59 research outputs found

    Invertebrate neurophysiology - of currents, cells, and circuits

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    A roadmap to integrate astrocytes into Systems Neuroscience.

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    Systems neuroscience is still mainly a neuronal field, despite the plethora of evidence supporting the fact that astrocytes modulate local neural circuits, networks, and complex behaviors. In this article, we sought to identify which types of studies are necessary to establish whether astrocytes, beyond their well-documented homeostatic and metabolic functions, perform computations implementing mathematical algorithms that sub-serve coding and higher-brain functions. First, we reviewed Systems-like studies that include astrocytes in order to identify computational operations that these cells may perform, using Ca2+ transients as their encoding language. The analysis suggests that astrocytes may carry out canonical computations in a time scale of subseconds to seconds in sensory processing, neuromodulation, brain state, memory formation, fear, and complex homeostatic reflexes. Next, we propose a list of actions to gain insight into the outstanding question of which variables are encoded by such computations. The application of statistical analyses based on machine learning, such as dimensionality reduction and decoding in the context of complex behaviors, combined with connectomics of astrocyte-neuronal circuits, is, in our view, fundamental undertakings. We also discuss technical and analytical approaches to study neuronal and astrocytic populations simultaneously, and the inclusion of astrocytes in advanced modeling of neural circuits, as well as in theories currently under exploration such as predictive coding and energy-efficient coding. Clarifying the relationship between astrocytic Ca2+ and brain coding may represent a leap forward toward novel approaches in the study of astrocytes in health and disease

    Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales

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    This open access book focuses on processing, modeling, and visualization of anisotropy information, which are often addressed by employing sophisticated mathematical constructs such as tensors and other higher-order descriptors. It also discusses adaptations of such constructs to problems encountered in seemingly dissimilar areas of medical imaging, physical sciences, and engineering. Featuring original research contributions as well as insightful reviews for scientists interested in handling anisotropy information, it covers topics such as pertinent geometric and algebraic properties of tensors and tensor fields, challenges faced in processing and visualizing different types of data, statistical techniques for data processing, and specific applications like mapping white-matter fiber tracts in the brain. The book helps readers grasp the current challenges in the field and provides information on the techniques devised to address them. Further, it facilitates the transfer of knowledge between different disciplines in order to advance the research frontiers in these areas. This multidisciplinary book presents, in part, the outcomes of the seventh in a series of Dagstuhl seminars devoted to visualization and processing of tensor fields and higher-order descriptors, which was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, on October 28–November 2, 2018

    Methods for Automated Neuron Image Analysis

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    Knowledge of neuronal cell morphology is essential for performing specialized analyses in the endeavor to understand neuron behavior and unravel the underlying principles of brain function. Neurons can be captured with a high level of detail using modern microscopes, but many neuroscientific studies require a more explicit and accessible representation than offered by the resulting images, underscoring the need for digital reconstruction of neuronal morphology from the images into a tree-like graph structure. This thesis proposes new computational methods for automated detection and reconstruction of neurons from fluorescence microscopy images. Specifically, the successive chapters describe and evaluate original solutions to problems such as the detection of landmarks (critical points) of the neuronal tree, complete tracing and reconstruction of the tree, and the detection of regions containing neurons in high-content screens

