28 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach to the unsupervised segmentation of mitochondria in subcellular electron microscopy data

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    Recent advances in cellular and subcellular microscopy demonstrated its potential towards unravelling the mechanisms of various diseases at the molecular level. The biggest challenge in both human- and computer-based visual analysis of micrographs is the variety of nanostructures and mitochondrial morphologies. The state-of-the-art is, however, dominated by supervised manual data annotation and early attempts to automate the segmentation process were based on supervised machine learning techniques which require large datasets for training. Given a minimal number of training sequences or none at all, unsupervised machine learning formulations, such as spectral dimensionality reduction, are known to be superior in detecting salient image structures. This thesis presents three major contributions developed around the spectral clustering framework which is proven to capture perceptual organization features. Firstly, we approach the problem of mitochondria localization. We propose a novel grouping method for the extracted line segments which describes the normal mitochondrial morphology. Experimental findings show that the clusters obtained successfully model the inner mitochondrial membrane folding and therefore can be used as markers for the subsequent segmentation approaches. Secondly, we developed an unsupervised mitochondria segmentation framework. This method follows the evolutional ability of human vision to extrapolate salient membrane structures in a micrograph. Furthermore, we designed robust non-parametric similarity models according to Gestaltic laws of visual segregation. Experiments demonstrate that such models automatically adapt to the statistical structure of the biological domain and return optimal performance in pixel classification tasks under the wide variety of distributional assumptions. The last major contribution addresses the computational complexity of spectral clustering. Here, we introduced a new anticorrelation-based spectral clustering formulation with the objective to improve both: speed and quality of segmentation. The experimental findings showed the applicability of our dimensionality reduction algorithm to very large scale problems as well as asymmetric, dense and non-Euclidean datasets

    Stochastic Methods for Fine-Grained Image Segmentation and Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision

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    In this dissertation, we exploit concepts of probability theory, stochastic methods and machine learning to address three existing limitations of deep learning-based models for image understanding. First, although convolutional neural networks (CNN) have substantially improved the state of the art in image understanding, conventional CNNs provide segmentation masks that poorly adhere to object boundaries, a critical limitation for many potential applications. Second, training deep learning models requires large amounts of carefully selected and annotated data, but large-scale annotation of image segmentation datasets is often prohibitively expensive. And third, conventional deep learning models also lack the capability of uncertainty estimation, which compromises both decision making and model interpretability. To address these limitations, we introduce the Region Growing Refinement (RGR) algorithm, an unsupervised post-processing algorithm that exploits Monte Carlo sampling and pixel similarities to propagate high-confidence labels into regions of low-confidence classification. The probabilistic Region Growing Refinement (pRGR) provides RGR with a rigorous mathematical foundation that exploits concepts of Bayesian estimation and variance reduction techniques. Experiments demonstrate both the effectiveness of (p)RGR for the refinement of segmentation predictions, as well as its suitability for uncertainty estimation, since its variance estimates obtained in the Monte Carlo iterations are highly correlated with segmentation accuracy. We also introduce FreeLabel, an intuitive open-source web interface that exploits RGR to allow users to obtain high-quality segmentation masks with just a few freehand scribbles, in a matter of seconds. Designed to benefit the computer vision community, FreeLabel can be used for both crowdsourced or private annotation and has a modular structure that can be easily adapted for any image dataset. The practical relevance of methods developed in this dissertation are illustrated through applications on agricultural and healthcare-related domains. We have combined RGR and modern CNNs for fine segmentation of fruit flowers, motivated by the importance of automated bloom intensity estimation for optimization of fruit orchard management and, possibly, automatizing procedures such as flower thinning and pollination. We also exploited an early version of FreeLabel to annotate novel datasets for segmentation of fruit flowers, which are currently publicly available. Finally, this dissertation also describes works on fine segmentation and gaze estimation for images collected from assisted living environments, with the ultimate goal of assisting geriatricians in evaluating health status of patients in such facilities

