125 research outputs found

    A Low-Power Single-Bit Continuous-Time ΔΣ Converter with 92.5 dB Dynamic Range for Biomedical Applications

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    A third-order single-bit CT-ΔΣ modulator for generic biomedical applications is implemented in a 0.15 µm FDSOI CMOS process. The overall power efficiency is attained by employing a single-bit ΔΣ and a subthreshold FDSOI process. The loop-filter coefficients are determined using a systematic design centering approach by accounting for the integrator non-idealities. The single-bit CT-ΔΣ modulator consumes 110 µW power from a 1.5 V power supply when clocked at 6.144 MHz. The simulation results for the modulator exhibit a dynamic range of 94.4 dB and peak SNDR of 92.4 dB for 6 kHz signal bandwidth. The figure of merit (FoM) for the third-order, single-bit CT-ΔΣ modulator is 0.271 pJ/level

    Design and implementation of a wideband sigma delta ADC

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    Abstract. High-speed and wideband ADCs have become increasingly important in response to the growing demand for high-speed wireless communication services. Continuous time sigma delta modulators (CTƩ∆M), well-known for their oversampling and noise shaping properties, offer a promising solution for low-power and high-speed design in wireless applications. The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a wideband CTƩ∆M for a global navigation satellite system(GNSS) receiver. The targeted modulator architecture is a 3rdorder single-bit CTƩ∆M, specifically designed to operate within a 15 MHz signal bandwidth. With an oversampling ratio of 25, the ADC’s sampling frequency is set at 768 MHz. The design goal is to achieve a theoretical signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 55 dB. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of the CTƩ∆M, building upon the principles of a discrete time Ʃ∆ modulator, and leveraging system-level simulation and formulations. A detailed explanation of the coefficient calculation procedure specific to CTƩ∆ modulators is provided, along with a "top-down" design approach that ensures the specified requirements are met. MATLAB scripts for coefficient calculation are also included. To overcome the challenges associated with the implementation of CTƩ∆ modulators, particularly excess loop delay and clock jitter sensitivity, this thesis explores two key strategies: the introduction of a delay compensation path and the utilization of a finite impulse response (FIR) feedback DAC. By incorporating a delay compensation path, the stability of the modulator can be ensured and its noise transfer function (NTF) can be restored. Additionally, the integration of an FIR feedback DAC addresses the issue of clock jitter sensitivity, enhancing the overall performance and robustness of the CTƩ∆M. The CTƩ∆Ms employ the cascade of integrators with feed forward (CIFF) and cascade of integrators with feedforward and feedback (CIFF-B) topologies, with a particular emphasis on the CIFF-B configuration using 22nm CMOS technology node and a supply voltage of 0.8 V. Various simulations are performed to validate the modulator’s performance. The simulation results demonstrate an achievable SNR of 55 dB with a power consumption of 1.36 mW. Furthermore, the adoption of NTF zero optimization techniques enhances the SNR to 62 dB.Laajakaistaisen jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta-AD-muuntimen suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Nopeat ja laajakaistaiset AD-muuntimet ovat tulleet entistä tärkeämmiksi nopeiden langattomien kommunikaatiopalvelujen kysynnän kasvaessa. Jatkuva-aikaiset sigma delta -modulaattorit (CTƩ∆M), joissa käytetään ylinäytteistystä ja kohinanmuokkausta, tarjoavat lupaavan ratkaisun matalan tehonkulutuksen ja nopeiden langattomien sovellusten suunnitteluun. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa laajakaistainen jatkuva -aikainen sigma delta -modulaattori satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmien (GNSS) vastaanottimeen. Arkkitehtuuriltaan modulaattori on kolmannen asteen 1-bittinen CTƩ∆M, jolla on 15MHz:n signaalikaistanleveys. Ylinäytteistyssuhde on 25 ja AD muuntimen näytteistystaajuus 768 MHz. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa teoreettinen 55 dB signaalikohinasuhde (SNR). Tämä työ keskittyy jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen, perustuen diskreettiaikaisen Ʃ∆-modulaattorin periaatteisiin ja systeemitason simulointiin ja mallitukseen. Jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kertoimien laskentamenetelmä esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti, ja vaatimusten täyttyminen varmistetaan “top-down” -suunnitteluperiaatteella. Liitteenä on kertoimien laskemiseen käytetty MATLAB-koodi. Jatkuva-aikaisten sigma delta -modulaattoreiden erityishaasteiden, liian pitkän silmukkaviiveen ja kellojitterin herkkyyden, voittamiseksi tutkitaan kahta strategiaa, viiveen kompensointipolkua ja FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA muunninta. Viivekompensointipolkua käyttämällä modulaattorin stabiilisuus ja kohinansuodatusfunktio saadaan varmistettua ja korjattua. Lisäksi FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA-muuntimen käyttö pienentää kellojitteriherkkyyttä, parantaen jatkuva aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kokonaissuorituskykyä ja luotettavuutta. Toteutetuissa jatkuva-aikaisissa sigma delta -modulaattoreissa on kytketty peräkkäin integraattoreita myötäkytkentärakenteella (CIFF) ja toisessa sekä myötä- että takaisinkytkentärakenteella (CIFF-B). Päähuomio on CIFF-B rakenteessa, joka toteutetaan 22nm CMOS prosessissa käyttäen 0.8 voltin käyttöjännitettä. Suorityskyky varmistetaan erilaisilla simuloinneilla, joiden perusteella 55 dB SNR saavutetaan 1.36 mW tehonkulutuksella. Lisäksi kohinanmuokkausfunktion optimoinnilla SNR saadaan nostettua 62 desibeliin