    Applications of complex adaptive systems approaches to coastal systems

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    This thesis investigatesth e application of complex adaptives ystemsa pproaches (e. g. Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computation) to the study of coastal hydrodynamica nd morphodynamicb ehaviour.T raditionally, nearshorem orphologicalc oastal systems tudiesh ave developeda n understandingo f thosep hysicalp rocesseso ccurringo n both short temporal, and small spatial scales with a large degree of success. The associated approachesa nd conceptsu sedt o study the coastals ystema t theses calesh ave Primarily been linear in nature.H owever,w hent hesea pproachetso studyingt he coastals ystema re extendedto investigating larger temporal and spatial scales,w hich are commensuratew ith the aims of coastal managementr, esults have had less success.T he lack of successi n developing an understandingo f large scalec oastalb ehaviouri s to a large extent attributablet o the complex behavioura ssociatedw ith the coastals ystem.I bis complexity arises as a result of both the stochastic and chaotic nature of the coastal system. This allows small scale system understandingto be acquiredb ut preventst he Largers caleb ehaviourt o be predictede ffectively. This thesis presentsf our hydro-morphodynamicc ase studies to demonstratet he utility of complex adaptives ystema pproachesfo r studying coastals ystems.T he first two demonstrate the application of Artificial Neural Networks, whilst the latter two illustrate the application of EvolutionaryC omputation.C aseS tudy #I considerst he natureo f the discrepancyb etweent he observedl ocation of wave breakingp atternso ver submergeds andbarsa nd the actual sandbar locations.A rtificial Neural Networks were able to quantitativelyc orrectt he observedlo cations to produce reliable estimates of the actual sand bar locations. Case Study #2 considers the developmenot f an approachf or the discriminationo f shorelinel ocation in video imagesf or the productiono f intertidal mapso f the nearshorer egion. In this caset he systemm odelledb y the Artificial Neural Network is the nature of the discrimination model carried out by the eye in delineating a shoreline feature between regions of sand and water. The Artificial Neural Network approachw as shownt o robustly recognisea rangeo f shorelinef eaturesa t a variety of beaches and hydrodynamic settings. Case Study #3 was the only purely hydrodynamic study consideredin the thesis.I t investigatedth e use of Evolutionary Computationt o provide means of developing a parametric description of directional wave spectra in both reflective and nonreflective conditions. It is shown to provide a unifying approach which produces results which surpassedth ose achievedb y traditional analysisa pproachese vent hough this may not strictly have been considered as a fidly complex system. Case Study #4 is the most ambitious applicationa nd addressetsh e needf or data reductiona s a precursorw hen trying to study large scalem orphodynamicd ata sets.I t utilises EvolutionaryC omputationa pproachesto extractt he significant morphodynamic variability evidenced in both directly and remotely sampled nearshorem orphologiesS. ignificantd atar eductioni s achievedw hilst reWning up to 90% of the original variability in the data sets. These case studies clearly demonstrate the ability of complex adaptive systems to be successfidly applied to coastal system studies. This success has been shown to equal and sometimess urpasst he results that may be obtained by traditional approachesT. he strong performance of Complex Adaptive System approaches is closely linked to the level of complexity or non-linearity of the system being studied. Based on a qualitative evaluation, Evolutionary Computation was shown to demonstrate an advantage over Artificial Neural Networks in terms of the level of new insights which may be obtained. However, utility also needs to consider general ease of applicability and ease of implementation of the study approach.I n this sense,A rtificial Neural Networks demonstratem ore utility for the study of coastals ystems.T he qualitative assessmenatp proachu sedt o evaluatet he cases tudiesi n this thesis, may be used as a guide for choosingt he appropriatenesso f either Artificial Neural Networks or Evolutionary Computation for future coastal system studies

    Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales

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    This open access book focuses on processing, modeling, and visualization of anisotropy information, which are often addressed by employing sophisticated mathematical constructs such as tensors and other higher-order descriptors. It also discusses adaptations of such constructs to problems encountered in seemingly dissimilar areas of medical imaging, physical sciences, and engineering. Featuring original research contributions as well as insightful reviews for scientists interested in handling anisotropy information, it covers topics such as pertinent geometric and algebraic properties of tensors and tensor fields, challenges faced in processing and visualizing different types of data, statistical techniques for data processing, and specific applications like mapping white-matter fiber tracts in the brain. The book helps readers grasp the current challenges in the field and provides information on the techniques devised to address them. Further, it facilitates the transfer of knowledge between different disciplines in order to advance the research frontiers in these areas. This multidisciplinary book presents, in part, the outcomes of the seventh in a series of Dagstuhl seminars devoted to visualization and processing of tensor fields and higher-order descriptors, which was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, on October 28–November 2, 2018

    Experimental and Model-based Approaches to Directional Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. September 2016. Major: Biomedical Engineering. Advisor: Matthew Johnson. 1 computer file (PDF); xii, 181 pages.Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical procedure for the treatment of several brain disorders. However, the clinical successes of DBS hinges on several factors. Here, we describe the development of tools and methodologies in the context of thalamic DBS for essential tremor (ET) to address three key challenges: 1) accurate localization of nuclei and fiber pathways for stimulation, 2) model-based programming of high-density DBS electrode arrays (DBSA) and 3) in vivo assessment of computational DBS model predictions. We approached the first challenge through a multimodal imaging approach, utilizing high-field (7T) susceptibility-weighted imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging data. A nonlinear image deformation algorithm was used in conjunction with probabilistic fiber tractography to segment individual thalamic sub-nuclei and reconstruct their afferent fiber pathways. We addressed the second challenge by developing subject-specific computational model-based algorithms built on maximizing population activating function values within a target region using convex optimization principles. The algorithms converged within seconds and only required as many finite-element simulations as the number of electrodes on the DBSA being modeled. For the third challenge, we recorded (in two non-human primates) unit-spike data from neurons in the vicinity of chronically implanted thalamic DBSAs before, during and after high-frequency stimulation. A novel entropy-based method was developed to quantify the degree and significance of stimulation-induced changes in neuronal firing pattern. Results indicated that neurons modulated by thalamic DBS were distributed and not confined to the immediate proximity of the active electrode. For those that were modulated by DBS, their responses increasingly shifted from firing rate modulation to firing pattern modulation with increased stimulation amplitude. Additionally, strong low-pass filtering effect was observed where <4% of DBS pulses produced phase-locked spikes in cells exhibiting significant excitatory firing pattern modulation. Finally, we quantified the spatial distribution of neurons modulated by DBS by developing a novel spherical statistical framework for analysis. Together, these tools and methodologies are poised to improve our understanding of DBS mechanisms and improve the efficacy and efficiency of DBS therapy
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