26 research outputs found

    A survey on pre-processing techniques: relevant issues in the context of environmental data mining

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    One of the important issues related with all types of data analysis, either statistical data analysis, machine learning, data mining, data science or whatever form of data-driven modeling, is data quality. The more complex the reality to be analyzed is, the higher the risk of getting low quality data. Unfortunately real data often contain noise, uncertainty, errors, redundancies or even irrelevant information. Useless models will be obtained when built over incorrect or incomplete data. As a consequence, the quality of decisions made over these models, also depends on data quality. This is why pre-processing is one of the most critical steps of data analysis in any of its forms. However, pre-processing has not been properly systematized yet, and little research is focused on this. In this paper a survey on most popular pre-processing steps required in environmental data analysis is presented, together with a proposal to systematize it. Rather than providing technical details on specific pre-processing techniques, the paper focus on providing general ideas to a non-expert user, who, after reading them, can decide which one is the more suitable technique required to solve his/her problem.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications

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    Advances in Data Mining Knowledge Discovery and Applications aims to help data miners, researchers, scholars, and PhD students who wish to apply data mining techniques. The primary contribution of this book is highlighting frontier fields and implementations of the knowledge discovery and data mining. It seems to be same things are repeated again. But in general, same approach and techniques may help us in different fields and expertise areas. This book presents knowledge discovery and data mining applications in two different sections. As known that, data mining covers areas of statistics, machine learning, data management and databases, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and other areas. In this book, most of the areas are covered with different data mining applications. The eighteen chapters have been classified in two parts: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Applications

    LACE: Supporting Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Transfer Defect Learning

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    Cross Project Defect Prediction (CPDP) is a field of study where an organization lacking enough local data can use data from other organizations or projects for building defect predictors. Research in CPDP has shown challenges in using ``other\u27\u27 data, therefore transfer defect learning has emerged to improve on the quality of CPDP results. With this new found success in CPDP, it is now increasingly important to focus on the privacy concerns of data owners.;To support CPDP, data must be shared. There are many privacy threats that inhibit data sharing. We focus on sensitive attribute disclosure threats or attacks, where an attacker seeks to associate a record(s) in a data set to its sensitive information. Solutions to this sharing problem comes from the field of Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) which has emerged as a means to confuse the efforts of sensitive attribute disclosure attacks and therefore reduce privacy concerns. PPDP covers methods and tools used to disguise raw data for publishing. However, prior work warned that increasing data privacy decreases the efficacy of data mining on privatized data.;The goal of this research is to help encourage organizations and individuals to share their data publicly and/or with each other for research purposes and/or improving the quality of their software product through defect prediction. The contributions of this work allow three benefits for data owners willing to share privatized data: 1) that they are fully aware of the sensitive attribute disclosure risks involved so they can make an informed decision about what to share, 2) they are provided with the ability to privatize their data and have it remain useful, and 3) the ability to work with others to share their data based on what they learn from each others data. We call this private multiparty data sharing.;To achieve these benefits, this dissertation presents LACE (Large-scale Assurance of Confidentiality Environment). LACE incorporates a privacy metric called IPR (Increased Privacy Ratio) which calculates the risk of sensitive attribute disclosure of data through comparing results of queries (attacks) on the original data and a privatized version of that data. LACE also includes a privacy algorithm which uses intelligent instance selection to prune the data to as low as 10% of the original data (thus offering complete privacy to the other 90%). It then mutates the remaining data making it possible that over 70% of sensitive attribute disclosure attacks are unsuccessful. Finally, LACE can facilitate private multiparty data sharing via a unique leader-follower algorithm (developed for this dissertation). The algorithm allows data owners to serially build a privatized data set, by allowing them to only contribute data that are not already in the private cache. In this scenario, each data owner shares even less of their data, some as low as 2%.;The experiments of this thesis, lead to the following conclusion: at least for the defect data studied here, data can be minimized, privatized and shared without a significant degradation in utility. Specifically, in comparative studies with standard privacy models (k-anonymity and data swapping), applied to 10 open-source data sets and 3 proprietary data sets, LACE produces privatized data sets that are significantly smaller than the original data (as low as 2%). As a result LACE offers better protection against sensitive attribute disclosure attacks than other methods