    A 1 GS/s, 31 MHz BW, 76.3 dB Dynamic Range, 34 mW CT-ΔΣ ADC with 1.5 Cycle Quantizer Delay and Improved STF

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    A 1 GS/s continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CT- ΔΣM) with 31 MHz bandwidth, 76.3 dB dynamic range and 72.5 dB peak-SNDR is reported in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology. The design employs an excess loop delay (ELD) of more than one clock cycle for achieving higher sampling rate. The ELD is compensated using a fast-loop formed around the last integrator by using a sample-and-hold. Further, the effect of this ELD compensation scheme on the signal transfer function (STF) of a feedforward CT- ΔΣ architecture has been analyzed and reported. In this work, an improved STF is achieved by using a combination of feed-forward, feed-back and feed-in paths and power consumption is reduced by eliminating the adder opamp. This CT- ΔΣ M has a conversion bandwidth of 31 MHz and consumes 34 mW from the 1.2 V power supply. The relevant design trade-offs have been investigated and presented along with simulation results


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    Third order CMOS decimator design for sigma delta modulators

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    A third order Cascaded Integrated Comb (CIC) filter has been designed in 0.5μm n-well CMOS process to interface with a second order oversampling sigma-delta ADC modulator. The modulator was designed earlier in 0.5μm technology. The CIC filter is designed to operate with 0 to 5V supply voltages. The modulator is operated with ±2.5V supply voltage and a fixed oversampling ratio of 64. The CIC filter designed includes integrator, differentiator blocks and a dedicated clock divider circuit, which divides the input clock by 64. The CIC filter is designed to work with an ADC that operates at a maximum oversampling clock frequency of up to 25 MHz and with baseband signal bandwidth of up to 800 kHz. The design and performance of the CIC filter fabricated has been discussed