    Machine learning in stock indices trading and pairs trading

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    This thesis focuses on two fields of machine learning in quantitative trading. The first field uses machine learning to forecast financial time series (Chapters 2 and 3), and then builds a simple trading strategy based on the forecast results. The second (Chapter 4) applies machine learning to optimize decision-making for pairs trading. In Chapter 2, a hybrid Support Vector Machine (SVM) model is proposed and applied to the task of forecasting the daily returns of five popular stock indices in the world, including the S&P500, NKY, CAC, FTSE100 and DAX. The trading application covers the 1997 Asian financial crisis and 2007-2008 global financial crisis. The originality of this work is that the Binary Gravity Search Algorithm (BGSA) is utilized, in order to optimize the parameters and inputs of SVM. The results show that the forecasts made by this model are significantly better than the Random Walk (RW), SVM, best predictors and Buy-and-Hold. The average accuracy of BGSA-SVM for five stock indices is 52.6%-53.1%. The performance of the BGSA-SVM model is not affected by the market crisis, which shows the robustness of this model. In general, this study proves that a profitable trading strategy based on BGSA-SVM prediction can be realized in a real stock market. Chapter 3 focuses on the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in forecasting stock indices. It applies the Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network to the task of forecasting and trading FTSE100 and INDU indices. The forecasting accuracy and trading performances of MLP, CNN and LSTM are compared under the binary classifications architecture and eight classifications architecture. Then, Chapter 3 combines the forecasts of three ANNs (MLP, CNN and LSTM) by Simple Average, Granger-Ramanathan’s Regression Approach (GRR) and the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO). Finally, this chapter uses different leverage ratios in trading according to the different daily forecasting probability to improve the trading performance. In Chapter 3, the statistical and trading performances are estimated throughout the period 2000-2018. LSTM slightly outperforms MLP and CNN in terms of average accuracy and average annualized returns. The combination methods do not present improved empirical evidence. Trading using different leverage ratios improves the annualized average return, while the volatility increases. Chapter 4 uses five pairs trading strategies to conduct in-sample training and backtesting on 35 commodities in the major commodity markets from 1980 to 2018. The Distance Method (DIM) and the Co-integration Approach (CA) are used for pairs formation. The Simple Thresholds (ST) strategy, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are employed to determine trading actions. Traditional DIM-ST, CA-ST and CA-DIM-ST are used as benchmark models. The GA is used to optimize the trading thresholds in ST strategy, which is called the CA-GA-ST strategy. Chapter 4 proposes a novel DRL structure for determining trading actions, which replaces the ST decision method. This novel DRL structure is then combined with CA and called the CA-DRL trading strategy. The average annualized returns of the traditional DIM-ST, CA-ST and CA-DIM-ST methods are close to zero. CA-GA-ST uses GA to optimize searches for thresholds. GA selects a smaller range of thresholds, which improves the in-sample performance. However, the average out-of-sample performance only improves slightly, with an average annual return of 1.84% but an increased risk. CA-DRL strategy uses CA to select pairs and then employs DRL to trade the pairs, providing a satisfactory trading performance: the average annualized return reaches 12.49%; the Sharpe Ratio reaches 1.853. Thus, the CA-DRL trading strategy is significantly superior to traditional methods and to CA-GA-ST

    Learning by correlation for computer vision applications: from Kernel methods to deep learning

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    Learning to spot analogies and differences within/across visual categories is an arguably powerful approach in machine learning and pattern recognition which is directly inspired by human cognition. In this thesis, we investigate a variety of approaches which are primarily driven by correlation and tackle several computer vision applications

    Design of Machine Learning Algorithms with Applications to Breast Cancer Detection