    Intelligent instance selection techniques for support vector machine speed optimization with application to e-fraud detection.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2017.Decision-making is a very important aspect of many businesses. There are grievous penalties involved in wrong decisions, including financial loss, damage of company reputation and reduction in company productivity. Hence, it is of dire importance that managers make the right decisions. Machine Learning (ML) simplifies the process of decision making: it helps to discover useful patterns from historical data, which can be used for meaningful decision-making. The ability to make strategic and meaningful decisions is dependent on the reliability of data. Currently, many organizations are overwhelmed with vast amounts of data, and unfortunately, ML algorithms cannot effectively handle large datasets. This thesis therefore proposes seven filter-based and five wrapper-based intelligent instance selection techniques for optimizing the speed and predictive accuracy of ML algorithms, with a particular focus on Support Vector Machine (SVM). Also, this thesis proposes a novel fitness function for instance selection. The primary difference between the filter-based and wrapper-based technique is in their method of selection. The filter-based techniques utilizes the proposed fitness function for selection, while the wrapper-based technique utilizes SVM algorithm for selection. The proposed techniques are obtained by fusing SVM algorithm with the following Nature Inspired algorithms: flower pollination algorithm, social spider algorithm, firefly algorithm, cuckoo search algorithm and bat algorithm. Also, two of the filter-based techniques are boundary detection algorithms, inspired by edge detection in image processing and edge selection in ant colony optimization. Two different sets of experiments were performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed techniques (wrapper-based and filter-based). All experiments were performed on four datasets containing three popular e-fraud types: credit card fraud, email spam and phishing email. In addition, experiments were performed on 20 datasets provided by the well-known UCI data repository. The results show that the proposed filter-based techniques excellently improved SVM training speed in 100% (24 out of 24) of the datasets used for evaluation, without significantly affecting SVM classification quality. Moreover, experimental results also show that the wrapper-based techniques consistently improved SVM predictive accuracy in 78% (18 out of 23) of the datasets used for evaluation and simultaneously improved SVM training speed in all cases. Furthermore, two different statistical tests were conducted to further validate the credibility of the results: Freidman’s test and Holm’s post-hoc test. The statistical test results reveal that the proposed filter-based and wrapper-based techniques are significantly faster, compared to standard SVM and some existing instance selection techniques, in all cases. Moreover, statistical test results also reveal that Cuckoo Search Instance Selection Algorithm outperform all the proposed techniques, in terms of speed. Overall, the proposed techniques have proven to be fast and accurate ML-based e-fraud detection techniques, with improved training speed, predictive accuracy and storage reduction. In real life application, such as video surveillance and intrusion detection systems, that require a classifier to be trained very quickly for speedy classification of new target concepts, the filter-based techniques provide the best solutions; while the wrapper-based techniques are better suited for applications, such as email filters, that are very sensitive to slight changes in predictive accuracy