    Architectural Alternatives to Implement High-Performance Delta-Sigma Modulators

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    RÉSUMÉ Le besoin d’appareils portatifs, de téléphones intelligents et de systèmes microélectroniques implantables médicaux s’accroît remarquablement. Cependant, l’optimisation de l’alimentation de tous ces appareils électroniques portables est l’un des principaux défis en raison du manque de piles à grande capacité utilisées pour les alimenter. C’est un fait bien établi que le convertisseur analogique-numérique (CAN) est l’un des blocs les plus critiques de ces appareils et qu’il doit convertir efficacement les signaux analogiques au monde numérique pour effectuer un post-traitement tel que l’extraction de caractéristiques. Parmi les différents types de CAN, les modulateurs Delta Sigma (��M) ont été utilisés dans ces appareils en raison des fonctionnalités alléchantes qu’ils offrent. En raison du suréchantillonnage et pour éloigner le bruit de la bande d’intérêt, un CAN haute résolution peut être obtenu avec les architectures ��. Il offre également un compromis entre la fréquence d’échantillonnage et la résolution, tout en offrant une architecture programmable pour réaliser un CAN flexible. Ces CAN peuvent être implémentés avec des blocs analogiques de faible précision. De plus, ils peuvent être efficacement optimisés au niveau de l’architecture et circuits correspondants. Cette dernière caractéristique a été une motivation pour proposer différentes architectures au fil des ans. Cette thèse contribue à ce sujet en explorant de nouvelles architectures pour optimiser la structure ��M en termes de résolution, de consommation d’énergie et de surface de silicium. Des soucis particuliers doivent également être pris en compte pour faciliter la mise en œuvre du ��M. D’autre part, les nouveaux procédés CMOS de conception et fabrication apportent des améliorations remarquables en termes de vitesse, de taille et de consommation d’énergie lors de la mise en œuvre de circuits numériques. Une telle mise à l’échelle agressive des procédés, rend la conception de blocs analogiques tel que un amplificateur de transconductance opérationnel (OTA), difficile. Par conséquent, des soins spéciaux sont également pris en compte dans cette thèse pour surmonter les problèmes énumérés. Ayant mentionné ci-dessus que cette thèse est principalement composée de deux parties principales. La première concerne les nouvelles architectures implémentées en mode de tension et la seconde partie contient une nouvelle architecture réalisée en mode hybride tension et temps.----------ABSTRACT The need for hand-held devices, smart-phones and medical implantable microelectronic sys-tems, is remarkably growing up. However, keeping all these electronic devices power optimized is one of the main challenges due to the lack of long life-time batteries utilized to power them up. It is a well-established fact that analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most critical building blocks of such devices and it needs to efficiently convert analog signals to the digital world to perform post processing such as channelizing, feature extraction, etc. Among various type of ADCs, Delta Sigma Modulators (��Ms) have been widely used in those devices due to the tempting features they offer. In fact, due to oversampling and noise-shaping technique a high-resolution ADC can be achieved with �� architectures. It also offers a compromise between sampling frequency and resolution while providing a highly-programmable approach to realize an ADC. Moreover, such ADCs can be implemented with low-precision analog blocks. Last but not the least, they are capable of being effectively power optimized at both architectural and circuit levels. The latter has been a motivation to proposed different architectures over the years.This thesis contributes to this topic by exploring new architectures to effectively optimize the ��M structure in terms of resolution, power consumption and chip area. Special cares must also be taken into account to ease the implementation of the ��M. On the other hand, advanced node CMOS processes bring remarkable improvements in terms of speed, size and power consumption while implementing digital circuits. Such an aggressive process scaling, however, make the design of analog blocks, e.g. operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), cumbersome. Therefore, special cares are also taken into account in this thesis to overcome the mentioned issues. Having had above mentioned discussion, this thesis is mainly split in two main categories. First category addresses new architectures implemented in a pure voltage domain and the second category contains new architecture realized in a hybrid voltage and time domain. In doing so, the thesis first focuses on a switched-capacitor implementation of a ��M while presenting an architectural solution to overcome the limitations of the previous approaches. This limitations include a power hungry adder in a conventional feed-forward topology as well as power hungry OTAs

    High Speed and Wide Bandwidth Delta-Sigma ADCs

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    Calibrated Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators

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    To provide more information mobility, many wireless communication systems such as WCDMA and EDGE in phone systems, bluetooth and WIMAX in communication networks have been recently developed. Recent efforts have been made to build the allin- one next generation device which integrates a large number of wireless services into a single receiving path in order to raise the competitiveness of the device. Among all the receiver architectures, the high-IF receiver presents several unique properties for the next generation receiver by digitalizing the signal at the intermediate frequency around a few hundred MHz. In this architecture, the modulation/demodulation schemes, protocols, equalization, etc., are all determined in a software platform that runs in the digital signal processor (DSP) or FPGA. The specifications for most of front-end building blocks are relaxed, except the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The requirements of large bandwidth, high operational frequency and high resolution make the design of the ADC very challenging. Solving the bottleneck associated with the high-IF receiver architecture is a major focus of many ongoing research efforts. In this work, a 6th-order bandpass continuous time sigma-delta ADC with measured 68.4dB SNDR at 10MHz bandwidth to accommodate video applications is proposed. Tuned at 200 MHz, the fs/4 architecture employs an 800 MHz clock frequency. By making use of a unique software-based calibration scheme together with the tuning properties of the bandpass filters developed under the umbrella of this project, the ADC performance is optimized automatically to fulfill all requirements for the high-IF architecture. In a separate project, other critical design issues for continuous-time sigma-delta ADCs are addressed, especially the issues related to unit current source mismatches in multi-level DACs as well as excess loop delays that may cause loop instability. The reported solutions are revisited to find more efficient architectures. The aforementioned techniques are used for the design of a 25MHz bandwidth lowpass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator with time-domain two-step 3-bit quantizer and DAC for WiMAX applications. The prototype is designed by employing a level-to-pulse-width modulation (PWM) converter followed by a single-level DAC in the feedback path to translate the typical digital codes into PWM signals with the proposed pulse arrangement. Therefore, the non-linearity issue from current source mismatch in multi-level DACs is prevented. The jitter behavior and timing mismatch issue of the proposed time-based methods are fully analyzed. The measurement results of a chip prototype achieving 67.7dB peak SNDR and 78dB SFDR in 25MHz bandwidth properly demonstrate the design concepts and effectiveness of time-based quantization and feedback. Both continuous-time sigma-delta ADCs were fabricated in mainstream CMOS 0.18um technologies, which are the most popular in today?s consumer electronics industry