64 research outputs found

    Personalized Ambience: An Integration of Learning Model and Intelligent Lighting Control

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    The number of households and offices adopting automation system is on the rise. Although devices and actuators can be controlled through wireless transmission, they are mostly static with preset schedules, or at different times it requires human intervention. This paper presents a smart ambience system that analyzes the user’s lighting habits, taking into account different environmental context variables and user needs in order to automatically learn about the user’s preferences and automate the room ambience dynamically. Context information is obtained from Yahoo Weather and environmental data pertaining to the room is collected via Cubesensors to study the user’s lighting habits. We employs a learning model known as the Reduced Error Prune Tree (REPTree) to analyze the users’ preferences, and subsequently predicts the preferred lighting condition to be actuated in real time through Philips Hue. The system is able to ensure the user’s comfort at all time by performing a closed feedback control loop which checks and maintains a suitable lighting ambience at optimal level

    Measurement of body temperature and heart rate for the development of healthcare system using IOT platform

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    Health can be define as a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity according to the World Health Organization (WHO) [1]. Having a healthy body is the greatest blessing of life, hence healthcare is required to maintain or improve the health since the healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health through the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of injury, disease, illness, and other mental and physical impairments in human beings. The novel paradigm of Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform modern healthcare and improve the well-being of entire society [2]. IoT is a concept aims to connec

    Метод кластеризації даних на основі дерев розв’язків

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    Досліджено застосування дерев розв’язків для розв’язання завдання кластерного аналізу. Розроблено метод кластерного аналізу, що дозволяє виконувати розбиття простору екземплярів на кластери, при використанні якого відсутня необхідність задання інформації про кількість кластерів та їх форму, що суттєво розширює можливість його застосування на практиці. Проведено експерименти з розв’язання завдань кластер-аналізу з використанням запропонованого методу.Исследовано применение деревьев решений для задачи кластерного анализа. Разработан метод кластерного анализа, позволяющий выполнять разбиение пространства экземпляров на кластеры, при использовании которого отсутствует необходимость задания информации о количестве кластеров и их форме, что существенно расширяет возможности его применения на практике. Проведены эксперименты по решению задач кластер-анализа с использованием предложенного метода.The usage of decision trees for the problem of cluster analysis is investigated. The method of cluster analysis that allows the partition of instances into clusters, using which there is no need to specify information about the number of clusters and their shape that significantly expands possibilities of its usage in practice, is developed. The experiments for solving the cluster analysis problems using the proposed method are made

    Comparative Analysis of Spatial Decision Tree Algorithms for Burned Area of Peatland in Rokan Hilir Riau

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     Over one-year period (March 2013 – March 2014), 58 percent of all detected hotspots in Indonesia are found in Riau Province. According to the data, Rokan Hilir shared the greatest number of hotspots, about 75% hotspots alert occur in peatland areas. This study applied spatial decision tree algorithms to classify classes before burned, burned, and after burned from remote sensed data of peatland area in Kubu and Pasir Limau Kapas subdistrict, Rokan Hilir, Riau. The decision tree algorithm based on spatial autocorrelation is applied by involving Neigborhood Split Autocorrelation Ratio (NSAR) to the information gain of CART algorithm. This spatial decision tree classification method is compared to the conventional decision tree algorithms, namely, Classification and Regression Trees (CART),  C5.0, and C4.5 algorithm. The experimental results showed that the C5.0 algorithm generate the most accurate classifier with the accuracy of  99.79%. The implementation of spatial decision tree algorithm succesfuly improve the accuracy of CART algorithm

    A Comparative Study of Text Classification Methods: An Experimental Approach

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    Text classification is the process in which text document is assigned to one or more predefined categories based on the contents of document. This paper focuses on experimentation of our implementation of three popular machine learning algorithms and their performance comparative evaluation on sample English Text document categorization. Three well known classifiers namely Naïve Bayes (NB), Centroid Based (CB) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) were implemented and tested on same dataset R-52 chosen from Reuters-21578 corpus. For performance evaluation classical metrics like precision, recall and micro and macro F1-measures were used. For statistical comparison of the three classifiers Randomized Block Design method with T-test was applied. The experimental result exhibited that Centroid based classifier out performed with 97% Micro F1 measure. NB and KNN also produce satisfactory performance on the test dataset, with 91% Micro F1 measure and 89% Micro F1 measure respectively