explore the large optimisation space (2^82 possible combinations), whilst still accurately determining the effects of optimisations and optimisation combinations. Hardware power measurements on each platform are taken to ensure all architectural effects on the energy consumption are captured. We show that fractional factorial design can find more optimal combinations than relying on built in compiler settings. We explore the relationship between run-time and energy consumption, and identify scenarios where they are and are not correlated. A further conclusion of this study is the structure of the benchmark has a larger effect than the hardware architecture on whether the optimisation will be effective, and that no single optimisation is universally beneficial for execution time or energy consumption.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    A methodology for speeding up loop kernels by exploiting the software information and the memory architecture

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    It is well-known that today׳s compilers and state of the art libraries have three major drawbacks. First, the compiler sub-problems are optimized separately; this is not efficient because the separate sub-problems optimization gives a different schedule for each sub-problem and these schedules cannot coexist as the refining of one, causes the degradation of another. Second, they take into account only part of the specific algorithm׳s information. Third, they take into account only a few hardware architecture parameters. These approaches cannot give an optimal solution. In this paper, a new methodology/pre-compiler is introduced, which speeds up loop kernels, by overcoming the above problems. This methodology solves four of the major scheduling sub-problems, together as one problem and not separately; these are the sub-problems of finding the schedules with the minimum numbers of (i) L1 data cache accesses, (ii) L2 data cache accesses, (iii) main memory data accesses, (iv) addressing instructions. First, the exploration space (possible solutions) is found according to the algorithm׳s information, e.g. array subscripts. Then, the exploration space is decreased by orders of magnitude, by applying constraint propagation to the software and hardware parameters. We take the C-code and the memory architecture parameters as input and we automatically produce a new faster C-code; this code cannot be obtained by applying the existing compiler transformations to the original code. The proposed methodology has been evaluated for five well-known algorithms in both general and embedded processors; it is compared with gcc and clang compilers and also with iterative compilation

    Assessing the Effect of Data Transformations on Test Suite Compilation

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    Le tuilage mono-paramétrique est une transformation polyédrique

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    Tiling is a crucial program transformation with many benefits: it improves locality, exposes parallelism, allows for adjusting the ops-to-bytes balance of codes, and can be applied at multiple levels. Allowing tile sizes to be symbolic parameters at compile time has many benefits, including efficient autotuning, and run-time adaptability to system variations. For polyhedral programs, parametric tiling in its full generality is known to be non-linear, breaking the mathematical closure properties of the polyhedral model. Most compilation tools therefore either avoid it by only performing fixed size tiling, or apply it in only the final, code generation step. Both strategies have limitations. We first introduce mono-parametric partitioning, a restricted parametric, tiling-like transformation which can be used to express a tiling. We show that, despite being parametric, it is a polyhedral transformation. We first prove that applying mono-parametric partitioning (i) to a polyhedron yields a union of polyhedra, and (ii) to an affine function produces a piecewise-affine function. We then use these properties to show how to partition an entire polyhedral program, including one with reductions. Next, we generalize this transformation to tiles with arbitrary tile shapes that can tesselate the iteration space (e.g., hexagonal, trapezoidal, etc). We show how mono-parametric tiling can be applied at multiple levels, and enables a wide range of polyhedral analysis and transformations to be applied

    Inductive Logic Programming for Compiler Tuning

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    Reducing the cost of heuristic generation with machine learning

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    The space of compile-time transformations and or run-time options which can improve the performance of a given code is usually so large as to be virtually impossible to search in any practical time-frame. Thus, heuristics are leveraged which can suggest good but not necessarily best configurations. Unfortunately, since such heuristics are tightly coupled to processor architecture performance is not portable; heuristics must be tuned, traditionally manually, for each device in turn. This is extremely laborious and the result is often outdated heuristics and less effective optimisation. Ideally, to keep up with changes in hardware and run-time environments a fast and automated method to generate heuristics is needed. Recent works have shown that machine learning can be used to produce mathematical models or rules in their place, which is automated but not necessarily fast. This thesis proposes the use of active machine learning, sequential analysis, and active feature acquisition to accelerate the training process in an automatic way, thereby tackling this timely and substantive issue. First, a demonstration of the efficiency of active learning over the previously standard supervised machine learning technique is presented in the form of an ensemble algorithm. This algorithm learns a model capable of predicting the best processing device in a heterogeneous system to use per workload size, per kernel. Active machine learning is a methodology which is sensitive to the cost of training; specifically, it is able to reduce the time taken to construct a model by predicting how much is expected to be learnt from each new training instance and then only choosing to learn from those most profitable examples. The exemplar heuristic is constructed on average 4x faster than a baseline approach, whilst maintaining comparable quality. Next, a combination of active learning and sequential analysis is presented which reduces both the number of samples per training example as well as the number of training examples overall. This allows for the creation of models based on noisy information, sacrificing accuracy per training instance for speed, without having a significant affect on the quality of the final product. In particular, the runtime of high-performance compute kernels is predicted from code transformations one may want to apply using a heuristic which was generated up to 26x faster than with active learning alone. Finally, preliminary work demonstrates that an automated system can be created which optimises both the number of training examples as well as which features to select during training to further substantially accelerate learning, in cases where each feature value that is revealed comes at some cost