    Data complexity in supervised learning: A far-reaching implication

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    Aquesta tesi estudia la complexitat de les dades i el seu rol en la definició del comportament de les tècniques d'aprenentatge supervisat, i alhora explora la generació artificial de conjunts de dades mitjançant estimadors de complexitat. El treball s'ha construït sobre quatre principis que s'han succeït de manera natural. (1) La crítica de la metodologia actual utilitzada per la comunitat científica per avaluar el rendiment de nous sistemes d'aprenentatge ha desencadenat (2) l'interès per estimadors alternatius basats en l'anàlisi de la complexitat de les dades i el seu estudi. Ara bé, tant l'estat primerenc de les mesures de complexitat com la disponibilitat limitada de problemes del món real per fer el seu test han inspirat (3) la generació sintètica de problemes, la qual ha esdevingut l'eix central de la tesi, i (4) la proposta de fer servir estàndards artificials amb semblança als problemes reals. L'objectiu que es persegueix a llarg termini amb aquesta recerca és proporcionar als usuaris (1) unes directrius per escollir el sistema d'aprenentatge idoni per resoldre el seu problema i (2) una col•lecció de problemes per, o bé avaluar el rendiment dels sistemes d'aprenentatge, o bé provar les seves limitacions.Esta tesis profundiza en el estudio de la complejidad de los datos y su papel en la definición del comportamiento de las técnicas de aprendizaje supervisado, a la vez que explora la generación artificial de conjuntos de datos mediante estimadores de complejidad. El trabajo se ha construido sobre cuatro pilares que se han sucedido de manera natural. (1) La crítica de la metodología actual utilizada por la comunidad científica para evaluar el rendimiento de nuevos sistemas de aprendizaje ha desatado (2) el interés por estimadores alternativos basados en el análisis de la complejidad de los datos y su estudio. Sin embargo, tanto el estado primerizo de las medidas de complejidad como la limitada disponibilidad de problemas del mundo real para su testeo han inspirado (3) la generación sintética de problemas, considerada el eje central de la tesis, y (4) la propuesta del uso de estándares artificiales con parecido a los problemas reales. El objetivo que se persigue a largo plazo con esta investigación es el de proporcionar a los usuarios (1) unas pautas pare escoger el sistema de aprendizaje más idóneo para resolver su problema y (2) una colección de problemas para evaluar el rendimiento de los sistemas de aprendizaje o probar sus limitaciones.This thesis takes a close view of data complexity and its role shaping the behaviour of machine learning techniques in supervised learning and explores the generation of synthetic data sets through complexity estimates. The work has been built upon four principles which have naturally followed one another. (1) A critique about the current methodologies used by the machine learning community to evaluate the performance of new learners unleashes (2) the interest for alternative estimates based on the analysis of data complexity and its study. However, both the early stage of the complexity measures and the limited availability of real-world problems for testing inspire (3) the generation of synthetic problems, which becomes the backbone of this thesis, and (4) the proposal of artificial benchmarks resembling real-world problems. The ultimate goal of this research flow is, in the long run, to provide practitioners (1) with some guidelines to choose the most suitable learner given a problem and (2) with a collection of benchmarks to either assess the performance of the learners or test their limitations

    Combined forecast model involving wavelet-group methods of data handling for drought forecasting

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    Vigorous efforts to improve the effectiveness of drought forecasting models has yet to yield accurate result. The situation gives room on the use of robust forecasting methods that could effectively improve existing methods. The complex nature of time series data does not enable one single method that is suitable in all situations. Thus, a combined model that will provide a better result is then proposed. This study introduces a wavelet and group methods of data handling (GMDH) by integrating discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and GMDH with transfer functions such as sigmoid and radial basis function (RBF) to form three wavelet-GMDH models known as modified W-GMDH (MW-GMDH), sigmoid W-GMDH (SW-GMDH) and RBF W-GMDH. To assess the effectiveness of this approach, these models were applied to rainfall data at four study stations namely Arau and Kuala Krai in Malaysia as well as Badeggi and Duku-Lade in Nigeria. These data were transformed into four Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) known as SPI3, SPI6, SPI9 and SPI12. The result shows that the integration of DWT improved the performance of the conventional GMDH model. The combination of these models further improved the performance of each model. The proposed model provides efficient, simple, and reliable accuracy when compared with other models. The incorporation of wavelet to the study results in improving performance for all four stations with the Combined W-GMDH (CW-GMDH) and Combined Regression W-GMDH (CRW-GMDH) models. The results show that Duku-Lade station produced the lowest value of 0.0239 and 0.0211 for RMSE and MAE and highest value of 0.9858 for R respectively. In addition, CRW-GMDH model produce the lowest value of 0.0168 and 0.0117, and the highest value of 0.9870 for RMSE MAE, and R respectively. On the percentage improvement, Duku-Lade station shows improvement over other models with the reductions in RMSE and MAE by 42.3% and 80.3% respectively. This indicates that the model is most suitable for the drought forecasting in this station. The results of the comparison among the four stations indicate that the CW-GMDH and CRW-GMDH models are more accurate and perform better than MW-GMDH, SW-GMDH and RBFW-GMDH models. However, the overall performance of the CRW-GMDH model outweigh that of the CW-GMDH model. In conclusion, CRW-GMDH model performs better than other models for drought forecasting and capable of providing a promising alternative to drought forecasting technique