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    Machine learning is concerned with the design and development of algorithms and techniques that allow computers to 'learn' from experience with respect to some class of tasks and performance measure. One application of machine learning is to improve the accuracy and efficiency of computer-aided diagnosis systems to assist physician, radiologists, cardiologists, neuroscientists, and health-care technologists. This thesis focuses on machine learning and the applications to breast cancer detection. Emphasis is laid on preprocessing of features, pattern classification, and model selection. Before the classification task, feature selection and feature transformation may be performed to reduce the dimensionality of the features and to improve the classification performance. Genetic algorithm (GA) can be employed for feature selection based on different measures of data separability or the estimated risk of a chosen classifier. A separate nonlinear transformation can be performed by applying kernel principal component analysis and kernel partial least squares. Different classifiers are proposed in this work: The SOM-RBF network combines self-organizing maps (SOMs) and radial basis function (RBF) networks, with the RBF centers set as the weight vectors of neurons from the competitive layer of a trained SaM. The pairwise Rayleigh quotient (PRQ) classifier seeks one discriminating boundary by maximizing an unconstrained optimization objective, named as the PRQ criterion, formed with a set of pairwise const~aints instead of individual training samples. The strict 2-surface proximal (S2SP) classifier seeks two proximal planes that are not necessary parallel to fit the distribution of the samples in the original feature space or a kernel-defined feature space, by ma-ximizing two strict optimization objectives with a 'square of sum' optimization factor. Two variations of the support vector data description (SVDD) with negative samples (NSVDD) are proposed by involving different forms of slack vectors, which learn a closed spherically shaped boundary, named as the supervised compact hypersphere (SCH), around a set of samples in the target class. \Ve extend the NSVDDs to solve the multi-class classification problems based on distances between the samples and the centers of the learned SCHs in a kernel-defined feature space, using a combination of linear discriminant analysis and the nearest-neighbor rule. The problem of model selection is studied to pick the best values of the hyperparameters for a parametric classifier. To choose the optimal kernel or regularization parameters of a classifier, we investigate different criteria, such as the validation error estimate and the leave-out-out bound, as well as different optimization methods, such as grid search, gradient descent, and GA. By viewing the tuning problem of the multiple parameters of an 2-norm support vector machine (SVM) as an identification problem of a nonlinear dynamic system, we design a tuning system by employing the extended Kalman filter based on cross validation. Independent kernel optimization based on different measures of data separability are a~so investigated for different kernel-based classifiers. Numerous computer experiments using the benchmark datasets verify the theoretical results, make comparisons among the techniques in measures of classification accuracy or area under the receiver operating characteristics curve. Computational requirements, such as the computing time and the number of hyper-parameters, are also discussed. All of the presented methods are applied to breast cancer detection from fine-needle aspiration and in mammograms, as well as screening of knee-joint vibroarthrographic signals and automatic monitoring of roller bearings with vibration signals. Experimental results demonstrate the excellence of these methods with improved classification performance. For breast cancer detection, instead of only providing a binary diagnostic decision of 'malignant' or 'benign', we propose methods to assign a measure of confidence of malignancy to an individual mass, by calculating probabilities of being benign and malignant with a single classifier or a set of classifiers

    Online Deception Detection Using BDI Agents

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    This research has two facets within separate research areas. The research area of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI) agent capability development was extended. Deception detection research has been advanced with the development of automation using BDI agents. BDI agents performed tasks automatically and autonomously. This study used these characteristics to automate deception detection with limited intervention of human users. This was a useful research area resulting in a capability general enough to have practical application by private individuals, investigators, organizations and others. The need for this research is grounded in the fact that humans are not very effective at detecting deception whether in written or spoken form. This research extends the deception detection capability research in that typical deception detection tools are labor intensive and require extraction of the text in question following ingestion into a deception detection tool. A neural network capability module was incorporated to lend the resulting prototype Machine Learning attributes. The prototype developed as a result of this research was able to classify online data as either deceptive or not deceptive with 85% accuracy. The false discovery rate for deceptive online data entries was 20% while the false discovery rate for not deceptive was 10%. The system showed stability during test runs. No computer crashes or other anomalous system behavior were observed during the testing phase. The prototype successfully interacted with an online data communications server database and processed data using Neural Network input vector generation algorithms within second