    Machine learning based mapping of data and streaming parallelism to multi-cores

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    Multi-core processors are now ubiquitous and are widely seen as the most viable means of delivering performance with increasing transistor densities. However, this potential can only be realised if the application programs are suitably parallel. Applications can either be written in parallel from scratch or converted from existing sequential programs. Regardless of how applications are parallelised, the code must be efficiently mapped onto the underlying platform to fully exploit the hardware’s potential. This thesis addresses the problem of finding the best mappings of data and streaming parallelism—two types of parallelism that exist in broad and important domains such as scientific, signal processing and media applications. Despite significant progress having been made over the past few decades, state-of-the-art mapping approaches still largely rely upon hand-crafted, architecture-specific heuristics. Developing a heuristic by hand, however, often requiresmonths of development time. Asmulticore designs become increasingly diverse and complex, manually tuning a heuristic for a wide range of architectures is no longer feasible. What are needed are innovative techniques that can automatically scale with advances in multi-core technologies. In this thesis two distinct areas of computer science, namely parallel compiler design and machine learning, are brought together to develop new compiler-based mapping techniques. Using machine learning, it is possible to automatically build highquality mapping schemes, which adapt to evolving architectures, with little human involvement. First, two techniques are proposed to find the best mapping of data parallelism. The first technique predicts whether parallel execution of a data parallel candidate is profitable on the underlying architecture. On a typical multi-core platform, it achieves almost the same (and sometimes a better) level of performance when compared to the manually parallelised code developed by independent experts. For a profitable candidate, the second technique predicts how many threads should be used to execute the candidate across different program inputs. The second technique achieves, on average, over 96% of the maximum available performance on two different multi-core platforms. Next, a new approach is developed for partitioning stream applications. This approach predicts the ideal partitioning structure for a given stream application. Based on the prediction, a compiler can rapidly search the program space (without executing any code) to generate a good partition. It achieves, on average, a 1.90x speedup over the already tuned partitioning scheme of a state-of-the-art streaming compiler

    Enabling aggressive compiler optimization for the mobile environment

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    Aggressive code optimization on the mobile environment is a difficult endeavor. Billions of users rely on mobile devices for their daily computing tasks. Yet, they mostly run poorly optimized code, under-utilizing their already limited processing and energy resources. Existing optimization approaches, like iterative compilation, perform well in other domains but fall short on the mobile environment. They either rely on representative inputs that are hard to reconstruct, or expose users to slowdowns and crashes. An ideal solution must be able to perform an optimization search by repeatedly evaluating different optimization decisions on the same input. That input should be representative of actual user usage without requiring developers to artificially create it. Finally, users should never be exposed to slow or crashing evaluations, a quite common side-effect of iterative compilation. This thesis presents a novel approach with all above in mind, bringing aggressive code optimization to the mobile environment. With a transparent capture mechanism, real user inputs can be stored. This mechanism is infrequently invoked and remains unnoticeable from the users. A single capture is enough to enable offline, input-driven code optimization. It supports C functions as well as code regions of interactive Android applications. It allows controlling the timing and frequency of captures, it bails out on imminent high-impact runtime events, and excludes from captures some immutable data. A replay-based evaluation mechanism is able to repeatedly restore a captured input while changing the underlying code. For C programs, it employs compile and link-time strategies to consistently work despite code transformations. For Android apps, a novel mechanism was developed, able to replay using different code types. These are the original Android-compiled code, interpretation, and LLVM-generated code. Additionally, it works well even in the presence of memory-shuffling security mechanisms. Capture and replay is fused into an iterative compilation system that uses offline, replay-based evaluations. Initially, real inputs are captured online, without noticeably affecting the users. For C and interactive apps, captures required on average 2ms and 15ms respectively. Then, an optimization search is performed by repeatedly replaying the inputs using different code transformations. As this happens offline, any crashing or erroneous executions are not affecting the users. C programs became 29% faster using a random search, while interactive apps became 44% faster using a genetic algorithm and a novel Android backend based on LLVM. Finally, with crowd-sourcing, the offline evaluation effort was significantly accelerated. Specifically, for the user with the highest workload the search accelerated by 7 times