60 research outputs found


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    Patient specific model based induction of hypnosis using fractional order control

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    Optimal and safe control of drug delivery systems with continuous infusion protocol is of key importance to avoid over- or under-dosing of the patient. By implementing close-loops one is able to optimize the amount of drug given to the patient. In this paper a robust control methodology is presented. Emerging tools from fractional calculus have been considered and a fractional order PI controller for drug dosing during hypnosis has been designed. In this paper a robust fractional order control of hypnosis is proposed. The controller has been evaluated on an artificial data set of 24 patients and the results indicate that such a control strategy is robust to uncertainty stemming from the inter- and intra-patient variability. (C) 2017, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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    Indonesia saat ini sedang mengalami krisis kesehatan akibat virus Covid-19 yang menyebabkan rumah sakit di Indonesia penuh dan menyebabkan tenaga medis kewalahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk monitoring infus. infus dipantau dari telegram yang berisi informasi tentang volume infus dan infus menetes atau tidak menetes beserta jumlah tetesnya. Tingkat keberhasilan pengujian secara keseluruhan adalah 95,8% -100% dan berfungsi seperti yang diharapka

    Smart agriculture for optimizing photosynthesis using internet of things and fuzzy logic

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    Photosynthesis is a process that plants need. Plant growth requires sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. At night photosynthesis cannot be carried out by plants. This research proposes an internet of things (IoT) model that can work intelligently to maximize photosynthesis and plant growth using fuzzy logic. The plants used in this research are mustard plants because mustard plants are plants that have broad leaves and require more photosynthesis. The outputs of this proposed model are the activation of light emitting diodes (LED) lights and automatic watering based on input sensors such as soil moisture, temperature, and light intensity which are processed with fuzzy logic. The results show that the use of the IoT model that has been proposed can provide faster and better growth of mustard plants compared with mustard plants without an IoT system and fuzzy logic. This result is also strengthened by comparing the t-test between the two groups, with a significant 95% confidence level. The proposed model in this research is also compared with similar research models carried out previously. This research resulted in a plant height difference of 30.43% higher than the previous research. So, it can conclude that the proposed model can accelerate the growth of mustard plants

    Automatic Control of General Anesthesia: New Developments and Clinical Experiments