    Unsupervised learning for vascular heterogeneity assessment of glioblastoma based on magnetic resonance imaging: The Hemodynamic Tissue Signature

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    [ES] El futuro de la imagen médica está ligado a la inteligencia artificial. El análisis manual de imágenes médicas es hoy en día una tarea ardua, propensa a errores y a menudo inasequible para los humanos, que ha llamado la atención de la comunidad de Aprendizaje Automático (AA). La Imagen por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) nos proporciona una rica variedad de representaciones de la morfología y el comportamiento de lesiones inaccesibles sin una intervención invasiva arriesgada. Sin embargo, explotar la potente pero a menudo latente información contenida en la IRM es una tarea muy complicada, que requiere técnicas de análisis computacional inteligente. Los tumores del sistema nervioso central son una de las enfermedades más críticas estudiadas a través de IRM. Específicamente, el glioblastoma representa un gran desafío, ya que, hasta la fecha, continua siendo un cáncer letal que carece de una terapia satisfactoria. Del conjunto de características que hacen del glioblastoma un tumor tan agresivo, un aspecto particular que ha sido ampliamente estudiado es su heterogeneidad vascular. La fuerte proliferación vascular del glioblastoma, así como su robusta angiogénesis han sido consideradas responsables de la alta letalidad de esta neoplasia. Esta tesis se centra en la investigación y desarrollo del método Hemodynamic Tissue Signature (HTS): un método de AA no supervisado para describir la heterogeneidad vascular de los glioblastomas mediante el análisis de perfusión por IRM. El método HTS se basa en el concepto de hábitat, que se define como una subregión de la lesión con un perfil de IRM que describe un comportamiento fisiológico concreto. El método HTS delinea cuatro hábitats en el glioblastoma: el hábitat HAT, como la región más perfundida del tumor con captación de contraste; el hábitat LAT, como la región del tumor con un perfil angiogénico más bajo; el hábitat IPE, como la región adyacente al tumor con índices de perfusión elevados; y el hábitat VPE, como el edema restante de la lesión con el perfil de perfusión más bajo. La investigación y desarrollo de este método ha originado una serie de contribuciones enmarcadas en esta tesis. Primero, para verificar la fiabilidad de los métodos de AA no supervisados en la extracción de patrones de IRM, se realizó una comparativa para la tarea de segmentación de gliomas de grado alto. Segundo, se propuso un algoritmo de AA no supervisado dentro de la familia de los Spatially Varying Finite Mixture Models. El algoritmo propone una densidad a priori basada en un Markov Random Field combinado con la función probabilística Non-Local Means, para codificar la idea de que píxeles vecinos tienden a pertenecer al mismo objeto. Tercero, se presenta el método HTS para describir la heterogeneidad vascular del glioblastoma. El método se ha aplicado a casos reales en una cohorte local de un solo centro y en una cohorte internacional de más de 180 pacientes de 7 centros europeos. Se llevó a cabo una evaluación exhaustiva del método para medir el potencial pronóstico de los hábitats HTS. Finalmente, la tecnología desarrollada en la tesis se ha integrado en la plataforma online ONCOhabitats (https://www.oncohabitats.upv.es). La plataforma ofrece dos servicios: 1) segmentación de tejidos de glioblastoma, y 2) evaluación de la heterogeneidad vascular del tumor mediante el método HTS. Los resultados de esta tesis han sido publicados en diez contribuciones científicas, incluyendo revistas y conferencias de alto impacto en las áreas de Informática Médica, Estadística y Probabilidad, Radiología y Medicina Nuclear y Aprendizaje Automático. También se emitió una patente industrial registrada en España, Europa y EEUU. Finalmente, las ideas originales concebidas en esta tesis dieron lugar a la creación de ONCOANALYTICS CDX, una empresa enmarcada en el modelo de negocio de los companion diagnostics de compuestos farmacéuticos.[EN] The future of medical imaging is linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The manual analysis of medical images is nowadays an arduous, error-prone and often unaffordable task for humans, which has caught the attention of the Machine Learning (ML) community. