45,773 research outputs found

    Dynamic Base Station Repositioning to Improve Spectral Efficiency of Drone Small Cells

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    With recent advancements in drone technology, researchers are now considering the possibility of deploying small cells served by base stations mounted on flying drones. A major advantage of such drone small cells is that the operators can quickly provide cellular services in areas of urgent demand without having to pre-install any infrastructure. Since the base station is attached to the drone, technically it is feasible for the base station to dynamic reposition itself in response to the changing locations of users for reducing the communication distance, decreasing the probability of signal blocking, and ultimately increasing the spectral efficiency. In this paper, we first propose distributed algorithms for autonomous control of drone movements, and then model and analyse the spectral efficiency performance of a drone small cell to shed new light on the fundamental benefits of dynamic repositioning. We show that, with dynamic repositioning, the spectral efficiency of drone small cells can be increased by nearly 100\% for realistic drone speed, height, and user traffic model and without incurring any major increase in drone energy consumption.Comment: Accepted at IEEE WoWMoM 2017 - 9 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Estimation of cost synergies from mergers without cost data: Application to U.S. radio

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    This paper develops a new way to estimate cost synergies from mergers without using actual data on cost. The estimator uses a structural model in which companies play a dynamic game with endogenous mergers and product repositioning decisions. Such a formulation has several benefits over the widespread static merger analysis. In particular, it corrects for sample selection of more profitable mergers and captures follow-up mergers and post-merger product repositioning. The framework is applied to estimate cost efficiencies after the deregulation of U.S. radio in 1996. The procedure uses the data on radio station characteristics and numerous acquisitions, without explicit need for cost data. It turns out that between 1996 and 2006 additional ownership concentration generated $2.5b per-year cost savings, which is about 10% of total industry revenue.

    Adaptive forecast-driven repositioning for dynamic ride-sharing

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    In dynamic ride-sharing systems, intelligent repositioning of idle vehicles often improves the overall performance with respect to vehicle utilization, request rejection rates, and customer waiting times. In this work, we present a forecast-driven idle vehicle repositioning algorithm. Our approach takes a demand forecast as well as the current vehicle fleet configuration as inputs and determines suitable repositioning assignments for idle vehicles. The core part of our approach is a mixed-integer programming model that aims to maximize the acceptance rate of anticipated future trip requests while minimizing vehicle travel times for repositioning movements. To account for changes in current trip demand and vehicle supply, our algorithm adapts relevant parameters over time. We embed the repositioning algorithm into a planning service for vehicle dispatching. We evaluate our forecast-driven repositioning approach through extensive simulation studies on real-world datasets from Hamburg, New York City, Manhattan, and Chengdu. The algorithm is tested assuming a perfect demand forecast and applying a naĂŻve forecasting model. These serve as an upper and lower bound on state-of-the-art forecasting methods. As a benchmark algorithm, we utilize a reactive repositioning scheme. Compared to this, our forecast-driven approach reduces trip request rejection rates by an average of 3.5 percentage points and improves customer waiting and ride times

    Dynamic Product Repositioning in Differentiated Product Markets: The Case of Format Switching in the Commercial Radio Industry

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    The ability of firms to reposition their products can determine the effects of demand shocks, mergers and policy interventions in differentiated product markets. This paper estimates a dynamic oligopoly model to measure repositioning costs in the commercial radio industry. Based on a set of markets where industry revenues were around 88billion,Ifindthatstationsmayhavespentasmuchas88 billion, I find that stations may have spent as much as 6 billion on repositioning. However, repositioning costs are not large enough to prevent radio markets adapting quite quickly to demand shocks.

    Nucleosome repositioning via loop formation

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    Active (catalysed) and passive (intrinsic) nucleosome repositioning is known to be a crucial event during the transcriptional activation of certain eucaryotic genes. Here we consider theoretically the intrinsic mechanism and study in detail the energetics and dynamics of DNA-loop-mediated nucleosome repositioning, as previously proposed by Schiessel et al. (H. Schiessel, J. Widom, R. F. Bruinsma, and W. M. Gelbart. 2001. {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} 86:4414-4417). The surprising outcome of the present study is the inherent nonlocality of nucleosome motion within this model -- being a direct physical consequence of the loop mechanism. On long enough DNA templates the longer jumps dominate over the previously predicted local motion, a fact that contrasts simple diffusive mechanisms considered before. The possible experimental outcome resulting from the considered mechanism is predicted, discussed and compared to existing experimental findings

    The APC network regulates the removal of mutated cells from colonic crypts

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    Self-renewal is essential for multicellular organisms but carries the risk of somatic mutations that can lead to cancer, which is particularly critical for rapidly renewing tissues in a highly mutagenic environment such as the intestinal epithelium. Using computational modeling and in vivo experimentation, we have analyzed how adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) mutations and β-catenin aberrations affect the maintenance of mutant cells in colonic crypts. The increasing abundance of APC along the crypt axis forms a gradient of cellular adhesion that causes more proliferative cells to accelerate their movement toward the top of the crypt, where they are shed into the lumen. Thus, the normal crypt can efficiently eliminate β-catenin mutant cells, whereas APC mutations favor retention. Together, the molecular design of the APC/β-catenin signaling network integrates cell proliferation and migration dynamics to translate intracellular signal processing and protein gradients along the crypt into intercellular interactions and whole-crypt physiological or pathological behavior

    Operations management in high value manufacturing

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    This paper explores the issue of high value manufacturing from an operations management perspective and discusses the critical role that the operations management community must play in moving manufacturing organisations to 'higher value ground'. An exploratory study was carried out in two phases. In Phase 1 existing literature was examined following a systematic review process. This was followed by a stakeholder analysis that included manufacturing companies, government agencies and consultancies and case studies of three organisations that had recently repositioned their businesses. Phase 2 comprised of a focus group based industry consultation exercise. The aim of the second phase was to validate and refine the findings from the initial phase and to generate the key ideas that would inform a future research agenda. This paper provides the foundation for further research by identifying those operational issues that are affecting industry as it seeks to move to higher value ground
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