    Emotion Recognition for Affective Computing: Computer Vision and Machine Learning Approach

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    The purpose of affective computing is to develop reliable and intelligent models that computers can use to interact more naturally with humans. The critical requirements for such models are that they enable computers to recognise, understand and interpret the emotional states expressed by humans. The emotion recognition has been a research topic of interest for decades, not only in relation to developments in the affective computing field but also due to its other potential applications. A particularly challenging problem that has emerged from this body of work, however, is the task of recognising facial expressions and emotions from still images or videos in real-time. This thesis aimed to solve this challenging problem by developing new techniques involving computer vision, machine learning and different levels of information fusion. Firstly, an efficient and effective algorithm was developed to improve the performance of the Viola-Jones algorithm. The proposed method achieved significantly higher detection accuracy (95%) than the standard Viola-Jones method (90%) in face detection from thermal images, while also doubling the detection speed. Secondly, an automatic subsystem for detecting eyeglasses, Shallow-GlassNet, was proposed to address the facial occlusion problem by designing a shallow convolutional neural network capable of detecting eyeglasses rapidly and accurately. Thirdly, a novel neural network model for decision fusion was proposed in order to make use of multiple classifier systems, which can increase the classification accuracy by up to 10%. Finally, a high-speed approach to emotion recognition from videos, called One-Shot Only (OSO), was developed based on a novel spatio-temporal data fusion method for representing video frames. The OSO method tackled video classification as a single image classification problem, which not only made it extremely fast but also reduced the overfitting problem

    Artificial Intelligence Tools for Facial Expression Analysis.

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    Inner emotions show visibly upon the human face and are understood as a basic guide to an individual’s inner world. It is, therefore, possible to determine a person’s attitudes and the effects of others’ behaviour on their deeper feelings through examining facial expressions. In real world applications, machines that interact with people need strong facial expression recognition. This recognition is seen to hold advantages for varied applications in affective computing, advanced human-computer interaction, security, stress and depression analysis, robotic systems, and machine learning. This thesis starts by proposing a benchmark of dynamic versus static methods for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. AU activation is a set of local individual facial muscle parts that occur in unison constituting a natural facial expression event. Detecting AUs automatically can provide explicit benefits since it considers both static and dynamic facial features. For this research, AU occurrence activation detection was conducted by extracting features (static and dynamic) of both nominal hand-crafted and deep learning representation from each static image of a video. This confirmed the superior ability of a pretrained model that leaps in performance. Next, temporal modelling was investigated to detect the underlying temporal variation phases using supervised and unsupervised methods from dynamic sequences. During these processes, the importance of stacking dynamic on top of static was discovered in encoding deep features for learning temporal information when combining the spatial and temporal schemes simultaneously. Also, this study found that fusing both temporal and temporal features will give more long term temporal pattern information. Moreover, we hypothesised that using an unsupervised method would enable the leaching of invariant information from dynamic textures. Recently, fresh cutting-edge developments have been created by approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In the second section of this thesis, we propose a model based on the adoption of an unsupervised DCGAN for the facial features’ extraction and classification to achieve the following: the creation of facial expression images under different arbitrary poses (frontal, multi-view, and in the wild), and the recognition of emotion categories and AUs, in an attempt to resolve the problem of recognising the static seven classes of emotion in the wild. Thorough experimentation with the proposed cross-database performance demonstrates that this approach can improve the generalization results. Additionally, we showed that the features learnt by the DCGAN process are poorly suited to encoding facial expressions when observed under multiple views, or when trained from a limited number of positive examples. Finally, this research focuses on disentangling identity from expression for facial expression recognition. A novel technique was implemented for emotion recognition from a single monocular image. A large-scale dataset (Face vid) was created from facial image videos which were rich in variations and distribution of facial dynamics, appearance, identities, expressions, and 3D poses. This dataset was used to train a DCNN (ResNet) to regress the expression parameters from a 3D Morphable Model jointly with a back-end classifier