2,159 research outputs found

    Structural dynamics branch research and accomplishments for fiscal year 1987

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    This publication contains a collection of fiscal year 1987 research highlights from the Structural Dynamics Branch at NASA Lewis Research Center. Highlights from the branch's four major work areas, Aeroelasticity, Vibration Control, Dynamic Systems, and Computational Structural Methods, are included in the report as well as a complete listing of the FY87 branch publications

    Minimum Jerk Trajectory Planning for Trajectory Constrained Redundant Robots

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    In this dissertation, we develop an efficient method of generating minimal jerk trajectories for redundant robots in trajectory following problems. We show that high jerk is a local phenomenon, and therefore focus on optimizing regions of high jerk that occur when using traditional trajectory generation methods. The optimal trajectory is shown to be located on the foliation of self-motion manifolds, and this property is exploited to express the problem as a minimal dimension Bolza optimal control problem. A numerical algorithm based on ideas from pseudo-spectral optimization methods is proposed and applied to two example planar robot structures with two redundant degrees of freedom. When compared with existing trajectory generation methods, the proposed algorithm reduces the integral jerk of the examples by 75% and 13%. Peak jerk is reduced by 98% and 33%. Finally a real time controller is proposed to accurately track the planned trajectory given real-time measurements of the tool-tip\u27s following error

    Kinematics and control algorithm development and simulation for a redundant two-arm robotic manipulator system

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    An efficient approach to cartesian motion and force control of a 7 degree of freedom (DOF) manipulator is presented. It is based on extending the active stiffness controller to the 7 DOF case in general and use of an efficient version of the gradient projection technique for solving the inverse kinematics problem. Cooperative control is achieved through appropriate configuration of individual manipulator controllers. In addition, other aspects of trajectory generation using standard techniques are integrated into the controller. The method is then applied to a specific manipulator of interest (Robotics Research T-710). Simulation of the kinematics, dynamics, and control are provided in the context of several scenarios: one pertaining to a noncontact pick and place operation; one relating to contour following where contact is made between the manipulator and environment; and one pertaining to cooperative control

    Intelligent robust control of redundant smart robotic arm Pt I: Soft computing KB optimizer - deep machine learning IT

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    Redundant robotic arm models as a control object discussed. Background of computational intelligence IT based on soft computing optimizer of knowledge base in smart robotic manipulators introduced. Soft computing optimizer is the toolkit of deep machine learning SW platform with optimal fuzzy neural network structure. The methods for development and design technology of intelligent control systems based on the soft computing optimizer presented in this Part 1 allow one to implement the principle of design an optimal intelligent control systems with a maximum reliability and controllability level of a complex control object under conditions of uncertainty in the source data, and in the presence of stochastic noises of various physical and statistical characters. The knowledge bases formed with the application of a soft computing optimizer produce robust control laws for the schedule of time dependent coefficient gains of conventional PID controllers for a wide range of external perturbations and are maximally insensitive to random variations of the structure of control object. The robustness of control laws is achieved by application a vector fitness function for genetic algorithm, whose one component describes the physical principle of minimum production of generalized entropy both in the control object and the control system, and the other components describe conventional control objective functionals such as minimum control error, etc. The application of soft computing technologies (Part I) for the development a robust intelligent control system that solving the problem of precision positioning redundant (3DOF and 7 DOF) manipulators considered. Application of quantum soft computing in robust intelligent control of smart manipulators in Part II described

    Feedback control-based inverse kinematics solvers for a nuclear decommissioning robot

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    The article develops two novel feedback control-based Inverse Kinematics (IK) solvers. They are evaluated for a dual-manipulator mobile robotic system with application to nuclear decommissioning. The first algorithm has similarities to other feedback control based solvers, and borrows ideas from the Cyclic Coordinate Decent and the Jacobian Transpose methods. This yields a particularly straightforward algorithm with tunable Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) gains to determine performance. The second approach utilises a discrete-time state space modelling framework to solve the IK problem. Although the second solver is more complex to implement, preliminary simulation results for the case study example, show that it can converge quicker, and has improved immunity to the kinematic singularities that can occur in Jacobian based methods

    Machine Learning-based Framework for Optimally Solving the Analytical Inverse Kinematics for Redundant Manipulators

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    Solving the analytical inverse kinematics (IK) of redundant manipulators in real time is a difficult problem in robotics since its solution for a given target pose is not unique. Moreover, choosing the optimal IK solution with respect to application-specific demands helps to improve the robustness and to increase the success rate when driving the manipulator from its current configuration towards a desired pose. This is necessary, especially in high-dynamic tasks like catching objects in mid-flights. To compute a suitable target configuration in the joint space for a given target pose in the trajectory planning context, various factors such as travel time or manipulability must be considered. However, these factors increase the complexity of the overall problem which impedes real-time implementation. In this paper, a real-time framework to compute the analytical inverse kinematics of a redundant robot is presented. To this end, the analytical IK of the redundant manipulator is parameterized by so-called redundancy parameters, which are combined with a target pose to yield a unique IK solution. Most existing works in the literature either try to approximate the direct mapping from the desired pose of the manipulator to the solution of the IK or cluster the entire workspace to find IK solutions. In contrast, the proposed framework directly learns these redundancy parameters by using a neural network (NN) that provides the optimal IK solution with respect to the manipulability and the closeness to the current robot configuration. Monte Carlo simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed approach which is accurate and real-time capable (≈\approx \SI{32}{\micro\second}) on the KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820

    Real-time failure-tolerant control of kinematically redundant manipulators

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 1115-1116).This work considers real-time fault-tolerant control of kinematically redundant manipulators to single locked-joint failures. The fault-tolerance measure used is a worst-case quantity, given by the minimum, over all single joint failures, of the minimum singular value of the post-failure Jacobians. Given any end-effector trajectory, the goal is to continuously follow this trajectory with the manipulator in configurations that maximize the fault-tolerance measure. The computation required to track these optimal configurations with brute-force methods is prohibitive for real-time implementation. We address this issue by presenting algorithms that quickly compute estimates of the worst-case fault-tolerance measure and its gradient. Comparisons show that the performance of the best method is indistinguishable from that of brute-force implementations. An example demonstrating the real-time performance of the algorithm on a commercially available seven degree-of-freedom manipulator is presented
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