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) provides us with a wide variety of rich representations of the morphology and behavior of lesions completely inaccessible without a risky invasive intervention. Nevertheless, harnessing the powerful but often latent information contained in MRI acquisitions is a very complicated task, which requires computational intelligent analysis techniques. Central nervous system tumors are one of the most critical diseases studied through MRI. Specifically, glioblastoma represents a major challenge, as it remains a lethal cancer that, to date, lacks a satisfactory therapy. Of the entire set of characteristics that make glioblastoma so aggressive, a particular aspect that has been widely studied is its vascular heterogeneity. The strong vascular proliferation of glioblastomas, as well as their robust angiogenesis and extensive microvasculature heterogeneity have been claimed responsible for the high lethality of the neoplasm. This thesis focuses on the research and development of the Hemodynamic Tissue Signature (HTS) method: an unsupervised ML approach to describe the vascular heterogeneity of glioblastomas by means of perfusion MRI analysis. The HTS builds on the concept of habitats. A habitat is defined as a sub-region of the lesion with a particular MRI profile describing a specific physiological behavior. The HTS method delineates four habitats within the glioblastoma: the HAT habitat, as the most perfused region of the enhancing tumor; the LAT habitat, as the region of the enhancing tumor with a lower angiogenic profile; the potentially IPE habitat, as the non-enhancing region adjacent to the tumor with elevated perfusion indexes; and the VPE habitat, as the remaining edema of the lesion with the lowest perfusion profile. The research and development of the HTS method has generated a number of contributions to this thesis. First, in order to verify that unsupervised learning methods are reliable to extract MRI patterns to describe the heterogeneity of a lesion, a comparison among several unsupervised learning methods was conducted for the task of high grade glioma segmentation. Second, a Bayesian unsupervised learning algorithm from the family of Spatially Varying Finite Mixture Models is proposed. The algorithm integrates a Markov Random Field prior density weighted by the probabilistic Non-Local Means function, to codify the idea that neighboring pixels tend to belong to the same semantic object. Third, the HTS method to describe the vascular heterogeneity of glioblastomas is presented. The HTS method has been applied to real cases, both in a local single-center cohort of patients, and in an international retrospective cohort of more than 180 patients from 7 European centers. A comprehensive evaluation of the method was conducted to measure the prognostic potential of the HTS habitats. Finally, the technology developed in this thesis has been integrated into an online open-access platform for its academic use. The ONCOhabitats platform is hosted at https://www.oncohabitats.upv.es, and provides two main services: 1) glioblastoma tissue segmentation, and 2) vascular heterogeneity assessment of glioblastomas by means of the HTS method. The results of this thesis have been published in ten scientific contributions, including top-ranked journals and conferences in the areas of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Probability, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and Machine Learning. An industrial patent registered in Spain, Europe and EEUU was also issued. Finally, the original ideas conceived in this thesis led to the foundation of ONCOANALYTICS CDX, a company framed into the business model of companion diagnostics for pharmaceutical compounds.[CA] El futur de la imatge mèdica està lligat a la intel·ligència artificial. L'anàlisi manual d'imatges mèdiques és hui dia una tasca àrdua, propensa a errors i sovint inassequible per als humans, que ha cridat l'atenció de la comunitat d'Aprenentatge Automàtic (AA). La Imatge per Ressonància Magnètica (IRM) ens proporciona una àmplia varietat de representacions de la morfologia i el comportament de lesions inaccessibles sense una intervenció invasiva arriscada. Tanmateix, explotar la potent però sovint latent informació continguda a les adquisicions de IRM esdevé una tasca molt complicada, que requereix tècniques d'anàlisi computacional intel·ligent. Els tumors del sistema nerviós central són una de les malalties més crítiques estudiades a través de IRM. Específicament, el glioblastoma representa un gran repte, ja