327 research outputs found

    Simulation of Efficient Real-Time Scheduling and Power Optimisation

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    International audienceSophisticated applications turn out to be executed upon more than one CPU for practical and economic reasons. Due to advances in circuit technology and performance limitation, multi-core technology has become the mainstream in CPU designs. However, the most serious limitation of these devices is the battery lifetime since battery technology is not keeping up with the rest of the power-hungry processors and peripherals used in today's mobile devices. As a solution, many investigations have turned toward the algorithms of power management combined with some scheduling policies. They can make significant energy saving while preserving the temporal constraints of these embedded systems. Reducing energy, especially, affect not only the battery lifetime, but also aim to reduce the heat generated by real-time embedded controller in various products or even to decrease the conditions of cooling and the costs, in the large scale, of giant multiprocessor computers. To assess the behavior and performance of the strategy of scheduling a flexible multiprocessor scheduling simulation and evaluation platform is needed. This paper puts forth the claim that the STORM simulator improves application quality both in terms of execution time and energy consumption for a high performance mobile computing embedded system design

    Energy Concerns with HPC Systems and Applications

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    For various reasons including those related to climate changes, {\em energy} has become a critical concern in all relevant activities and technical designs. For the specific case of computer activities, the problem is exacerbated with the emergence and pervasiveness of the so called {\em intelligent devices}. From the application side, we point out the special topic of {\em Artificial Intelligence}, who clearly needs an efficient computing support in order to succeed in its purpose of being a {\em ubiquitous assistant}. There are mainly two contexts where {\em energy} is one of the top priority concerns: {\em embedded computing} and {\em supercomputing}. For the former, power consumption is critical because the amount of energy that is available for the devices is limited. For the latter, the heat dissipated is a serious source of failure and the financial cost related to energy is likely to be a significant part of the maintenance budget. On a single computer, the problem is commonly considered through the electrical power consumption. This paper, written in the form of a survey, we depict the landscape of energy concerns in computer activities, both from the hardware and the software standpoints.Comment: 20 page

    Energy Efficiency and Performance Management of Parallel Dataflow Applications

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    International audienceParallelizing software is a popular way of achieving high energy efficiency since parallel applications can be mapped on many cores and the clock frequency can be lowered. Perfect parallelism is, however, not often reached and different program phases usually contain different levels of parallelism due to data dependencies. Applications have currently no means of expressing the level of parallelism, and the power management is mostly done based on only the workload. In this work, we provide means of expressing QoS and levels of parallelism in applications for more tight integration with the power management to obtain optimal energy efficiency in multi-core systems. We utilize the dataflow framework PREESM to create and analyze program structures and expose the parallelism in the program phases to the power management. We use the derived parameters in a NLP (NonLinear Programming) solver to determine the minimum power for allocating resources to the applications

    Learning-based run-time power and energy management of multi/many-core systems: current and future trends

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    Multi/Many-core systems are prevalent in several application domains targeting different scales of computing such as embedded and cloud computing. These systems are able to fulfil the everincreasing performance requirements by exploiting their parallel processing capabilities. However, effective power/energy management is required during system operations due to several reasons such as to increase the operational time of battery operated systems, reduce the energy cost of datacenters, and improve thermal efficiency and reliability. This article provides an extensive survey of learning-based run-time power/energy management approaches. The survey includes a taxonomy of the learning-based approaches. These approaches perform design-time and/or run-time power/energy management by employing some learning principles such as reinforcement learning. The survey also highlights the trends followed by the learning-based run-time power management approaches, their upcoming trends and open research challenges

    Precise Scheduling of DAG Tasks with Dynamic Power Management

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    Energy Aware Runtime Systems for Elastic Stream Processing Platforms