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    L’anestesia generale è uno stato di coma farmacologicamente indotto, temporaneo e reversibile. Il suo obiettivo consiste nel provocare la perdita totale della coscienza e nel sopprimere la percezione del dolore. Essa costituisce un aspetto fondamentale per la medicina moderna in quanto consente di praticare interventi chirurgici invasivi senza causare ansia e dolore al paziente. Nella pratica clinica dell’anestesia totalmente endovenosa questi effetti vengono generalmente ottenuti mediante la somministrazione simultanea del farmaco ipnotico propofol e del farmaco analgesico remifentanil. Il dosaggio di questi farmaci viene gestito dal medico anestesista basandosi su linee guida farmacologiche e monitorando la risposta clinica del paziente. Recenti sviluppi nelle tecniche di elaborazione dei segnali fisiologici hanno consentito di ottenere degli indicatori quantitativi dello stato anestetico del paziente. Tali indicatori possono essere utilizzati come segnali di retroazione per sistemi di controllo automatico dell'anestesia. Lo sviluppo di questi sistemi ha come obiettivo quello di fornire uno strumento di supporto per l'anestesista. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi è stato svolto nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca riguardante il controllo automatico dell'anestesia attivo presso l'Università degli Studi di Brescia. Esso è denominato ACTIVA (Automatic Control of Total IntraVenous Anesthesia) ed è il risultato della collaborazione tra il Gruppo di Ricerca sui Sistemi di Controllo dell’Università degli Studi di Brescia e l’Unità Operativa Anestesia e Rianimazione 2 degli Spedali Civili di Brescia. L’obiettivo del progetto ACTIVA consiste nello sviluppo teorico, nell’implementazione e nella validazione clinica di strategie di controllo innovative per il controllo automatico dell’anestesia totalmente endovenosa. Nel dettaglio, in questa tesi vengono inizialmente presentati i risultati sperimentali ottenuti con strutture di controllo basate sull'algoritmo PID e PID ad eventi per la somministrazione di propofol e remifentanil. Viene poi presentato lo sviluppo teorico e la validazione clinica di strutture di controllo predittivo basate su modello. Successivamente vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio in simulazione riguardante una soluzione di controllo innovativa che consente all'anestesista di regolare esplicitamente il bilanciamento tra propofol e remifentanil. Infine, vengono presentati gli sviluppi teorici ed i relativi studi in simulazione riguardanti soluzioni di controllo personalizzate per le fasi di induzione e mantenimento dell'anestesia.General anesthesia is a state of pharmacologically induced, temporary and reversible coma. Its goal is to cause total loss of consciousness and suppress the perception of pain. It constitutes a fundamental aspect of modern medicine as it allows invasive surgical procedures to be performed without causing anxiety and pain to the patient. In the clinical practice of total intravenous anesthesia, these effects are generally obtained by the simultaneous administration of the hypnotic drug propofol and of the analgesic drug remifentanil. The dosing of these drugs is managed by the anesthesiologist on the basis of pharmacological guidelines and by monitoring the patient's clinical response. Recent developments in physiological signal processing techniques have introduced the possibility to obtain quantitative indicators of the patient's anesthetic state. These indicators can be used as feedback signals for automatic anesthesia control systems. The development of these systems aims to provide a support tool for the anesthesiologist. The work presented in this thesis has been carried out in the framework of the research project concerning the automatic control anesthesia at the University of Brescia. The project is called ACTIVA (Automatic Control of Total IntraVenous Anesthesia) and is the result of the collaboration between the Research Group on Control Systems of the University of Brescia and the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit 2 of the Spedali Civili di Brescia. The objective of the ACTIVA project consists in the theoretical development, implementation, and clinical validation of innovative control strategies for the automatic control of total intravenous anesthesia. In detail, in this thesis the experimental results obtained with control structures based on the PID and on event-based PID controllers for the administration of propofol and remifentanil are initially presented. The theoretical development and clinical validation of model predictive control strategies is then proposed. Next, the results of a simulation study regarding an innovative control solution that allows the anesthesiologist to explicitly adjust the balance between propofol and remifentanil are given. Finally, the theoretical developments and the relative simulation studies concerning personalized control solutions for induction and maintenance phases of anesthesia are explained

    Editorials from EE Faculty

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    Metabolinės P sistemos įgyvendinimo lauku programuojamomis loginėmis matricomis tyrimas

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    The advancement in the fields of electronics and nature inspired computing, including metabolic P (MP) systems, presents new possible solutions to existing problems,however there are still no implementations of MP systems in field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). Therefore, in this work the problem of lack of knowledge about the quality of MP systems implementation in FPGA together with absence of implementation technique for multiple and effective MP systems is solved. The object of the research is specialized MP system implementations in FPGA that operate in real-time. The main aspects of the research object investigated in the thesis are: implementation quality and techniques. The aim of the thesis is to offer original FPGA based MP system solutions by creating and investigating real-time metabolic process electronic system used for imitation and testing. In order to solve the stated problem and reach the aim of the thesis the following objectives are formulated: using theoretical results of MP systems and other best practices, offer original solutions for MP system transformation to FPGA structural elements and signal processing schemes; reveal quality characteristics of the transformation based on throughput, complexity and power consumption; create real-time metabolic process imitation and testing electronic system and perform its evaluation experiments. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters and general conclusions.The first chapter reveals the fundamental knowledge on nature inspired computing,MP system definition and application, and FPGA implementation quality estimation.In the second chapter the quality criteria of calculation accuracy, throughput,resource usage, power consumption and interface complexity are selected for the evaluation of MP system FPGA implementation. New combined MP system quality metric ant its visualisation is also proposed. In the third chapter the common FPGA implementation techniques are adapted for MP systems and new unified technique is proposed. The evaluation of the developed MP system implementations in FPGA is presented in the fourth chapter. The experiments consist of a single MP system implementation using three different techniques and a multiple MP system implementation using two new developed unified implementation techniques. The main results of the thesis were published in 5 scientific publications: three of them were printed in peer-reviewed scientific journals, one of them in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database, two articles – in conference proceedings. The research results were presented in 6 scientific conferences