que, fins hui, continua siguent un càncer letal que manca d'una teràpia satisfactòria. Del conjunt de característiques que fan del glioblastoma un tumor tan agressiu, un aspecte particular que ha sigut àmpliament estudiat és la seua heterogeneïtat vascular. La forta proliferació vascular dels glioblastomes, així com la seua robusta angiogènesi han sigut considerades responsables de l'alta letalitat d'aquesta neoplàsia. Aquesta tesi es centra en la recerca i desenvolupament del mètode Hemodynamic Tissue Signature (HTS): un mètode d'AA no supervisat per descriure l'heterogeneïtat vascular dels glioblastomas mitjançant l'anàlisi de perfusió per IRM. El mètode HTS es basa en el concepte d'hàbitat, que es defineix com una subregió de la lesió amb un perfil particular d'IRM, que descriu un comportament fisiològic concret. El mètode HTS delinea quatre hàbitats dins del glioblastoma: l'hàbitat HAT, com la regió més perfosa del tumor amb captació de contrast; l'hàbitat LAT, com la regió del tumor amb un perfil angiogènic més baix; l'hàbitat IPE, com la regió adjacent al tumor amb índexs de perfusió elevats, i l'hàbitat VPE, com l'edema restant de la lesió amb el perfil de perfusió més baix. La recerca i desenvolupament del mètode HTS ha originat una sèrie de contribucions emmarcades a aquesta tesi. Primer, per verificar la fiabilitat dels mètodes d'AA no supervisats en l'extracció de patrons d'IRM, es va realitzar una comparativa en la tasca de segmentació de gliomes de grau alt. Segon, s'ha proposat un algorisme d'AA no supervisat dintre de la família dels Spatially Varying Finite Mixture Models. L'algorisme proposa un densitat a priori basada en un Markov Random Field combinat amb la funció probabilística Non-Local Means, per a codificar la idea que els píxels veïns tendeixen a pertànyer al mateix objecte semàntic. Tercer, es presenta el mètode HTS per descriure l'heterogeneïtat vascular dels glioblastomas. El mètode HTS s'ha aplicat a casos reals en una cohort local d'un sol centre i en una cohort internacional de més de 180 pacients de 7 centres europeus. Es va dur a terme una avaluació exhaustiva del mètode per mesurar el potencial pronòstic dels hàbitats HTS. Finalment, la tecnologia desenvolupada en aquesta tesi s'ha integrat en una plataforma online ONCOhabitats (https://www.oncohabitats.upv.es). La plataforma ofereix dos serveis: 1) segmentació dels teixits del glioblastoma, i 2) avaluació de l'heterogeneïtat vascular dels glioblastomes mitjançant el mètode HTS. Els resultats d'aquesta tesi han sigut publicats en deu contribucions científiques, incloent revistes i conferències de primer nivell a les àrees d'Informàtica Mèdica, Estadística i Probabilitat, Radiologia i Medicina Nuclear i Aprenentatge Automàtic. També es va emetre una patent industrial registrada a Espanya, Europa i els EEUU. Finalment, les idees originals concebudes en aquesta tesi van donar lloc a la creació d'ONCOANALYTICS CDX, una empresa emmarcada en el model de negoci dels companion diagnostics de compostos farmacèutics.En este sentido quiero agradecer a las diferentes instituciones y estructuras de financiación de investigación que han contribuido al desarrollo de esta tesis. En especial quiero agradecer a la Universitat Politècnica de València, donde he desarrollado toda mi carrera acadèmica y científica, así como al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, a la Comisión Europea, al EIT Health Programme y a la fundación Caixa ImpulseJuan Albarracín, J. (2020). Unsupervised learning for vascular heterogeneity assessment of glioblastoma based on magnetic resonance imaging: The Hemodynamic Tissue Signature [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149560TESI

    Robust approaches for face recognition

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    This thesis gave answers to a number of important questions regarding face classification. Via this research, new methods were introduced to represent four facial attributes (three of them related to the demographic information of the human face: gender, age and race) and the fourth one related to facial expression. It stated that, discriminative facial features regarding to demographic information (gender, age and race) and expression information can be obtained by applying texture analysis techniques to the polar raster sampled images. In addition, it is found that, multi-label classification (MLC) is more suitable in the real world as a human face can be associated with multiple labels