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    Following an invariant growth in the required computational performance of processors, the multicore revolution started around 20 years ago. This revolution was mainly an answer to power dissipation constraints restricting the increase of clock frequency in single-core processors. The multicore revolution not only brought in the challenge of parallel programming, i.e. being able to develop software exploiting the entire capabilities of manycore architectures, but also the challenge of programming heterogeneous platforms. The question of “on which processing element to map a specific computational unit?”, is well known in the embedded community. With the introduction of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) along with many-core processors on different system-on-chip platforms, heterogeneous parallel platforms are nowadays widespread over several domains, from consumer devices to media processing platforms for telecom operators. Finding mapping together with a suitable hardware architecture is a process called design-space exploration. This process is very challenging in heterogeneous many-core architectures, which promise to offer benefits in terms of energy efficiency. The main problem is the exponential explosion of space exploration. With the recent trend of increasing levels of heterogeneity in the chip, selecting the parameters to take into account when mapping software to hardware is still an open research topic in the embedded area. For example, the current Linux scheduler has poor performance when mapping tasks to computing elements available in hardware. The only metric considered is CPU workload, which as was shown in recent work does not match true performance demands from the applications. Doing so may produce an incorrect allocation of resources, resulting in a waste of energy. The origin of this research work comes from the observation that these approaches do not provide full support for the dynamic behavior of stream processing applications, especially if these behaviors are established only at runtime. This research will contribute to the general goal of developing energy-efficient solutions to design streaming applications on heterogeneous and parallel hardware platforms. Streaming applications are nowadays widely spread in the software domain. Their distinctive characiteristic is the retrieving of multiple streams of data and the need to process them in real time. The proposed work will develop new approaches to address the challenging problem of efficient runtime coordination of dynamic applications, focusing on energy and performance management.Efter en oföränderlig tillväxt i prestandakrav hos processorer, började den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen för ungefär 20 år sedan. Denna revolution skedde till största del som en lösning till begränsningar i energieffekten allt eftersom klockfrekvensen kontinuerligt höjdes i en-kärniga processorer. Den flerkärniga processor-revolutionen medförde inte enbart utmaningen gällande parallellprogrammering, m.a.o. förmågan att utveckla mjukvara som använder sig av alla delelement i de flerkärniga processorerna, men också utmaningen med programmering av heterogena plattformar. Frågeställningen ”på vilken processorelement skall en viss beräkning utföras?” är väl känt inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Efter introduktionen av grafikprocessorer för allmänna beräkningar (GPGPU), signalprocesserings-processorer (DSP) samt flerkärniga processorer på olika system-on-chip plattformar, är heterogena parallella plattformar idag omfattande inom många domäner, från konsumtionsartiklar till mediaprocesseringsplattformar för telekommunikationsoperatörer. Processen att placera beräkningarna på en passande hårdvaruplattform kallas för utforskning av en designrymd (design-space exploration). Denna process är mycket utmanande för heterogena flerkärniga arkitekturer, och kan medföra fördelar när det gäller energieffektivitet. Det största problemet är att de olika valmöjligheterna i designrymden kan växa exponentiellt. Enligt den nuvarande trenden som förespår ökad heterogeniska aspekter i processorerna är utmaningen att hitta den mest passande placeringen av beräkningarna på hårdvaran ännu en forskningsfråga inom ramen för inbyggda datorsystem. Till exempel, den nuvarande schemaläggaren i Linux operativsystemet är inkapabel att hitta en effektiv placering av beräkningarna på den underliggande hårdvaran. Det enda mätsättet som används är processorns belastning vilket, som visats i tidigare forskning, inte motsvarar den verkliga prestandan i applikationen. Användning av detta mätsätt vid resursallokering resulterar i slöseri med energi. Denna forskning härstammar från observationerna att dessa tillvägagångssätt inte stöder det dynamiska beteendet hos ström-processeringsapplikationer (stream processing applications), speciellt om beteendena bara etableras vid körtid. Denna forskning kontribuerar till det allmänna målet att utveckla energieffektiva lösningar för ström-applikationer (streaming applications) på heterogena flerkärniga hårdvaruplattformar. Ström-applikationer är numera mycket vanliga i mjukvarudomän. Deras distinkta karaktär är inläsning av flertalet dataströmmar, och behov av att processera dem i realtid. Arbetet i denna forskning understöder utvecklingen av nya sätt för att lösa det utmanade problemet att effektivt koordinera dynamiska applikationer i realtid och fokus på energi- och prestandahantering

    An adaptive, utilization-based approach to schedule real-time tasks for ARM big. LITTLE architectures

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    ARM big.LITTLE architectures are spreading more and more in the mobile world thanks to their power-saving capabilities due to the use of two ISA-compatible islands, one focusing on energy efficiency and the other one on computational power. This architecture makes the problem of energy-aware task scheduling particularly challenging, due to the number of variables to take into account and the need for having lightweight mechanisms that can be readily computed in an operating system kernel scheduler. This paper presents a novel task scheduler for big.LITTLE platforms, combining the well-known Constant Bandwidth Server algorithm with a power-aware per-job migration policy. This achieves real-time adaptation of the CPU islands' frequencies based on the individual cores' overall utilization, as available in the scheduler thanks to the use of the resource reservation paradigm. Preliminary results obtained by simulations based on modifications to the open-source RTSim tool show that the proposed technique is able to achieve interesting performance/energy trade-offs